This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Statistics Consultancy

Code: 104877 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2503852 Applied Statistics OT 4


Llorenç Badiella Busquets

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


Descriptive Statistics
											Programming tools with Statistical software and data management
											Linear Models
											Analysis of Categorical Data
											Multivariate analysis

Objectives and Contextualisation

Develop skills necessary to carry out professional consultancy tasks in statistics. 
Covering the different fields of statistical consultancy:
- Health Sciences,
- Banking and insurance
- Sociological studies and surveys

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM14 (Competence) Propose the statistical model needed to analyse data sets belonging to real studies.
  2. KM17 (Knowledge) Recognise the statistical models for the analysis of data with different structures and complexities that frequently appear in different fields of application.
  3. KM18 (Knowledge) Recognise the language of applications of economics and finances, biomedical science and engineering, provided by research and innovation in the field of statistics.
  4. KM18 (Knowledge) Recognise the language of applications of economics and finances, biomedical science and engineering, provided by research and innovation in the field of statistics.
  5. SM16 (Skill) Select appropriate sources of information for the statistical work.
  6. SM18 (Skill) Refine the information available for subsequent statistical processing.


											    Objective of the Statistical Consulting
											    Areas of Consultancy and Needs
											    Functions and responsibilities of the Statistical Consultant
											    Work meetings
											    Objectives according to scope
											Statistical Report
											    Analysis, Methodology, Validation
											    Presentation of results
											Productive programming with SAS and / or R
											    Syntax files structure
											    Implementation of Statistical Techniques
											    Functions to reproduce code
											    Production of results
											Practical cases
											    Presentation and Review

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Practical cases 15 0.6
Practical classes 30 1.2
Theory 30 1.2

The subject will follow the following methodology:
											    Theoretical classes
											    Practical software sessions
											    Evaluation of practical cases

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Oral Presentation 70 75 3 CM14, KM17, KM18, SM16, SM18
Practices 30 0 0 CM14, KM17

The subject will be evaluated by solving one or more practical cases.
											Statistical advice must be carried out, delivering the following documentation.
											Initial proposal
											Preliminary report
											Results Report
											Presentation Summary of Results
											Finally, it will be open to present the results of the case in public.
											Intermediate deliveries correspond to the Practices activity.
											Public presentation corresponds to the Presentation activity.

This course does not admit "Avaluació única".


Cabrera, J.; McDougall A. (2002). Springer-Verlag New York.Statistical Consulting

Statistical Rules of Thumb - Gerald Van Belle - Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics

Common Errors in Statistics (and How to Avoid Them) - Good, Hardin - Wiley

SAS and R: Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics - Kleinman , Horton - Chapman and Hall

SAS for Mixed Models, Second Edition - Little et al - SAS Publishing



Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(SEM) Seminars 1 Catalan first semester afternoon
(TE) Theory 1 Catalan first semester afternoon