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History of Thought in Social Sciences in the Contemporary World

Code: 107227 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
1500086 Social and Cultural Anthropology FB 1


María Esther Fernández Mostaza

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


There are no prerequisites.

Objectives and Contextualisation

This subject aims to introduce anthropology students to the sociological perspective, working on its main characteristics and basic conceptual and theoretical tools. The basic objective is to facilitate reflection on the social condition of the human being and the understanding of social phenomena and their dynamics of permanence and change.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM02 (Competence) Apply theoretical knowledge of related disciplines to the study of local and global problems, incorporating the gender perspective.
  2. KM02 (Knowledge) Recognise and integrate the basic concepts of related disciplines in the analysis of social phenomena.
  3. KM03 (Knowledge) Interpret current world events incorporating the diversity of geographical, historical, philosophical and sociological perspectives.
  4. SM01 (Skill) Describe social phenomena in a theoretically relevant way from related sciences, taking into account the complexity of the factors involved, their causes and effects.
  5. SM04 (Skill) Adequately use the basic language of related sciences in both oral and written expression.


Block 1. The classics of the discipline

The great European classics: Marx, Durkheim, Weber. The main themes include social class and alienation; power and authority; labor and the division of labor; urban life and modernity.

Block 2. Social Relations and Cultural Practice

The main themes include: the presentation of the person in everyday life; cultural and social capital; and social trust in the context of globalization and transformation.

Block 3. Identity, inequality and discrimination

Key themes include: Identity and diversity in the context of globalization; The construction and inequality of: gender, religious diversity and new educational inequalities.

Block 4. Citizenship and belonging

Key topics include: migration and integration; memory and, especially, socialization processes.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Debates, seminars and theory 90 3.6 CM02, KM02, KM03, SM04
Type: Supervised      
Essay and visual thinking 44 1.76 CM02, KM02, KM03, SM01, SM04
Type: Autonomous      
Presentations 9 0.36 CM02, KM03, SM01, SM04

Teaching is articulated around three types of classroom sessions:

(a) Master classes by the teacher,

(b) workshops; which have an autonomous learning part and whose results are presented in class, combined with

(c) practical exercises based on the lessons taught and the assigned readings.

The lectures are aimed at the presentation by the teacher of the central concepts and arguments of the subject following the content of the program, although not chronologically. All classes will promote student participation based on questions for debate and great attention will be paid to the implementation of visual thinking through mind maps and concept maps.

The workshops are spaces for working on the contents of the subject based on the theoretical classes and the readings assigned in advance. They are structured around three dynamics (with a specific and consensual calendar):

1. Debates around a specific reading in a "Reading Club" format;

2. Oral presentations, in group or individually, for three of the blocks of the subject; and

3. Group work that will integrate both the concept map, an oral presentation and a written document (maximum 10 pages).

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Essay 40 1 0.04 CM02, KM02, KM03, SM01, SM04
Exam 40 4 0.16 CM02, KM02, KM03, SM01, SM04
Presentations and visual thinking 20 2 0.08 CM02, KM02, SM01, SM04

The subject will be evaluated in the following way as CONTINUOUS EVALUATION:

1) Continuous participation and exhibition of a concept or text through a portfolio with students.

·       The evaluation criteria will be explained in class and disseminated throughout the virtual campus.

·       The evidence will be returned with comments.

·       Submissions are in teams and a minimum of three throughout the course.

·       20% of the final grade.

2) Prepare an original essay on readings and practices in groups.

·       It will be based on a list of questions provided during the course.

·       The evaluation criteria will be explained in class and disseminated throughout the virtual campus.

·       The evidence will be returned with comments.

·       The work is necessarily in groups.

·       40% of the final grade.

 3) Written exams. There are two written tests that are taken in the middle and end of the course, following the Faculty's exam calendar:

·     Individual and non-rote test.

·     20% of the final grade, at mid-term.

·     20% of the grade at the end of the course.


There is no single assessment.



Bauman, Z. (2006). Modernidad y Holocausto (3ª. Ed.). Madrid. Sequitur. (seleccions). 

Berger, P. (1986). Invitació a la sociologia: una perspectiva humanística. Barcelona. Herder.

Bourdieu, P i Wacquant L. J. (1994). Per a una sociologia reflexiva. (seleccions)

Cardús, S. (1999). La mirada del sociòleg: què és, què fa, què diu la sociologia. Barcelona. Proa.

Dennis, Kingsley L. (2022), Asalto a la realidad, Barcelona, Blume.

Gracia, Carla (2022), Amb ulls de dona, Barcelona, Univers.

Marx, K i Engels, F. (1997) Manifiesto comunista. Madrid. Akal. (seleccions)

Porte A et al. (2006). La asimilación segmentada sobre el terreno: la nueva segunda generación al inicio de la vida adulta.  Migraciones. (19):7-58 (selecció)

Putnam R. (1995).  Bowling Alone: America’s declining social capital. Journal of Democracy. 65-78 (seleccions)

Putnam, R. (2003). El declive del capital social: un estudio internacional sobre las sociedades y el sentido comunitario. Barcelona. Galaxia Gutenberg.(seleccions)

Ritzer, G. (1996). La 'McDonalización' de la Sociedad: un anàlisis de la racionalización en la vida cotidiana. Barcelona. Ariel. (seleccions)

Roy, O. (2010). La santa ignorancia: el tiempo de la religión sin cultura. Barcelona. Ediciones Península. (seleccions)

Bajo Santos, N. (2007). Conceptos y teorías sobre la inmigración. Anuario jurídico y económico (40) 817-840.

Stolcke, V. i Wolfson, L. (2000). La 'naturaleza' de la nacionalidad. Desarrollo Económico, 40 (157), 23-24.

Sorvari, Marja. (2022). Travelling (Post)Memory: Maria Stepanova’s In Memory of Memory. 10.1007/978-3-030-95837-4_5. 

Weber, M. (1994). L’ética protestant i l’espirit del capitalisme. Barcelona. Edicions 62. (seleccions) 


Calhoun, C., Light D, Keller S (2000). Sociología. Madrid. McGraw Hill.

Giddens, A. (1993). Sociología. Madrid. Alianza Editorial.

Heller, A. (2006). Què és la “postmodernitat”? un quart de segle més tard. CCCB

Macionis, J., Plummer, K. (2011). Sociología. Madrid. Pearson.

Rithchart, R. (2020). The power of making thinking visible.US: Jossey-Bass Inc.

Rocher, G. (1973). Introducción a la sociología general. Barcleona. Herder.

Sennet, R. (2000). La corrosión del caràcter: las consecuencias personales del Trabajo en el nuevo capitalismo. Barcelona. Anagrama.

Todorov, T. (2000). Los abusos de la Memoria. Barcelona. Paidós.

Vivas, R. (2021). Visual thinking works. Barcelona. Lunwerg.  


It will be discussed in class at the beginning of the course.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 1 Catalan/Spanish first semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 1 Spanish first semester morning-mixed