Spanish: Variation and Oral Discourse
Code: 103566
ECTS Credits: 6
Degree |
Type |
Year |
2502758 Humanities |
OB |
2 |
Teaching groups languages
You can view this information at the end of this document.
In order to attend this subject, students must have a general linguistic knowledge and a command of oral and written expression comparable to those obtained after completing the baccalaureate. As indicated in the Evaluation section, errors in textual cohesion and in ortography will be penalised.
A level of English that allows students to read bibliography in this language is recommended.
Objectives and Contextualisation
This course is devoted to issues related to the Spanish language which pretend to improve the communication capacity and to expand the linguistic knowledge. It is intended to ensure that students (a) have knowledge and tools that allow them to delve into the factors that condition variation in the Spanish language, (b) that they become familiar with the fundamental aspects of discourse analysis, and (c) that they have acquired the methodology to analyze oral discourses and to develop their own oratory capacities in formal situations.
At the end of the course the students should have developed the following skills or knowledges:
- to have a global perspective of the current situation of Spanish, taking into account its different varieties;
- to know the main available resources about Spanish;
- to master the most important aspects of prescriptive rules of Spanish;
- to reason about the concepts of variation, norm and standard;
- to know the basic mechanisms that govern the construction of oral and written texts in Spanish;
- to express themselves orally and in writing in the academic field in an appropriate and effective manner;
- to analyze the discourse and linguistic productions from a pragmatic approach;
- to know the theoretical bases of the current oratory;
- to be able to do a formal oral presentation for an audience using various types of support material.
Students must become aware of the fundamental role that plays the adequate and reflective use of language in any discipline and workplace. Oral productions will have to be well structured, they must be understandable, they must be linguistically correct and they must be realized with clear articulation, the appropriate pronunciation and the pertinent intonation, according to the needs of formal oral discourse.
- Identifying the characteristics of a space and a territory in order to manage the resources for its local and territorial development.
- Interpreting social and cultural diversity.
- Properly using the resources and methodologies of the study of contemporary culture.
- Respecting the diversity and plurality of ideas, people and situations.
- Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
Learning Outcomes
- Analysing and interpreting oral texts of different nature.
- Applying and adapting in a coherent way the characteristics of the standard dialect in various communicational situations.
- Communicating in a properly, organised, and suitable manner in an oral conversation or presentation.
- Detecting and correcting any type (grammatical, spelling, stylistic, pragmatic, argumentative...) of inadequacy in a text.
- Expressing contents and arguments in a reasoned manner in (oral and written) formal discourses.
- Knowing the main data about the current situation of language (legal status, territorial extension, number of speakers...).
- Knowing the main institutions associated to language (academic, public administrations, foundations, consortium, etc.) and their functions and development.
- Mastering the main linguistic variation parameters.
- Mastering the varieties of oral discourse, and its level of adequacy and formality.
- Understanding the concept of linguistic planning and applying it.
Tema 1. Oral presentations
1.1 Planning and structure
1.2 Verbal and non-verbal communication
1.3 Voice
1.4 Techniques for oral presentations. Support materials
Tema 2. Linguistic variation
2.1 Basic concepts: language, dialect, variants
2.2 Temporal, geographic, social and situational linguistic varieties
2.2.1 Formal situations and the academic environment
2.2.2 Oral and written language
2.3 Linguistic attitudes
Tema 3. Linguistic assessment criteria and normative correctness
3.1 Grammaticality, acceptability, adequacy and correctness
3.2 Normative correctness
3.2.1 Orthoepy
3.3 Documentation sources on the language
Tema 4. Discourse analysis
4.1 Parameters of analysis
4.1.1 The communicative intention. Speech acts
4.1.2 The notion of context
4.1.3 The criterion of adequacy
4.1.4 Subjectivity and modalization
4.2 The analysis of the conversation
4.2.1 Cooperation and conversational maxims
4.2.2 Politeness
4.2.3 Intercultural pragmatics
Activities and Methodology
Title |
Hours |
Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed |
Theoretical and practical sessions |
1.2 |
1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 5, 3, 4
Type: Supervised |
preparing tasks, tutorials |
1.2 |
1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 5, 3, 4
Type: Autonomous |
preparing tasks and exams, individual and/or group study |
3.6 |
1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 5, 3, 4
The course is developed following an active methodology, based on student participation. The previous work of the students will serve as a starting point for the practices and activities (methodology of problem based learning and flipped classroom will be employed conjointly with other effective methodologies). The lessons are conceived as an environment where forums and workshops can be held, in which both individual practice and interaction within the group-class are possible. Critical thinking will be promoted, both when dealing with problems, data or situations of a linguistic nature and when reflecting on one's own learning. It is recommended to carry out a continuous and active follow-up of the subject.
It is necessary to use the Campus Virtual regularly, because through this tool any question related to the subject will be reported, and the materials will be provided.
Note: 15 minutes in a session will be reserved (within the period set out by the faculty) to complete the surveys on the instructor's task and on the course quality.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Continous Assessment Activities
Title |
Weighting |
Hours |
Learning Outcomes |
Oral presentation |
20% |
0 |
2, 8, 9, 5, 3, 4
Partial exam 1 |
40% |
0 |
1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 5, 3, 4
Partial exam 2 |
40 % |
0 |
1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 5, 4
Assessment procedure
The evaluable activities in continuous assesment modality are (see the table):
- Partial exam 1 (40 %, recoverable): written exam on the contents of the first part of the course. Its date will be indicated in the first session and it will be also available at Campus Virtual.
- Partial exam 2 (40 %, recoverable): written exam on the contents of the second part of the course. Its date will be indicated in the first session and it will be also available at Campus Virtual.
- Oral presentation (20 %, not recoverable): oral presentation (10 minuts long) which will critically summarize a scientific paper related to the contents of the course. The dates for it will also be available at Campus Virtual from the beginning of the course.
The same assesment method as continuous assessment will be used in single assesment modality. All the tasks will be completed the day of partial exam 2.
At the beginning of the course both the methodology of the subject and the evaluable tests will be explained. Specific guidance will be provided for each test when necessary. The guidelines with the description of the evaluable activities can be consulted in the virtual teaching space of the subject. The procedures to be followed for reviewing all grades awarded will be announced in due course at Campus Virtual.
Reassesment procedure
To pass the subject it is necessary to have a global mark equal to or greater than 5 and to have obtained a mark greater than 4 in the partial exams. Students will obtain a 'Not assessed' course grade if they have only done one evaluable activity. In the event of failing the course, the student will be able to presente to the reassesment process if he/she fits two conditions:
- having participated, at least, in activities that represent 2/3 of thefinal mark (continuous assesmentmodality) / having taken part in all the evaluable activities (single assesment modality), and
- having obtained a global grade greater than 3.5,
The same reassesment method wil be used in both continuous assessment and single assesment modalities: it will consist of a theoretical-practical exam which will be scheduled by the faculty in the reassesment period.
Evaluable elements
- Knowledge and practical application of the syllabus contents
- Knowledge and mastery ofthe oral use of formal oral language
- Proper, effective and linguistically correct expression
- Evaluation of the analysis of the grammatical aspects (phonetics, phonology, morphology, lexicon, syntax and semantics) and pragmatics of the oral language
- Evaluation of the analysis of phonic aspects of oral language
- Practice of expository and argumentative procedures
- Ability to create original oral texts
- Use of the critical method
- Ability to apply knowledge to practice
- Disposition and ability to work in a group
- Development of self-criticism and personal initiative
- Ability to adapt to new situations
- Mastery of the tools that support oralpresentations
- Mastery of the usual procedures for recording and analyzing oral samples
In regards to writing, it's understood that the student will write texts with full content. Obviously, spelling errors, punctuation and speech structure will be taken into account (each speech or punctuation error will be penalized with -0.25 on the final mark of the activity). It is also expected that students know the general rules of submissionof anacademic work.
Plagiarism: In the event of a student committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities of the same subject, the student will be given a zero as the final grade for this subject.
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- Álvarez, Alfredo (2005) Hablar en español, Oviedo: Ediciones Nobel.
- Bastardas Boada, Albert (1996) “Política y planificación lingüística”, en C. Martín Vide (ed.), Elementos de lingüística, Barcelona, Octaedro, pp. 341-360.
- Battaner, Paz (dir.ª). 2003. Diccionario de uso del español de América y España. Barcelona: Spes Editorial.
- Bernárdez, Enrique (1999) ¿Qué son las lenguas? Madrid: Alianza Editorial [Cap. 2: "De lenguas, dialectos, idiomas, hablas, jergas", pp. 33-59; Cap. 8: "¿Por qué cambian las lenguas?", pp. 207-227]
- Bertuccelli Papi, Marcella (1993) ¿Qué es la pragmática?. Barcelona: Paidós (“Instrumentos Paidós”), 1995.
- Blecua, José Manuel (1982) Qué es hablar, Barcelona: Salvat editores: 32-33.
- Brehler, Reiner (2000) Prácticas de oratoria moderna. Mostrarse seguro, hablar convincentemente, Madrid: Ed. El Drac, 2ª ed.
- Briz, Antonio (coord.) (2008) Saber hablar, Madrid: Aguilar, Instituto Cervantes.
- Bustos Sánchez, Inés (2003) La voz: la técnica y la expresión, Barcelona: Paidotribo.
- Caravedo, Rocío (2003) "Problemas conceptuales y metodológicos de la lingüística de la variación", en Francisco Moreno et al. (coords.), Lengua, variación y contexto. Estudios dedicados a Humberto López Morales. Madrid: Arco Libros, vol. 2: 541-557.
- Caravedo, Rocío (2014) Percepción y variación lingüística. Enfoque sociocognitivo, Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert.
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- Calsamiglia, Helena y Amparo Tusón (1999) Las cosas del decir. Manual de análisis del discurso. Barcelona: Ariel. 3ª ed., 2012.
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- Cortés, Maximiano (2002) Didáctica de la prosodia del español: la acentuación y la entonación, Madrid: Edinumen.
- Cros, Anna (2003) Convencer en clase. Argumentación y discurso docente. Barcelona: Ariel.
- Cuervo, M. y Diéguez, J. (1981) Mejorar la expresión oral, Madrid: Narcea.
- de-la-Mota Gorriz, Carme (2021) Oratoria actual [Canal de vídeos, Polimedia UAB]. Con la colaboración de Cecilia Gassull Bustamante y Rosa Maria Raich Escursell. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Disponible en:
- de-la-Mota, Carme y Gemma Puigvert (2012) "Retórica, prosodia y gesto en la comunicación política: la voz de Gaspar Llamazares", Oralia, 15:241–278.
- de-la-Mota, Carme y Emma Rodero (2011) “La entonación en la información radiofónica”, Anejo de Quaderns de Filologia. “La Entonación hispánica”, Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació, Universitat de València.
- de-la-Mota, Carme y Emma Rodero (2010)“La demarcación entonativa y el énfasis en la locución de los editores de boletines informativos radiofónicos" XXXIX Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística (SEL), Facultad de Filología de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 1-4 de febrero de 2010. Publicación en CD-ROM (ISBN 978-84-693-8655-2)
- de-la-Mota, Carme y Beatriz Belda (2010) "Sobreacentuación en la locución de boletines informativos en radio: Radio Nacional de España”. XXXIX Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística (SEL), Facultad de Filología de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 1-4 de febrero de 2010. Publicación en CD-ROM (ISBN 978-84-693-8655-2)
- de-la-Mota, Carme (2009) “El análisis fonético y fonológico de la lengua oral. Tendencias y retos actuales” en Carme de-la-Mota y Gemma Puigvert (Eds.) La investigación en Humanidades, Madrid: Editorial Biblioteca Nueva: 149-170.
- de-la-Mota, Carme (2015) “La adecuación a la situación discursiva: la voz y la comunicación no verbal de la periodista y política Uxue Barkos”. En Elena A. Pleuchova (Ed.) Problemas actuales dela lingüística ibero-románica, Universidad Federal de Kazan, Rusia: 9-18.
- Escandell, María Victoria (1996) “Conceptos básicos de pragmática”, en Introducción a la pragmática. Barcelona: Ariel, pp. 30-47.
- Escandell Vidal, María Victoria (2005) La comunicación, Madrid: Gredos.
- Escandell Vidal, Mª Victoria ; Victoria Marrero Aguiar; Celia Casado Fresnillo; Edita Gutiérrez Rodríguez; Nuria Polo Cano y Pilar Ruiz-Va Palacios (2014) Claves del Lenguaje Humano, Madrid: Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces [cap. 2, punto 3.2]
- Escobar, Anna María (2010) “Variación lingüística”. En: José Ignacio Hualde, Antxon Olarrea y Anna María Escobar Introducción a la lingüística hispánica. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2ª edición, corregida y aumentada, cap. 6: 329-364.
- García Mouton, Pilar (2003) Así hablan las mujeres: Curiosidades y tópicos del uso femenino del lenguaje, Madrid: La esfera de los libros.
- García Carbonell, Roberto (1981) Todos pueden hablar bien en público, Madrid: Edaf, 2001.
- Gómez Torrego, Leonardo (2006) Hablar y escribir correctamente: gramática normativa del español actual, Madrid: Arco/Libros.
- Gómez Torrego, Leonardo (2011) Ortografía y gramática. Las normas académicas: últimos cambios, Madrid: SM.
- González Ferrán, Judith (coord.) (2015) El español más vivo: 300 recomendaciones para hablar y escribir bien, Barcelona: Fundeu-BBVA, Espasa Libros.
- Guerrero Ramos, Gloria (1995) Los neologismos en el español actual. Madrid: Arco/Libros.
- HernándezGuerrero, José Antonio y María del Carmen García Tejera (2004) El arte de hablar: manual de retórica práctica yde oratoria moderna, Barcelona: Ariel.
- Hualde, José Ignacio (2010) “Historia de la lengua española”. En: José Ignacio Hualde, Antxon Olarrea y Anna María Escobar Introducción a la lingüística hispánica. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.2ª edición, corregida y aumentada, cap. 5: 275-326.
- Instituto Cervantes (2013) Las 500 dudas más frecuentes del español, Madrid: Espasa.
- Instituto Cervantes (2016) El español: una lengua viva. Informe 2016, Departamento de Comunicación Digital del Instituto Cervantes.
- Leonetti, Manuel (2014) “¿Por qué nos hacen gracia los chistes? El estudio pragmático del humor verbal”, conferencia impartida el 9 de abril de 2014 en el Aula II de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Disponible en:
- López Valero, Amando (1996) “Tipología textual y técnicas de expresión oral”, Lenguaje y textos, 9: 115-133.
- Luca, Marta Ofelia Pierro de (1983) Didáctica de la lengua oral, Buenos Aires: Kapelusz.
- Martín Zorraquino, María Antonia y José Portolés (1999) ¨Los marcadores del discurso¨. En Violeta Demonte e Ignacio Bosque (Coords.) Gramática descriptiva de la lengua española, Madrid: Espasa, vol. 3: 4051-4214.
- MedinaMoya, José Luis, Beatriz Jarauta Borrasca y Francesc Imbernon Muñoz (2012) La enseñanza reflexiva en la educación superior, Cuadernos de Docencia Universitaria, 17, ICEUAB. Barcelona: Octaedro.
- Merayo, Arturo (2001) Curso práctico de técnicas para hablar en público, Madrid: Tecnos. 2ª ed.
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- Moreno Cabrera, Juan Carlos (2000) La dignidad e igualdad de las lenguas. Crítica de la discriminación lingüística, Madrid: Alianza, 2016.
- Moreno Fernández, Francisco (2005) Principios de sociolingüística y sociología del lenguaje. Barcelona: Ariel. 2.ª ed. actualizada.
- Moreno Fernández, Francisco (2009) La lengua española en su geografía. Madrid: Arco/Libros.
- Navarro Tomás, Tomás (1944) Manual de entonación española, Nueva Cork, Hispanic Institute. Cuarta edición: Madrid, Guadarrama (Punto Omega, 175), 1974.
- Poyatos, Fernando (2002) Nonverbal Communication Across Disciplines, Amsterdam: John Benjamins,3 volúmenes.
- Penny, Ralph (2000) Variation and Change in Spanish, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Trad. esp. de Juan Sánchez Méndez: Variación y cambio en español. Madrid, Gredos, 2004. [Capítulos 1 y 2. “Introduction: language variation”.]
- Puchol, Luis (1997) Hablar en público. Nuevas técnicas y recursos para influir a una audiencia en cualquier circunstancia, Madrid: Editorial Díaz de Santos.
- Real Academia Española Española (2014) Diccionario de la lengua española, Madrid: Espasa Libros. 23.ª ed [Actualizado en el 2020, en línea 23.4]
- Real Academia Española y Asociación de Academias de la Lengua (2009-2011) Nueva gramática de la lengua española, Madrid: Espasa, 3 vols. y DVD.
- Real Academia Española y Asociación de Academias de la Lengua (2010) Ortografía de la lengua española, Madrid: Espasa.
- Real Academia Española y Asociación de Academias de la Lengua (2013) El buen uso del español, Madrid: Espasa.
- Real Academia Española y Asociación de Academias de la Lengua (2018) Libro de estilo de la lengua española según la norma panhispánica, Madrid: Espasa.
- Real Academia Española y Asociación de Academias de la Lengua (2019) Glosario de términos gramaticales. Madrid: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
- Regueiro Rodríguez, María Luisa y Daniel M. Sáez Rivera (2013) El español académico. Guía práctica para la elaboración de textos académicos, Madrid: Arco/Libros.
- Reyes, Graciela (1995) El abecé de la pragmática, Madrid: Arco Libros.
- Reyes, Graciela (1998) “Registros, estilos y tipos de textos (cuáles son las variedades de la lengua escrita)”, en Manual de redacción. Cómo escribir bien español. Madrid: Arco/Libros, pp. 47-80.
- Reyes, Graciela (1990) La pragmática lingüística. El estudio del uso del lenguaje, Barcelona: Montesinos.
- Reyzábal, M.ª Victoria (1993) La comunicación oral y su didáctica, Madrid: La Muralla.
- Studer, Jurg (1998) Oratoria: El arte de hablar, disertar, convencer, Madrid: Editorial El Drac.
- Tusón Valls, Amparo (2002) ¨El análisis de la conversación: entre la estructura y el sentido¨, Estudios de Sociolingüística, 3(1): 133-153.
- Tusón Valls, Jesús (1996) Los prejuicios lingüísticos, Octaedro. 2010.
- Val.Es.Co. (2014) ¨Las unidades del discurso oral¨, Estudios de Lingüística del Español, 35: 13-73.
- Vilà i Santasusana, Montserrat (coord.) (2005) El discurso oral formal. Contenidos de aprendizaje y secuencias didácticas, Barcelona: Editorial Graó.
Other online resources will be provided during the course.
In order to prepare the support material for the oral interventions, the common programs of the office packages are suggested (as PowerPoint, Keynote, OpenOffice Impress, Publisher and Open Office Draw, among others) y teh computer application Prezi ( or Canva (
Language list
Name |
Group |
Language |
Semester |
Turn |
(PAUL) Classroom practices |
1 |
Spanish |
second semester |
morning-mixed |
(TE) Theory |
1 |
Spanish |
second semester |
morning-mixed |