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Ethnographic Texts and Media

Code: 107235 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
1500086 Social and Cultural Anthropology FB 1


Miquel Figueras Moreu

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


No specific requirements are needed to follow the course

Objectives and Contextualisation

This course develops basic training in Social and Cultural Anthropology. It is part of the "basic concepts and fields of anthropology" subject.
This course will anlyze concepts and classic fields of anthropology through ethnographic texts and audiovisual sources by placing descriptive and theoretical categories in the historical context of the discipline and by crititcally aprproaching stylistic resources of ethnographic documents.
 After this course, the student will be able:
To recognize cultural variability and to prevent the formulation of ethnocentric judgments.
-To manage classic and current ethnographic information sources in order to retrieve relevant data.
-To explain and to present the analytical outcomes of the selected ethnographic corpus.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM07 (Competence) Apply knowledge of cultural variability and its genesis to overcome ethnocentric projections in the understanding of social and cultural phenomena.
  2. CM10 (Competence) Use an appropriate specific vocabulary in the transmission of basic anthropological information.
  3. KM08 (Knowledge) Recognise social and cultural diversity theoretically and on the basis of specific cases.
  4. SM11 (Skill) Interpret cultural diversity through ethnography and audiovisual sources.
  5. SM12 (Skill) Analyse ethnographical examples of cultural diversity.


Topic 1. The fields of ethnography: observation, description and representation
Topic 2. Ethnographic texts and audiovisuals: cases, contexts and concepts
Topic 3. From description to analysis: the inductive method

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Masterclass and analysis of textual, audiovisual, and archival ethnographic documents 40 1.6 CM07, CM10, KM08, SM11, SM12
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials 3.5 0.14 CM07, CM10, KM08, SM11, SM12
Type: Autonomous      
Information search (archives, repositories, etc.) 20 0.8 KM08, SM11, SM12
Personal study and preparation of work 39 1.56 CM07, CM10, KM08, SM11, SM12
Readings and viewings 20 0.8 CM07, CM10, KM08, SM11, SM12

Teaching Methodology:

  • Master classes supported by new information and communication technologies (NTIC).
  • Presentation and guidelines for the autonomous search of documentation in files, databases ethnographic and work preparation.
  • Viewing and discussion of ethnographic documentaries.
  • Preparation of reviews and bibliographical works (individual and/or group) based on a guide for their elaboration.
  • Preparation of diagrams, concept maps and summaries.


Formation activities:

  • Theoretical classes and discussion sessions oriented to audiovisual and written documents.
  • Directed work sessions in computer and multimedia classrooms.
  • Definition and disciplinary genesis of key words and concepts.
  • Simulations of searching and emptying ethnographic data in multimedia formats.
  • Comprehensive reading and discussion of texts and analysis of audiovisual products with ethnographic content. Individual study and team discussion prior to the presentation of work.
  • Oral presentations and preparation of works in virtual teaching-learning environments.
  • Approximately 15 minutes of one of the sessions will be reserved to evaluation surveys related to the subject.


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Exame 40 2 0.08 CM07, CM10, KM08, SM11, SM12
Group work 30 17.5 0.7 CM07, CM10, KM08, SM11, SM12
Individual work 30 8 0.32 CM07, CM10, KM08, SM11, SM12

Continuous assessment

The continuous evaluation of the subject will be carried out based on three modules:

1: Individual exercise of analysis of ethnographic material (texts and audiovisual material). [30%]
The student must identify and compare concepts and audiovisual content analyzed in the classroom with a film from the Barcelona Indigenous Film Festival (screenings at the UAB Cinema and online) / Mirada Nativa (online platform) (EpJG FAS-UAB Project). The work must cite mandatory readings. At the beginning of the course, a document will be posted on the subject's Moodle in which the materials necessary for preparation, general instructions, evaluation criteria, as well as the format and delivery date will be explained.

2: Group exercise of search and analysis of ethnographic information using sources and encyclopedic format [30%]
The teaching team will establish, at the beginning of the course, a series of work groups. Each group must work on a topic, text, film,concept or social group and present and post the result in Wikipedia format. It will be necessary to use the recommended encyclopedic sources, incorporate concepts studied in class, a bibliography and visual elements.

3: Individual exam, on the contents worked on in class and in the dossier of mandatory readings. [40%].
The specific modality of the exam (in-person, online, test, short question...) will adapt to the dynamics of the course. The teaching team will inform the students well in advance.


Procedure for reviewing grades awarded
On carrying out each evaluation activity, lecturers will inform students (on Moodle) of the procedures to be followed for reviewing all grades awarded and the date on which such a review will take place.

Consideration of "Not assessed/Not submitted"
Students will obtain a Not assessed/Not submitted course grade unless they complete, at least, modules 1 and 4 within the submission deadlines.

Conditions for Reassessment
The student must only reassess failed modules if the final weighted grade of the subject is lower than 5.
A minimum grade of 3.5 is required for each module. Any lower grade will result in the module reassessment.
The maximum grade obtainable after reassessment is 5 (pass).

Other general evaluation considerations
Evaluation evidences delivered after submission deadlines or not conforming to the format standards available at the course Moodle will not be accepted.

Considerations on plagiarism/irregularities (copying, unauthorized use of AI, etc.)
Each exercise must result from the student's or group's work. It cannot be copied from other sources (academic works, publications, web pages...) without correctly citing its authorship.
To get more information about what constitutes plagiarism, please check the guide "How to cite and how to avoid plagiarism" (Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the UAB) for students (https://www.uab.cat/doc/GuiaCitesiPlagiEstudiants).
In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities of the same subject, the student will be given a zero as the final grade for this subject.


Single Assessment

A written test on a single date at the end of the course. The guidelines and duration will be given throughout the course. The weighting will be the following:
-Individual work (40%)
-Presentation of individual work (10%)
-Written test (50%)



Mandatory general bibliography

Descola, Philippe.
(2005). Post scriptum. Las escrituras de la etnología. In Las Lanzas del crepúsculo: Relatos jíbaros: Alta Amazonia (pp. 427–429). Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Bourdieu, Pierre. (2008). Objetivación participante. Antropología. Revista interdisciplinaria del INAH, 83–84, 83–84.

Godelier, Maurice. (2014). Introducción ¿Para qué sirve la antropología? In En el fundamento de las sociedades humanas. Amorrortu.

Grau Rebollo, Jorge. (2012). Antropología audiovisual: Reflexiones teóricas. Alteridades, 22(43), 161–175.

Lévi-Strauss, Claude.
(1995). Capítulo 17: Lugar de la Antropología entre las ciencias sociales y problemas planteados por su enseñanza. In Eliseo Verón (Trans.), Antropología estructural (pp. 359–392). Paidós.

Malinowski, Bronislaw. (1986). Introducció: Objecte, mètode i finalitat d’aquesta investigació. In Els Argonautes del Pacífic Occidental: Estudi sobre el tarannà emprenedor i aventurer dels indígenes dels arxipèlags de la Nova Guinea melanèsia (1a ed. dincs CPM). Edicions 62.


al, general references, recommended and cited bibliography

Aguilar Gil, Yásnaya Elena. (2022). ¿Nunca más un México sin nosotrxs? In Un nosotrxs sin estado (pp. 9–58). OnA Ediciones.

Ardévol Piera, Elisenda. (2006). La búsqueda de una mirada: Antropología visual y cine etnográfico. Editorial UOC.

Bohannan, Laura. (2010). Shakespeare en la selva. In Honorio Manuel Velasco Maíllo (Ed.), Lecturas de Antropología Social y Cultural: La cultura y las culturas (pp. 53–65). Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia – UNED.

Bonte, Pierre, Izard, Michel, Abélès, Marion, & Llinares García, Mar. (2008). Diccionario Akal de etnología y antropología. Akal.

Brown, Keith, & Ogilvie, Sarah. (2008). Concise Encyclopedia of Languages of the World. Elsevier.

Descola, Philippe. (2012). III- La gran division. In Más allá de naturaleza y cultura (pp. 102–144).

Evans-Pritchard, E. E. (1990). Antropología social: Pasado y presente. In Miguel Rivera Dorado (Trans.), Ensayos de Antropología Social (pp. 4–23). Siglo XXI.

Gennep, Arnold van. (1986). 7- Los esponsales y el matrimonio. In Los Ritos de paso (pp. 184–196). Taurus.

Gow, Peter. (1995). Cinema da Floresta Filme, Alucinação e Sonho na Amazônia Peruana. Revista de Antropologia, 38(2), 37–54.

Grau Rebollo, Jorge. (2002). Antropología audiovisual. Bellaterra.

Grau Rebollo, Jorge. (2005). “Los límites de lo etnográfico son los límites de la imaginación”. El legado fílmico de Jean Rouch. AIBR: Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana, 41, 5.

Heusch, Luc de. (2006). Jean Rouch et la naissance de l’anthropologie visuelle. L’Homme. Revue française d’anthropologie, 180, 180.

Human Relations Area Files. (n.d.). Human Relations Area Files—Cultural information for education and research. Human Relations Area Files - Cultural Information for Education and Research. Retrieved June 23, 2024

Human Relations Area Files, Inc. (2008). EHRAF world cultures. Human Relations Area Files.

Izard Martínez, Gabriel, Flores Martos, Juan Antonio, & Martínez Mauri, Mònica. (2021). Mediaciones indígenas en el espacio audiovisual: Películas, series yvideoclips. Disparidades. Revista de Antropología, 76(2)

Levinson, David (Ed.), (1991) Encyclopedia of world cultures (1–10). Human Relation Area Files Inc.; G.K. Hall & Co; MacMillan Inc,.

Malinowski, Bronislaw. (1989). Diario de campo en Melanesia. Ediciones Júcar.

Mallart i Guimerà, Lluís. (2021). Sóc fill dels evuzok: La vida d’un antropòleg al Camerun (Primera edició a Debutxaca). Debutxaca.

Margolis, Eric, & Pauwels, L. (2011). The SAGE handbook of visual research methods. SAGE.

Moseley, Christopher (Ed.). (2010). Atlas de las Lenguas del Mundo en Peligro. UNESCO.

Prosser, Jon. (1998). Image-based research: A sourcebook for qualitative researchers. Falmer Press.

Ventura, Montserrat, Medina, Henry, Alvarez, Silvia, Ruiz, Lucy, Ehrenreich, Jeffrey David, & Juncosa, José E. (comp ). (ed ). (1997). Etnografías mínimas del Ecuador. Abya-Yala.

Wallerstein, Immanuel Maurice. (1996). L.LA CONSTRUCCIÓN HISTÓRICA DE LAS CIENCIAS SOCIALES DESDE EL SIGLO XVIII HASTA 1945. In Abrir las ciencias sociales: Informe de la Comisión Gulbenkian para la reestructuración de las ciencias sociales (pp. 3–36). Siglo XXI.




Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 1 Catalan/Spanish first semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 1 Catalan/Spanish first semester morning-mixed