Degree | Type | Year |
2500000 Sociocultural Gender Studies | OT | 3 |
You can view this information at the end of this document.
The socio-affective relations are those that are given in the coexistence with diverse people (society, family, friendship, couple, work,...). The social and cultural construction derived from the genre and the capacities that supposedly derive from it, is very present in the affective relationships. Stereotypes and gender roles determine the affective experience of men and women in different contexts and can make affective relationships not develop in a plan of equality and end up deriving in situations of gender violence. Violence in couples is a risk factor for Health, both physically and mentally. The chronic stress involved in mistreatment favours the appearance of diferent diseases and worsens existing ones. There are psychological and cultural barriers that make it difficult to talk about violence in the couple. The psychological consequences of the experience of gender violence at home, causes clinical pathologies in minors and being witnesses in their home can generate attitudes of their own use of violence (with the perception that it is allowed and that does not affect their behaviour in interpersonal relationships). In this subject apart from reviewing in depth all these aspects will also address the various existing psychosocial resources for tackling socio - affective violence; And in turn, will contemplate the characteristics of the Burnout syndrome in the and the professionals that work in socioaffective violences.
Training objectives of the subject
T1- Socio - affective violence through the different current social models of gender.
T2- Myths and realities. Perceived violence and technical violence.
T3- Barriers in the perception of violence in the couple.
T4- Tools for the detection of gender - based violence in the area of the couple.
T5- Impact and development of socio – affective violence on women’s psychological health.
T6- The abuse in sons and daughters of women who have suffered violence in the couple: victims and witnesses.
T7- The intergenerational transmission of socio – affective violence in the field of the relationship.
T8- Map and typology of existing psychosocial resources for tackling socio - affective violence.
T9- Characteristics of the burnout syndrome in professionals who work in socio – affective violence ( in the couple, family, etc.).
It is intended that students learn about diferent forms of violence that can occur in socio – affective relationships, as well as the possible myths associated with the subject. Also the main potencial barriers in the detection of violence in the couple in professional and health contexts. Also, the main repercussions and consequences of gender based violence on health. In minors, in the short term we would talk about consequences in diferent areas at the social, school, behavioral or emotional level. However the long term consequences are related to the intergenerational transmission of violence. Finally it will be intended that students know the existing psychosocial resources for dealing with socio – affective violence. And emotional exhaustion or burnout syndrome, which can occur in professionals working in socio – affective violence.
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Master Classes | 20 | 0.8 | |
Practical classes based on seminars | 30 | 1.2 | |
Type: Supervised | |||
Tutoring | 10 | 0.4 | |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Case preparation assignments | 86.5 | 3.46 |
The supervised activity consists of tutoring to carry out the work (report) based on the internship sessions, and which will be presented in small groups orally at the end of the internship.
In order to achieve the expected knowledge, students must carry out independent work consistint of reading texts proposed by teachers and finding appropriate material to properly perform the internship work.
Note: 15 minutes of a class will be reserved, within the schedule established by the school/degree, for the completion by students of the surveys of assessment of the performance of teachers and assessment of the subject .
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Exam open type questions | 30% | 2 | 0.08 | 2, 6 |
Present a group report of a case worked on in practice.. | 40% | 0 | 0 | 2, 3, 5, 6 |
Test examination | 30% | 1.5 | 0.06 | 1, 2, 4, 7 |
Unique Assessment
The delivery of the work and the completion of both exams will be carried out on a single date indicated in the course syllabus, accessible from the virtual campus.
The Ev2 will be assessed with the group written report (3 or 4 people), where the achievement of the theoretical and applied knowledge of the cases presented and worked on in the practical sessions must be shown, as well as the knowledge acquired from the different readings selected in the work of this subject. The completion of this evidence is essential to pass the course.
The final grade for continuous assessment will be obtained from the weighted sum of the scores of the evidence (final grade = Ev1+Ev2+Ev3).
Students who have submitted evidence of learning with a weight equal to or greater than 40% may not be listed as “non – assessable”.
To pass the subject with continuous assessment you must obtain a minimum score of 5 in the weighted final grade. You must have obtained a minimum grade of 4 points in the EV3 evidence to calculate the weighted final grade. You must have passed at least one of the EV1 or EV3 evidence in order to be able to do the weighting with the Ev2.
Procedure for reviewing grades
At the time of each assessment activity, the teacher will inform students of the procedure and the date of the review of grades.
A recovery test may be performed. In order to take the resittest, thenweighted final grade mustbecalculated at a minimum of 3.5 points and a maximum of 4.9 points. This test will include test –questionnaire type-. In addition, during the continuous assessment, students must have submitted evidence with a minimum weight of 2/3 (both exams). The grade obtained will be added to the weighted grade. The test will be scored between 0 and 2 points. It is necessary to pass this exam (obtain a minimum of 1 point) in order for its value to be added to the weighted final grade previously obtained in the subject. To pass the course you must obtain a minimum score of 5 in the weighted final grade. And there would be no activities excluded from recovery.
Non – evaluable activities will bereported at the beginning of the course, if applicable.
In the event that tests or exams cannot be taken onsite, they will be adapted to an online format made available through the UAB’s virtual tools (the original weighing will be maintained). Homework, activities and class participation will be carried out through forums, wikis and/or discussion on Teams, etc. Instructors will ensure that students are able to access these virtual tools, or will offer them feasible alternatives.
In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities, the student will receive a zero as the final grade for the class.
1) Acinas, M. P. (2012). Burnout and empathy wear and tear in palliative care professionals. Digital Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, 2 (4), 1-22.
2) Alcántara, M. V., López-Soler, C., Castro, M., and López, J. J. (2013). Psychological alterations in minors exposed to gender violence: prevalence and differences in gender and age. Annals of Psychology, 29 (3), 741-747.
3) Andrés-Pueyo, A., & Echeburúa, E. (2010). Violence risk assessment: available instruments and indications for application. Psicothema, 22 (3).
4) Barudy, J., & Dantagnan, M. (2012). Violence: Zero Tolerance. Prevention and psychosocial support in children exposed to gender violence. Barcelona: Obra Social La Caixa. Retrieved from
5) Beltrán-Morillas, A.M., Sánchez-Hernández, M.D., Herrera, M.C., Villanueva-Moya, L., & Expósito, F. (2023). Self-Efficacy and Well-Being in Professionals Working in Intimate Partner Violence: Recovery Experiences and Burnout as Associated Variables. Psychological Reports. 1-27.
6) Benito, E; Arranz P; Cancio, H. (2010). Tools for the self-care of professionals who care for people who suffer. FMC (Continuing Medical Education) Primary Care. Barcelona: Elsevier.
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8) Black, M.C. (2011). Intimate partner violence and adverse health consequences; Implications for clinicians. Am J Lifestyle Med, 5, 428-439.
9) Bosch, E., Ferrer, V. A., García, E., Ramis, M. C., Mas, M. C., Navarro, C., & Torrens, G. (2007). From the myth of romantic love to violence against women in the couple. Ministry of Equality, Women's Institute, University of the Balearic Islands, 175.
10) Bosch-Fiol, E., & Ferrer-Pérez, V. A. (2012). New map of the myths about gender violence in the 21st century [New map of the myths about gender violence in the 21st century]. Psicothema, 24 (4), 548–554.
11) Bosch, E. (2013). Violence against women: love as an alibi. Violence against women, 1-384.
12) Bosch-Fiol, E., & Ferrer-Pérez, V. A. (2019). The Pyramid Model: a feminist alternative for analyzing violence against women. Journal of Feminist Studies, 27.
13) Cantera, L. M., & Cantera, F. M. (2014). Active self-care and its importance for Community Psychology. Psychoperspectives, 13 (2), 88-97.
14) Connel, R.W and Messerschmidt, James, W (2021). Traducción de Barbero, Matías de Stéfano y Morcillo, Santiago. Hegemonic masculinity. Rethinking the concept. Journal of the Iberoamerican Laboratory for the Sociohistorical Study of Sexualities, 6, pp – pp.
15) Coordination Service of the Comprehensive System against Gender Violence, Intervention Guide for Minor Victims of Gender Violence. Tenerife, Canary Institute of Equality. Government of the Canary Islands, 2012, 135p. ores.pdf
16) D’Andrea, W., & Graham-Berman, S. (2017). Social context and violence exposure as predictors of internalizing symptoms in mothers and children exposed to intimate partner violence. Journal of family violence, 32 (2), 145-155.
17) De Salud, S. M. (2010). Clinical practice guide. Mental health action in women abused by their partner. Murcian Health Service.
18) Escudero Nafs, A., Polo Usaola, C., López Gironés, M., & Aguilar Redo, L. (2005). Coercive persuasion, an explanatory model for keeping women in a situation of gender violence: I: Strategies for violence. Journal of the Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry, (95), 85-117.
19) Escudero Nafs, A., Polo Usaola, C., López Gironés, M., & Aguilar Redo, L. (2005). Coercive persuasion, an explanatory model for keeping women in a situation of gender violence: II: The emotions and strategies of violence. Journal of the Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry, (96), 59-91.
20) Ferrer, V. A., Bosch, E., & Navarro, C. (2010). Romantic myths in Spain. Psychology Bulletin, 99, 7-31.
21) Fogarty, A., Wood, C. E., Yellow, R., Kaufman,J., & Hansen, M. (2019). Factors promoting emotional ‐ behavioral resilience and adjustment in children exposed to intimate partner violence: A systematic review. Australian journal of psychology, 71 (4), 375-389.
22) Fong, V. C., Hawes, D., & Allen, J. L. (2019). A systematic review of risk and protective factors for externalizing problems in children exposed to intimate partner violence. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 20 (2), 149-167.
23) García-Carpintero, M. Á., Rodríguez-Santero, J., & Porcel-Gálvez, A. M. (2018). Design and validation of the scale for the detection of violence in dating in young people at the University of Seville. Gaceta Sanitaria, 32, 121-128.
24) Gentry, J. E., Baggerly, J. & Baranowsky, A. (2004). Training-as-treatment: effectiveness of the certified compassion fatigue specialist training. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 6 (3), 147-158
25) Herman, Judith. (2004). Trauma and Recovery. How to overcome the consequences of violence. Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid): Espasa Calpe.
26) Holmes, M. R. (2013). Aggressive behavior of children exposed to intimate partner violence: An examination of maternal mental health, maternal warmth and child maltreatment. Child abuse & neglect, 37 (8), 520-530.
27) Juster, R. P., Pruessner, J. C., Desrochers, A. B., Bourdon, O., Durand, N., Wan, N., ... & Lupien, S. J. (2016). Sex and gender roles in relation to mental health and allostatic load. Psychosomatic medicine, 78 (7), 788-804.
28) Kaufman-Parks, A. M., Demaris, A., Giordano, P. C., Manning, W. D., & Longmore, M. A. (2018). Familial effects on intimate partner Violence perpetration across adolescence and young adulthood. Journal of Family Issues, 39 (7), 1933–1961.
29) Lünnemann, M. K. M., Van der Horst, F. C. P., Prinzie, P., Luijk, M. P. C. M., & Steketee, M. (2019).The intergenerational impact of trauma and family violence on parents and their children. Child abuse & neglect, 96, 104134.
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Web links:
Centre for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE):
Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS):
World Health Organization Genere:
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Name | Group | Language | Semester | Turn |
(PAUL) Classroom practices | 1 | Catalan/Spanish | second semester | morning-mixed |
(TE) Theory | 1 | Catalan/Spanish | second semester | morning-mixed |