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Work Placement

Code: 44719 ECTS Credits: 9
Degree Type Year
4313816 School Library and Reading Promotion OB 0


Maite Comalat Navarra

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.



Objectives and Contextualisation

The module aims to train students in the management and organization techniques of school libraries, from knowledge of the theoretical corpus and  environment analysis.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA21 (Competence) Adopt quality criteria to evaluate plans, projects, and actions to promote reading within the framework of the work placement centre.
  2. CA22 (Competence) Undertake projects guided by ethics and human rights (social justice, gender equality, etc.) in professional practice, making scrupulous use of ICT in cultural management and dissemination processes in the work placement environment.
  3. CA23 (Competence) To put training and professionalism into practice by making active use of teamwork, as well as considering the importance of communication and interpersonal relations in the development of projects with the educational community and/or the public library.
  4. KA21 (Knowledge) Identify the contribution of school libraries to the content, skills and competences prescribed by the educational curriculum at the various educational stages.
  5. KA22 (Knowledge) Recognise library management, planning and mediation tasks, including the implementation of activities, workshops, or dissemination products (reading guides, selection of resources, etc.).
  6. SA32 (Skill) Apply ICT correctly in processes involving the management and dissemination of the collection, resources, and services in the context of the centres where the work placements are carried out.
  7. SA33 (Skill) Assess books and resources according to quality criteria (textual, communicative, and linguistic), while considering aspects such as diversity and inclusion to add them to the library collection or recommended reading lists.
  8. SA34 (Skill) Develop creativity and entrepreneurship strategies in the real context of the practice centre, considering the balance between the needs of the environment and personal interest.


The internship consists of a stay of 100 hours in a school library in a school or a children's section of a public library, working under the guidance of a tutor. Parallel to stay, the student must attend meetings and seminars for sharing work experience and reflect on different aspects of unit management: identification, context analysis, organization within the center, fitness space and collection, remote services and virtual services for different types of users, activities to promote reading, information and library, planning and evaluation methods. Forums and other activities will be activated on the virtual campus so that students can share their experience.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Directed Seminars 125 5 CA21, KA21, KA22
Type: Autonomous      
Stay in the center 100 4 CA22, CA23, SA32, SA33, SA34

During the first semester, an information session will be held to present the subject, the tutoring schedule and the stay at the center. In this session, the offer of centers is presented, proposals are collected and the preference request process is explained.

The center application must be made, through an open task on the virtual campus, before the end of January in order to complete all the administrative arrangements. If the request is not submitted within this period, it will be understood that the student waives the internship.

During the second semester, there will be three seminars, one before the start of the stay and two during the internship period. Internships take place between the months of April and May (approximately 12.5 hours a week). If they do not start within the established period, they will be classified as not presented.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Academic report (analysis and reflection on the internship center and its relationship with the LIJ and the promotion of reading) 45% 0 0 CA21, CA22, KA21, KA22, SA33, SA34
Self-report on tasks performed and personal learning 10% 0 0 CA23
Seminars 10% 0 0 CA21, KA21, KA22, SA34
Stage 35% 0 0 CA22, CA23, KA22, SA32, SA33, SA34

The assessment will be done through the indicated activities. The final grade is obtained from the weighted average of these activities. To apply this assessment will be necessary to obtain at least a 4 on all activities made during the development of the module and the final work. The teacher will give feedback on the activities in a period not exceeding 20 working days of the academic calendar.

The review of the final qualification will be carried out through an individual meeting. If the final grade is lower than 5, only the practical work can be submitted for recovery.

Students who do not deliver the assessment activities or whose delivery percentage does not exceed 20% will be listed as NOT assessed.

One-off delivery

This course does not offer one-off delivery.  



No specific program is used.

Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.