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Digital Marketing

Code: 104741 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2503873 Interactive Communication OB 3


Mercedes Diez Jimenez


Mercedes Lecha Salvador

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


No previous requirements are necessary to take this subject.

Objectives and Contextualisation

  • To introduce students to the study of the main digital marketing strategies for products, services and brands in the field of communication.
  • To deepen the analysis of the digital ecosystem and the use of the main digital marketing applications: platforms, techniques and web resources.
  • Address reflections on the user profile (prosumer) and their main habits of use and consumption of digital communication products.
  • Know and analyse the main trends in the sector and their application: Inobound marketing, advergaming, brand journalism, blog marketing, storytelling, e-business, mobile marketing, e-commerce, from a professional perspective.


  • Act with ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and duties, diversity and democratic values.
  • Act within one's own area of knowledge, evaluating sex/gender-based inequalities.
  • Introduce changes in the methods and processes of the field of knowledge to provide innovative responses to the needs and demands of society.
  • Manage time efficiently and plan for short-, medium- and long-term tasks.
  • Plan, implement, analyse and evaluate social-media marketing campaigns and implement automation systems in management.
  • Search for, select and rank any type of source and document that is useful for creating messages, academic papers, presentations, etc.
  • Students must be capable of applying their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and they should have building arguments and problem resolution skills within their area of study.
  • Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • Students must have and understand knowledge of an area of study built on the basis of general secondary education, and while it relies on some advanced textbooks it also includes some aspects coming from the forefront of its field of study.
  • Take account of social, economic and environmental impacts when operating within one's own area of knowledge.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse a situation and identify its points for improvement.
  2. Analyse reports on internet and mobile data.
  3. Analyse the indicators of sustainability of academic and professional activities in the areas of knowledge, integrating social, economic and environmental dimensions.
  4. Analyse the sex-/gender-based inequalities and gender bias in one's own area of knowledge.
  5. Analyse the situation of the market and consumers to plan online marketing campaigns.
  6. Assess the impact and results of the digital marketing campaigns designed.
  7. Communicate using language that is not sexist or discriminatory.
  8. Consider how gender stereotypes and roles impinge on the exercise of the profession.
  9. Create measurement strategies.
  10. Critically analyse the principles, values and procedures that govern the exercise of the profession.
  11. Cross-check information to establish its veracity, using evaluation criteria.
  12. Distinguish the salient features in all types of documents within the subject.
  13. Evaluate the impact of problems, prejudices and discrimination that could be included in actions and projects in the short or medium term in relation to certain people or groups.
  14. Identify situations in which a change or improvement is needed.
  15. Identify the social, economic and environmental implications of academic and professional activities within one's own area of knowledge.
  16. Interpret and discuss documents on the main theories of marketing.
  17. Plan and conduct academic studies in the field of digital marketing.
  18. Present a summary of the studies made, orally and in writing.
  19. Present projects and services to instructors and co-learners.
  20. Propose new methods or well-founded alternative solutions.
  21. Propose projects and actions that are in accordance with the principles of ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and obligations, diversity and democratic values.
  22. Propose projects and actions that incorporate the gender perspective.
  23. Propose viable projects and actions to boost social, economic and environmental benefits.
  24. Submit course assignments on time, showing the individual and/or group planning involved.
  25. Weigh up the risks and opportunities of both one's own and other people's proposals for improvement.


The contents of the course will be oriented towards theoretical and practical knowledge of the different main aspects of digital marketing today. Mainly:

  • Introduce students to the main concepts of digital marketing, determination of KPIs, analytics and measurement.
  • To learn about SEO and SEM positioning strategies
  • Definition of Social Media actions, Inboudnd marketing, content, advergaming and Storytelling.
  • Configuring and executing email marketing, lead capture and CRM actions.
  • Introduction to the concepts of e-commerce, automation marketing and revenue generation (Adsense, Affiliate Marketing...).

However, the detailed calendar with the content of the different sessions will be available on the day of the presentation of the course. It will also be posted on the Virtual Campus where students can find the detailed description of the exercises and practices, the various teaching materials and any information necessary for the proper monitoring of the subject. 

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures 15 0.6 2, 5, 12, 16
Practical workshop 17 0.68 5, 6, 9, 17
Seminars 16 0.64 2, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24
Type: Supervised      
Analysis, approach and oral presentation of real cases and case studies. 4 0.16 11, 12, 19
Tutorial 3 0.12 6, 11
Type: Autonomous      
Oral presentations 4 0.16 6, 12, 18
Personal study 15 0.6 2, 5, 11, 12, 16
Preparation of works & practices 37 1.48 2, 5, 6, 9, 12, 16, 17, 18
Reading 4 0.16 2, 5, 11, 12, 16

The subject consists of a theoretical part and a practical part that will be developed in person.

During the theory, there will be an introduction to the main concepts of digital marketing, which will be complemented with compulsory readings and digital resources.

Subsequently, the practical activity will be developed during the seminar, always related to the theoretical class taught, which will be placed in the context of the development of a digital marketing plan that will be delivered during the last sessions of the course, as well as the development of the individual practice.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Final group practical work 50% 20 0.8 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24
Individual theory exam 40% 10 0.4 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 12, 16
Individual work 10% 5 0.2 1, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20, 25

In order to pass the course, students must choose one of the following 3 options:

1.- Continuous assessment

Continuous assessment involves compulsory class attendance, with a maximum absenteeism of 20% of the seminars. In order to pass it, the following tests must be passed, being necessary to obtain at least a 5 in each of the tests, in order to obtain an average. If this is not the case, the course will be failed and the student will have to take a make-up exam.

A) 40% Individual theory exam

B) 50% Final group practical project (digital marketing plan)

C) 10% Individual practice


2. Single assessment

If you wish to opt for the single assessment, class attendance is recommended but not compulsory and you must pass the following tests, being necessary to obtain at least a 5 in each of the tests, in order to get an average. If this is not the case, the course will be failed and the student will have to take a make-up exam.

A) 40% Individual theory exam

B) 50% Final individual practical work (digital marketing plan)

C) 10% Individual practice

The single evaluation, both the theoretical exam and the delivery of the practical exercises, will take place on 25/06/2024.


3.- Synthesis test

 In the case of second registration students, they can opt for the synthesis test. This will be a final exam where theoretical and practical knowledge will be evaluated. This exam will take place on the day of the recovery and will be the same exam as the recovery of the rest of the students, not opting for an extraordinary recovery.

Students will have the right to retake the course if they have been evaluated on all the activities, the weight of which is at least 2/3 of the total grade of the course. To do so, they will be able to take a theoretical and/or practical exam during the last weeks of the course.

The recovery will take place on 25/06/2024 and students will have to pass the evaluable parts with a minimum mark of 5 in each of them in order to be able to take the average:

A) 40% Individual theoretical exam

B) 50% Final individual practical work (digital marketing plan)

C) 10% Individual practice

 Dates are subject to change and will be confirmed both during the presentation of the course and on the virtual campus.

 The grades obtained can be consulted on the Virtual Campus.

 Students who do not take any of the evaluable tests or the recovery will be graded as not evaluable.

 In the event that any student commits an irregularity that may lead to a significant variation of an assessment act, this assessment act will be graded with 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be initiated. In the event of several irregularities occurring in the assessment acts of the same subject, the final grade for this subject will be 0.


Kotler, Philip., Kartaya, Hermawan. & Setiawan, Iwan. (2016). Marketing 4.0: transforma tu estrategia para atraer al consumidor digital. John Wiley & sons 2ª Ed.

Sáinz de Vicuña Ancín, Jose Maria. (2021). El plan de marketing digital en la práctica (23rd ed.). Madrid: ESIC.

Maciá Domene, Fernando. (2020). Seo avanzado. Madrid: Anaya Multimedia.

Chaffey, Dave, & Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona. (2020). Digital marketing. Harlow: Pearson.

Fagundo, Antonio., Bastón, Rubén. & Hernández, Valentín. (2021). Ecommerce. Cómo montar una tienda online… ¡y que venda!. Madrid: Anaya Multimedia.

Díaz-Aroca, Esmeralda, & Martínez Calduch, David. (2017). Social selling. Madrid: Altom Service.

Fundamentos de marketing digital. (s. f.). Google. https://learndigital.withgoogle.com/activate/course/digital-marketing

Google Analytics Academy. (s. f.). https://analytics.google.com/analytics/academy/

Google Ads Certifications : Google. (s. f.). https://skillshop.exceedlms.com/student/catalog/list?category_ids=2844-google-ads-certifications

Certificació de Meta. (s. f.). https://es-es.facebook.com/business/learn/certification


Especially free online and office tools will be used.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(SEM) Seminars 61 Spanish second semester afternoon
(SEM) Seminars 62 Catalan second semester afternoon
(TE) Theory 6 Spanish second semester afternoon