This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Psychopedagogic Orientation and Intervention in Secondary Education

Code: 42978 ECTS Credits: 10
Degree Type Year
4313754 Psychopedagogy OT 0


Mario Martinez Muņoz


Joana Ferrer Miquel

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.



Objectives and Contextualisation

The objectives of this module are:

  1. Understand guidance as a holistic and strengths-based process that mentors the students' personal, academic, professional/vocational and citizenship development.
  2. Plan and carry out individual and group guidance interventions that facilitate the establishment of relationships of trust, strengths and needs assessment for the development of the students' educational, professional, social and life projects, and the establishment of mentoring and support actions aimed at the implementation of such projects.
  3. Design and develop plans, programs, projects and actions of personal, academic and professional guidance.
  4. Identify, plan and agree on counselling and guidance actions in coherence with the culture and identify the centre through networking between teaching teams, external agents in the centre and guidance and mentoring families.
  5. Understand the evaluation as an opportunity for learning: from the psycho-pedagogical evaluation, to the inquiry and to the formative evaluation.


Learning Outcomes

  1. CA08 (Competence) Establish guidelines in the design of teaching-organisational planning proposals to improve the educational response to secondary education students following the approaches of socio-educational inclusion.
  2. CA09 (Competence) Design the process of collaboration between the different educational agents in the processes of curriculum development and in the elaboration of institutional plans, especially the tutorial action plan in secondary education, vocational training and upper secondary education.
  3. KA08 (Knowledge) Identify the educational needs of secondary school students, especially those related to conflict and harmony.
  4. SA10 (Skill) Compile, analyse and assess data, results and evaluations from the psychoeducational assessment of pupils and groups in secondary education, whether for follow-up actions or new diagnosis.
  5. SA11 (Skill) Design, within the educational project of the secondary school, the educational guidance plan (personal, academic and vocational) as well as vocational guidance strategies for the transition to the labour market and employability.
  6. SA12 (Skill) Provide examples for the steps to be taken into account in the production and development of educational counselling and guidance programmes/services and actions that allow an optimisation of the teaching-learning processes and the academic performance of students in secondary education.
  7. SA13 (Skill) Implement educational monitoring programmes that include guidance and educational counselling for families to reinforce their role in guiding their children.
  8. SA14 (Skill) Generate psychoeducational reports that include guidelines for educational intervention in secondary education.


  1. Educational guidance with secondary education students: Theoretical framework, aims and model for XXI century career guidance.
  2. Needs and strengths of students in relation to personal, social, academic and professional development: self-concept and self-esteem; living together, participation, climate and conflicts; curricular competencies; techniques and study habits; motivation; knowledge of the environment; vocational maturity and life project.
  3. One-on-one and group interaction with secondary education students: Instruments, techniques and group dynamics.
  4. Educational project and tutorial and guidance action: Identity and Culture of the centre. Shared horizon From the secondary school teachers team to the educational personal and professional team. Strategic centre documents: PEC and Coexistence plan. Organization and leadership.
  5. Orientation is understood as a measure or universal support for all students. Design and development of personal, academic and professional guidance programs. The Universal Design of Learning. The nature of learning. Innovation, guidance and inclusion.
  6. Networking and co-creation of spaces and time for reflection and regulation. Psychopedagogical intervention is based on the identification of the strengths and barriers of the context. The inquiry as a scaffold of thought and process of educational transformation to guarantee the learning of all the students and the professional improvement.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Exhibitions by teachers of the basic aspects of the content of the syllabus. Case analysis. Simulations situations 60 2.4 CA08, CA09, KA08, SA10, SA11, SA12
Type: Supervised      
Individual and groups supervised by teachers on extended information and readings that allow complete resolution of cases, simulations or examples of evidence presented in class 48 1.92 CA08, CA09, SA10, SA11, SA13, SA14
Type: Autonomous      
Individual research documentation, reflection and drafting of the portfolio of evidence. Self-evaluation 140 5.6 CA08, CA09, KA08, SA10

The methodology will allow the classroom to be a laboratory of experiences where students and teachers can experience from the practice all incorporation of contents. We will apply the Universal Design Learning Process as a session development structure:

  • Priority will be given to the reception and creation of links through dynamics that will allow us to find learning in students' previous knowledge. Learning strategies will combine, among others, presentations, visualization and analysis of videos, study cases and readings.
  • Theoretical content will be applied through participatory actions such as cooperative work and projects. This will develop critical thinking, and autonomy and will promote collective and social learning.
  • Learning will be continuously evaluated through the regulation of processes, self-evaluation and co-assessment, in addition to the evaluation obtained through pieces of evidence.

Our teaching approach and assessment procedures may be altered if public health authorities impose restrictions on public gatherings due to COVID-19.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Evidence of learning 85% 0 0 CA08, CA09, KA08, SA10, SA11, SA12, SA13, SA14
Percentage of attendance 10% 0 0 KA08, SA10
Self-evaluation evidence 5% 2 0.08 CA08, CA09, KA08, SA10, SA11, SA12

  • The evaluation of the learning process will be done through four pieces of learning evidence. Two of them will be individual and two will be carried out in work groups.
  • The mark to be obtained to pass any given evaluation evidence is a 5.
  • The evaluation evidence that is marked with less than a 5 can be repeated. The new evidence produced will receive a 5 as the maximum grade. The deadline to deliver the new evidence will be agreed upon with the lecturer.
  • Evaluation pieces of evidence must be handed in on the deadlines and format that will be specified. Feedback on each piece of evidence will be offered to students, so areas of improvement are identified.
  • If a piece of evaluation evidence is not handed in on time, it will be considered non-assessable evidence. In this case, the student must contact the lecturer to establish a new deadline to hand it in. The new deadline can not exceed two weeks from the original deadline and it will be considered as re-evaluation; as such, the maximum mark obtained will be 5.
  • According to UAB regulations, plagiarism or copying of any evidence, work or written essay will be penalized with a zero as a mark, and the possibility to repeat it will no longer be available.
  • Attendance of face-to-face learning sessions is compulsory. Students must attend a minimum of 80% of the sessions. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in having Non-Assessable as the final mark for the subject.
  • Doubts, suggestions or students' specific situations must be presented to the lecturers during the first week of the module. 
  • Initiative and an attitude compatible with education-related professions are a must: respectful dialogue, constructive criticism, the use of arguments more than opinions, active participation, being rigorous in the autonomous work, offering a solution focused on assertive feedback and the appropriate use of electronic devices is required in all learning sessions.
  • A good communicative competence is required in order to pass the subject, both in its oral and written form. Also, it is necessary to have a good command of the languages included in this guide. It is essential that in all activities (group and individual) formal aspects, writing and language are correct and appropriate. Students must be able to communicate fluently and show a high degree of mastery in understanding academic documents. A piece of evidence may not be assessed or may be failed if the lecturer considers that the criteria specified are not met.
  • Students must commit and comply with the code of ethics of the profession.

The evaluation pieces of evidence are:

Evidence 1: Simulation of an individual guidance session with a student (35%). Individual assignment. Approximate delivery date: 2 weeks after finishing the related content.

Assessment criteria:
  • Appropriately justifying the theoretical foundation of the methodologies applied.
  • Carry out holistic methodologies based on strengths, sense-making and coherence with the student's initial situation.
  • Including gender perspectives and, in general, learners' diversity

Evidence 2: Design of a career guidance workshop. Group work evidence (15%). Approximate delivery date: two weeks after finishing the related content.

Assessment criteria:

  • Holistic and knowledge construction perspective
  • Updated contents
  • Use of appropriate criteria methodologies
  • Systematization and precision.
  • Viability of use in the educational settingfor which it has been created.

Evidence 3: Career guidance proposal as an instrument of measurement and universal support to facilitate the students' learning process. The proposal will be based on a study case. Individual evidence (35%) Approximate delivery date: Two weeks after the end of the module.

Assessment criteria:

  • Knowledge of the meaning and scope of career guidance as measurement and universal support processes.
  • Planning the proposal takes into account the logical relation between objectives, activities and evaluation.
  • Short, medium and long impact evaluation.

Evidence 4: The role of career guidance as a support for the educational community. Group evidence (15%) Approximate delivery date: Two weeks after the end of the module.

Assessment criteria:

  • Knowledge of the leadership role of the counsellor in order to promote career guidance.
  • Exemplifying career guidance proposals in the educational centre and its community. 
  • Career guidance evaluation as a role and as a networking service. 



The single evaluation will consist of a writing test (50%) and a personal interview (50%) with the teaching team about the theorical and practical competences linked to the "Mòdul". 

Both tests will be on the 23th of May and the rest will be on the 30th of May. Also, both exams will be carried out in person. 




Álvarez González, M. (2009). Modelos explicativos de la orientación profesional. En L.M. Sobrado & A. Cortés (Coords.), Orientación Profesional. Nuevos escenarios y perspectivas (pp.47-72). Biblioteca Nueva.

Alvarez, González, M. (Coord.) (2007). La Madurez para la carrera en la educación secundaria. Evaluación e intervención. EOS.

Alvarez, M. & Bisquerra, R. (Coords.) (1996). Manual de orientación y tutoría. Praxis.

Aymerich, R., Lluró, J. M., & Roca, E. (2011). Junts a l’aula? Present i futur del model d’educació comprensiva a Catalunya. Fundació Jaume Bofill.

Calderón, I., & Habegger, S. (2012). Educación, hándicap e inclusión. Octaedro/Mágina.

Coll, C., & Albaigés, B. (Dirs.) (2020). L’estat de l’educació a Catalunya. Anuari 2020. Fundació Jaume Bofill.

Comas, M. (Dir.) (2014). Llibre Blanc de la participació de les famílies a l’escola. Informes breus, 51, Fundació Jaume Bofill.

Donoso, T. & Figuera, P. (2007). Niveles de diagnóstico en los procesos de  inserción y orientación profesional. Revista electrónica de Investigación Psicoeducativa, 11, 5(1), 103-124.

Echeverría, B. (Coord.) (2008). Orientació professional. UOC.

Funes, J. (2009). L’acompanyament de nois i noies adolescents en les seves transicions quan s’acaba l’escolaritat secundària obligatòria. Diputació de Barcelona.

Gallego, S.; & Riart, J. (Coord.) (2006). La tutoría y la orientación en el siglo XXI: nuevas propuestas. Octaedro.

Instituto de las Mujeres (2017). Guía de buenas prácticas : medidas más eficaces para la igualdad de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres. Subdirección General para la Igualdad en la Empresa y la Negociación Colectiva, IMIO.

Jariot, M. (2005). El diseño de programas de orientación integrados en el núcleo formativo. Educar, 36, 131-154.

Jubany, J. (2012). Connecta’t per aprendre. Aprenentatge social i personalitzat. Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat.

Junta de Andalucía (2016). II Plan estratégico de igualdad de género en educación 2016-2021.

La Prova, A. (2017). La práctica del aprendizaje cooperativo. Narcea.

Longàs, J. (2007). La escuela orientadora: la acción tutorial desde una perspectiva institucional. Narcea.

Marchena, R. (2005). Mejorar el ambiente en las clases de secundaria. Ediciones Aljibe.

Martínez, M. (2004). La transición de primaria a secundaria. La experiencia de dos centros de Cerdanyola del Vallès. En, López Yánez, J. et. al., Actas del octavo congreso de Organización de Instituciones Educativas (pp. 899 – 908). Universidad de Sevilla.

Martínez, M. (2009). Competencias, Orientación y TIC. Educaweb, 183

Martínez, M. (2010). L’orientació a les xarxes locals de transició escola-treball. Diputació de Barcelona.

Martínez, M. (2011). La tutoría y la orientación en las prácticas profesionalizadoras. En, Guías Práxis FP (pp. 1 – 28). Wolters Kluwer.

Martínez, M. & Pinya, C. (2012). Els instituts escola. Aspectes Curriculars, organitzatius i d’orientació. Consell Superior d’Avaluació del Sistema Educatiu. Documents, 21.

Martínez, M. (2022). Que vols ser? Orientació amb joves per a un futur verd i compromès. Eumo.

Martínez-Roca, C. (2015). Orientación, desarrollo de competencias y factores contextuales de riesgo para el empleo. Tesis doctoral. UAB.

Martínez-Roca, C., & Corral, Y. (2015). El proyecto “GPS a un futuro mejor” de la Escuela de Adultos la Olivera de Sant Quirze del Vallés. Observatorio de políticas educativas locales. Informe 2014. Diputación de Barcelona.

Martínez-Roca, C., Martínez, M., & Pineda, P. (2014). El rol de la orientación profesional en el desarrollo de competencias para una empleabilidad socialmente justa. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 139, 343-350.

Martínez-Roca, C., Martínez, M., & Pineda, P. (2015). Building a Social Justice Pillar for Youth Career Development. En, Thoresen, V., Didham, R. J., Klein, J., i Doyle, D. (Ed.). Responsible Living. Concepts, Education and Future Perspectives. Springer International Publishing.

Pont, E. (2008). Situacions vitals estressants i resiliència a l’adolescència. Tesi doctoral. Facultat de Psicologia. Universitat de Barcelona.

Robinson, K. i Aronica, L. (2015). Escuelas creativas. Grijalbo.

Romero, S. (2004). Aprender a construir proyectos profesionales y vitales. Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 15(2), 337-354.

Sobrado, L.M., & Cortés, A. (Coords.) (2009). Orientación Profesional. Nuevos escenarios y perspectivas. Biblioteca Nueva.

Willingham, D. T. (2011). ¿Por qué a los niños no les gusta ir a la escuela? Graó.


A camera like the one that can be found in movile phones is required to be able to register one assessment evidence. 

Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.