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Mock Trial

Code: 45035 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
3500070 Legal Profession and Legal Representation OB 1


Nuria Reynal Querol


Josefina Coromoto Huelmo Regueiro
Albert Fauria Planas
Maria Pilar Lopez Fondon
(External) Jaume Ricart Torrent
(External) Lluís Brun Menéndez

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


No prerequisites are required to complete this Module.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The aim of this Module consists in the acquisition by the student of the appropriate competences (skills, attitudes and knowledge)to practice as a Lawyer in the different jurisdictional areas, specifically, in the civil and criminal ones. Hence, the Module aims to provide the studentswith their first practical experiences as a defendant lawyerin several procedural acts.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA09 (Competence) Develop the interpersonal skills and abilities necessary to work collectively on a procedural and material approach to a matter.
  2. KA13 (Knowledge) Develop the right strategy for the defence of clients''nterests in different written documents and oral allegations throughout the process.
  3. KA14 (Knowledge) Select at all times the most appropriate procedural instrument to defend the rights of clients.
  4. SA28 (Skill) Properly and adequately apply the specialised knowledge acquired in the degree to identify the legal issue that has arisen in any given case.
  5. SA29 (Skill) Identify in each case the procedural strategy to be employed in trials in accordance with the demands derived from constitutional principles and guarantees.
  6. SA30 (Skill) Master techniques for searching for evidence and for judicial interrogation.
  7. SA31 (Skill) Know how to present the facts, legal grounds and petitions orally and in writing within the framework of legal proceedings.
  8. SA32 (Skill) Know how to extract legal consequences from evidence that is considered proven.


The content of thisModule is integrated by two major elements. On the one hand, the preparation of cases and procedural acts related to the simulation procedures. On the other hand, the drafting and the holding of oral performances (audiences, hearings, trials ...) that are part of these processes.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Teacher's explanation 3 0.12
Type: Supervised      
Preparation of oral Proceedings 30 1.2
Simulation of oral proceedings 15 0.6
Type: Autonomous      
Drafting og writings 45 1.8
Personal work of the student 48 1.92

The Module consists of three parts that will be developed throughout the course:

• Simulation of civil trials: December-January

• Simulation of criminal trials: December-January

• Interuniversity competition (triangular mock trials): May-June

I) Simulation of civil processes

- This section will be carried out in six sessions. Attendance is mandatory for all students. 

-Each group (40 students) will be split into two subgroups (of 20 students each).

- Throughout the six sessions, each subgroup will analyse an “Verbal” type process case and a “Ordinary” type process case. 

-The activities that will be carried out will be as follows:

1) Preparation of the trial: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th sessions: under the supervision of the professor, the different problems presented by the cases that each subgroup has assigned will be analysed. Previously, students will be given the necessary documentation to prepare this.

2) Simulation of the trial: Under a judge lead, the simulation of the orals acts of the different cases will be carried out, where the students will have to assume the roles of lawyer, parties, witnesses, peers, etc.

II)Simulation of Criminal processes

-This section will be carried out in six sections. Attendance is mandatory for all students. 

-Each group (40 students) will split into two subgroups (of 20 students each).

-Throughout the six sessions each subgroup will analyse three different cases.

-The activities that will be carried out will be as follows:

1) Preparation of the trials: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th sessions: under the supervision of the professor, the different problems presented by the three criminal cases that each subgroup has assigned will be analysed. Previously, students will be given the necessary documentation to prepare this.

2) Simulation of the trials: 5th and 6th sessions: Under a judge lead, the simulation of the oral act of the different cases will be carried out, where the students will have to assume the roles of lawyer, parties, prosecutor, witnesses, peers, etc.

 III)Interuniversity competition

-Preparation for this competition will take place in five sessions. Attendance is mandatory for all students.
-The sessions will be split between students who choose the civil trials competition and those who do it for the criminal trials.
-In the preparatory sessions for each type of trial, under the direction of the teacher, the different problems raised by the cases will be analyzed and preparations will be made to defend them on the day of the competition.
- Student participation in this part of the Module can be carried out in two ways:
• Preparation of the strategy for each case (search for legal arguments, legislation, jurisprudence...).
• Preparation of the strategy for each case (search for legal arguments, legislation, jurisprudence...) + intervention as a lawyer on the day of the inter-university competition. In the event that the number of students who wish to participate on the day of the competition is greater than the number of places provided by the organization to do so, the selection of participants will be made in accordance with the academic record of the aspiring students and the 'interest shown in the two previous parts of the same Module.


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Celebration of the oral procedural act hearing 68% 6 0.24 KA13, KA14, SA31, SA32
Delivery of drafting, elaboration of schemes, search of bibliography and jurisprudence, etc. 32% 3 0.12 CA09, KA13, KA14, SA28, SA29, SA30, SA32

All the activities of the Module will be evaluated, thus simulation of civil, criminal and the simulation within the Interuniversity competition will be assessed individually and will be part of the final mark

-The activities that will be evaluated and the ratio of each one in the final grade: 

  1. Participations in the procedural acts in the lawyer or Public Prosecutor roles: 55% 
  2. Participation in the procedural acts in the others roles and participation in the preparation of trials simulations: 20% 
  3. Interuniversity Competition: 25%  

-Once the completion of the civil and criminal simulation trials, the professors ofeach of these sections will set a date so that students who wish to do so can make a timely review. 

-This Module does not provide for the possibility of reavaluation or the single evaluation system. 


Each teacher will recommend the most appropriate bibliography according to the case study content.



Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.