This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Language Skills and Curricular Learning: Research Contributions

Code: 43222 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
4313815 Research in Education OT 0


Julia Llompart Esbert


Roser Canals Cabau

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


Bachelor's degree.

Objectives and Contextualisation


a) Become familiar with differnt research lines,  epistemological traditions and examples of language (fisr, second or foreign) across the curriculum approaches.

b) Carry out a studyof limited scope on oral or written language across the curriculum.

c) Obtain and provide feedback on research decissions made by course takers.


Learning Outcomes

  1. CA71 (Competence) Plan research in accordance with practice-related problems, considering the theoretical advances in the field of knowledge.
  2. CA72 (Competence) Associate the theoretical and empirical aspects of a study in order to establish the conclusions and recommendations.
  3. CA73 (Competence) Act with social and ethical responsibility when assessing research results.
  4. KA72 (Knowledge) Analyse methodological approaches and designs in research on linguistic composition.
  5. KA73 (Knowledge) Identify lines of curricular research.
  6. KA74 (Knowledge) Identify problems and offer solutions for the needs arising from the teaching and learning of language.
  7. SA25 (Skill) Design and carry out field work in school contexts using suitable data collection instruments.
  8. SA58 (Skill) Conduct a comprehensive review of the scientific literature focused on language learning in the curriculum.
  9. SA59 (Skill) Select the design and methodology that is most consistent with the research goals.


  • Language competence and subject-matter learning.  Developing academic discourse-skills in first, second and foreign languages across the curriculum.  
  • Language skills and scientific competence in Social Sciences and Experimental Sciences.
  • Talking to learn content and language in the classroom: Teacher-learner and learner-learner interaction.
  • In-building support in content lessons taught through an additional language.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Master classes 20 0.8
Tutorials 10 0.4
Type: Supervised      
Analysis and collective discussion of articles and documentary sources. 16 0.64
Classroom practices: problem solving / case analysis / research / innovations 12 0.48
Oral presentation 4 0.16
Type: Autonomous      
Analysis of research and innovation projects 42 1.68
Reading of articles and documentary collections 46 1.84

The training activity will be developed from the following dynamics:
• Master classes
• Reading of articles and documentary collections
• Analysis and collective discussion of articles and documentary sources
• Classroom practices: problem solving / cases / exercises
• Oral presentation 
• Tutorials

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Activities during the development of the subject 20% - 30% 0 0 CA71, CA72, CA73, KA72, KA73, KA74
Attendance and participation 10% - 20% 0 0 CA71, CA72, CA73, KA72, KA73, KA74
Report / individual work 40% -50% 0 0 CA71, CA72, SA25, SA58, SA59

The evaluation of the module will be carried out through the activities indicated.
The final grade will be the weighted average of the planned activities. In order to apply this criterion, it will be necessary to obtain a minimum of 40% in all proposed evaluation activities.
Class attendance is mandatory. In order to obtain a positive final evaluation the student must have attended a minimum of 80% of the classes.
The procedure for reviewing the tests will be carried out individually


Angermuller, J, Maingueneau, D., & Wodak, R. (Ed.) (2014). The Discourse studies reader. Main currents in theory and analysis. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins.

Bazerman, C., Little, J., Bethel, L., Chavkin, T, Fouquette, D., & Garufis, J. (2005). Reference guide to writing across the curriculum. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor Press and WAC Clearinghouse.

Benejam, P. (2002). Didáctica y construcción del conocimiento social en la escuela. Pensamiento Educativo. Revista de investigación educacional latinoamericana, 30, 61-74.

Benejam, P. (2014). Com ensenyar? Una resposta basada en les capacitats psicolingüístiques. En Benejam, P. (Ed.) Quina educación volem? (pp. 89-103). Barcelona. Associació de mestres Rosa Sensat.

Camps, A. & Fontich, X. (ed.) (2020). Research and teaching at the intersection Navigating the territory of grammar and writing in the context of metalinguistic activity. Peter Lang,

Canals, R. (2006). L'argumentació en l'aprenentatge del coneixement social. Tesis doctoral no publicada. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Canals, R. (2007). La argumentación en el aprendizaje del conocimiento social. Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales6, 49-60.

Canals, R. (2012). El debate como estrategia didáctica para educar en la participación ciudadana. En N. Alba,, F.Y. García, & A. Santisteban (Eds.), Educar para la participación ciudadana en la enseñanza de las ciencias sociales, Vol. I (pp. 245-254). Sevilla: Asociación Universitaria de Profesorado de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales y Díada Editora.

Canals, R. (2015). El desarrollo del pensamiento social en la formación inicial del profesorado para dar respuesta a problemas invisibles desde el currículo. Paper presented at the XXVI Simposio Internacional de Didàctica de las Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Extremadura, Extremadura, Spain.

Canals, R. (2015). El pensamiento crítico en el aula. Aula de secundaria12, 24-29.

Canet Pladevall, R. & Evnitskaya, N. (2011). Rethink, rewrite, remake or learning to teach science through English. In C. Escobar Urmeneta, N. Evnitskaya, E. Moore, & A. Patiño (Eds.), AICLE -- CLIL -- EMILE. Educació plurilingüe: Experiencias, research & polítiques (pp. 167-177). Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Casas, M., Barceló, B., Bosch, D., Canals, R., Domènech, A., Freixenet, D., González, N., & Oriol, M. (2005). Ensenyar a parlar i a escriure ciències socials. Barcelona: Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat.

Casas, M., Bosch, D., Márquez, C., Noguerol, A., Ramírez, R., Serra, M.T. & Valls, C. (2007). Competències bàsiques per parlar i escriure ciència a l'educació primària. Barcelona: Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat.

Casas, M., Bosch, D., & González-Monfort, N. (2005). Las competencias comunicativas en la formación democrática de los jóvenes: describir, explicar, justificar, interpretar y argumentar. Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales4, 39-52.

Dale, L., & Tanner, R. (2012). CLIL Activities: A Resource for Subject and Language Teachers with CD-ROM. London, UK: MacMillan.

Dalton-Puffer, C. (2007). Discourse in content and language integrated learning. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: JohnBenjamins.

Davies P. (2004). Contributing to citizenship education by improving the quality of students' arguments. Teaching Business and Economics8(1), 26-30.

Dolz, J., & Pasquier, A. (1996). Argumentar para convencer. Gobierno de Navarra: Departamento de Educación y cultura.

Echevarría, J., Vogt, M.E., & Short, D.J.  (2008). Making content comprehensible for English learners: The SIOP® model, 4th Edition. London, UK: Pearson Education.

Escobar Urmeneta, C. (2013). Learning to become a CLIL teacher: Teaching, reflection and professional development. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism,16(3),  pp: 334-353.

Escobar Urmeneta, C., & Evnitskaya, N. (2013). Affording students opportunities for the integrated learning of content and language. A contrastive study on classroom interactional strategies deployed by two CLIL teachers. In J. Arnau (Ed.), Recovering Catalan through school: Challenges and instructional approaches (pp.159-183). Bristol: Multilingual Matters & Institut d'Estudis Catalans.

Escobar Urmeneta, C., & Evnitskaya, N. (2014). 'Do you know Actimel?' The adaptive nature of dialogic teacher-led discussions in the CLIL science classroom: A Case Study. The Language Learning Journal42(2), 165-180.

Escobar Urmeneta, C. (2014). Conversar más y mejor en la clase de inglés. Para aprender mejor y llegar más lejos. Aula de innovación educativa, 237, 12-17.

Escobar Urmeneta, C., & Walsh, S. (forthcoming). Classroom interactional competence in content and language integrated learning. In A. Llinares, & T. Morton (Eds.), Applied Linguistics perspectives on CLIL. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins.

Escobar Urmeneta, C., & Nussbaum, L. (Eds). (2011). Aprendreen una altra llengua /Learning through another language / Aprender en otra lengua. Servei de publicacions de la UAB.

Evnitskaya, N. (2012). ¿Permanecer en silencio supone no participar en la interacción en el aula de segunda lengua?' Paper presented at the XXX AESLA International Conference: Applied Linguistics in the Age of Globalization. Universitat de Lleida, Lleida, Spain.

Evnitskaya, N., & Morton, T. (2011). Knowledge construction, meaning-making and interaction in CLIL science classroom communities of practice. Language and Education, 25(2), 109-127.

Fontich, X. (2021). Consideraciones sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la gramática de la primera lengua en la escuela. RILCE: Revista de Filología Hispánica, 37(2), 567-589,

Fortanet, I. (Ed.) (2013). CLIL in higher education: towards a multilingual language policy. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Gajo, L. (2007). Linguistic knowledge and subject knowledge: How Does Bilingualism Contribute to Subject Development? The International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 10(5), 563-581.

Hall, J.K., Hellermann, J., & Pekarek Doehler, S. (Eds.) (2011). L2 Interactional Competence and Development. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Hess, D. (2008). Controversial issues and democratic discourse. In L.S. Levstik, & C.A. Tyson (Eds.), Handbook of research in social studies education (pp. 124-136 ). New York, NY/London, UK: Routledge.

Jorba, J., Gómez, I., & Prat, A. (Eds.) (1998). Parlar i escriure per aprendre. Barcelona: ICE de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Lasagabaster, D., & Doiz, A. (Eds.) (2016). CLIL experiences in secondary and tertiary education: In search of good practices. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.

Lattimer, H. (2010). Reading for learning: Using discipline-based texts to build content knowledge. Urbana, IL: NCTE

Lemke, J. (1997). Aprender a hablar ciencia. Temas de educación. Barcelona: Paidós.

Lightbown, P. M., & Spada, N. (2013). How languages are learned (4th edition). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Lightbown, Patsy M. (2014). Focus on content based language teaching. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Llinares, A., Morton, T., & Whittaker, R. (2012). The role of language in CLIL. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Llinares, A. and Morton, T. (2016, forthcoming). Applied Linguistics Perspectives on CLIL. Amsterdam (Holland): John Benjamins.

Macaro, E (2013). Language Learning: research, policy and practice. London: Routledge.

Macaya, A., & Santisteban, A. (2001). Orígenes y cualidades de la argumentación: Una investigación desde la formación inicial. In F.J. Perales (Ed.), Las Didácticas de las Áreas Curriculares en el siglo XXI (pp. 1727-1741). Granada: Grupo Editorial Universitario.

Márquez, C.,  Izquierdo, M., & Espinet, M. (2006) Multimodal science teachers' discourse in modelling the water cycle. Science Education90(2), 202-226. [DOI: 10.1002/sce.20100].

Mattozzi, I. (2004). Enseñar a escribir sobre la historia. Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales, 3,41-46.

Mercer, N. (1995). The guided construction of knowledge. Clevedon, Avon: Multilingual Matters. Versión en español: La construcción guiada del conocimiento. Barcelona: Paidós, (1997).

Mercer, N., & K. Littleton (2007). Dialogue and the development of children's thinking. London, UK: Routledge.

Mohan, B.A. (1986). Language and content. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley.

Moore, E., Nussbaum, L., & Borràs, E. (2012) Plurilingual teaching and learning practices in 'internationalised' university lectures. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 16, 471-493.

Mortimer, E.F., & Scott, P.H. (2003). Meaning making in secondary science classrooms. Philadelphia, PA: Open University Press.

Moschkovich, J. (Ed.) (2010). Language and mathematics education: Multiple perspectives and directions for research. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Muñoz, C. (2012) Intensive exposure experiences in second language learning Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Oliver, R., & Philp, J. (2014). Focus on Oral Interaction. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Oliveras, B.; Márquez, C.; Sanmartí, N. (2013). The use of newspaper articles as a tool to develop critical thinking in sceince classes. International Journal of Science Education, 35 (6), 885-905.

Pallotti, G. & Wagner, J. (Eds.). (2011). L2 Learning as Social Practice: Conversation-Analytic perspectives. National Foreign Language Resource Center. Honolulu, HI: University of Havai'i at Manoa.

Plá, S. (2005). Aprender a pensar históricamente. La escritura de la historia en el bachillerato. México: Plaza y Valdés.

Planas, N. (2012). Heteroglossia and "orchestration" in multilingual mathematics classrooms.  A H. Forgasz & F. Rivera (Eds.), /Advances in mathematics education. Toward equity: gender, culture, and diversity /(pp. 333-343). Nova York: Springer.

Planas, N., & Civil, M. (2013). Language-as-resource and language-as-political: Tensions in the bilingual mathematicsclassroom. Mathematics Education Research Journal25(1), 3-26.

Roca, M.; Márquez, C.; Sanmartí, N. (2013). Las preguntas de los alumnos:Una propuesta de análisis.  Enseñanza de las Ciencias, 31, 1, 95-114 [ISNN: 0212-4521]

Scott, P., & Ametller, J. (2007). Teaching science in a meaningful way: striking a balance between opening up and closing down classroom talk. School Science Review88(324), 77-83.

Seedhouse, P., Walsh, S., & Jenks, C. (Eds.) (2010). Conceptualising 'Learning' in Applied Linguistics. Baskingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Snow, M., Met, M., & Genesee, F. (1992). A Conceptual framework for the integration of language and content instruction. In P.A. Richard-Amato, & M.A. Snow (Eds.), The Multicultural Classroom: Readings for content-area teachers (pp. 27-38). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Reprinted.

Szende, T. (2016). The Foreign Language Appropriation Conundrum: Micro Realities & Macro Dynamics. Bruxelles: P.I.E. Peter Lang.

V.V.A.A. (2001). La construcción del conocimiento social y el lenguaje: el discurso social en el aula. Revista Iber28, 57-68.

Vogt, M.E., & Echevarría, J. (2011). Response to intervention (RTI) and English learners: Making it happen.London, UK: Pearson Education.

Walsh, S. (2006). Investigating Classroom Discourse. London, UK: Routledge.

Wilkinson, R., & Walsh, M. L. (2015). Integrating content and language inhigher education: From theory to practice. Maastricht, The Netherlands: Peter Lang

Woore, R, Macaro, E, Graham, S (2015).  Improving foreign language teaching: Towards a research-based curriculum and pedagogy. Abingdon: Routledge.


The software to be used will basically be word processors and presentation programs as well as document repositories.


Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.