Degree | Type | Year |
4313816 School Library and Reading Promotion | OB | 0 |
You can view this information at the end of this document.
These contents are treated by taking into account the gender perspective.
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Face-to-face leactures | 18 | 0.72 | |
Type: Supervised | |||
Tasks and course readings | 82 | 3.28 | |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Individual assignment. | 50 | 2 |
- Theroretical explanations and classroom practical exercices.
- Cultural outings to live cultural experiences.*
- Active participation in cultural events in and outside the classroom.
- Critical and reflexive analysis of cultural events in and outside the classroom.
- Elaboration and viva of creative activities and proposals to disseminate cultural activities, using ICT tools if necessary.
- Online tutorials.
* Cultural outings are mandatory. To attend these cultural outings, the university demands students to follow a very short course and to sign a responsability document.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Programming work of a school library activity that promotes reading in relation to one or some cultural manifestations | 45% | 0 | 0 | CA07, CA08, KA09, KA10, KA11, SA11, SA12, SA13 |
Attendance and quality of the individual participation in class activities | 30% | 0 | 0 | KA09, KA10, KA11 |
Written individual interventions, submitted in class or in virtual forums, about literary works and reading promotion activities | 25% | 0 | 0 | CA07, KA11, SA11, SA12, SA13 |
Attendance is compulsory. 80% of attendance is required to pass this course. Students who cannot attend an outing due to justified reasons (illness, public transport incidences, serious family problems, etc.), will be offered the chance to deliver a written esay on an equivalent cultural experience lived by themselves. In case of not beieng able to attend a session that is not an outing due to serious reasons, when this means lower the 80% attendance students will be able to recover this session by means of a written essay equivalent to the work done during that whole session.
If the attendance criterion is met, participants should obtain a minimum score in 5 out of 10 in all the assignments to have a mass mark in this course. The final mark is the result of adding the scores obtained in all the assignments.
Oral comments in and outside the classroom and written interventions submitted in class or in virtual forums will be carried out during the development of the module and are not recoverable, while the programming work will be delivered at the end of classes, the following week, and is recoverable.
Students who do not deliver the assessment activities or whose delivery percentage does not exceed 20% will be listed as NOT assessed
The teacher will give feedback on the activities in a period not exceeding 20 working days of the academic calendar.
In case of a fail, recovery would take place in June by means of another programming work and a personal interview aimed at evaluating the knowledge and skills acquired. In case of plagiarism, the student will get a 0 of the course.
One-off assessment
In the case of opting for the one-off assessment, the same assessment and recovery system will be applied as for the continuous assessment, but the written submissions and oral presentations will be made in a singleday (which will not be on Wednesday or Thursday hours and the student can be requested to travel to the Bellaterra UAB Campus). None of these deliveries will receive formative assessment because opting for the single assessment implies a waiver of continuous assessment. In the case of the one-off assessment, an assessment interview is added to the set of activities that are assessed. Therefore, the evidences to be evaluated will be the following:
Attendance and quality of individual class participation (includes oral presentation): 10%
Individual interventions submitted in class or in virtual forums: 20%
Individual programming work: 45%
Assessment interview: 25%
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Allis, M. (2012). British Music and Literary Context: Artistic Connections in the Long Nineteenth Century. Woodbridge, UK: The Boydell Press
Alvermann, D. (ed.) (2002). Adolescents and Literacies in a Digital World. New York: Peter Lang
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Barenboim, D. (2009). Everything is Connected: The Power of Music. London: W&N
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Bluestone, G. (1957). Novels into Film: The Metamorphosis of Fiction into Cinema
Borràs, L. (2011). Per què llegirels clàssics avui? Badalona: Ara Llibres
Calvino, I. (1993). Por qué leer los clásicos. Barcelona: Tusquets
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Cartmell, D. (ed.) (2012). A Companion to Literature, Film, and Adaptation . Wiley-Blackwell
Cartmell, D.; Whelehan, I. (eds.) (2007). The Cambridge Companion to Literature on Screen. Cambridge University Press
Centelles, J. (2005). La biblioteca, el cor de l'escola. En línia:
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Clark, C.; Foster, A. (2005). Children's and young people's reading habits and preferences: the who, what, why, where and when. National Literacy Trust
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Clark, C.; Teravainen, A. (2017). Book ownership and reading Outcomes. National Literacy Trust
Corrigan, T. (ed.) (2011). Film and Literature: An Introduction and Reader, 2nd Ed. London: Routledge
Craggs S. R. (1998). Soundtracks: an international dictionary of composers for film. Aldershot, Hants, England: Ashgate
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Dayan, P. (2006). Music Writing Literature, from Sand via Debussy to Derrida. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate
DDAA (2005). "Cine y literatura", Textos de Didáctica de la Lengua y de la Literatura 40, 9-80
DDAA (2017). Reading Music through Literature, Journal of Musicological Research, 36. Web (15th May 2019) (
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Fontich, X. (2013). "Cine y literatura en secundaria para trabajar la interpretación literaria conjuntamente",Textos de Didáctica de la Lengua y de la Literatura 37, 121-131
Frodeman, R.; Thompson Klein, J.; Mitcham, C. (eds.) (2010). The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity. Oxford: Oxford University Press
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Kirchberg, V.; Tröndle, M. (2012) Experiencing Exhibitions: A Review of Studies on Visitor Experiences in Museums, Curator. The Museum Journal, 55 (4): 435-452
Kramer, L. (1984). Music and Poetry: The Nineteenth Century and After. Berkeley: University of California Press
Kramer, L. (2010). Interpreting Music. University of California Press
Lluch, G. & Sánchez García, S. (2017). La promoción de la lectura: Un análisis crítico de los artículos de investigación, Revista Española de Documentación Científica, 40 (4)
Marill, A. H. (1998). Keeping score: film and television music, 1988-1997. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press
Mason, R. (2006). “Cultural Theory and Museum Studies”. In: Macdonald, S. (ed.). A Companion to Museum Studies, pp. 17-32. Wiley-Blackwell. Web (15th May 2019) (
McGee, M.; Jefferson, N. C. (2001). Encyclopedia of motion picture sound. London: McFarland
Munita, F. (2016). Prácticas didácticas, creencias y hábitos lectores del profesor en una escuela exitosa en la promoción lectora, Ocnos, 15 (2), 77-97
Negus, K. (2012). “Narrative, Interpretation, and the Popular Song”, The Musical Quarterly 95/2–3 (Summer–Fall), 368–95
Pagès, V. (1998). Un tramvia anomenat text. Barcelona: Empúries
Pennac, D. (2008). Com una novel·la. Barcelona: Empúries / Pennac, D. (1994). Readslike a Novel. Quartet Books
Proust, M. (1996). Sobre la lectura. Barcelona: Quaderns Crema / Proust, M.; Ruskin, J. (2011) On Reading. Hesperus Press LTD
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Reverdy, C. (2016). La lecture, entre famille et école: comment se développe le goüt de lire. Lyon: Institut Français de l’Éducation. Web (14th May 2019) (
Sangkaeo, S. (1999). Reading Habit Promotion in ASEAN Libraries. In: IFLA Council and General Conference. Conference Programme and Proceedings (65th, Bangkok, Thailand, August 20-28, 1999). Web (14th May 2019) (
Smith, H. (2016). The Contemporary Literature-Music Relationship: Intermedia, Voice, Technology, Cross-Cultural Exchange. New York: Routledge
Stam, R.; Raengo, A. (eds.) (2004). Literature and Film: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Film Adaptation. Wiley-Blackwell
Steiner, G. (2019). Necesidad de música. Madrid: Grano de sal
Teixidor, E. (2007). La lectura i la vida. Barcelona: Columna
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Weaver, A. H. (2014). Towards a Narratological Analysis of the Romantic Lied: Events, Voice, and Focalization in Nineteenth-Century German Poetry and Music, Music & Letters 95/3 (August), 374–403
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Zakir, H. (2016). Towards a lifelong learning society through reading promotion: Opportunities and challenges for libraries and community learning centres in Viet Nam, International Review of Education, 62 (2) (April): 205–219. Web (14th May 2019) (
More specific bibliography and links will be provided out of the particular selection of theoretical and literary texts, visits and activities of the course.
During the course we will use Meet or Teams, Spotify, Moodle and Office Package.
Name | Group | Language | Semester | Turn |
(TEm) Theory (master) | 1 | Catalan | annual | afternoon |