This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Research, Training , Evaluation and Equity

Code: 45009 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
4313815 Research in Education OT 0


Pilar Pineda Herrero


Xavier Úcar Martínez
Ingrid Agud Morell

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


No previous conditions

Objectives and Contextualisation

This module is compulsory in the specialty of Inequalities, Socio-educational Research and Transformation, and is optional in the other specialties.

This module developes the competencies to do research and to evaluate education from the viewpoint of equity . The main programs of training for work as a strategy to promote educational equity are addressed. It analyzes theoretical and methodological resources, evaluation of training programs, educational intervention and their contribution to research on educational inequalities. Special emphasis on design  of plans for assessing training programs within the framework of a research project is done.

Descriptors: training for work. Training and gender. educational equity and employment. Evaluation of training for work. Evaluation of educational intervention programs. participatory evaluation

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA26 (Competence) Adopt criteria of methodological quality in the design and application of an assessment plan.
  2. CA27 (Competence) Conduct research in socio-educational fields, assessing the social, economic and environmental impact.
  3. CA28 (Competence) Perform socio-educational research while assessing sex/gender based inequalities.
  4. KA25 (Knowledge) Identify the methodological paradigms, approaches and designs in socio-educational research.
  5. KA26 (Knowledge) Identify different lines of research in the various fields of socio-educational research.
  6. KA27 (Knowledge) Define problems and respond to socio-educational needs using innovative approaches.
  7. SA17 (Skill) Select the most consistent design and methodology with the study goals in socio-educational research.
  8. SA18 (Skill) Design and develop an assessment plan in socio-educational research using different techniques and data collection instruments.


Part 1: Evaluation of training programs and educational intervention as a tool to improve equity.

- Evaluation of educational programs:

- Evaluation of training programs for work

- Evaluation of the socio-educational intervention


Part 2: Education, work and educational equity

- Types of training and work: training throughout life, FP, vocational training and continuing education

- Prospects for analyzing equity in education: age, gender, socio-cultural level, occupation / employment status.

- Studies on training, work and equity

Part 3: Participatory and Equity Research.
- Participatory, equity and fair research: from “giving voice” to building dialogues.
- Intersectional view of participatory research: conditions based on age, gender, socio-economic environment, origin, etc.
- Design of participatory research. Practical examples.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Directed 38 1.52
Type: Supervised      
Supervised 75 3
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomous 37 1.48

The training activity will be:
Master classes / lectures by the teacher
Reading of articles and documentary collections
Analysis and collective discussion of articles and documentary sources
Classroom practices: problem solving / cases / exercises.
Presentation / oral presentation of works.


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Attendance and participation 0,3 0 0 CA27
Individual work 3 0 0 CA26, CA27, CA28, SA17, SA18
Practices and readings 2,7 0 0 CA26, CA28, KA25, KA26, KA27


Attendance and participation in sessions


Practices during sessions


Individual writen work



The evaluation of the module will be carried out through the activities indicated.
The final grade will be the weighted average of the planned activities. In order to apply this criterion it will be necessary to obtain at least a 4 in all the activities, those carried out during the development of the module and in the memory / final work of the module.
The procedure for reviewing the tests will be done individually and following a fixed calendear

Recuperation: Individual assesment, January 16th


Plagiarism will cause  NOT pass the subject.


Individual theoretical-practical, written and oral test.
Grade weight:100%
Recovery: Individual theoretical-practical, written and oral test
The individual test will be held on January 9th. On January 16th, the recovery will take place.
The review of the final grade follows the same procedure as for continuous assessment.


ARNAU, L. (2013). Desempleo y orientación para la carrera: aplicación y evaluación de un programa de adaptación a los cambios profesionales en la adultez. Educación XXI, 16(1), 191-206

CASTILLO, S.; CABRERIZO, J. (2003) Evaluación de programas de intervención socioeducativa. Madrid: Pearson. Prentice Hall.

CEDEFOP (2011). Learning while working. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

CHACÓN, S., SANDUVETE, S., PORTELL, M. I  ANGUERA, M. T. (2013). Reporting a  program evaluation: Needs, program plan, intervention, and decisions.  International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 13, 58-66.

CHIABURU, D.S., &  MARINOVA, S.V. (2005). What predicts skill transfer? An exploratory study of goal orientation, training self-efficacy, and organizational supports. International Journal of Training and Development 9(2), 110-123.

 COUSINS, B. J. & CHOUINARD, J.A. (2012). Participatory evaluation up close. An integration of research-based knowledge. Charlotte, North Carolina. Information Age Publishing. Inc (IAP)

 COUSINS, B. J. (Ed.) (2020) Collaborative approaches to evaluation. Principles in use. Los Angeles: SAGE (ISBN: 9781544344645)

 DAIGNEAU, P-M.; JACOB, S. (2009). Toward Accurate Measurement of Participation: Rethinking the Conceptualization and Operationalization of Participatory Evaluation. En: American Journal of Evaluation, 30 (3), pp. 330-348.

GERLACH, A. (2018). Thinking and Researching Relationally: Enacting Decolonizing Methodologies With an Idigenous Early Chilchood Program in Canada. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 17, 1-8.

HORDGE-FREEMAN, E. (2018). “Bringing Your Whole Self to Research”: The Power of the Researcher’s Body, Emotions, and Identities in Ethnography. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 17, 1–9.

LIEBEL, M. (2017). Children without childhood? Against the postcolonial capture of childhood in the Global South. In A. Invernizzi, M. Liebel, B. Milne & R. Budde (Eds.) ‘Children out of Place’ and Human Rights – In Memory of Judith Ennew (pp. 79-97). London, UK: Springer.

MARSICK, P. (2012) Gestión del conocimiento y desarrollo organizativo: formación y formación corporativa. Madrid: Wolters Kluwer

MACMILLAN, J.H. y SCHUMACHER, S. (2005). Investigación educativa. Madrid : Pearson

 NÚÑEZ LÓPEZ, H. (2015). Evaluación participativa en la acción comunitaria. Aproximaciones teórica y metodológica. Madrid. Editorial Popular.

 NÚÑEZ. H.; ÚCAR, X. (2020) Roles and functions of the community manager within the framework of Collaborative Approaches to Evaluation (CAE): Case analysis of the Galibar community development plan (Spain). P. 135-161. In Bradley Cousins, J. (Ed.) Collaborative approaches to evaluation. Principles in use. Los Angeles: SAGE (ISBN: 9781544344645)

 PINEDA, P. (2010). Evaluation of training in organizations: a proposal for an integrated model. Journal of European Industrial Training, 34, pp. 673-693

 PINEDA, P., BELVIS. E., MORENO, V., DURAN, M. & ÚCAR, X. (2011). Evaluation of training effectiveness in the Spanish health sector. Journal of Workplace Learning, 23, pp. 125-188

 RADEMAKER, L.L. & POLUSH, E. Y. (2022). Evaluation and action-research. An integrated framework to promote data literacy and ethical practices. Oxford University Press

REBOLLOSO, E. y otros (2008) Evaluación de programas de intervención social. Madrid. Síntesis

ROSSI, P.H. y FREEMAN, N.E. (1989). Evaluación. Un enfoque sistemáticopara programas sociales. México: Trillas.

 SANDERS, J.R. (1998). Estándares para la evaluación de programas. Bilbao: Mensajero.

 SARRAMONA, J. (1994): "Evaluación de programas de formación", en CASTILLEJO, J.L. y otros: Teoría de la educación. Madrid: Taurus, p.p. 269-283.

 SULTANA, R. G. (2008).From policy to practice.A systemic change to lifelong guidance in Europe.Cedefop Panorama series, 149.SHAW, I. (2003) La evaluación cualitativa. Introducción a los métodos cualitativos. Barcelona: Paidós.

SPIVAK, G. (1988). Can the subaltern speak? In, C. Nelson & L. Grossbert (Ed), Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture (pp. 66-111). Urbana and Chicago, USA: University of Illinois Press.

STAKE, R.F. (2006). Evaluación comprensiva y evaluación basada en estándares. Barcelona: Graó.

 ÚCAR, X.; PONCE, E. (2001)  (Coord.) Carmel Amunt. Análisis i propostes de futur per un barri. Carmel Amunt/Generalitat de Catalunya/Ajuntament de Barcelona/UAB. Barcelona.

  VÁSQUEZ, Jorge. 2013. “Adultocentrismo y juventud: Aproximaciones foucaulteanas”. En: Revista Sophia: Colección de Filosofía de la Educación. Nº 15. Quito: Editorial Universitaria Abya-Yala.


No needed

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 Spanish first semester afternoon