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Major Writers of Literature in German

Code: 106331 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2504212 English Studies OT 3
2504212 English Studies OT 4


Jordi Jane Llige


Bernd Franz Wilhelm Springer

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


No knowledge of the German language is required.

Objectives and Contextualisation

• Introduce strategies for the study of a foreign philology.
• Give a first panoramic view of German-language literature.
• Learn to interpret literary texts from another culture.
• Know the culture from which the literary works came.


    English Studies
  • Develop arguments applicable to the fields of literature, culture and linguistics and evaluate their academic relevance.
  • Identify and analyse the main currents, genres, works and authors in English and comparative literature.
  • Produce effective written work or oral presentations adapted to the appropriate register in distinct languages (except English).
  • Students can apply the knowledge to their own work or vocation in a professional manner and have the powers generally demonstrated by preparing and defending arguments and solving problems within their area of study.
  • Students must be capable of collecting and interpreting relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make statements that reflect social, scientific or ethical relevant issues.
  • Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse a text or a film under various aspects and synthesise the results of the analysis in an overall interpretation.
  2. Apply the knowledge and skills acquired to professional and academic activities related to German Literature, History and Culture.
  3. Assess from literary texts the various cultural contexts from a critical perspective.
  4. Communicating in the studied language in oral and written form, properly using vocabulary and grammar.
  5. Demonstrate a sound knowledge about advanced topics related to the study of literature and culture.
  6. Distinguish principal ideas from secondary ideas and synthesise their contents in German-language literary texts and films.
  7. Effectively communicating and applying the argumentative and textual processes to formal and scientific texts.
  8. Have criteria in order to assess the aesthetics of a literary work or film.
  9. Identify and interpret the symbolic language of a text and a feature film.
  10. Identify the main genres and the main literary, cultural and historical trends in the German language.
  11. Make relevant critical assessments based on an understanding of relevant information on topics related to German literature and culture of social, scientific or ethical interest.
  12. Practise the critical discourse and implement the argumentative processes.
  13. Recognise the contents and importance of some universal works in the German language.
  14. Recognising theories of other human, artistic, and social areas and applying them to German literature and cinema.
  15. Use the specific expressive resources of the essay genre.


The following works of the years in ( ) will be read and interpreted with the teacher indicated:

G.E. Lessing:               Nathan der Weise (1779) Bernd Springer


H. v. Kleist:                 Michael Kohlhaas (1810) Jordi Jané


G. Büchner:                Woyzeck (1837) Jordi Jané


M. Frisch:                    Homo faber (1957) Bernd Springer


Elfriede Jelinek          Las amantes (1975) Jordi Jané


J. Becker:                    Amanda herzlos (1992) Bernd Springer


F. von Schirach: Gott (2020)// Terror (2019) (fragments) Bernd Springer

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Active participation in class 70 2.8 3, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Preparation of the oral presentation 2 0.08 7, 12
Reading, analysis, interpretation, oral exhibition 58 2.32 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Individual presentation in class of parts of the contents, analysis and debate in plenum, interpretation of the different lectures, writing essays.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Oral presentation 40% 8 0.32 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13
Writing exercices of different typology 60% 12 0.48 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Continuous assessment:


The final note consists of the following parts:


An oral presentation on a topic related to one of the course lecture (40% of the mark)

Written exercises in class on each of the course lectures (60% of the final mark: 10% each exercise): essays, tests, analysis...


Each of the assessment parts must exceed a minimum mark of 5. If this minimum requirement is not achieved, the test must be repeated on the reassessment day set in the calendar. If the percentage of failed parts exceeds 40%, the subject is not passed.


Reassessment. All evaluation tasks have to be passed with a minimum mark of 5.


Non-presented exercises have to be done at reassessment.


At the time of carrying out each evaluation activity, the teacher will inform the student (moodle) of the procedure and data for reviewing the qualifications.


When presenting the presentations on the scheduled day of the updated program (it is constantly updated!), it is not possible to present exhibitions outside of the historical or cultural context. In the case of not presenting the exhibition the day before, this part of the evaluation must be recovered by submitting a 15-page text on the subject matter in the recovery weeks.

Students will obtain a Not assessed/Not submitted course grade unless they have submitted all the assessment items.


The languages of the presentations are Spanish, Catalan and English.


The languages of the written work can be: German, Catalan, Spanish, English, French, Italian.


Single assessment:


Single assessment will consist of the three following activities:


A written exam that will include questions about all the course lectures. (35%)

Oral presentation of one of the subjects of the program (chosen by lottery) following the instructions that are reflected in the moodle at the beginning of the course. (30%)

Oral test on questions about each of the lectures. (35%)



In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation  in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this  activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities of the same subject, the student will be given a zero as  the final grade for this subject. 


Irregularities refer, for instance, to copying in an exam, copying from sources without indicating authorship, or a misuse of AI such as presenting work as original that has been generated by an AI tool or programme. These evaluation activities will not be re-assessed.


Lessing:                       Nathan der Weise (1779), Edición: Nathan el sabio, trad. Emilio J. Gonzales García, AKAL, Básica de Bolsillo 186, Serie Clásicos de la literatura alemana, Madrid 2009, 6,65 €


Kleist:                         Michael Kohlhaas (1810),  a) Traducció al català: Jaume Creus/ Editorial L'Avenç    b) Traducció al castellà: Javier Orduña/ Editorial Nórdica


Büchner:                    Woyzeck (1837), a) Traducció al català: Feliu Formosa/ dins Teatre clàssic alemany Diputació de Barcelona    b) Traducció al castellà: Carmen Gauger/ Alianza Editorial



v. Suttner:                  Bertha von Suttner (1889), ¡Abajo las armas! Trad. al castellà Olga García, ed. cátedra.     


Max Frisch:                Homo faber (1957), Diario El País, S.A. (2002)


Elfriede Jelinek:        Las amantes (1975). El Aleph, 2004


Jurek Becker:            Amanda herzlos (1992), ED. CIRCULO DE LECTORES, 1996.



Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 1 Catalan/Spanish first semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 1 Catalan/Spanish first semester morning-mixed