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Master's Degree Dissertation

Code: 44795 ECTS Credits: 12
Degree Type Year
4318288 Paleobiology and Fossil Record OB 0


Judit Marigo Cortes

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


- Having satisfactorily completed the rest of the master's modules.

- Completion of the Final Master's Thesis will necessarily be carried out during the second semester. Exceptionally, students may be authorized to carry out and defend their Final Master's Thesis during the first semester, if the rest of the modules have been satisfactorily completed during the previous year, and for some justified circumstance the alumni have not been was able to complete the Final Master's Project during the second semester of the previous year.

Objectives and Contextualisation

- Delimitation of the problem. Contextualization of a scientific objective to be solved based on previous scientific debates.

- Setting up a working hypothesis. Determination of suitable methods or likely to be used to demonstrate or refute the validity of the initial working hypothesis.

- Obtaining primary data. Statistical or discriminant treatment of numerical data. Descriptive work and development of qualitative data. Discussion of the data obtained and contextualization within a previously defined scientific debate.

- Obtaining conclusions. Elaboration of a scientific report in article format. Oral presentation of the most relevant results derived from the research tasks carried out.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA14 (Competence) Produce a written and illustrated document related to palaeontology and observing specific format parameters.
  2. CA15 (Competence) Acquire the appropriate verbal communication and body expression techniques to make an efficient public presentation on the study of fossils.
  3. KA14 (Knowledge) Identify the importance of fossils as tangible evidence of the evolution of life on Earth.
  4. KA15 (Knowledge) Recognise the cross-cutting nature of palaeontology as an instrument for resolving problems and debates of a biological and/or geological nature.
  5. KA16 (Knowledge) Recognise modern techniques for fossil analysis and consequent processing of the data obtained.
  6. KA16 (Knowledge) Recognise modern techniques for fossil analysis and consequent processing of the data obtained.
  7. KA16 (Knowledge) Recognise modern techniques for fossil analysis and consequent processing of the data obtained.
  8. KA16 (Knowledge) Recognise modern techniques for fossil analysis and consequent processing of the data obtained.
  9. SA15 (Skill) Define a problem based on an active debate in specialist palaeontological literature and actively search for fossil material that might offer new evidence to help solve the issue.
  10. SA16 (Skill) Select the most appropriate analyses or experiments to solve a problem posed in palaeontology.
  11. SA17 (Skill) Summarise the most important aspects of one's own research and convey them to an audience that is specialised in the field of palaeontology.


- Will depend upon Final Master's thesis project

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Final Master's degree Thesis 5 0.2
Type: Supervised      
Final Master's degree Thesis 120 4.8
Type: Autonomous      
Final Master's degree Thesis 25 1

- Will depend upon Final Master's thesis project

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Autonomous hours 16,66% 25 1 CA14, CA15, KA14, KA15, KA16, SA15, SA16, SA17
Directed hours 3% 5 0.2 CA14, CA15, KA14, KA15, KA16, SA15, SA16, SA17
Supervised hours 80,33% 120 4.8 CA14, CA15, KA14, KA15, KA16, SA15, SA16, SA17

Global evaluation of the work 40%:

• Clarity in the formulation of objectives and problems
• Internal coherence of the work
• The work shows the use of critical thinking
• Importance: utility, originality and/or innovation

Use of theories 20%:

• Explanation of the theories underlying the work
• Synthesis and integration of theories and the theme
• Contribution to theoretical progress
• Clear explanation of the working hypothesis

Research methodology 10%:

• Adequacy of the methodology to the theme
• Appropriate research instruments
• Description of the methods used
• Interpretation of data and results
• Consistency and adequacy of the conclusions

Formal aspects 10%:

• Order and transparency in the work structure
• Regulations (spelling, syntactic, etc.) and formal correctness
• Updated and adequate bibliographical references

Defense of the TFM 20%:

• Oral explanation: communicative and informative ability
• Adequacy in the use of new technologies
• Quality of arguments and debate
• Ability to defend one's own ideas
• Capacity for synthesis and adaptation to the assigned time.

In the evaluation of the TFM, the panel will be made up of three instructors of the Master's degree, representing each of the institutions involved in teaching.


Irregularities by students, copying and plagiarism:

Without prejudice to other disciplinary measures that may be established for the purpose, and in accordance with current academic regulations, assessment activities in which students have committed any type of irregularity that may affect their grade will be graded with a zero (0).

The irregularities contemplated in this procedure include, among others,

 The total or partial copy in an exam, practical exercise, report, or any other type of assessment activity.

  • Allow copying by others.
  • Presenting group work that has not been done entirely by group members, as well as using AI applications to do it.
  • Have access to any kind of communication device (mobile phones, Smartwatches, etc.) during the development of an evaluation test.





- Word, Power Point

Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.