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Care Aesthetics

Code: 45072 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
3500086 Care Philosophies OB 1


Andrea Lorena Soto Calderon

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


No prerequisites

Objectives and Contextualisation

To understand the place of sensitive perception in the formation of experience. To analyse how the arts are not only forms of knowledge of reality, but also an instrument for acting on it. To understand the multiple forms of representation of the problem of care in the artistic media, as well as the forms of agency that these contribute to the transformation of sensitivity. Interpret specific documentary sources in order to understand what the ethos of care consists of from critical-propositional orientations.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA16 (Competence) Demonstrate a capacity for autonomous work, self-analysis and self-criticism in the context of debates on avant-garde artistic practices.
  2. KA22 (Knowledge) Identify the representation of care issues through the analysis of works of art.
  3. KA23 (Knowledge) Explain the usefulness of the concept of educational care in artistic practices, in order to solve conflicts and reduce discrimination.
  4. KA24 (Knowledge) Analyse the function of philosophy as a way of life and self-transformation in the context of the ethics and aesthetics of care.
  5. SA24 (Skill) Investigate contemporary artistic practices that are inclusive and socially engaged from the perspective of the ethics of care.
  6. SA25 (Skill) Evaluate the social impact of arts education in the context of applied aesthetics and philosophy of education.
  7. SA26 (Skill) Critically assess the origin and reliability of specific documentary sources from the philosophy of education, applied aesthetics and biopolitics.
  8. SA27 (Skill) Communicate theoretical conclusions and practical proposals in a clear, orderly, succinct and well-argued way, based on experience with virtual teaching and dissemination tools.
  9. SA28 (Skill) Apply collaborative learning methodologies to relate contemporary artistic practice to philosophical theories of care.


Alongside the Ethics of Care, we can speak of an Aesthetics of Care that defends the thesis that the arts are not only forms of knowledge of reality, but are also an instrument for acting on reality. The subject has two distinct but complementary parts:
In the first part, on the one hand, the multiple forms of representation of the problem of care in the various artistic media are studied. On the other hand, the forms of agency over the problems of care developed by performative artistic practices are studied.
In the second part, the ethos of care is studied from a theoretical-practical perspective, taking as a reference concrete classical and contemporary cases that refer to current individual and collective experiences.
- The ethos of care.
- Contemporary multidisciplinary critical-propositional orientations.
- The ethos of power in its practical orientation.

The course will be organised around three blocks of issues:

Block 1
The affective turn
In the first block of this subject we will undertake a conceptual development of the philosophy of care in relation to aesthetics, exploring notions such as harm and practices of healing, paying particular attention to the complex mechanisms by which experience is formed, and we will therefore analyse some of the main contributions to the debate made by the so-called affective turn. However, the exploration here is directed towards the conceptual dimensions of care that inform specific care activities and practices. As Yuriko Saito argues, "while the relevance of ethical considerations may be evident in elder care, child care and medical care, the aesthetic relevance of care may not be so obvious" (Saito, 2022), nevertheless, these considerations are deeply embedded in the management of our everyday lives and may define the way we relate to other human beings, nature or the artefactual world. Human beings are aesthetic creatures, our relationship with the worldis realised through perception and sensibility.

Boris Groys argues that "we live in a culture that tends to thematise the bodies of desire and to ignore the bodies of care", a society where caring for others and oneself is considered unproductive yet the most important and necessary work (Groys, 2022). Therefore, we will focus on a conceptual analysis and artistic practices in which we can understand the place of aesthetics in a philosophy of care. 


Yuriko Saito, Aesthetics of Care : Practice in Everyday Life, Trade Paperback, 2022 [fragmentos seleccionados].

Boris Groys, Filosofía del cuidado, Caja Negra, Buenos Aires, 2022[fragmentos seleccionados].

Fabienee Brugère, La ética del cuidado, Metales Pesados, Santiago de Chile, 2022[fragmentos seleccionados]. 

Adriana Cavarero, Inclinaciones. Crítica a la rectitud, Fragmenta, Barcelona, 2022, [fragmentos seleccionados]

Sara Ahmed, La política cultural de las emociones. Mexico D.F: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Programa Universitario de Estudios de Género, 2015 [fragmentos seleccionados]

Alí Lara, Giazú Enciso, “The Affective Turn”. Athenea Digital. Revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 13(3), 101.doi: https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/, 2013.


Block 2
Art and life
The concept of care has redefined the boundaries between our bodies, collective structures and our environments in multiple disciplines. In this thematic axis we would like to examine how the work of care is central to current artistic practices, shifting the monumental understanding of art towards one centred on experiences, on the intimate alliances between the built environment and its material, social and cultural practices. In particular, the interest in developing new forms of care, at the intersection between space, subjectivity and interdependence.


Suely Rolnik, ¿El arte cura? Quadernsportàtils, MACBA, 2001. 

Déborah Danowski; Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, “Is There Any World to Come?”, Revista e-flux, núm 65, mayo 2015.

Jaime Vindel, Estética fósil. Imaginarios de la energía y crisis ecosocial, Arcadia, Barcelona, 2020 [fragmentos seleccionados]. 

VV.AA, La condición postnatural. Glorsario de ecologías para otros mundos posibles, Cthulhu Books, 2024, [fragmentos seleccionados]. 

Eyal Weizman, Arquitectura forense: violencia en el umbral de detectabilidad, Bartlebooth, 2020 [fragmentos seleccionados]. 


Block 3
The ethos of care
Iliana Fokianaki argues that it is evident that where there was a welfare state this model has been dismantled: health care especially for the most dispossessed and unemployed, physical and mental health care, especially for those who are differently abled, the elderly, victims of domestic abuse, and at a more conceptual level, attention to social justice, social justice partnerships, intersectional partnerships and environmental justice. For so long we have been depriving citizens of care and attention, yet new forms of production capitalise on the individualistic notion of care, widely promoted as "self-care" through an industry with billions in revenue.

In reality, however, they are less and less interested in the well-being of bodies outside the immediate sphere of their family, class, workplace, city, country and continent. People are increasingly burdened with individual responsibility for their own care, as care has lost its character as a human right and become a paid service. Through a total disregard for the politics and ethics of care, contemporary forms of power clearly wish to banish the commons of collective consciousness. At the same time they annihilate all possibilities for people to come together, to debate, to organise in order to resist these narratives that are not just the production of discourse but of ways of life. 


iLiana Fokianaki, “The Bureau of Care: Introductory Notes on the Care-less and Care-full”, Revista e-flux, núm 113, noviembre2020.

iLiana Fokianaki,“A Bureau for Self-Care: Interdependence versus Individualism”, Revista e-flux, núm 119, junio 2021. 

Chus Martinez , “The Octopus in Love”, Revista e-flux, núm 55,  Mayo, 2014.

Juan Martín Prada, “¿Capitalismo afectivo?” Revista EXIT Book, núm. 15, 2011.

Judith Butler; Athena Athanasiou, Desposesión. Lo performativo en lo político, Paidós, Barcelona, 2022 [fragmentos seleccionados].

Simon O’sullivan, “The Aesthetics of affect thinking art beyond representation”, Revista Angelaki, Journal of theoretical humanities, Vo. 6, núm. 3, diciembre 2001. 

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Supervised      
Mentoring, micro-group and individual tutoring 20 0.8 KA22, KA23, KA24, SA24, SA27, SA28
Visits to exhibitions, art events, quizzes, contribution to forum discussions 20 0.8 CA16, KA22, KA23, SA24, SA25, SA26, SA27, SA28
Type: Autonomous      
Individual and group reading, concept and developmental mapping 100 4 CA16, KA22, KA23, KA24, SA24, SA28

The methodology used will mainly involve the reading, analysis and interpretation of texts, as well as discussions and exchanges in which to think through artistic practices. The scope of the reflection is not intended to be descriptive or explanatory, but rather to be applied. Therefore, the aim is to work on the development of skills that will make it possible to approach current problems from a situated point of view, whether through the analysis of cases, audiovisual material or other means. The work process will ultimately be an attempt, an essay in shared thinking. Hence, the research will be developed in a double context: from the analysis of texts and from a material research.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Podcast 33% 3 0.12 KA22, KA23, SA27
Visual essay 34% 4 0.16 CA16, SA25, SA26
Written essay 33% 3 0.12 KA24, SA24, SA28

Continuous Assessment, consisting of:
a) A presentation in visual essay format in which the affective turn is analysed, according to the theoretical framework worked on in class, putting conceptual developments into operation (34%) (Maximum 10 min).
b) The production of an 8-minute audio, as if it were a podcast for a radio programme, in which a work of art will be analysed from the link between art and life, applying the conceptual developments that have been developed (33%) (Maximum 15 minutes).
c) The completion of a written essay in which a propositional critique of the ethos of care will be developed (33%). The exact dates of the deliveries will be announced on the first days of class. Similarly, a rubric with the evaluation criteria will be available at the beginning of each block.


Yuriko Saito, Aesthetics of Care : Practice in Everyday Life, Trade Paperback, 2022 [fragmentos seleccionados].

Boris Groys, Filosofía del cuidado, Caja Negra, Buenos Aires, 2022[fragmentos seleccionados].

Fabienee Brugère, La ética del cuidado, Metales Pesados, Santiago de Chile, 2022[fragmentos seleccionados]. 

Adriana Cavarero, Inclinaciones. Crítica a la rectitud, Fragmenta, Barcelona, 2022, [fragmentos seleccionados]

Sara Ahmed, La política cultural de las emociones. Mexico D.F: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Programa Universitario de Estudios de Género, 2015 [fragmentos seleccionados]

Alí Lara, Giazú Enciso, “The Affective Turn”. Athenea Digital. Revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 13(3), 101.doi: https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/, 2013.

Suely Rolnik, ¿El arte cura? Quaderns portàtils, MACBA, 2001. 

Déborah Danowski; Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, “Is There Any World to Come?”, Revista e-flux, núm 65, mayo 2015.

Jaime Vindel, Estética fósil. Imaginarios de la energía y crisis ecosocial, Arcadia, Barcelona, 2020 [fragmentos seleccionados]. 

VV.AA, La condición postnatural. Glorsario de ecologías para otros mundos posibles, Cthulhu Books, 2024, [fragmentos seleccionados]. 

Eyal Weizman, Arquitectura forense: violencia en el umbral de detectabilidad, Bartlebooth, 2020 [fragmentos seleccionados]. 

iLiana Fokianaki, “The Bureau of Care: Introductory Notes on the Care-less and Care-full”, Revista e-flux, núm 113, noviembre2020.

iLiana Fokianaki, “A Bureau for Self-Care: Interdependence versus Individualism”, Revista e-flux, núm 119, junio 2021. 

Chus Martinez , “The Octopus in Love”, Revista e-flux, núm 55,  Mayo, 2014.

Juan Martín Prada, “¿Capitalismo afectivo?” Revista EXIT Book, núm. 15, 2011.

Judith Butler; Athena Athanasiou, Desposesión. Lo performativo en lo político, Paidós, Barcelona, 2022 [fragmentos seleccionados].

Simon O’sullivan, “The Aesthetics of affect thinking art beyond representation”, Revista Angelaki, Journal of theoretical humanities, Vo. 6, núm. 3, diciembre 2001. 


During the course of the course, references to recommended bibliography will be handed out.


No especific software is needed.


Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 Spanish second semester morning-mixed