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Artistic Heritage: Paths for Study and Techniques for Analysis

Code: 43006 ECTS Credits: 12
Degree Type Year
4313768 Analysis and Management of the Artistic Heritage OB 0


Carles Sánchez Marquez


Daniel Rico Camps
Maria Garganté Llanes
Manuel Antonio Castiñeiras Gonzalez
Carles Sánchez Marquez

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


There are no prerequisites.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The program of Module 1 has a research character and constitutes the first pillar of the course in terms of initiation to research. The module is articulated around 4 seminars focused on 4 study themes: 1. Rethinking artistic heritage. New perspectives. 2. Dispersed medieval ensembles and medieval heritage in conflict. 3. Uncomfortable heritages. Heritage and tourism. 
This module will provide an approach to the principles, conditions and methods of scientific research, as well as its development and application to various fields of cultural heritage (dispersed heritage, uncomfortable heritages, heritage and tourism). The aim of the seminars is to bring the student closer to the process of "manufacturing" research in artistic matters; its phases, methodologies, sources and techniques are examined, as well as the diversity of points of view that come into play or need to be taken into account in a research process.


  • Define, plan and carry out a research project in the field of art history and artistic heritage that is critical, original and in line with current scientific practice.
  • Discriminate between important research and dissemination of culture.
  • Honestly and realistically evaluate the rigorousness of one's own work.
  • Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  • Organise time and resources to conduct research projects: setting goals, timing and tasks to be completed.
  • Reconstruct and critically analyse the positions of the principal current researchers into the artistic heritage, using their characteristic categorisations and vocabulary.
  • Solve problems in new or little-known situations within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study.
  • Systematically assimilate and synthesise the information that is of the greatest importance for research and professional practice.
  • Understand the analysis methods used in research into the artistic heritage, and art theory and history.
  • Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Conduct a research project that is well-grounded and well-planned.
  2. Differentiate between the analysis methods used by art historians to study and interpret the artistic heritage: formal, stylistic, iconographic and comparative.
  3. Discriminate between important research and dissemination of culture.
  4. Honestly and realistically evaluate the rigorousness of one's own work.
  5. Identify the major methodologies needed to carry out a research project: one's own and others.
  6. Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  7. Interpret works of art holistically.
  8. Know the disciplines and analysis methods within artistic heritage interpretation: palaeography, epigraphy, archaeometry and the different analyses used by restorers.
  9. Know the types of argument and the methods used by other researchers to present their results and use this knowledge to guide one's own research.
  10. Organise time and resources to conduct research projects: setting goals, timing and tasks to be completed.
  11. Solve problems in new or little-known situations within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study.
  12. Systematically assimilate and synthesise the information that is of the greatest importance for research and professional practice.
  13. Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.


Seminar 1. Rethinking artistic heritage. New perspectives

Professor: Carlos Sánchez Márquez

The valuation and symbolic perception of artistic heritage has undergone variations and changes from the end of the 19th century to the present day. Art has undergone a constant process of symbolic appropriation of a given manifestation in terms of identity. Heritage is linked to memory, identity and a sense of belonging, but it is also a means of social cohesion, citizen participation and enculturation and, at the same time, a tourist resource. The seminar aims to rethink the new uses of cultural heritage, as well as its mechanisms of social construction as a symbolic system and its relationship with heritage and collective memory.

This seminar will provide an approach to the principles, conditions and methods of scientific research, as well as its development and application to various fields of cultural heritage (dispersed heritage, uncomfortable heritages, heritage and tourism). A critical approach will also be made to information and communication technologies (ICT), as tools that facilitate new opportunities in the field of Cultural Heritage, ranging from the use of networks to all kinds of new applications and contents that facilitate research.

1.1. Old and new uses of cultural heritage: political, economic, identitary, therapeutic and social.

1.2. Heritage, health and well-being

1.3. Heritage, didactics and digital culture. New forms of communication of heritage

1.4. Research in the field of cultural heritage.


Seminar 2. "Dispersed" Medieval Ensembles and Medieval Heritage in Conflict

Prof. Manuel Castiñeiras

This seminar aims to deepen new aspects related to the study of medieval heritage from a diachronic and contemporary perspective. Firstly, it will deal with the casuistry of "dispersed" medieval ensembles, the origin of this "dispersion" andthe problems it generates at the time of research, as well as the added values that have turned these monuments into an object of interest, debate or conflict. Secondly, within the framework of the World Heritage declarations promoted by UNESCO, the transformations that long-lasting heritage sites have undergone and the new challenges and criteria that must be faced if they are to be renewed (sustainability, massification, multiculturalism, ecology, landscape, etc.) will be analyzed. Thirdly, we will study the difficult assembly of emblematic buildings, of great symbolic, identity and religious load, in the current concept of "heritage" and the conflicts that they generate at present.

1.Research on dispersed ensembles: method, sources, diachrony and limitations.

1.1. The doorway of Sant Pere de Rodes and the Master of Cabestany: creation, abandonment and dispersion.

1.2. The Chapter House of Santa María de Sijena: creation, transformations and conflict.

Seminar with guest:

Térence Le Deschault de Monredon, Conseiller pour le patrimoine de la commune de Theys, "Le chatel de Theys/The Castle of Theys: recovery and dynamization of a monument of medieval chivalric culture".

2. The UNESCO world heritage under review: 

2.1. The Way of St. James in the face of the new criteria of conservation and revalorization

2.2. The Ribeira Sacra, the monastic landscape and water 2.2. 

Seminar with guest:

Mario Crecente Maseda (University of La Coruña) (architect and professor of Tourism), "The candidacy of the Ribeira Sacra to UNESCO World Heritage".

3. The appropriation of the past and collective identity: Hagia Sophia (Istanbul) and the Dome of the Rock (Jerusalem).


Seminar 3. Unconfortable heritage.

Professor: Daniel Rico Camps

The "vandalism rage" that spread to the United States following the death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020 is, perhaps, the most extreme and recent iconoclastic episode of the "memory wars" that have been waged from one end of the world to the other since the 90's of the 20th century. Why are statues being smashed? What are the monuments of discord? And what are their meaning and "authority" in the public space of modern democracies? These are some of the questions that this seminar will attempt to answer by examining a range of national and international cases, especially the legacy of the totalitarianisms of the 20th century and the "uncomfortable" heritages linked to slavery and colonization.

1. Iconoclasm" and "vandalism" today, all over the world.

2. Monuments or historical monuments? The deconsumentalization of uncomfortable heritage.

3. Fascist and communist heritages.

4. The statues of slavery and colonization

5. Memory, heritage and democracy


Seminar 4. Heritage and tourism: a necessary relationship?

Professor: Maria Garganté

The main objective of these sessions is to study the relationship between cultural heritage and tourism, both from a historical point of view and from a critical analysis that can address its problematic aspects.

Thus, from the monumental guides of Rome for pilgrims or the elite trips of the Grand Tour, we will see how the typification of generalized tourist travel evolves from the nineteenth century to the emergence of mass tourism and how the notion of "cultural tourism" appears at the end of the twentieth century.

We will analyze different ways of managing cultural heritage for its tourist use -presentation, representation, interpretation...-, as well as the evolution of the concept itself according to the tourist interest it arouses.

1. Heritage and tourism throughout history: limits and ambiguities. Historicism, recreations, universal exhibitions and theme parks. The "immersive" exhibitions.

2.Art as a tourist pretext: objective or complement of the trip? Types of artistic tourism (in search of the artist, the museum as a tourist product, performing arts tourism, musical, cinematographic and audiovisual products).

3. The tourist management of the religious heritage.

4. Cultural heritage and dark tourism and the tourist management of intangible heritage: festivals and memory.


Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Conferences and visits to artistic sites 16 0.64 6, 7, 9, 11, 13

Theoretical lessons in the classroom, conferences and visits to heritage sites and museums. Participation of the students in class will be valued.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Research and writing of an academic article on a topic related to the topics to be discussed in the seminars. 60% 176 7.04 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Attendance at complementary activities (conferences and visits) 20 % 60 2.4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Class attendance and active participation 20% 48 1.92 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

  • Attendance and active participation in seminars: 20%.
  • Attendance to the complementary activities of the module: 20%. (I Jornada Patrimonios Incómodos: ¿Cómo (y por qué) conservar los monumentos de la victoria franquista?, UAB, October 2024; Jornada El patrimonio disperso, Terrassa, November 2024; visits and other activities proposed by the faculty).
  • Research and writing of an academic article on a topic related to the concepts to be discussed in the seminars: 60%.

Second chance examination

The student could submit a second chance examination of the papers with a rating inferior to 5, with the exception of the oral presentation.

The Student will be rated as ‘Not assessable’ if he/she has not delivered more than 30 % of the evaluation work.

In case of plagirarism

In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities of the same subject, the student will be given a zero as the final grade for this subject.



Acquarelli, L. et al. (ed.), Le fascisme italien au prisme des arts contemporains. Réinterprétations, remontages, déconstructions, Rennes, 2021.

Albanese, G., i Ceci, L., I luoghi del fascismo. Memoria, política, rimozione, Roma, 2022.

Álvarez Junco, J., Qué hacer con un pasado sucio, Barcelona, 2022.

Aymerich, Ramon, La fàbrica de turistes. El país que va canviar la indústria pel turisme. Edit. Pòrtic, 2021.

Barrachina, J., “Las portadas de la iglesia de San Pere de Rodes”, Locus Amoenus, 4 (1998-1999), pp. 7-35.

Bartolomé Roviras, L., Presència i context del Mestre del timpà de Cabestany. La formació de la traditio classica d’un taller d’escultura meridional (ca. 1160-1200), 2 volums, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Geografia i Història, 2010 [tesi doctoral inèdita]

Bevan, R., Mentiras monumentales. La guerra cultural sobre el pasado, Valencia, 2023.

Bravo, P., Exceso de equipaje. Por qué el turismo es un gran invento hasta que deja de serlo. Editorial Debate, 2018.

Calle Vaquero, M. de la, La ciudad histórica como destino turístico, Ariel, 2002.

Castiñeiras, M., Camps, J., Mestre de Cabestany. Espurnes de marbre, Artur Ramon Art, Barcelona, 2023.

Castiñeiras, M., “Una nova peça del Mestre de Cabestany: el titulus crucis de la portada de Sant Pere de Rodes”, Locus Amoenus 21 (2023), pp. 7-22.

Cox, K. L., No Common Ground, Confederate Monuments and the Ongoing Fight for Racial Justice, Chapel Hill, 2021.

Del Arco, M. Á., Cruces de memoria y de olvido. Los monumentos a los caídos de la guerra civil española (1936-2021), Barcelona, 2022.

Diversos autors, A Future for the Land: Cultural Landscapes, Rural Management and Geographical Information System, Expert Workshop , Ribeira Sacra, 8t-9th November, s.l, 2019.

Diversos autors, Santa Sofia y San Salvador de Cora: el legado bizantino en peligro (número monográfico del Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Bizantinística, 36, 2020)

Diversos autors, La col·lecció somiada. Escultura medieval a les col·leccions catalanes, (Quaderns del Museu Frederic Marès. Exposicions, 7), Barcelona, 2002 [catàleg d’exposició].

Diversos autors, La fortuna d’unes obres. Sant Pere de Rodes, del monestir al museu, Barcelona, 2006, p. 113-142. (Quaderns del Museu Frederic Marès. Exposicions, 12)

Le Deschault de Monredon, “La conservation des œuvres médiévales du monastère de Sijena : un sujet de conflit entre l’Aragon et la Catalogne”, dans La restitution des biens culturels, Actes du colloque d’Alésia des 14 et 15 nov. 2019, publication en ligne sur https://conservat-preventive.wixsite.com/ifcp

Gamboni, D., La destrucción del arte. Iconoclasia y vandalismo desde la Revolución Francesa, Madrid, 2014.

Gensburger, S., Wüstenberg, J., Dé-commémoration. Quand le monde déboulonne des statues et renomme des rues, Paris, 2023.

Gilzmer, M., Mémoires de pierre. Les monuments commémoratifs en France après 1944, Paris, 2009.

Harper, D., y Mattioli, F., I simboli del fascismo nella Roma del XX secolo. Cronache di un oblio, Roma, 2014.

Hernández Gutiérrez, S., Turismo y Patrimonio cultural, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2012.

Jones, B., Pilat, S., The Routledge Companion to Italian Fascist Architecture. Reception and Legacy, Abingdon, 2020.

Juliá, S., Elogio de la Historia en tiempos de Memoria, Madrid, 2011.

Lalouette, J., Les statues de la discorde, Paris, 2021.

Lowe, K., Prisioneros de la historia. Monumentos y Segunda Guerra Mundial, Barcelona, 2020.

Mainstone, R. J., Hagia Sophia. Architecture, Structure and Liturgy of Justinian’s Great Church, Londres 1988.

Mas, A., Gudiol, J. Soler, R., Compairé, J. Luesma, Real Monasterio de Sigena. Fotografías 1890-1936, ed. F. Biarge (Huesca 1997)

Mate, R., La herencia del olvido. Ensayos en torno a la razón compasiva, Madrid, 2008.

Menjón Ruiz, M., Salvamento y expolio. Las pinturas murales del monasterio de Sijena en el siglo XX, Zaragoza, 2017.

Neiman, S., Learning from the Germans. Confronting Race and the Memory of Evil, Penguin, 2019.

Núñez Seixas, X. M., Guaridas del lobo. Memorias de la Europa autoritaria, 1945-2020, Barcelona, 2021.

Naya, J., Castiñeiras, M., “Like a Psalter for a Queen: Sancha, Melisende and the New Testament Cycle in the Chapter-House at Sijena”, Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 174 (2021), pp. 1-42.

Offenstadt, N., Le pays disparu. Sur les traces de la RDA, Paris, 2018.

Palou Rubio, S., “Dinámicas centrífugas del turismo en Barcelona: Gaudí como objeto icónico”. Revista Patrimonio: Economía Cultural y Educación para la Paz Mec-Edupaz, 17 (2020), pp. 6-35.

Palou Rubio, S., “Los inicios del fomento turístico institucional en Barcelona: agentes, actuaciones, narrativas e imágenes en la obra de la Comisión de Atracción de Forasteros y Turistas (1906-1909)”, Investigaciones históricas. Época moderna y contemporánea, 43 (2023), pp. 699-726.

Parola, L., Giú i monumenti?, Torino, 2022.

Pulido, Juan I., Turismo cultural, Editorial Síntesis, 2013.

Riaño, P. H., Decapitados. Una historia contra los monumentos a racistas, esclavistas e invasores, Barcelona, 2021.

Rico, D., ¿Quién teme a Francisco Franco? Memoria, patrimonio, democracia, Barcelona, 2024.

Robin, R., Berlin chantiers. Essai sur les passés fragiles, Paris, 2001.

Rousso, H., Face au passé. Essais sur la mémoire contemporaine, Paris, 2016.

Tenorio Trillo, M., La historia en ruinas. El culto a los monumentos y a su destrucción, Madrid, 2023.

Todorov, T., Los abusos de la memoria (1995), Barcelona, 2000.

Traverso, E., El pasado, instrucciones de uso, Buenos Aires, 2018.

Settis, S., Si Venecia muere, Madrid: Turner Noema, 2020.

Singul, F., El Camino que vence al tiempo. La peregrinación a Compostela, Europa Ediciones, 2020.

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Widrich, M., Performative Monuments. The Rematerialisation of Public Art, Manchester y New York, 2014.

Young, J. E., The Texture of Memory. Holocaust Memorials and Meaning, Yale, 1993.



Nothing in particular

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 Catalan first semester afternoon