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Social Policies and Areas of Welfare

Code: 43661 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
4315658 Social Policy and Community Action OB 0


Carolina Alejandra Muñoz Mendoza


Margarita Leon Ramon Borja
Antonio Vilà Mancebo
Carolina Alejandra Muñoz Mendoza
Llorenç Soler Buades
(External) Eva Fernández
(External) Manel Aguilar

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Objectives and Contextualisation

Module 2 attempts to incorporate into the general background of Master's knowledge the aspects most closely related to public policies, both in its general aspects and in its specific and sectoral aspects.

The analytical tradition in which the module is enrolled, tries to distinguish three key aspects in any public policy: the conceptual aspects (what one wants to achieve, from what values define the problems to be solved ...); The substantive aspects (how politics unfolds, what sectoral aspects should be incorporated ...); and the operational aspects (who does what, as it is managed, is done directly from the public administrations, is done in collaboration with other agents ...). Without neglecting how the results obtained with the goals sought were achieved (policy evaluation).

In this way, these aspects will be addressed, giving special relevance to how this is concretized in very specific fields: alternative economies, policy evaluation, socio-sanitary dynamics, urban policies or welfare systems in general.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA03 (Competence) Evaluate the different sectoral and territorial scales where social policies and programs operate, proposing innovative measures that improve their deployment at community level.
  2. CA04 (Competence) Adapt personal resources for the management of social policies and programmes implemented in community contexts.
  3. KA03 (Knowledge) Define the processes of social public policies, identifying the main actors involved and the complexity that this implies in terms of democratic participation and governance.
  4. KA04 (Knowledge) Identify the main management models of social policies and emerging approaches as an alternative for adaptation and change.
  5. SA03 (Skill) Analyse processes of specific social policies, the political complexity they imply and the role played in them by the various actors at community level
  6. SA04 (Skill) Analyse the relevance and usefulness of emerging approaches in the management of social policies that question the reproduction of dogs and exclusions at community level.


Within the framework of the Social Policies and Areas of Welfare Module, the following topics will be worked:

Introduction to Public Policies: the objectives of the session are, as indicated by its title, introductory and aim to transfer to the students a panoramic view of the analytical perspective of the analysis of public policies. In particular: Introduce the peculiarity of the look of the analysis of public policies; Main concepts and phases of public policies; The main challenges of public policies today: from technocratic rationality to deliberative rationality.

Emerging forms of the common and social change: Analyze the theoretical foundations of the concept of the Common; Polanyi, Ostrom, Benkler, Laval-Dardot, ...; Opportunities and dangers of concept and approach; Effects on politics and politics; Discuss and debate the municipalism of the common, within the framework of the evolution of municipal models over the last decades; Understand and discuss a set of social and political practices in Burundi today and which can illustrate common municipalities.

Alternative and proximity economies: the objective of the session is to introduce two notions that in recent years have gained weight in the economy and in the rest of the social sciences and that emerge from alternative (and antagonistic) paradigms to the market economy hegemonic: the economics of care and agroecology. Resulting in different measures of feminist criticisms, alterglobalists, peasants and indigenous people to the functioning of the capitalist system, as well as the management that public administrations make, the paradigms of the economics of care and agroecology seek to generate Sustainable and proximate economic alternatives.

Social services: between assistance and social investment: Analyze the position of personal social services in welfare states; Identify opposing pressures they suffer, between their traditional function of socialassistance and growing demands forcare; Identify obstacles to the transformation of social services and the elements that can favor it.

Social innovation and policies against urban segregation: The outbreak of the crisis in 2008 has led to the proliferation of different types of social and political innovation in the cities. In this session, we will analyze the objectives, contents and territorial guidelines of these innovative practices, both in the social and institutional fields, based on the theoretical framework and the empirical results generated by a line of research developed by the IGOP in the last 5 years. Special emphasis will be put on analyzing the relationships between social innovation practices and the dynamics of social and territorial inequality in Catalonia and the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. The political implications of the results generated by this line of investigation will be discussed.

Public policy management models: Debate on new paradigms: The objectives of the session focus on the debate on new elements that influence the management models, specifically in the following: a) The approach based on Human Rights in public policies; b) The person-centered care model; c) Comprehensive attention.

Evaluation of social policies: The objective of the session will be to acquire basic knowledge related to the evaluation of programs and projects in the field of social policies and to be able to develop analysis functions in the workplace. Specifically, they intend to: a) Obtain attendees to become critical readers of project and program evaluations and to draw on grounded conclusions to apply to their own projects and programs. b) Develop capacities to be able to order and contract external evaluations with greater knowledge of cause. c) Familiarize yourself with the concepts and methods of evaluating programs and projects to be able to apply them in the analysis of their own projectsand programs.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Magisterial classes, debates 30 1.2
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials 15 0.6
Type: Autonomous      
Reading, visualization of audiovisual material 80 3.2

The students, prior to the master classes, receive prior readings and / or audio-visual material. Reading these materials prior to the class together with the contents worked in the session will allow you to ask questions, open the debate and the reflection shared in the development of the classes.
Once the class has finished, students will have readings and / or audiovisual complementaries.
At the end of the module the students will have to present written exercises that address the contents worked.
The students have the spaces in the center where the classes are taught to promote the exchange and shared reflection when doing their jobs.
Prior to the presentation of the work of the students, they will conduct a collective tutoring on the works to be delivered, and another written in writing once these have been evaluated.

The presential classes of this module can be followed live via streaming for students who request it. These students will have the opportunity to ask questions directly or ask for guidance or tutoring after the module coordinator (this tutoring can be done via skype). The follow-up of this streaming module will not exempt the student from presenting the corresponding works, having the same evaluation criteria as the students who follow the classes in person.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Exercises during the course 40% 5 0.2 KA03, KA04, SA03
Final Exercise 60% 20 0.8 CA03, CA04, KA03, KA04, SA03, SA04

The evaluation system will consist of a minimum of three evaluation activities, none of which will represent more than 50% of the final grade of the module.

At the end of the module students must submit written exercises that address the contents worked on.

The grade of the work will be determined by the level of coherence in the argumentation of the answers based on: the contents presented in class, the complementary materials (readings / audiovisual) and the debates generated in class.


  • Karl Polanyi, La Gran transformación, Fondo de Cultura Económica (FCE), Méxic, 2007
  • Elinor Ostrom, El gobierno de los bienes comunes, FCE, Mèxic, 2011
  • Yochai Benkler, La riqueza de las redes, Icaria, Barcelona, 2015
  • Christian Laval-Pierre Dardot, Común, Gedisa, Barcelona, 2015
  • Pierre Rosanvallon, Le bon gouvernement, Seuil, París, 2015
  • Joan Subirats, Otra sociedad ¿Otra política?. Icaria, Barcelona, 2011
  • Rendueles-Subirats, Los (bienes) comunes. Icaria, Barelona, 2016
  • Blanco, I. Gomà, R. (2016) El municipalsme del bé comú (Icària, Barcelona)
  • Blanco, I. Gomà, R. Subirats, J.(2017) Construyendo el municipalismo del común (ponencia XIII Congreso AECPA)
  • Ezquerra, Sandra; Rivera, Marta; Álvarez, Isabel (2017) “Diálogos entre la Economía Feminista y la Economía de los Comunes: la democratización de los cuidados”, en  COMUNARIA (Eds.) La Resistencia Común. Bienes comunes, comunidades y economías cooperativas. Madrid: Libros en Acción
  • Aguilar Hendrickson, Manuel, «Servicios sociales comparados: entre la beneficencia y la inversión social”, en Pino, E. y Rubio, MJ, Los Estados de bienestar en la encrucijada, Madrid, Tecnos 2016. Pp 389–402
  • Aguilar Hendrickson, Manuel, Apuntes para un replanteamiento de los servicios sociales en España, Madrid, FOESSA 2016
  • J. Subirats i T. Vilà (2015). ¿Es la salud un tema estrictamente sanitario?. Curar, cuidar i condicionantes sociales de la salud. RTS, núm. 206
  • P. Rodríguez (2013). La Atención integral y centrada en la persona
  • C. Gimenez y X. Valente. El enfoque de los derechos humanos en las políticas públicas: ideas para un debate en ciernes


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Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TE) Theory 1 Spanish first semester afternoon