Degree | Type | Year |
4317520 Territorial Studies and Planning | OB | 0 |
You can view this information at the end of this document.
It is recommended to have previously studied subjects related to research methodology (quantitative and qualitative).
This module of the master's degree deals with advanced content in terms of methodological instruments used in statistics and qualitative research methods. Apart from the formal aspects of obligatory knowledge and application in all research work, the subject is oriented towards effective and practical work with methodological instruments of both quantitative and qualitative types, and emphasizes the social and territorial approach. Is works with multivariate statistical analysis methods, database management, method application quantitative and qualitative, diagnosis and territorial proposal.
In addition to the contents mentioned, this module has a section in which the methodology is worked with which the Final Master's Thesis must be prepared
Preparation of the Master's Final Project (professor Jordi Nadal)
In these first sessions of the module, guidelines will be given to prepare the Master's Final Project
4 sessions of 2 hours:
Qualitative methodology (professor Miguel Solana)
The objective of these sessions will be to know the use and limitations of the main qualitative analysis techniques focused on territorial studies and the elaboration of planning and planning proposals. The sessions will combine theoretical aspects with practical sessions with qualitative analysis software programs. The sessions will work on the following aspects:
8 sessions of 2 hours (teacher Miguel Solana):
4 sessions of 2 hours:
Quantitative methodology (professors Joaquín Recaño)
Numerical and spatial tools for the analysis of residential segregation and socioeconomic inequalities in urban areas.
The objective of this module is to introduce students to different techniques and methodologies of numerical and spatial analysis that will be very useful when addressing the analysis of urban spaces.
Computer tools for qualitative information analysis (CAQDAS).
8 sessions of 2 hours (professor Joaquín Recaño):
4 sessions of 2 hours
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Oral presentations by teachers, seminar sessions, classroom practices and master classes with ICT support and group discussion | 14.5 | 0.58 | CA08, KA10, SA31 |
Realización de prácticas de cálculo e interpretación de indicadores territoriales y demográficos | 14 | 0.56 | CA07, KA08, KA37, SA31 |
Type: Supervised | |||
Discussion of book readings and articles and group / individual tutorials | 118 | 4.72 | CA10, KA10, SA05, SA06 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Reading of books, articles and other teaching materials, study of the bibliography, elaboration of works and presentations on readings and practices | 63.5 | 2.54 | CA09, SA05, SA07 |
The work methodology will combine: face-to-face classes (methodological presentation by the teacher); seminar sessions (discussions and debates based on previous presentations); practices with computer software (calculation practices in the computer room); group and individualized tutorials; commentary on bibliography readings; and autonomous work of the student.
Distribution of tasks:
The subject is divided into three blocks: qualitative methods, quantitative methods and methodology to prepare the Master's Final Project
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Development of final master's thesis | 16% | 5 | 0.2 | CA07, CA08, KA08, KA10, SA05, SA31 |
Qualitative methods | 42% | 5 | 0.2 | CA09, CA10, KA09, KA10, SA05, SA06, SA07 |
Quantitative methods | 42% | 5 | 0.2 | CA08, CA09, KA08, KA37, SA05, SA07, SA31 |
This module is divided into three parts:
Each of the three parts must be passed. The first based on participatory work and the second two with practices and an evaluation test
Continuous assessment
TFM elaboration techniques 16% of the weight of the final grade
Qualitative methods: 42% of the weight of the final grade
Quantitative methods 42% of the weight of the final grade
Examination-based assessment
TFM elaboration techniques 16% of the weight of the final grade
Qualitative methods: 42% of the weight of the final grade
Quantitative methods 42% of the weight of the final grade
All the evidences of the single assessment will be delivered on the day of the exam of the subject
Not assessable
The student who does not deliver a minimum of 30% of the subject's evaluable activities will have the final grade of Not Evaluable
The student who has a final grade of the subject lower than 5 and higher than 3.5, as long as he/she has delivered a minimum of 2/3 of the assessable activities, may recover the activities not passed and deliver them on the date set for their delivery.
Face-to-face activities are excluded (oral, individual or group presentations, field trips and any other that only makes sense to have done at the time)
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Metodologia qualitativa
Bustos, Raquel; García, Javier; Chueca, Diego (2018) Guía práctica para facilitar la participación ciudadana.
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Charmaz, Kathy (2006), Constructing grounded theory. A practical guide through qualitative analysis. Londres:
Cook, Ian (1997), "Participant Observation" a Robin Flowerdew, David Martin (eds) Methods in Human
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Denzin, Norman K., & Lincoln, Yvonna S. (Eds.). (2000), Handbook of qualitative research. Thousand Oaks:
Guasch, Oscar (1997), Observación participante. Madrid: CIS.
Gutiérrez Brito, Jesús (2008), Dinámica del grupo de discusión. Madrid: CIS.
Harper, Douglas (2002), "Talking about pictures: a case for photo elicitation", Visual Studies 17(1): pp. 13-26.
Harper, Douglas (2012), Visual sociology. Londres: Routledge.
Friese, Susanne (2014), Qualitative data analysis with Atlas.ti. Londres: Sage.
Hay, Iain (ed.) (2005), Qualitative research methodsin Human Geography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kusenbach, Margarethe (2003), "Street Phenomenology: The Go-Along as Ethnographic ResearchTool",
Ethography 4 (3): 455-485.
Limb, Melanie; Dwyer, Claire (eds) (2001), Qualitative methodologies for geographers. Londres: Arnold.
Michael Meyer; Sylvain Maresca. (2015), Compendio de fotografía para uso de sociólogos. Barcelona:
Montañés Serrano, Manuel (2009), Metodología y técnica participativa. Teoría y práctica de una estrategia de
investigación participativa. Barcelona: Editorial UOC.
Muñoz Justicia, Juan; Sahagún Padilla, Miguel (2017), Hacer análisis cualitativo con Atlas.ti.
Pujadas Muñoz, Juan J. (1992), El método biogràfico: el uso de las historias de vida en ciencias sociales.
Madrid: CIS.
Rose, Gillian (2008), "Using photographs as illustrations in Human Geography", Journal of Geography in
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Richards, Lyn (2005), Handling qualitative data. A practical guide. Londres: Sage.
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Valles, Miguel S. (2002), Entrevistas cualitativas. Madrid: CIS.
Metodologia quantitativa
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Instituto Nacional de Estadística
Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics
Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya
Available in the computer rooms of the faculty:
Name | Group | Language | Semester | Turn |
(TEm) Theory (master) | 1 | Catalan | second semester | afternoon |