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Planning of Coastal Spaces

Code: 104269 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2503710 Geography, Environmental Management and Spatial Planning OT 4


Eduardo Ariza Sole


Francesc Romagosa Casals

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


There are no prerequisites

Objectives and Contextualisation

The aim of the course is to give the basic knowledge so that the student understands the territorial, environmental and social complexity of the coastal system and learns to analyze the problems of the coastal space in an integrated way, with a geographical look and from a planning point of view.

The subject is divided into three parts or blocks: a first block analyzes the coastal space -in a broad geographical sense- from the physical point of view (evolution, dynamics, ecosystems) and social (settlements and human activities). The second block analyzes the manifestations of Global Change on the coast. The third block deals with the management and governance of coastal space (policies, legislation, instruments and inclusive governance).

A field trip is included in a section of the Catalan coast with the aim of being able to see in situ many of the aspects treated in theory.

Learning Outcomes

  1. KM30 (Knowledge) Define the characteristic ecosystems of the Mediterranean coast and the relationships between society and the coastal space.
  2. KM34 (Knowledge) List the basic regional, environmental and urban regulations corresponding to each responsible administration, with reference to Catalonia.
  3. SM26 (Skill) Evaluate mitigation and adaptation policies to global change processes.


1. The coastal socio-ecological system
- Introduction to the coastal system
- Evolution and dynamics of the coast
- Morphology of the coast
- Ecosystems and coastal formations
- Settlements and human activities on the coast
2. Global Change on the coast
- The urbanization and trivialization of the landscape
- The massification and exploitation of socio-natural resources
- Hydrodynamic and morphodynamic alterations
- Extreme events and sea level rise
3. Coastal management and governance
- Coastal policies and planning
- Coastal legislation and administration
- Management instruments
- Coastal governance

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Classroom activities (TE) 22.5 0.9 KM30, KM34, SM26
Field trips (PCAM) 8 0.32 KM30, SM26
Practical sessions (PAUL) 16.5 0.66 KM30, KM34, SM26
Type: Supervised      
Practical work 20 0.8 KM30, KM34, SM26
Tutorials 5 0.2 KM30, KM34, SM26
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomous work 40 1.6 KM30, KM34, SM26
Study 35 1.4 KM30, KM34, SM26

The contents of the course will be developed through the following activities:

 - Follow-up of the topics covered in the course (reading and study of the documents that make up the course's materials).

  -Class exercises

 - Read books and articles as a complement to the materials.

 - Field trip of compulsory character, that will complement the theoretical knowledge of the course's materials and will be the basis of a practical work.

 - Elaboration of two practical works or assignments, with the tutoring of the professor.


At the beginning of the course, the teacher will explain the protocol of measures and good practices for field trips.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Assignment 1 20 % 0 0 KM30, SM26
Assignment 2 20 % 0 0 KM30, KM34, SM26
Class attendance/participation 10% 0 0 KM30, KM34, SM26
First partial exam 25 % 1.5 0.06 KM30
Second partial exam 25 % 1.5 0.06 KM34, SM26

The continuous assessment of the course will consist of: 1) the realization of two partial exams that will evaluate the theoretical knowledge corresponding to the three thematic parts of the course (they will be have to be retaken at the final exam if they have not obtained a grade higher than 4 out of 10); and 2) the elaboration of two practical assignments, both related to course's theory and to the field trip; 3) In attendance and participation in classroom activities. In all cases, if the average grade of the subject is less than 5, the student will have to take the recovery exam.

To participate in the recovery, students must have previously been assessed in a set of activities whose weight is equivalent to a minimum of 2/3 parts of the total qualification. 

The student will have a ‘not assessed’ as a final grade if s/he hands 0% of course tasks or hands course tasks that correspond up to 1/3 of the total mark. In other words, if the student overcomes this threshold, s/he will be assessed and graded.

In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities of the same subject, the student will be given a zero as the final grade for this subject. The occurrence of irregularities in the partial exams will imply that they cannot be retaken.

In the event that tests or exams cannot be taken onsite, they will be adapted to an online format made available through the UAB’s virtual tools (original weighting will be maintained). Homework, activities and class participation will be carried out through forums, wikis and/or discussion on Teams, etc. Lecturers will ensure that students are able to access these virtual tools, or will offer them feasible alternatives.

On carrying out each evaluation activity, lecturers will inform students (on Moodle) of the procedures to be followed for reviewing all grades awarded, and the date on which such a review will take place.


This subject does not incorporate single assessment


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AGUIRRE, J. M. (2015). Catalunya davant la legislació estatal relativa a la gestió del litoral: una proposta de reinterpretació de competències. A:  ROMAGOSA, F (Ed). La Governança i la gestió integrada del litoral a Catalunya, pp. 60-81. UAB, Bellaterra (Spain).

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BARRAGÁN, J.M. (2014). Política, Gestión y Litoral. Una nueva visión de la Gestión Integrada de Áreas Litorales. Madrid: Editorial Tébar Flores.

BARRAGÁN, J.M. et al. (2011). La Gestión Integrada de Áreas Litorales en España. Propuestas para un Cambio de Rumbo. In: Manejo Costero Integrado y Política Pública en Iberoamérica: Propuestas para la acción. Red IBERMAR (CYTED), Cádiz, pp. 253-280.

BARRAGÁN, J.M.; BORJA, F. (2011). "Litorales". In: Evaluación de los ecosistemas del milenio de España. Conservación de los servicios de los ecosistemas y la biodiversidad para el bienestar humano. Madrid: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino - Fundación Biodiversidad, pp, 73-739.

BRETON, F.; TRUJILLO, A.J. (2009). Paisajes litorales. In: BUSQUETS, J.; CORTINA, A. (coords.) Gestión del paisaje. Manual de protección, gestión y ordenación del paisaje. Barcelona: Ariel: 111-134.

CARTER, R.W.G. (1989). Coastal environments. An introduction to the Physical, Ecological and Cultural Systems of Coastlines. London: Academic Press.

CONSELL ASSESSOR PER AL DESENVOLUPAMENT SOSTENIBLE (2019). Una mar de canvis. Recomanacions per a una gestió sostenible del medi marí i costaner. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya.

CONSELL ASSESSOR PER AL DESENVOLUPAMENT SOSTENIBLE (2021). Un litoral al límit. Recomanacions per a una gestió integrada de la costa catalana. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya.

DIPUTACIÓ DE BARCELONA (2010). El sistema litoral. Un equilibri feble amenaçat pel canvi climàtic. Barcelona: Diputació de Barcelona.

FOLCH, R. (dir.) (1984-1992). Història natural dels Països Catalans. Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana. Vols.1, 2, 7 i 14.

GARCÍA GARCÍA, M. (2017). El litoral español: más de un cuarto de siglo a la deriva. Journal of interdisciplinary studies in Architecture and Urbanism, 8: 272-287.

GARCÍA-LOZANO, C. (2019). Els sistemes dunars de la costa catalana. Evolució històrica, estat actual i potencial de restauració. Tesi Doctoral. Universitat de Girona.

GARCÍA-LOZANO, C., PINTÓ, J. Platges i dunes de Catalunya. [Online]- Available at: http://www.dunes.cat/.

HASLETT, S.K. (2000). Coastal systems. London: Roudledge.

MARGALEF, R. (1994). Litorals i oceans. Enciclopèdia Biosfera, vol. 10. Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana.

MILLENNIUM ECOSYSTEM ASSESMENT (2005). Ecosystems and human well-being: Wetlands and water synthesis. Washington: World Resources Institute.

MINISTERIO DE MEDIO AMBIENTE (2005). Hacia una gestión sostenible del litoral español. Madrid.

MORENO, I. (2007). Manejo integral costero. Por una costa más ecológica, productiva y sostenible. Palma de Mallorca: Universitat de les Illes Balears.

NONN, H. (1987). Geografía de los litorales. Madrid: Akal.

PARPAL, N. (1996). "Un passeig pel litoral". El sistema litoral. Un equilibri sostenible? Quaderns d'Ecologia Aplicada, 13: 245-289. Barcelona: Diputació de Barcelona.

PASKOFF, R. (1994). Les littoraux. Impact des aménagements sur leur évolution. Paris: Masson.

PINTÓ, J.; GARCIA-LOZANO, C.; ROIG-MUNAR, X. (2018). L'espai litoral. Natura: Ús o abús? Barcelona: Institut d'Estudis Catalans.

PONS, F. (2015). El Nuevo régimen jurídico de las costas ¿Contribuir a de forma eficaz a la protección y al uso sostenible del litoral?. Pamplona: Thomson Reuters - Editorial Aranzadi.

ROMAGOSA, F. (2000). Zones humides, societat i medi ambient. Les zones humides de Catalunya. Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions de la UAB.

ROMAGOSA, F. (ed.) (2016). La governança i la gestió integrada del litoral a Catalunya. Bellaterra: Grup de Recerca Interfase, UAB.

ROS, J. (2001). Vora el mar broix. Problemàtica ambiental del litoral mediterrani. Barcelona: Empúries.

ROS, J.; SERRA, J. (1996). Ecosistemes i dinàmica litoral. El sistema litoral. Un equilibri sostenible? Quaderns d'Ecologia Aplicada, 13: 5-43.

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SCHEFFERS, A.M.; SCHEFFERS, S.R.; KELLETAT, D.H. (2012). The coastlines of the world with Google Earth. Dordrecht: Springer.



Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 1 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(PCAM) Field practices 1 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 1 Catalan second semester morning-mixed