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Childrens and Youth Books

Code: 42954 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
4313816 School Library and Reading Promotion OB 0


Martina Fittipaldi

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.



Objectives and Contextualisation

This is a compulsory module whose main objective is to describe, analyse and present a selection of books for children and young people with a high educational value to educate literature readers. The criteria for the selection and evaluation of children's books of narrative, poetry, picturebooks and books of knowledge will be treated, as well as the underlying social values and ideology in literary texts.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA02 (Competence) Adopt quality criteria to evaluate the selection of children's and young people's books for schools, libraries and reading promotion projects.
  2. CA03 (Competence) Plan interdisciplinary didactic proposals that include the selection of a corpus appropriate to the learning or reading promotion objectives and the necessary planning for their development (activities, assessment strategies, material resources and mediation guides) in specific school and social environments.
  3. KA04 (Knowledge) Critically describe the current theoretical reflections and debates in the field of children's and young people's books and their importance in terms of events to promote reading.
  4. KA05 (Knowledge) Recognise the essential tasks involved in undertaking literary mediation work, while considering conversation and motivation strategies in contexts involving children, young people, or adults.
  5. KA06 (Knowledge) Identify needs in relation to literary reading and knowledge-building books in schools and social contexts where literary mediation occurs.
  6. SA05 (Skill) Assess children's and young people's books and teaching resources based on quality criteria (textual, communicative, and linguistic) while considering the parameters of different artistic systems (visual, textual, multimodal), as well as diversity and inclusion.
  7. SA06 (Skill) Propose children's and young people's books and fiction and non-fiction resources appropriate to the different types of target audience (children, young people, adults, families, etc.) and to the specific objectives of the educational intervention or reading promotion activity.
  8. SA07 (Skill) Develop strategies for innovation and creativity in the field of school libraries, activities to promote literary reading and the design of teaching resources.


  1. Current types of print and digital books for children and adolescents.
  2. Analysis of books for children and adolescents as artistic systems, as marketing products and as socialisation instruments and tools to construct cultural identities.
  3. Criteria to select books for different ages and educational goals.  
  4. Social values and ideology in children's and young literature.




Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Active participation in the activities proposed in class. 18 0.72
Type: Supervised      
Participation in online debate forums, elaboration of course assignments and participation in the activities proposed in class. 36 1.44
Type: Autonomous      
Reading the articles and materials related to the contents covered in the course. Reading a selection of books for children and adolescents. 96 3.84

The course combines theory and practice. Teacher-centred lessons will introduce the contents necessary to take part in practical activities to be carried in groups in the classroom. Outside the classroom, participants will be expected to read the compulsory course readings and to elaborate individual assignments.

Assignments will include the analysis, selection and assessment of works from different parameters.

Online and face-to-face assignments must be elaborated using some sort of ICT tool. 



Our teaching approach and assessment procedures may be altered if public health authorities impose new restrictions on public gatherings for COVID-19.


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Analysis of school literary activities (work in pairs) 20% 0 0 KA05, SA07
Poetry recitation (individual) 10% 0 0 CA02, CA03, KA05, SA06, SA07
Puzzle of the classics of children's literature and TOP 10 (individual) 20% 0 0 CA02, SA05
Reading animation of a picturebook (group work) 30% 0 0 CA03, KA05, KA06, SA06, SA07
Two reflection forums based on theoretical readings (individual) 20% 0 0 CA02, KA04, KA06

Course Assignments


Class attendance is mandatory. In order to obtain a positive final evaluation, the student must attend a minimum of 80% of all the classes. 

Activities will be carried out: 


1. Analysis of the traits found in current literary works targeted at children and adolescents.


2. Assessment of literary works according to their function for school literary learning.


3. Selection of books for use at school or in other instances of reading promotion of children's and youth books.


4. Participation in classroom activities and virtual forums according to the guidelines established in the program.


The evaluation will be carried out from the delivered activities, which will be valued by the teaching staff.


Participation in the classroom will also be considered. In the activities, the readings of each topic should be used.


To benefit from the continuous evaluation, the student must present all the activities and pass them by 80%. Otherwise, it will be considered "Not Presented" (NP).


The review and reassessment procedure of the tests will be carried out individually.



Single Assessment


In the case of opting for the single assessment, the same evaluation and reassessment system will be applied as for the continuous evaluation, but the written submissions and oral presentations will be made in a single day (October 23). None of these deliveries will receive formative evaluation because opting for the single assessment implies giving up continuous evaluation. In the case of the single evaluation, an evaluation interview is added to the set of activities that are evaluated. Therefore, in the case of opting for the single evaluation, the tests that will beevaluated willbe the following:


Attendance and quality of class participation: 5%


Written and/or oral presentation of the analysis and assessment of works of children's and youth literature: 25%


Written and/or oral delivery of the analysis of articles and literary projects: 25%


Memory/individual module work: 25%


Evaluation interview: 20%



The same reassessment system will be applied as for the continuous evaluation.

The reassessment will take place on November 13 and the re-evaluation will consist of an oral presentation and/or a written exam, depending on whether the suspended part is the theoretical part or practice.



Bonnafé, M. (2008) Los libros, eso es bueno para los bebés. México D.F.: Océano.

Chambers, A. (2009) Dime. Los niños, la lectura y la conversación. México D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Chambers, A. (2007) El ambiente de la lectura. México D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Colomer, T. (2010) Introducción a la literatura infantil y juvenil actual. Madrid: Síntesis.

Colomer, T. (2010) La literatura infantil: una minoría dentro de la literatura. 32 Congreso Internacional de IBBY. Santiago de Compostela: 8-12 septiembre, 2010.

Colomer, T. (dir) (2002) Siete llaves para valorar las historias infantiles. Madrid: Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez (descargable en http://www.gretel.cat/es/lecturas/pdf-per-descarregar-siete-llaves-para-valorar-historias-infantiles/). Fecha de visita: 9 de julio de 2019.

Colomer, T. (2009)  La formación del lector literario. Narrativa infantil y juvenil. Madrid: Anaya (2da. ed.).

Colomer, T. (coord) (2009) Lecturas adolescentes. Barcelona: Graó (2da. ed.).

Colomer, T. (2005) Andar entre libros. México D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Colomer, T.; Fittipaldi, M. (2012) La literatura que acoge. Inmigración y álbumes ilustrados. Barcelona: Banco del Libro.

Correro, C (2018) Els llibres infantils del segle XXI. (Tesi doctroal no publicada: https://ddd.uab.cat/pub/tesis/2018/hdl_10803_665173/cci1de1.pdf

Duran, T.; Luna, M. (2002) Un iun i un… fan cent. Barcelona: La Galera.

Equipo Peonza (2004) Cien libros para un siglo. Madrid: Anaya.

Garralón, A. (2013) Leer y saber. Los libros informativos para niñosMadrid: Tarambana libros.

GRETEL (2014) Actas del Simposio internacional "la literatura en pantalla. Textos, lectores y prácticas docentes. Barcelona: UAB.

Hunt, P. (ed) (1996) International companion encyclopedia of children's literature. London: Routledge.

Lluch, G.; Valriu, C. (2013) La literatura per a infants i joves en català. Anàlisi, gèneres i historia. Alzira: Bromera.

Lluch, G. (2003) Análisis de narrativas infantiles y juveniles. Cuenca: Publicaciones de la UCLM-CEPLI.

Lluch, G. (ed.) (2007) Invención de una tradición literaria. De la narrativa oral a la literatura para niños. Cuenca: Ediciones de UCLM.

Molist, P. (2003) Els llibres tranquils. Lleida: Pagès editor.

Molist, P. (2008) Dins del mirall. La literatura infantil explicada als adults. Barcelona: Graó.

Munita, F. (2021) Yo, mediador (a). Mediación y formación de lectores. Barcelona: Octaedro.

Munita, F. (2019) Hacia una «poesía para niños también»: Tendencias de la poesía infantil en dos premios del ámbito hispanoamericano (2004-2017). En Córdova, A. (coord.): Renovar el asombro. Un panorama de la poesía infantil y juvenil contemporánea en español (pp. 103-141). Cuenca: Ediciones Universidad de Castilla La Mancha.

Muñoz-Tebar, J.I.; Silva Díaz , M. C. (ed.) (1999) El libro-álbum: invención y evolución de un género para niños”. Parapara Clave. Caracas: Banco del Libro.

Nikolajeva, M. (2005) Aesthetic Approaches to children’s Literature. Oxford: The Scarecrow Press.

Olid, B. (2011) Les heroïnes contraataquen. Models literaris contra l'universal masculí a la literatura infantil i juvenil. Lleida: Pagès editor.

Pagès, V. (2009) De Robinson Crusoe a Peter Pan. Un canon de literatura infantil i juvenil. Barcelona: Ariel.

Pelegrín, A. (2004) La aventura de oír: cuentos tradicionales y literatura infantil. Madrid: Anaya.

Prats, M. (2002) "La poesia per a infants: un gènere entre el folklore i l'obra d'autor". En: Colomer, Teresa (ed.): La literatura infantil i juvenil catalana: un segle de canvis. Bellaterra: ICE-UAB, 45-56.

Ramada, L. (2018) "Infantil, digital, aumentada y virtual: los mil y un apellidos de una realidad literaria". Diablotexto Digital 3, 8-31.

Teixidor, E. (2007) La lectura y la vida. Barcelona: Ariel.

Turrión, C. (2012) “LIJ Digital: nuevas formas narrativas para niños”. CLIJ  248, 40-47.

Van Der Linden, S. (2015) Álbum(es). Caracas: Banco del Libro y Variopinta Ediciones.


Webs de recursos y selecciones de libros infantiles y juveniles

Biblioteca Artur Martorell: http://w110.bcn.cat/portal/site/ArturMartorell/index209c.html

Biblioteca Xavier Benguerel. Centro de Documentación del Libro Infantil: http://www.bcn.cat/bibxavierbenguerel

ClijCAT (Consell Català del Llibre Infantil i Juvenil): http://www.clijcat.cat/

Club Kirico. Selección de 150 libros y otras recomendaciones.http://www.clubkirico.com/150-libros-infantiles-para-leer-y-releer

Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. Centro de Documentación e Investigación: www.fundaciongsr.es. Selección de webs para infantes y jóvenes de la FGSR http://recursos.fgsr.es/wfavo/

GRETEL: Base de datos de los libros actuales más recomendados por la crítica: www.gretel.cat, sección “Recomendados crítica”. 

GRETEL: Página de Literatura infantil de la UAB: http://www.gretel.cat

GRUP POCIÖ: http://www.viulapoesia.com/

Llibres al replàhttp://llibresalrepla.blogspot.com.es/

UOC: http://lletra.uoc.edu/

Quins llibres...?: Selección realizada por el Seminario de Bibliografía infantil y juvenil de la "Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat". Se puede acceder a través de la web de la asociación (http://www.rosasensat.org/textos/16/), y a través de la web del Departament d'Educació,en el apartado de "Escola Oberta": http://www.xtec.net/epergam/quins/quins.htm?codi=quins_llib

Tantàgora: asociación de fomento de actividades de literatura oral: http://www.tantagora.net/doc/home.php?l=ca

Una mà de contes: cuentos para ver y escuchar, que se pueden escoger a partir del tema, autor, ilustrador, origen geográfico, etc. (http://www.unamadecontes.cat/).


Conferencias recomendadas

“Arnal Ballester”. Presentación del ilustrador en su taller. 26/04/2011.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTSzyz4YxOc

Cassany, D.: “Literatura juvenil electrónica: remix, fanfic, posts y blogs”: http://www.slideshare.net/DanielCassany/literatura-juvenil-electrnica-remix-fanfic-post-blogs.

Colomer, T.: “Literatura infantil y alfabetización inicial”. Ministerio de Educación de Argentina-OEI. 2010. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG0GlQCNLYc y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtcduLrIt98

Duran, T.: “Los sabores de la literatura infantil”. Fundación Jordi Sierra i Fabra. Medellín 2011. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OesERzXRQUc 

Reyes, L.: “El prèstec de llibres en una aula de primària”. http://www.uab.es/servlet/Satellite/videos/reproduccio-1193208676085.html?param1=10divulgacio&param2=40cienciessocials&param4=educacio&url_video=1337839896358


Not applicable.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TEm) Theory (master) 1 Catalan first semester afternoon