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Dramaturgy Laboratory I

Code: 44821 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
4318300 Theatre Studies OT 0


Jordi Jane Llige


(External) Elisabeth Escudé i Gallés
(External) Victòria Szpunberg Witt

Teaching groups languages

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They are not necessarys.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The aim of this module is to address the theoretical frameworks and methodologies through which research and creation can be carried out within the framework of dramaturgy. We will reflect on the concept of dramaturgy and its various meanings.

The attributions and competencies of the playwright's work will be studied.

A dramatic writing seminar will be held.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA05 (Competence) Demonstrate skills related to working in a team: commitment to the team, regular cooperation, and the ability to encourage problem solving.
  2. CA13 (Competence) Clearly distinguish the specificity of ?professions?, activities, categories, techniques and methodologies related to dramaturgy.
  3. KA22 (Knowledge) Identify the terms used in the debate on the contemporary use of the term dramaturgy in the various categories and processes related to this discipline.
  4. KA23 (Knowledge) Recognise and define the main techniques to undertake the various activities associated with dramaturgy: text analysis, programming, adaptation and writing.
  5. KA28 (Knowledge) Illustrate the main contemporary theoretical paradigms in relation to dramaturgy.
  6. SA19 (Skill) Apply methods for analysis and composition that are typical of dramaturgy, while carefully considering the already established trends and contributions of this discipline.
  7. SA20 (Skill) Interpret all the learned processes by using clear, established or agreed and homogeneous terminology.


1. Dramaturgy, theory and craft (Beth Escudé)
-The concept of the playwright and the concept of the playwright. Clarification of polysemy.
-The work of a dramatist. Study of the classic text and its contemporaneity.
- The work of the ideal dramaturgical team.

2. Dramatic writing and dramaturgy (Victoria Szpunberg)
-Procedures for writing a dramatic text today.
-Examples of contemporary drama.
-The search for one's own writing and/or co-writing.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Attendance and participation 15 0.6
Seminars 15 0.6
Type: Supervised      
Writing 80 3.2
Type: Autonomous      
Reports and works 40 1.6

The theoretical classes will be combined with the reading and analysis of theoretical and creative texts. On the other hand, the students will have to develop a practical work (exercises) in all content blocks.

The classes will consist of:
Lectures / exhibitions
Exercise resolution classes
Classroom practices
Elaboration of works
Personal study

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Writing works I 50% 0 0 CA05, CA13, KA22, KA23, KA28, SA19, SA20
Writing works II 50% 0 0 CA05, CA13, KA22, KA23, KA28, SA19, SA20

Continuous evaluation that assesses the relevant participation of the student in the sessions and also the fact of bringing the work up to date.
Final work that brings together the processes developed throughout the course.

Students will obtain a Not assessed/Not submitted course grade unless they have submitted more than 30% of the assessment items.

This subject/module does not incorporate single assessment.



-ARISTÒTIL: Retòrica/ Poètica, Barcelona, Edicions 62, 1998 (o altres edicions)

-BALTES, BLANCA: Perfiles y modelos del dramaturgista, ADE Teatro, 2002 Madrid.

-CORVIN, Michel: Dictionnaire encyclopédique du théâtre, Paris, Larousse, 1998.

-LAVANDIER, Yves: La dramaturgia. Los mecanismos del relato: cine, teatro, ópera, radio, televisión, comic. Pamplona, Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias (Letras de cine, 17), 2003.

-LUCKHURST, Mary: La palabra que empieza por D. Dramaturgia, dramaturgismo y asesoría literaria en el teatro. Madrid, Ed. Fundamentos, 2008.desde el siglo XVIII

-PAVIS, Patrice: Diccionario del teatro, Barcelona, Paidós,1984 (diverses edicions).

-SZONDI, Peter: Teoria del drama modern (1880-1950), Barcelona, Institut del Teatre, 1988.

-TURNER-SYNNE, Cathy i Behrndt, Dramaturgy and Performance, Nova York. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.


(Es lliurarà altra bibliografia complementària a mesura que es desenvolupi el curs).




No specific one will be used

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 Catalan/Spanish second semester afternoon