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Accommodation Management I

Code: 103727 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2502904 Hotel Management OB 2


Carmen Ruiz Aguado

Teaching groups languages

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There are no prerequisites.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The subject Rooms Division Management I pretends to analyze the performance parameters of the department in order to teach to the students of the second course of the Degree in Hospitality Management how to manage the department in an efecctive way as well as to offer an extensive knowledge of it. 

The subject describes the structure of the Rooms Division department and all its areas to manage, highlighting the organisational management of the different subdepartments that configure it, like reservations, front desk and concierge as well as the managing of its staff and the product to offer. 
Spliting all these factors, the students learn how to manage and analyze the department results, to take decisions and look after the good operation of the accommodation area as a main activity in a hotel company (it generates the greater part of the revenues).
Once finalising the subject the students will must have to: 

1. Know the Housekeeping division structure as well as the competences, skills and tasks of each one of the labour profiles that integrate it. 
2. Realise one detailed analysis of the core processes of the department. 
3. Familiarise with the management and implement effective management and control models. 
4.  Identify the different itineraries and communication channels with the rest of departments that configure a hotel.
5. Establish the own functions of the Housekeeping department.
6. Determine the different organisational structures of personal necessary that integrate the Housekeeping division.
7. Know how to mediate procedures and how to adapt them to the customer expectations, human capital particularities and the material resources available based on respect for diversity and plurality of ideas, people and situations.
8. Take decisions and design strategies for thedevelopment and improvement of the department.
9. Integrate fast and effectively in the workgroups of departamental work related with the rooms division area in different type of accommodation business. 
10. Perform a modern departamental management, effective and customer oriented.


  • Apply concepts related to the creation setting up, acquisition, maintenance and conservation of equipment in hotel and catering premises which are energy-sustainable and economically viable.
  • Apply health and safety rules in the establishments of the hotel and catering sector.
  • Apply knowledge in practice
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the production system and operating procedures in the accommodation service.
  • Develop a capacity for independent learning.
  • Manage and organise time.
  • Manage communication techniques at all levels.
  • Work in teams.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse the structure of the sector.
  2. Apply knowledge in practice.
  3. Develop a capacity for independent learning.
  4. Draw up small action plans for health and safety.
  5. Identify health and safety systems in the hotel and catering sector.
  6. Manage and organise time.
  7. Manage communication techniques at all levels.
  8. Structure the different phases of opening of establishments.
  9. Understand the different accommodation products as the principal activity of overall hotel product.
  10. Understand the essential steps for creating settings and promotion.
  11. Understand the structure and management of the department as well as the competences and skills of the professional profiles which make up the area of accommodation.
  12. Work in teams.



1.1 Concept of reservation. Generalities. The customer's cycle

1.2 Organisation and functions of the department 

1.3 Prices and rates

1.4 Occupancy and frequenty indexes

1.5 Types of reservation: individuals, groups, serials, confirmed, garanted, etc.

1.6 Contracting, conditions and rates appliable. Distribution channels. 

1.7 Commissions, discounts and net prices

1.8 Diposits and prepayments


2.1 Front desk operations

2.3 Departamental organization

2.4 Interdepartamental coordination


3. Functions and operative


Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures 43 1.72 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11
Problems solving 14 0.56 2, 7, 9, 11, 12
Type: Supervised      
Tutoring 12 0.48 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Type: Autonomous      
Paper creation 34 1.36 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Study 40 1.6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Teaching languages: catalan, spanish

  • Lectures: Exhibition of the theoretical content of the program in a clear way, systematic and organized by areas (the students will have at the virtual campus the basic subject's content). The teacher will encourage at all times class participation, to help them value the the explanations, reflections and doubts. The learning will be reinforced with the projection of didactic videos and the articles and news reading. 
  • Sessions of practical classes. In these sessions the students will have to realise practical activities related with the theoretical contents exposed during the lectures.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Compulsory paper 25% of final mark 2 0.08 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Mid-term exam 1 30% of final mark 2 0.08 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Mid-term exam 2 30% of final mark 2 0.08 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Practical activities 15% of final mark 1 0.04 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Two evaluation options:

Continuous assessment. It consists of the following system:

a) Completion of practical activities worth 15% of the final grade.

b) Completion of a mandatory assignment worth 25% of the final grade.

c) Completion of two partial exams, each worth 30% of the final grade.

Unique evaluation. Students who choose this evaluation model must complete the following:

a) Completion of practical activities worth 15% of the final grade.

b) Completion of a mandatory assignment worth 25% of the final grade.

c) Completion of a comprehensive exam covering all the material worth 60% of the final grade.

Date and time established according to the academic calendar in the Official Program of the Center (EUTDH).

"The recovery of the subject through unique evaluation will follow the same procedure as for the rest of the students, and to be eligible for re-evaluation, it will be necessary for the student to have obtained a minimum of 3.5 in the set of evidences that comprise the unique evaluation."



Only students who have obtained a grade equal to or higher than 3.5 and lower than 5 in the final evaluation. The grade for this re-evaluation will not exceed 5 as the final grade.

Date and time established according to the academic calendar in the Official Program of the Center (EUTDH).

The grade for the subject will be NOT EVALUABLE when the student attends less than half of the assessment activities and/or does not attend the final exam.



Atienza Sobrino, Verónica. Procesos de gestión de departamentos del área de alojamiento Verónica Atienza Sobrino. Malaga: ICeditorial, 2012. Print.

Corral Mestas, Fernando. Manual de recepción hotelera principios y técnicas / Fernando Corral Mestas. Oviedo: Septem Ediciones, 2012. Print.

Gallego, Jesús Felipe. (2002). Gestión de hoteles: una nueva visión. Madrid: Paraninfo.

Good Housekeeping Practices in Hotels. Barcelona: Centro de Actividad Regional para la Producción Limpia, 2006. Print.

morale. “Crece inversión en Reservas Hoteleras.” Portafolio (2006): n. pag. Print.

Parrilla, Patricia. (2006). Operaciones de Recepción. Gestione las tareas administrativas de recepción de forma eficaz. Vigo: Ideas propias Editorial. 

Talón, Pilar (2016). Fundamentos de Dirección Hotelera. Madrid: Editorial Síntesis. 

Vaquero González, Juliana. Recepción en alojamientos : recepción y atención al cliente. Manual / Juliana Vaquero González. Madrid: Editorial CEP S.L., 2013. Print.

Vaquero González, Juliana. Arreglo de habitaciones y zonas comunes en alojamientos : operaciones básicas de pisos en alojamientos. Manual / Juliana Vaquero González. Madrid: Editorial CEP S.L., 2012.Print.

Villanueva López, Raúl. Organización y prestación del servicio de recepción en alojamientos Raúl Villanueva López. Antequera, Málaga: Innovación y Cualificación, 2012. Print.


Articles and news related to course content will be facilitated through the virtual campus.



No specific software is necessary. 

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TE) Theory 1 Catalan/Spanish first semester morning-mixed