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Digital Resources for Anthropological Research

Code: 107232 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
1500086 Social and Cultural Anthropology FB 1


Laia Narciso Pedro


A Determinar Pds

Teaching groups languages

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No preconditions.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The aim of this course is the understanding of digital applications and online courses related to anthropological research and its practical aspects.

The objectives are as follows:

  • To know the general models of collection, management, processing and analysis of qualitative and quantitative information necessary to carry out anthropological research.
  • To develop experience in the use of the main programmes related to anthropological research: literature research, bibliographic reference management, transcription, analysis of qualitative data, basic descriptive statistics, analysis of cultural consensus, analysis of social networks, etc., as well as the most common office tools.
  • To design processes for collecting, cleaning, formalising, analysing and managing large amounts of data from different sources for anthropological research.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM05 (Competence) Use academic communication strategies appropriately in the transmission of information in the anthropological field.
  2. CM06 (Competence) Produce academic and professional documents in the field of anthropology using a variety of methods and techniques of analysis and representation.
  3. KM06 (Knowledge) Recognise the use of applications related to quantitative and qualitative techniques for obtaining and processing data in anthropology.
  4. SM08 (Skill) Use applications related to the collection and organisation of data.
  5. SM09 (Skill) Recognise the basic ethical dimensions of research in anthropology.


Topic 1. Introduction to information management.

Topic 2. Ethical research tools.

Topic 3. Tools for literature research and bibliographic reference management.

Topic 4. Tools for fieldwork and data analysis: transcription of qualitative interviews; coding and analysis of qualitative data; web surveys; descriptive analysis of quantitative data.

Topic 5. Tools for the presentation of results: Preparation of texts (templates, construction of indexes and tables) and the use of images.

Topic 6. AI tools. Uses and abuses.

Topic 7. Other tools and conclusion.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Submission of works 40 1.6 CM05, SM08
Theoretical sessions 17 0.68 KM06, SM09
Type: Supervised      
Laboratory practices 33 1.32 CM06, KM06, SM08, SM09
Type: Autonomous      
Readings and research 50 2 KM06, SM08, SM09

This course divides the teaching-learning process between theoretical classes and laboratory practice.

Theoretical classes. Theoretical classes will include an introduction by the teaching staff, with examples and discussion with the participants. In these classes, readings will be recommended according to the interests of the participants. Various summaries of the materials will be posted on the Virtual Campus in accordance with the dynamics of the classes, as well as links to complementary readings, resources and syllabus. During some of the theoretical classes, classroom practices can be developed according to the dynamics of the classes. In these classroom practices, a small activity will be proposed for pairs or small groups related to the subject matter. This activity will be collected at the end of the class and will form part of the continuous assessment.

Laboratory practice. During these sessions, students carry out an exercise related to the subject of the class (alone, in pairs or small groups, as indicated by the teacher), guided by the teacher and a set of instructions that allows them to carry out the exercise on their own and in their own time (the instructions can be found on the Virtual Campus). The teacher will explain the instructions and answer individual and group questions. The participants will present in narrative form the results of these activities in reports (in Catalan, Spanish or English),  which must be uploaded to the Virtual Campus within one week of the practical. The dates of the theoretical classes and laboratory practicals are included in the course calendar, established from the first day. Teachers will try to respect, as far as possible, the established dates, but students should bear in mind that this is a timetable that may undergo small changes (due to illness, ..). Any change will be notified via the Virtual Campus. It is the student's responsibility to keep him/herself informed of any possible changes.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Delivery of practices 01-03 (6.67% each) 20% 2.5 0.1 CM05, CM06, KM06, SM08, SM09
Delivery of practices 04-06 (6.67% each) 20% 2.5 0.1 CM05, CM06, KM06, SM08, SM09
Delivery of practices 07-09 (6.67% each) 20% 2.5 0.1 CM05, CM06, KM06, SM08, SM09
Delivery of practices 10-12 (6.67% each) 20% 2.5 0.1 CM05, CM06, KM06, SM08, SM09

The assessment of the award is carried out through a continuous process that continues during the current term and is developed through the following type of activities:

1. Participation (20%): 

Active participation in lectures, discussions and classroom practicals (e.g. academic grade 0-1 for each lecture; total lecture mix is reconverted to the 0-2 scale to obtain 20% of the final mark grade). This partial assessment activity is not recoverable at a later date or time.

2. Quality of laboratory practicals (12 practicals, each practical worth 6.67%).
At the end of the course, 14 laboratory practicals will be carried out. During these sessions, former students will be able to develop exercises in software related to the subject of the class (individual, in pairs or small groups, as indicated by the teacher). The participants will explain the results in narrative form of these activities in a report.
The student is asked to deliver 12 practices in Catalan, Spanish or English (individually, in teams or groups, according to the method of work during the practice). The report must be uploaded to the Virtual Campus (https://cv.uab.cat) within one week of the completion of each laboratory practical, using the option "Lliurament de treballs" of the Virtual Campus. NIU, surname and name must be included in the document in PDF format (or in the format of the software used). Reports will not be accepted after the deadline date. It is not recommended to deliver in assignments half an hour before the deadline. The teachers are not responsible for any computer problems that may occur, but if the Virtual Campus itself does not work during the deadline, the date will be extended by one day. The grade for each report will be from 0 to 3. Grades will be posted approximately one week after the deadline on the Virtual Campus. For the set of practicals, the average of the 12 report grades is taken and converted back to the 0-8 scale to obtain 80% of thefinal grade.

In the period of recovery of marks, it is possible to recover the practicals that have not been handed in or have not been passed, if the student has handed in (it does not mean passed) at least 2/3 of the work.

At the time of each evaluation activity, the teacher will inform the students (Moodle) of the procedure and date of revision of the assignments. of the procedure and date of revision of grades. At the end of the course, a session will be set aside to session will be reserved at the end of the course for the recovery of practicals not handed in for justified reasons (by means of official justification) and of
practices handed in but not passed. The non-delivery is justifiable for reasons: work, family and illness.

The students must have been previously assessed (not meaning (it does not mean pass) on a set of activities whose weight equals a minimum of 2/3 of the total grade.
(Students who have long-term health problems or other unforeseen problems that prevent them from regularly submitting the (Students who have long-term health problems or other unforeseen problems that prevent them from regularly submitting the practical should talk to the teacher, with a justification, in order to find a solution).

The Re-taken exam  will consist of redoing the failed practical(s) (the exercise and/or material may change).

The final grade will be communicated by Sigma and a grade review session will be scheduled.

General criteria:

In line with the evaluation regulations in UAB studies, the final grades will be on the 0-10 scale to one decimal place. In order to pass the course, a minimum mark of 5.0 will be required as an average markof 5.0 as the average mark resulting from the marks obtained in each of the assessed activities.

Students will receive a grade of Not Assessable if they have not handed in more than 30% of the assessment activities. In case of any irregularity by the student (copying, plagiarism, etc.) that may lead to a significant variation in the grade of an assessment activity, this assessment activity will be graded with 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that may take place.In the event of several irregularities the course will be graded with 0, irrespective of any disciplinary proceedings that may be initiated.

We should remember that a "copy" is considered to be a work that reproduces all or part of the work of another colleague. "Plagiarism" is the fact of presenting all or part of an author's text as one's own, without citing the sources, whether on paper or in digital format. See UAB documentation on "plagiarism" at: http://wuster.uab.es/web_argumenta_obert/unit_20/sot_2_01.html.


Paulus, Trena M, Lester, Jessica N., & Dempster, Paul G. (2014). Digital Tools for Qualitative Research. London: Sage. Exemplars en la Biblioteca de Ciències Socials, Planta 0: https://cataleg.uab.cat/iii/encore/record/C__Rb1905927

Web site "Recursos Instrumentals per a la Recerca en Antropologia": https://pagines.uab.cat/recursosantropologia/ca

Complementary literature (per theme): uploaded to VC


It will be provided.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PLAB) Practical laboratories 1 Catalan/Spanish second semester morning-mixed
(PLAB) Practical laboratories 2 Catalan/Spanish second semester morning-mixed
(PLAB) Practical laboratories 3 Catalan/Spanish second semester morning-mixed
(PLAB) Practical laboratories 4 Catalan/Spanish second semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 1 Catalan/Spanish second semester morning-mixed