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Tools for Community Action

Code: 43659 ECTS Credits: 9
Degree Type Year
4315658 Social Policy and Community Action OB 0


Carolina Alejandra Muņoz Mendoza


(External) Mariona Lladonosa

Teaching groups languages

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The prerequisites for taking the Tool Module for community action are to have previously studied the theoretical modules of the Master, that is, Modules 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The objective of this module is to provide tools to students for the analysis, design, dynamization and implementation of community actions. The contents addressed focus on the planning of the community action process and on the knowledge of methodologies for the intervention, enabling the deployment of community actions, their organization, dynamization and the joint work that derives from it.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA13 (Competence) Review personal or team skills, necessary for the application of tools of invigoration and community action.
  2. CA14 (Competence) Create innovative tools for community revitalisation, which motivate collective participation.
  3. KA13 (Knowledge) Recognise the foundations and applications of community action as a method of social intervention of a political nature, aimed at the collective approach to specific social problems.
  4. KA14 (Knowledge) Conceptually and empirically distinguish methodologies and tools of community action, identifying their relevance to the territorial contexts where they are applied.
  5. SA13 (Skill) Analyse the relevance of specific methodologies of invigoration and community action, considering the territorial contexts, resources and needs of the actors concerned.
  6. SA14 (Skill) Structure alternatives for solving or improving the application of tools for community action in the diagnosis, design, execution and evaluation of these processes.


As specific contents of the Tools for Community Action Module we find: The evaluation of process objectives and project objectives. Design of the relationship strategy with the actors. Development of community programming. Planning and dynamization of coordination, technical and neighborhood spaces. The community diagnosis as strategic for dynamization. Participatory action research in community action. The analysis of community networks. Mapping techniques for community action. Participatory methodologies for community action.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Case study visits, master classes, practical group exercises in the classroom and debates 50 2
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials 22.5 0.9
Type: Autonomous      
Reading articles / chapters book / reports of interest, visualization of audiovisual material, bibliographic review, personal study 102.5 4.1

The teaching methodology combines centrally master classes with case study visits, readings, practical group exercises, tutoring, supervised work to perform exercises and work development.
Students throughout the development of the module make case study visits to specific experiences. Prior to the visits, the students receive master classes, and complementary audiovisual material and readings, with the objective of contributing theoretical and analytical elements to be put into practice or contrast in the visits.
After the case study visits, students receive a master class in which they analyze, debate and contrast the elements addressed in the visit.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Written evaluation Case 7.1 50% 25 1 CA13, CA14, KA13, KA14, SA13, SA14
Written evaluation Case 7.2 50% 25 1 CA13, CA14, KA13, KA14, SA13, SA14

Upon completion of the module, students must submit written work on the contents addressed in the master classes and case study visits.

The note will be determined by the level of coherence in the argumentation of the answers based on: the contents presented in class and in the visistas, the complementary materials (readings / audiovisual) and the debates generated in the argumentation of the answers based a: the contents exposed in class and in the visistas, the complementary materials (readings / audiovisual) and the own debates generated in class and within the framework of the case study visits.

Students have the spaces in the center where classes are taught to promote sharing and shared reflection when doing their work.

Prior to the presentation of the end-of-module work, students will perform a collective tutoring on the work to be delivered, and once they have been evaluated.

Attendance at the activities programmed in this module (two case study visits) is mandatory, the absence of any of them must be justified and may not exceed 20%.

It will be considered that a student obtains the Not Abaluable qualification when he has attended less than 80% of the sessions programmed in the module. Students who do not attend the case hearings cannot be evaluated.


  • Aisa, F.; Vidal, M., El Raval, Un espai al marge, Ed. Marge, B-2006
  • Artigues, J; Mas, F.; Suñol, X, El Raval, Història d'un barri servidor d'una ciutat, Ed Associació Veïns Districte Vè, B-1980
  • Fernández González, M., Matar al Chino, Ed. La llevar-Virus, B-2014
  • Subirats, J, Rius, J, Del Xino al Raval, Ed. Ajuntament de Barcelona, B-2008
  • Delgado, Manuel (2004). De la ciudad concebida a la ciudad practicada. Archipiélago. Cuadernos de Crítica de la Cultura núm.62.
  • Delgado, Manuel (2010). El idealismo del espacio público. Papeles de relaciones ecosociales y cambio global Nº 111., pp. 113-120.
  • Delgado, Manuel (2002). Etnografía del espacio público. REVISTA de ANTROPOLOGÍA EXPERIMENTAL, número 2.


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Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TE) Theory 1 Catalan/Spanish second semester morning-mixed