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Code: 45455 ECTS Credits: 14
Degree Type Year
3500318 Teacher Training for Secondary Schools, Vocational Training and Language Centres OB 1


Update of the regular teaching staff at the beginning of the academic year.

David Virgili


Alberto Mallart Solaz


David Virgili Correas

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


Not covered

Objectives and Contextualisation

The work that the student will carry out throughout the module must serve to give him/her contact with the reality of the profession, and for this reason it takes place to a large extent in a secondary education centre. Firstly, the student will have to get to know the reality of an educational centre, its functions, structure and organisation, as well as integrate into the life and activities of the work placement centre. Secondly, they will have to integrate into a class group and carry out both accompanied and autonomous intervention activities. Overall, your work, both in the preparation phases at the university and during your stay in a secondary school, should enable you to put into practice the skills necessary for your professional development, with the help of the university tutor, the school's work placement coordinator and the school tutor.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA15 (Competence) To apply an equity and gender perspective in a real mathematics classroom.
  2. CA16 (Competence) To work as a team in a cooperative manner in the realm of teacher training to co-create joint proposals, designs and activities.
  3. KA08 (Knowledge) To identify key elements from a school's geographic, demographic, socioeconomic, cultural and sociolinguistic environment, as well as any challenges and opportunities that are relevant to understanding the school's dynamics and educational performance.
  4. KA09 (Knowledge) To explain the most relevant elements of a school's organisation, institutional culture, opportunities for engaging the educational community and educational challenges.
  5. KA10 (Knowledge) To identify real situations with potential for improvement through the self-observation or co-observation of situations in the mathematics classroom.
  6. SA12 (Skill) To plan activities in the mathematics classroom, taking into account the relationship between the interactions, questions and actions to regulate the learning process.
  7. SA13 (Skill) To demonstrate a command of oral and written expression while teaching in the mathematics classroom.
  8. SA14 (Skill) To integrate a perspective sensitive to the multilingual reality of the mathematics classroom, while promoting the use of Catalan as the vehicular language.


1) Observation practice in a Secondary Education centre.

2) Intervention practice in a Secondary Education centre.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Practicum Seminar 10 0.4
Type: Supervised      
Practicum in the school 160 6.4
Type: Autonomous      
Activity developement 70 2.8
Portfolio 40 1.6

In the first period of the internship, the student will carry out observation tasks.

In the second period, they will carry out tasks of accompanied intervention and autonomous intervention (development of a didactic unit).

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Intervention in the Practicum Seminar 10% 10 0.4 CA15, CA16, KA08, KA09, KA10, SA12, SA13, SA14
Intervention in the secondary school 45% 30 1.2 CA15, CA16, KA08, KA10, SA12, SA13, SA14
Practicum portfolio 45% 30 1.2 CA15, CA16, KA08, KA09, KA10, SA12, SA13, SA14

Requirements to be entitled to the final assessment will be:

Attendance at a minimum of 80% at the university seminars and 100% of the stay at the center.

The delivery of all practices and assessment exercises within the indicated deadlines.

To pass the practicum, you must have passed each of the assessment sections both at the practice center and at the university. This includes having each of the portfolio documents approved.

The internship module grade will be calculated as follows:

The student's portfolio. Throughout the course, each student will prepare their portfolio which will serve as an instrument for reflection on their training as a teacher. The necessary documents
that are uploaded in Campus Virtual in the sections enabled by each document. The monitoring and evaluation of the portfolio will have a weighting of 45%.

Evaluation from the center. At the end of the practicum, the mentor and the coordinator of the training center will evaluate the achievement of the basic skills of the teaching professional and will have a weighting of 45%.

Intervention in the practice cycle. Attendance and participation in the cycle of conferences and seminars of the Practicum will have a weighting of 10%.

Students must show an attitude compatible with the teaching profession.If this were not the case, at any time during the stay, both the practice center and the university can decide that the student must stop the stay at the center. In these cases, there will be a contact between the faculty and the center, which will draw up a reasoned report on the interruption of internships where it will be evidenced that the student cannot continue doing the internship. If this happens, that person will automatically suspend the practicum (the remaining numerical grade will be a 3) and will not be able to continue with the second period and will not be able to continue with the second period.

A student is considered to have an attitude compatible withthe teaching profession when he/she fulfills 100% of the calendar, attends all scheduled activities and assumes assigned responsibilities. It is also required that you have been respectful to the members of the educational community, in accordance with the ethical criteria of the profession (relating to aspects such as equality, equity, co-education or inclusion), avoiding inappropriate behavior ( xenophobic, sexist, homophobic, etc.). They must also comply with the center's regulations (punctuality, following timetables, use of mobile phones, clothing, etc.), and write and speak correctly and appropriately in accordance with the vehicular language and the centre's guidelines. In his intervention, he has shown a reasonable mastery of the content he teaches and the basic skills to teach it.


The bibliography includes all the references of the rest of the academic modules, as well as the bibliography that the tutor will provide for the preparation of the didactic unit that the students will carry out at the school.


No speciffic software needed

Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.