This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Psychopedagogy in Organisations

Code: 42979 ECTS Credits: 10
Degree Type Year
4313754 Psychopedagogy OT 0


Pilar Pineda Herrero


Pilar Pineda Herrero

Teaching groups languages

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There are not special requirements to attend this course once you have accessed the Master. 

Objectives and Contextualisation

The Psychopedagogy in Organizations Course has some e basic characteristics that define its design:

  1. Is an optional course.
  2. It focuses on the internal or institutional perspective of educational and labour organizations, thus it is essential to have an elementary knowledge of the structure, objectives, dynamics and relationships established in educational institutions and organizations; since these subjects will be developed around organizational elements of the content and strategies.

The main objectives are:

-To develope competences to describe, implement and innovate programs, educational psychology units and services in educational institutions and organizations.

- To acquire skills in managing people, projects and psychological care resources.


Learning Outcomes

  1. CA17 (Competence) Implement and evaluate diagnostic, assessment, guidance and counselling programmes to optimise the teaching-learning processes.
  2. CA18 (Competence) Design actions that allow for the dynamisation of socio-educational teams in educational and work institutions, attending to the different individual and group educational needs identified through psycho-pedagogical assessment and diagnosis.
  3. CA19 (Competence) Establish guidelines in the management and development of the work of the teaching teams of the socio-educational and work centres of infant and primary education in order to provide a coordinated and effective response from a psychopedagogical point of view.
  4. KA14 (Knowledge) Describe the conceptual basis of the structure, aims, dynamics and relationships that are established in educational institutions and organisations.
  5. KA15 (Knowledge) Critically interpret the principles, values and procedures that govern the practice of psychopedagogy in organisations.
  6. SA25 (Skill) Analyse the organisational development of socio-educational and work centres, evaluating their structure, aims, dynamics and relationships.
  7. SA26 (Skill) Plan guidance and psychopedagogical counselling programmes/services that allow for an optimisation of the teaching-learning processes.
  8. SA27 (Skill) Design proposals that encourage collaborative work between professionals in socio-educational and employment centres.


Teaching in catalan and spanish

The contents are intended to provide a holistic perspective of the subject. For this reason, the table of contents is organized following a spiral sequence instead of a linear sequence.

The course’s topics are as follows, although they will be not always covered in the same order:

  1. Organizations linked to innovation and quality.
  2. Organizations and human resources nowadays
  3. Departments of human resources and psychology: organization and management.
  4. Human resources policies and the role of the Psychopedagogical professional in organizations: management by competencies, selection, reception and professional evaluation.
  5. Human resources policies and professional development: dual and continuous training, human resources development and career planning.
  6. Stages of organizational development.
  7. Design and development of programs and services oriented to change in organizations. Education commissions and training departments.
  8. Design and develop programs and services for individuals. Tutorial action plans.
  9. Networks and cooperative organizations.
  10. The role of the Psychopedagogical professional in organizations.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Case study and good practices presentation 10 0.4 CA19, SA26, SA27
Discussion of texts and audiovisual materials 10 0.4 KA15, SA25
Guest speaker's conferences (if applicable) 10 0.4 KA15, SA25
Introduction and content presentation 30 1.2 CA19, KA14
Type: Supervised      
Case study and good practices solving 40 1.6 CA17, CA18, CA19, SA25, SA27
Literature review 15 0.6 KA15, SA25
Literature review and written assignments 10 0.4 KA14, KA15, SA25
Type: Autonomous      
Case solving 75 3 CA18, CA19, KA14, KA15, SA25, SA27
Formal learning activities 25 1 CA17, KA14, SA26, SA27
Literature review 25 1 KA15, SA25

'Psychopedagogy in organizations' course combines several methodological strategies. On one hand, lecture sessions are planned and students are expected to participate in and lead class discussions.

On the other hand, required and recommended readings for each course topic will be provided. Several case studies will be analysed as a part of course assessment, either with a real case on human resources policy or with a case study focused on Psychopedagogical professional in organizations. 

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Attendance 5% 0 0 CA17, CA18, CA19, KA15, SA25
Case study on a human resources policy 45% 0 0 CA18, SA25
Development of an intervention project 25% 0 0 CA17, CA19, KA15, SA25, SA26, SA27
Portfolio 20% 0 0 CA17, CA18, CA19, KA14, KA15, SA25, SA26, SA27
Self-assessment 5% 0 0 KA15

To pass the Module you will need:

Continuous assessment:

  • Elaboration of a learning portfolio (20%). This is a self-assessment report that includes a synthesis and assessment of the different classroom sessions conducted by Professor Antonio Pérez, the readings done, class attendance and participation in the scheduled tasks and activities, the use and content of the individual and group tutorials, etc. The competences attained, the learning achieved and an assessment of the usefulness and professionalisation of the module must be evidenced. Portfolio with the analysis of two compulsory readings (individual work) to be handed in (3+3=6 pages), the report of your class sessions (individual work; 12 pages).
  • Elaboration and oral defence of an intervention project (25%). Defended on May 7th.
  • Individual theoretical-practical test - written and oral (45%) on May 7th.

Students who do not present any of the evidences specified above will be graded as 'Not Presented'.

The recovery of the continuous assessment: will be on May 28th.

Single assessment: consists of the elaboration of a learning portfolio (25%), the elaboration and oral defence of an intervention project (25%) and an individual theoretical-practical test - written and oral (50%). These three activities will take place on 8 May. The same recovery system will be applied as for the continuous assessment: the activities will be done on May 28th.


  • Alles, M. (2008). Desarrollo del talento humano basado en competencias. Granica.
  • Álvarez, V., i Lázaro, A. (2002). Calidad de las Universidades y Orientación Universitaria. Aljibe.
  • Bernal, A. (Coord.) (2019) Formación continua. Síntesis.
  • Bolívar, A., Segovia, J. D., Escudero, J. M., García, J., i González, M. T. (2008). El centro como contexto de intervención. En Gairín, J. (Coord.). Curso de Asesoría pedagógica, Módulo I. Centro Nacional de Información y Capacitación pedagógica. 
  •  Brown, D. & Harvey, D. (2006). Changing the culture. En D. Brown & D. Harvey (Coord) An Experimental Approach to Organizational Development (pp. 67- 94). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Champoux, J. (2011). Organizational Culture. En J. Champoux (Ed) Organizational Behavior: Integrating individuals, groups, and organizations. (pp 72-99). New York: Taylor & Francis.
  • Cornejo, J. M. (2006). El análisis de las interacciones grupales: las aplicaciones SOCIOS, Anuario de Psicología, 37(3), 277- 297.
  • Cornejo, J.M. (1997). Metodología de la investigación grupal. En M.P. González (Ed.), Psicología de los Grupos. Teoría y Aplicación (pp. 45-102). Madrid. Síntesis Psicología.
  • Cummings, T. G., & Worley, C. G. (2014). Organization development and change. Cengage learning.
  • Draft, R. L. (2008). Teoría y Diseño Organizacional. México: Cengage Learning Gibson, J. L., Ivancevich, J.M. Donnelly, J. H., y Konopaske, R. (2009). Organizations: Behavior, Structure, Processes. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Gairín, J. (2000). Cambio de cultura y organizaciones que aprenden. Educar, 27, 31-85.
  • Gairín, J. (2004). Redes institucionales y deaprendizaje en la educación no formal. En AAVV., La organización y dirección de redes educativas, 1 (pp. 23-45). Grupo Editorial Universitario.
  • Gairín, J. (2006) (Coord.). Procesos de cambio en los centros educativos a partir de evaluaciones externas. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia: CIDE.
  • Gairín, J. (2006). Los enfoques de planificación. Máster de Formación de formadores. INAP, Módulo 4
  • Gairín, J. (2007). El centro como escenario educativo. En Bonals, J. i Sánchez-, M. (Coord.) (2007), Manual de asesoramiento Psicopedagógico. Graó, Cap. 5.
  • Gairín, J. (2007). La gestión de procesos y del conocimiento. Curso de formación especializada para la intervención en centros educativos. Ministerio de Educación.
  • Gairín, J. (2012). La organización y atención a la diversidad en centros de educación secundaria en Iberoamérica. Santillana.
  • Gairín, J. i Suárez, C.I. (2014). Clarificar e identificar los grupos vulnerables. En, Gairín, J. (Coord.), Colectivos vulnerables en la universidad. Reflexiones y propuestas para la intervención (pp. 33-61). Wolters Kluwer.
  • Gairín. J. & Castro, D. (2020). El Contexto organizativo como espacio de intervención. Madrid: Síntesis Editorial.
  • Gómez Mejía, L. et al. (2008). Gestión de recursos humanosPearson-Prentice Hall.
  • Gil-Rodríguez, F. Y Alcover, C (2003) Introducción a la Psicología de las Organizaciones (pp. 259-282). Colección Psicología y Educación. Alianza Editorial.
  • Guízar, R. (2013). Desarrollo Organizacional. Principios yaplicaciones (Cuarta edición). Mexico. McGraw Hill.
  • Gutiérrez, S., i De Pablos, C. (2010). Análisis y evaluación de la gestión por competencias en el ámbito empresarial ysu aplicación a la universidad. Revista Complutense de Educación, 21(2), 323–343.
  • Huici, C., Molero, F., & Gómez Jiménez, A. (2016, 16 ed.). Psicología de los Grupos.. Madrid: UNED. Ibáñez, T. (Coord.). Introducción a la Psicología Social. Barcelon: UOC
  • Lorenzo, M. (2011). Organización y gestión de centros educativos. Universitas.
  • Noguer, M. C. y Guzmán, N. (2008). La gestió per competències: una experiència municipal.Barcelona: Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya.
  • Puchol, L. (2003). Dirección y gestión de recursos humanos. Barcelona
  • Díaz de Santos y Oltra, V. (Coord.) (2005). Desarrollo del factor humano. UOC.
  • Peiró, J.M. y Martínez-Tur, V. (2008). Organizational development and change. En N. Chmiel (Ed.). An Introduction to Work and Organizational Psychology: An European Perspective. (secondedition, pp. 351-376). UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Pineda, P. (Coord.) (2002). Formación en las organizaciones. Ediciones Gestión 2000.
  • Revista CAPITAL HUMANO. Wolters Kluwer.
  • Rodríguez Fernández, A y Zarco Martín, V (2008). Psicología de los recursos humanos.Madrid: Pirámide.
  • Tejada, J. (2007). La innovación formativa. En, Tejada, J. i Giménez, V. (Coord.). Formación de Formadores. Escenario institucional (pp. 631-712). Thomsom.
  • Van de Ven, Andrew H. (2004). Handbook of Organizational Change and Innovation. Cary, NC, USA: Oxford UniversityPress






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Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.