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Social Phenomena and a New Age. New Strategies for New Problems and New Policies

Code: 43656 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
4315658 Social Policy and Community Action OB 0


Fernando Pindado Sánchez


Ricard Gomà Carmona
Ismael Ivan Blanco Fillola
(External) Arnau Monterde
(External) Fernando Pindado
(External) Iolanda Bianchi
(External) Quim Brugué
(External) Yanina Welp

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


There are no prerequisites to take this course

Objectives and Contextualisation

The objective of this module is to analyze the evolution and changes that our society is experiencing, paying special attention to those that affect the dynamics of social cohesion. Likewise, it is also about discussing how these transformations - this change of time - affect the content and forms of public policies. Specifically, we will be interested in understanding how this new social reality demands proximity interventions, based on community work and participatory dynamics.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA01 (Competence) Critically justify the responsiveness of social policies and community actions to current social complexity and problems.
  2. CA02 (Competence) Propose innovative solutions to improve the responses that social policies and community actions offer to current social problems, emphasising the micro-community level.
  3. KA01 (Knowledge) Identify concepts and tools to address conflict, guiding it towards the promotion and improvement of social policies and community actions.
  4. KA02 (Knowledge) Describe different theoretical approaches that address conflict and social change, and that allow guiding social policies and community actions.
  5. SA01 (Skill) Determine, within the framework of complexity, conflict and prevailing change, the main current social problems and future challenges, considering specific cases.
  6. SA02 (Skill) Analyse the responses of social policies and community actions to current social problems, identifying progress, difficulties and areas for improvement.


Within the framework of the Social Phenomena and Time Change Module, the following topics will be worked on:

1. Social conflict and social changes, with the objective of presenting and discussing the main dimensions of the change of time, as well as its impacts on the axes of social conflict and on the political sphere.

2. Constituent elements of social policies and historical path, where the formation, content and impact of social policies, the crisis of the Fordist accumulation model (1970s), as well as a paradigm shift? From the State of Protective Welfare (EBP) in the State of Investing Welfare (EBI). Change of objectives, values and instruments.

3. Social conflict and public policies, which will highlight the social transformations implied by the change of era and the effects that this is generating in the public policies that were being configured in the Welfare State. A diagnosis of the main aspects in the process of change will be made, the effects that this produces (in terms of work, family, social structure, exclusion and inequality ...), and the alternatives they are drawing, both from a conservative perspective and from a transformative perspective. Likewise, elements of public policy analysis will be incorporated.

4. Conflict, political empowerment and community action, where we will approach the theories of empowerment for practical application in community actions. We will know the relationship between the processes of empowerment and the processes of political influence and we will reflect on a concrete experience of non-institutional community action.

5. Social networks, where the concept of social networks will be worked on as a tool to strengthen the community and social networks as a common good.

6. Participation and governance in public policies, where we will identify the challenges of social public policies in the context of a new society, analyze possible responses from new forms of governance and social participation and present innovative responses to new problems, as well as responses transversal and participatory before complex problems.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Magisterial classes, debates 30 1.2
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials 15 0.6
Type: Autonomous      
Reading, visualization of audiovisual material 80 3.2

The students, prior to the master classes, receive prior readings and / or audio-visual material. Reading these materials prior to the class together with the contents worked in the session will allow you to ask questions, open the debate and the reflection shared in the development of the classes.
Once the class has finished, students will have readings and / or audiovisual complementaries.
At the end of the module the students will have to present written exercises that address the contents worked.
The students have the spaces in the center where the classes are taught to promote the exchange and shared reflection when doing their jobs.
Prior to the presentation of the work of the students, they will conduct a collective tutoring on the works to be delivered, and another written in writing once these have been evaluated.

The presential classes of this module can be followed live via streaming for students who request it. These students will have the opportunity to ask questions directly or ask for guidance or tutoring after the module coordinator (this tutoring can be done via skype). The follow-up of this streaming module will not exempt the student from presenting the corresponding works, having the same evaluation criteria as the students who follow the classes in person.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Exercises during the course 40% 5 0.2 KA01, KA02, SA01
Written papers final 60% 20 0.8 CA01, CA02, KA01, KA02, SA01, SA02

The evaluation system will consist of a minimum of three evaluation activities, none of which will represent more than 50% of the final grade of the module.

At the end of the module students must submit written exercises that address the contents worked on.

The grade of the work will be determined by the level of coherence in the argumentation of the answers based on: the contents presented in class, the complementary materials (readings / audiovisual) and the debates generated in class.


  • Rosanvallon, P. (2012) La Sociedad de los iguales. (RBA)
  • Bauman, Z. (2016) Modernidad líquida (FCE)
  • Sennett, R. (2012) Juntos. (Anagrama)
  • Adelantado, José, Noguera, José A., y Rambla, Xavier (2000): “El marco de análisis: Las relaciones complejas entre estructura social y políticas sociales”; en J. Adelantado (coord.): Cambios en el Estado del Bienestar. Políticas sociales y desigualdades en España. Barcelona. Icària-UAB. Págs. 23-61.
  • Antón, Antonio (2009): “Debates sobre ideas de la izquierda” en A. Antón: Reestructuración del Estado de bienestar. Madrid. Talasa, Págs. 127-176
  • Adelantado, José (2017): “Reestructuración de los Estados del Bienestar ¿Hacia un cambio de paradigma?”.  Barcelona. Inédito.
  • LAKOFF, Jorge (2007). No pienses en un elefante. Lenguaje y debate político.Madrid: editorial complutense.
  • ALINSKI, SAUL (2012). Tratado para radicales. Manual para revolucionarios pragmáticos. Madrid: Traficantes de sueños.
  • BAQUE, Marie Helene (2016). “El Empoderamiento. Una acción progresiva que ha revolucionado la política y la sociedad”. Gedisa.
  • MORALES, Ernesto (2017). Empoderamiento y transformación de las relaciones de poder. Un análisis crítico de los procesos institucionales de participación ciudadana. Tesis doctoral. Programa de doctorado Políticas públicas y transformación social. Institut de Govern i Polítiques Públiques. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
  • Brugué,Q. (2001) Políticas para la Cohesión Social: Nuevos Contenidos y Nuevas Formas (Working Paper)
  • Brugué,Q., Canal,R. y Paya,P. (2015) “Inteligencia administrativa para abordar problemas malditos”, Gestión y Políticas Públicas, volumen XXIV, nº 1, pp. 85-138.
  • Brugué,Q., Blanco,I. y Boada,J. (2013) “Entornos y motores para la innovación en las políticas públicas”, Revista del CLAD Reforma y Democracia, nº 59, pp. 5-34.


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Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TE) Theory 1 Spanish first semester afternoon