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Processes 3. Training, Development and Performance

Code: 43168 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
4313788 Management of Human Resources in Organizations OB 0


Miriam Diez Piñol


(External) Joan A. Vélez

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


There are no prerequisites.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The module aims for students to be able to analyze and execute processes aimed at empowering and taking advantage of people's resources (training, development and performance evaluation), from an approach similar to talent management.
Some useful ICT tools in the management of these processes will be studied so that the student body can discuss their implications.
Key skills such as oral and written communication will be worked on.


  • Design operational plans (for training, induction, etc.) in simulated contexts.
  • Evaluate specific operational plans and programmes for human resources in order to introduce improvements.
  • Identify indicators that help to develop the potential of the individuals that make up an organisation, collectively and individually.
  • Present proposals, reports and results effectively to different types of interlocutor.
  • Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Assess different models for evaluating performance on the basis of the resources's, conditions and possible benefits they might provide.
  2. Design performance review systems using criteria that fit the particular organisation concerned.
  3. Draw up the protocol for identifying staff development needs that fit the characteristics of a given organisation.
  4. Produce a clear, viable training plan to meet the needs of an organisation.
  5. Produce texts on training plans that are written in such a way as to facilitate their application, monitoring and evaluation.


  1. Introduction: Development of Human Resources
    1. Key concepts: career, potential, talent and performance
    2. Planning a career or development planning
    3. Identifying needs in the organisation, groups and individuals
    4. Protocols for identifying development needs
  2. Evaluating potential
    1. Developing potential in organisations
    2. Objectives and indicators
    3. Methods and techniques for developing potential
    4. Talent management
  3. Performance evaluation
    1. Concepts and objectives
    2. Criteria and performance management systems
    3. Evaluating the results
    4. Design and implementation of an evaluation system. Current trends. 
  4. Diagnosis of training needs
    1. Importance and need for training in organisations 
    2. Studies to identify training needs. Objectives and process
    3. Models and methods for identifying needs 
    4. Evaluation, diagnosis and prioritisation of the training needs
  5. Training management and evaluation
    1. Planning and design of training plans
    2. Implementation of plans and training activities
    3. Evaluating the results. Criteria, types and methods of evaluation.
    4. Current trends. Key factors for training to be effective

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Cases analysis and resolution 14 0.56 2, 3, 4
Group practices 8 0.32 2, 3
Works presentation 8 0.32 1, 2, 4, 5
Type: Supervised      
Mentoring 10 0.4 4
Virtual supervision of projects and activities 40 1.6 2, 3, 4, 5
Type: Autonomous      
Bibliographic information search 10 0.4 1
Study and assimilation of contents and concepts 30 1.2 1, 3, 5
Text reading and analysis 30 1.2 1

Practical activities will be carried out in the classroom along with a review of technical documentation.

Solving problems / cases / exercises in small groups and pooling of conclusions with the whole group. 

Solving problems / cases / exercises through activities in the virtual classroom.

Preparation of written work, presentations or reflections.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Assignment 1: Process of evaluating potential 30% 0 0 3
Assignment 2: Development of a performance evaluation system 30% 0 0 1, 2
Assignment 3.1: Development of a training plan - group 20% 0 0 3, 4, 5
Assignment 3.2: Development of an individual training plan - individual 20% 0 0 3, 4, 5

The evaluation of the module is done on the basis of foyr assignments: 

Assignment 1: Consists of a practical evaluation of potential process through a group project which will be presented in class defending and arguing the process to the rest of the class (30% of the mark). 

Assignment 2: Consists of the practical development of a performance evaluation system, designing the evaluation system best suited for a particular organisation, through a practical case study (30% of the mark). 

Assignment 3.1: Consists of preparing a training plan for an organisation as a group, carrying out a study and diagnosis of training needs, the training process and the evaluation of the results. It includes a presentation to be given in the class (20% of the mark). Grupal work.

Assignment 3.2: Consists of preparing a training plan for an organisation as a group, carrying out a study and diagnosis of training needs, the training process and the evaluation of the results. It includes a presentation to be given in the class (20% of the mark). Individual work.


Unique assessment

 Article 265. Avaluació única

2. La sol·licitud d’avaluació única suposa la renúncia a l’avaluació continuada, i implica el lliurament en una única data del nombre necessari d’evidències avaluadores per acreditar i garantir la consecució dels objectius i els resultats d’aprenentatge establerts en l’assignatura.

The single evaluation does not imply non-attendance to the face-to-face sessions. During the face-to-face sessions, activities that are necessary to satisfactorily complete the evaluation evidences can be carried out.

Students who choose the single evaluation option will present, once the module is finished, the same evidences foreseen for the continuous evaluation modality.

The same resit system as the continuous assessment will be applied.


Students who fail to reach the established criteria to pass the module and those who have been evaluated in a set of activities with a weighting of two-thirds of the total score for the module may retake it. 

The minimum mark to retake the module is 3.5. 


Evaluation Guidelines of theFaculty of Psychology: https://www.uab.cat/doc/DOC_PautesAvaluacio_FP_23-24


Alles, Marta Alicia. (2002) Desempeño por Competencias. Evaluación de 360ª. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Granica.

Beebe, S. A. (2004). Training and development: enhancing communication and leadershsip skills. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. 

Carrizosa, S. (2010, junio 13). Revolución en la gestión del talento. El País. Recuperado a partir de http://elpais.com/diario/2010/06/13/negocio/1276436848_850215.html

Crawford, Curtis (2007, junio 16). Planning for CEO Succession. Human Resource Executive Online,  Recuperado a partir de http://www.hreonline.com/HRE/view/story.jhtml?id=15297678 

Cummings, L. y Schwab, D. (1985). Recursos Humanos. Desempeño y evaluación. México: Trillas.

Davis, T.(2007). Talent assessment: a new strategy for talent management. Farnham: Ashgate Pub.

Drake J. (1997). Performance appraisal. Menlo Park, CA: Thomson Crisp Learning.

Fisher, S. (2004). La gestión de la formación y el rendimiento en el puesto de trabajo. Madrid: Ed. Universitaria R. Areces.

Gan, F. y Trigine, J. (2006). Manual de instrumentos de gestión y desarrollo de las personas en organizaciones. Madrid: Díaz de Santos.

Goula, Jordi (2010, febreo 7). “¡Juegue siempre con sus piezas bien posicionadas!”. La Vanguardia, Recuperado a partir de http://hemeroteca-paginas.lavanguardia.com/LVE05/PUB/2010/02/07/LVG201002070166EB.pdf

Grote, D. (2002). The performance appraisal question and answer book: a survival guide for managers. New York: American Management Association.

Grupo Harper & Lynch España (1992). Planes de carrera y sucesión enla empresa. Madrid: Grupo Negocios de Ediciones y Publicaciones SL.

Kirkpatric, D.L (2007): Evaluación de acciones formativas: los cuatro niveles. Colección Formación y Desarrollo. Barcelona: Epise. Ed. Gestión 2000.

López Camps, Jordi (2005). Planificar la Formación con calidad. Madrid: Ed. Wolters Kluwer Educación.

Luecke, R. (2007). Gestión del Desempeño. Barcelona: Harvard Bussines School .

Maddux, R. (2000). Effective performance appraisals (4ª ed.). Menlo Park, CA: Thomson Crisp Learning.

Mager, R. F. (2005). Evaluar el resultado de la formación: cómo saber si ha conseguido los objetivos. Barcelona. Ed. Gestión 2000.

Martindale, N. (2008, febrero 4). La gestión del Talento en Coca-Cola: efervescéncia interna. Recuperado a partir de https://factorhuma.org/es/?option=com_content&view=article&id=1954&catid=4&Itemid=11&lan%2520g=ca

McNulty, Eric J. (2006, marzo 26).  ¿Qué sabemos de los directivos?. El País, Recuperado a partir de https://elpais.com/diario/2006/03/26/negocio/1143384455_850215.html

Pereda, S. y Berrocal, F. (2012). Gestión de la Formación en las Organizaciones. Madrid: Síntesis.

Pineda, P. (2002).Gestión de la Formación en las Organizaciones. Barcelona: Ariel Educación.

Planes de sucesión. (2008, abril 1).. [Fundació Factor Humà], Recuperado a partir de www.factorhuma.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=8284

Pozo, P. (2010). Formación de formadores. Madrid: Pirámide.

Quijano, S. de. (1997). Sistemas efectivos de evaluación del rendimiento. Barcelona: EUB.

Reina, A. (2005). Gestión de la formación en la empresa. Madrid: Pirámide.

Rodríguez Moreno, ML. (2006). Evaluación, Balance y Formación de Competencias laborales. Barcelona: Laertes.

Rodríguez Román, M. (2006). Gestión de la Formación: La importancia de la Formación en el ámbito Empresarial actual. Vigo: Ed. Ideas propias.

VV.AA.(2005). El Plan de formación en la empresa: guía práctica para su elaboración y desarrollo. Madrid: Ed. Fundación Confemetal.





Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 Spanish second semester afternoon