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Care and Gender

Code: 45067 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
3500086 Care Philosophies OB 1


Begoña Saez Tajafuerce


Laura Benitez Valero

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


The course can be followed and completed without prerrequisites

Objectives and Contextualisation

The concept of care in the feminist tradition and in women's, gender and queer studies will be studied from an intersectional perspective and in reference to specific cases of the world and contemporary life that refer to individual and collective experiences current

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA05 (Competence) Assess the impact of gender inequalities on the implementation of care practices.
  2. CA06 (Competence) Critically review your own solutions to practical problems involving gender discrimination.
  3. KA07 (Knowledge) Select the conceptual elements that explain the theoretical interrelations between the ethics of care and feminist ethics.
  4. KA08 (Knowledge) Describe the main gender stereotypes that condition care practices in the public and private spheres.
  5. KA09 (Knowledge) Identify actual care practices that demonstrate gender inequalities.
  6. SA08 (Skill) Compare strategies for introducing a gender perspective into care practices.
  7. SA09 (Skill) Propose care practices from the perspective of LGTBIQ+ groups.
  8. SA10 (Skill) Design responsible and gender-sensitive communication strategies to transmit knowledge about care.


In our approach, we will address the problem of care from a gender perspective, considering five key dimensions:

1. Feminist genealogies of care

2- Feminist/feminine orientation of ethics

3- Power relations around care: vulnerability and interdependence.

4- The regulation and distribution of care

5- Future scenarios of the interaction between care and gender

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
synchronous and asynchronous debate /video presentation and comments 37 1.48 CA06, SA10
Type: Supervised      
conceptual map/essay/literature review 25 1 KA07, KA08, KA09
Type: Autonomous      
anwering questionare/crítical comparative reading 87.5 3.5 CA05, SA08, SA09, SA10

The mode of teaching is virtual and, therefore, both the methodology and the assessment are adjusted accordingly.

The activities proposed in this subject aim to learn how to work through problems by developing different types of skills: reading, commenting, group discussion, creative writing, debates and proposals. All activities aim to provide tools and accompany personal or collective reflection.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
group work 10% 0 0 CA05, CA06, KA07, SA09, SA10
oral 40% 0 0 KA07, KA08, KA09
written 50% 0.5 0.02 CA06, SA08, SA10

The evaluation process is based on the student's personal work and presupposes the authenticity of the authorship and the originality of the exercises carried out. The lack of authenticity in the authorship or originality in the evaluation tests; I copy or plagiarize it; the fraudulent attempt to obtain a better academic result; collaboration, concealment or favoring of copying, or the use of unauthorized material, software or devices during the evaluation, among others, are irregular behaviors in the evaluation that may have serious academic and disciplinary consequences.

These irregular behaviors can result in the suspension (note D/0) in the evaluable activities defined in the teaching plan -including the final tests- or in the final grade of the subject, either because materials, software or Unauthorized devices during the tests, such as social networks or internet search engines, because fragments of text have been copied from an external source (internet, notes, books, articles, works or tests of other students, etc.) without citation corresponding, or because any other irregular conduct has been carried out.

The subject can only be approved by following and passing the continuous evaluation (EC). The final qualification of the subject is the grade obtained in the EC.

The continuous evaluation consists in the realization of all the proposed PACS.

* In case of doing the exercise of the first block and not being able to continue, prior notification to the teacher, the possibility of having a No Presented can be considered

* From the completion of the first two PACS, the final mark of the subject will be the result of the average of all the exercises, also those not delivered, based on their % on the weight of the mark.

* The delivery schedule is the one proposed by the teaching plan. In case of not being able to hand in an exercise in the scheduled time, for exceptional reasons, you will have to notify the teacher and will be considered personally.


The bibliography of each block of the course will be uploaded to the CV at the beginning of the first semester.


No specific software is required.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 Catalan/Spanish first semester morning-mixed