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Analysis and Presentation of Results in Psychosocial Intervention

Code: 45432 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
4313402 Psychosocial Research and Intervention OT 0


Marisela Montenegro Martinez


Maria Beatriz San Roman Sobrino
Caoutar Amsih Keskessou

Teaching groups languages

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There are no preconditions.

Objectives and Contextualisation

  • To relate the theoretical and practical dimensions of psychosocial intervention.
  • To understand and analyze specific cases of psychosocial intervention.
  • To structure one's results, obtained from research and intervention procedures.
  • To develop communication skills to present topics and cases.
  • To participate in the construction of collaborative knowledge.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA21 (Competence) Define the procedure for collecting and analysing empirical data for a specific psychosocial intervention process.
  2. CA22 (Competence) Critically and reflexively incorporate current theoretical frameworks into approaches to the operational and procedural definition of psychosocial problems.
  3. CA23 (Competence) Define procedures to ethically and legally protect the participants in a psychosocial intervention.
  4. CA24 (Competence) Adapt the design and procedure of the analysis of a psychosocial intervention to the needs of the intervening organisations.
  5. KA23 (Knowledge) Define empirical material collection techniques appropriate to the theoretical perspective and objectives of the intervention.
  6. KA24 (Knowledge) Coherently relate the research perspective and research techniques to a specific psychosocial intervention.
  7. SA16 (Skill) Critically apply perspectives and concepts of psychosocial intervention to the analysis of specific social problems.
  8. SA17 (Skill) Build tools for the collection of empirical material that is consistent with the objectives and the epistemological and methodological principles of a specific psychosocial intervention.


In this subject, which is compulsory for the specialization in Psychosocial and Community Intervention, students acquire skills in analyzing psychosocial intervention projects and programs. This objective is achieved by examining the material collected by students in their projects, which they carry out during the external internships for the master's degree.


Description of the fundamental axes of analysis of the practice of psychosocial intervention: theoretical, epistemological, methodological, procedural, and relational.
Analysis and discussion of research results using different qualitative methodologies: thematic and discourse analysis, ethnographic data analysis, and analysis of research-action processes.
Presentation by the students of their intervention projects linked to external internships.
Analysis of the professional activity based on the theoretical and methodological models implemented in the different practical experiences of the students.
Definition of the processes of synthesis, discussion, and drawing up of conclusions based on the qualitative material collected in the students' projects and the resulting recommendations.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures and group discussions 13 0.52 CA21, CA23, KA23, KA24, SA17
Student oral presentations 17 0.68 CA22, CA24, KA23, KA24, SA16
Type: Supervised      
Analysis of empirical material 25 1 CA22, CA24, KA24, SA16
Planning the collection of empirical material 15 0.6 CA21, CA23, KA23, KA24, SA17
Type: Autonomous      
Work preparation and development 80 3.2 CA21, CA22, CA23, CA24, KA23, KA24, SA16

The methodology of the face-to-face sessions will be developed through two modalities:

  • Seminars on qualitative data analysis tools and the development of skills for the systematisation and discussion of the empirical materials collected in the students' own projects.
  • Presentation by the students of the theoretical and methodological analyses of their activities at their internship. In the event that, for exceptional reasons, these have not been carried out, the specific case must be consulted with the Module Coordination.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Follow-up of the final assignment of the course 20 % 0 0 CA22, CA23, KA24, SA16, SA17
Individual report: analysis of the material collected in the research/intervention 50 % 0 0 CA21, CA22, CA23, CA24, KA23, KA24, SA16, SA17
Oral presentation in class: analysis of the Masters' internships 30 % 0 0 CA22, CA24, KA23, KA24, SA16


Ev1. Individual report: presentation of the analysis of the material collected in the research / intervention, in a report including method, procedure, analysis and preliminary results.
Ev2. Oral presentation in class on the Master's internship, including (1) Description of the internship, (2) Analysis of the theoretical and methodological elements identified in the internship activity and (3) Questions for reflection. Individual or duo face-to-face presentation (provided that the internship centre coincides).
Ev3 Monitoring of the final work of the subject with the tutor and achievement of the learning outcomes of the subject. It includes the planning of the final project, the revision of the draft and the revision of the final version (in all cases provided that it is released at least ten days before the delivery date set for Moodle).

Single assessment: This will take place in the second assessment period of the course. All contents will be assessed. A written report (individual) presenting the analysis of the material collected in the research / intervention (including the method, procedure, analysis and preliminary results) will be submitted (Ev1); an oral presentation will be made individually or in duos (provided that the practice centre coincides) on the Master's practice based on the proposed script (Ev2), and the report on the use of the course will be submitted individually (Ev3).

Grades (for both continuous assessment and single assessment):

  • Subject passed: The subject will be considered passed if the student obtains an average mark higher than 5 in all the assessment tests.
  • Assessable: The student will be considered Assessable if he/she has presented evidence of learning with a weight equal to or higher than 40% of the total of the subject.
  • Non-assessable: A student will be considered non-assessable if, even though he/she has submitted several pieces of evidence, the total weight in relation to the module as a whole is less than 40%.
  • Reassessment: There is no reassessment.

Assessment guidelines of the Faculty of Psychology:


Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3 (2), 77-101. doi:10.1191/1478088706qp063oa

Burman, E., & Parker, I. (Eds,) (1993). Discourse analytic research. Repertoires and readings of texts in action. Routledge.

Estrada-Maldonado, S., Lenta, M. y Di Iorio, J. (2019). Dialogues between feminist ethics and experiences of community social psychology. Pesquisas e Praticas Psicossociais, 14(3) e-3448. http://seer.ufsj.edu.br/revista_ppp/article/view/e3448

Fairclough, N. (1992). Discourse and Social Change. Polity Press.

Fairclough, N. (2008). El análisis crítico del discurso y la mercantilización del discurso público: las universidades. Discurso & Sociedad, 2(1), 170-185.

Galaz, C. J., & Rubilar Donoso, M. G. (2019). Experiencias profesionales en intervención psicosocial: el ejercicio narrativo como metodología de reflexividad y vigilancia epistemológica. Revista Latinoamericana de Metodología de las Ciencias Sociales, 9(1). http://www.memoria.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/library?a=d&c=arti&d=Jpr10125

Iñiguez, L. y Antaki, Ch. (1994): El análisis del discurso en Psicología Social. Boletín de Psicología, 44, 57-75.

Romero Bachiller, C. y Montenegro, M. (2018). Políticas públicas para la gestión de la diversidad sexual y de género: un análisis interseccional. Psicoperspectivas. Individuo y Sociedad, 17(1), 1-14. doi: 10.5027/psicoperspectivas-Vol17-Issue1-fulltext-1211.

Van Dijk, T. y Athenea Digital (2001). El análisis crítico del discurso y el pensamiento social. Atenea Digital, 1, 18-24. Disponible en http://blues.uab.es/athenea/num1/vandijk.pdf

Velasco Maíllo, H. M., & Díaz de Rada, Á. (2018). La lógica de la investigación etnográfica: un modelo de trabajo para etnógrafos de escuela. Trotta.


The main communication tool will be the Virtual Campus (moodle). The use of Free Software will be favored whenever possible.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 Catalan/Spanish second semester afternoon