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Tools and Skills for Psychosocial and Community Intervention

Code: 45431 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
4313402 Psychosocial Research and Intervention OT 0


José Luis Lalueza Sazatornil


Esther Arozarena Cañamares
Marisela Montenegro Martinez
Caoutar Amsih Keskessou
Remedios Rubio García

Teaching groups languages

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The students of this subject are enrolled in the master's psychosocial intervention pathway.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The objective of this mandatory subject for the Psychosocial and Community Intervention specialty is for students to know the main frameworks of understanding from which interventions in the psychosocial field are planned and executed. Likewise, the theoretical, legal and public policy frameworks that govern actions and different plans and programs are explored with respect to problems related to the life cycle, social ordering systems and coexistence.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA06 (Competence) Develop the most relevant aspects of theoretical perspectives suitable for psychosocial intervention in a specific field of work.
  2. CA07 (Competence) Clearly present the theoretical frameworks relevant to approaching a specific problem in an explanatory manner.
  3. KA05 (Knowledge) Identify suitable theoretical perspectives for psychosocial intervention in a specific field of work.
  4. KA06 (Knowledge) Critically appraise the assumptions and limitations of the theoretical perspectives used in psychosocial intervention in a specific field of work.
  5. SA05 (Skill) Actively participate in working teams whose objective is the analysis of theoretical perspectives in the field of psychosocial intervention.


  • Theoretical and methodological perspectives in the field of psychosocial and community intervention.
  •  Approach to social phenomena, problems and needs from systemic, participatory and constructionist perspectives.
  •  Analysis of models of social transformation through psychosocial and community intervention.
  •  Theoretical, legal and political frameworks in areas such as social inclusion, interculturalism, gender relations, the life cycle.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Disertations (icluding practitioners participation) 30 1.2 CA06, CA07, KA05
Type: Supervised      
Pre-submission review tutoring 7.5 0.3 CA06, CA07, KA05, KA06
Type: Autonomous      
Personal construction of the theoretical framework of the TFM 82.5 3.3 CA06, CA07, KA05, KA06
Team analysis work 30 1.2 CA06, CA07, KA05, KA06, SA05

The classes of this subject are organized, on one side, on the theoretical frameworks and models for social and community intervention; and, on the other, around the description of professional practice by professionals from different areas, organizing each session around an area of intervention, including exhibition, workshops and debates. Thus, each session will be conducted by a professional from the corresponding area: a social services psychologist, the director of a residential educational action centre, the psychogerontologist of a residential institution for the elderly, those responsible for monitoring the community revitalization plan of a neighbourhood, and the person responsible for an intercultural educational inclusion program.

The students, organized in teams, will carry out an analysis of the intervention models based on various axes, departing from the professional experiences.

Each student will build the theoretical framework of their TFM based on the selection of the models studied.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Ev1. Team analysis of intervention models 30% 0 0 CA06, KA06, SA05
Ev2. Development of the theoretical framework of an intervention area 50% 0 0 CA06, CA07, KA05, KA06
Ev3. Follow-up of the Final Work 20% 0 0 CA06, CA07, KA05, KA06

EV1. Team analysis of the intervention models presented by each professional through the epistemological, theoretical, methodological, technological and relational axes. It is delivered every week from the third class.

EV2. Personal work to develop the theoretical framework of an intervention area. This work will serve as the basis for the future article that the student will present at the end of the master's degree. It is delivered at the end of the semester.

EV3. Follow-up of the subject's final work with the tutor and achievement of the subject's learning outcomes. It includes the planning of the final work, the revision of the draft and the revision of the final version (in all cases as long as and when they are submitted at least ten days before the due date marked in Moodle).

Qualifications (both for continuous assessment and single assessment):

  •  Passed subject: The subject will be considered passed if the student obtains an average grade equal to or higher than 5 in each of the three evaluation evidences.
  •  Evaluable: The student who has presented evidence of learning with a weight equal to or greater than 40% of the total of the subject will be considered Evaluable.
  •  Non-evaluable: It will be considered Non-evaluable if, even if the student has presented several tests, the total weight in relation to the subject as a whole is less than 40%.
  •  Re-evaluation: There is no re-evaluation
  •  Single assessment: It will take place on the day reserved for the final tutorials of the subject. All content will be evaluated. A personal work on the development of the theoretical framework of an intervention area will be delivered (Ev2) and an oral exam will be conducted aimed at presenting the axes of analysis of each of the class sessions (Ev1). Similarly, the follow-up of the subject's final work with the tutor will be required in relation to the achievement of the subject's learning outcomes.

Assessment guidelines of the Faculty of Psychology:


Berroeta, H. (2014). El quehacer de la Psicología Comunitaria: Coordenadas para una cartografía.Psicoperspectivas,13(2),19-31.https://dx.doi.org/10.5027/psicoperspectivas-Vol13- Issue2-fulltext-352

Estrada-Maldonado, S. Lenta, M. y Di Iorio, J, (2019). Dialogues between feminist ethics and experiences of community social psychology. Pesquisas e Praticas Psicossociais, 14(3) e-3448 http://seer.ufsj.edu.br/revista_ppp/article/view/e3448 

Martínez Guzmán, A (2014). Cambiar metáforas en la Psicología Social de la acción pública:de intervenir a involucrarse. Athenea Digital14(1): 3-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenead/v14n1.793

Maya, I; García, M. y Santoyana, F.J. (2007) Estrategias de la intervención psicosocial. Madrid: Pirámide.

Montenegro, M. (2001). Conocimientos, agentes y articulaciones: una mirada situada a la Intervención Social. Barcelona: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Montenegro, M.; Balasch, M. y Callén, B. (2009). Evaluación e intervención psicosocial. Editorial UOC.

Moreno Camacho, M. A., & Molina Valencia, N. (2018). La Intervención Social como Objeto de Estudio: Discursos, prácticas, problematizaciones y propuestas. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 18(3), e-2055. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenea.2055

Paz, Ana y Unás, Viviam (2007). Fisuras en los discursos de la intervención social. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 1, 217-237.

Sáenz, J. D., (2007). Temas de reflexión en la intervención social. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, (1), 1-30.


No specific software is required for this subject.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 Spanish first semester afternoon