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Human Resources Planning and Management

Code: 102589 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2502443 Psychology OT 4


Enrique Baleriola Escudero


Miriam Diez Piņol

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


Students are recommended to have taken the third year subject (102559) "Organisational Psychology" to know the processes that occur in social, educational, health or business organizations. This allows students to better understand this subject.

Objectives and Contextualisation

Framed in the Optional Specialisation in Work and Organisational Psychology, the aim of the subject is to give students the ability to analyze and reflect on the role that the person responsible for human resources plays in different organizations.

The work processes that the HR professional activates and carries out in organizations will be studied so that students areis able to identify the needs of the organization, as well as the processes of incorporation and development of the people who work in it, and reflect on the methodology used by the professionals for the evaluation and development of competences, and to be able to contextualize new approaches that society requires of the organization and the person responsible.


  • Act with ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and duties, diversity and democratic values.
  • Analyse and interpret the results of the evaluation.
  • Analyse the demands and needs of people, groups and organisations in different contexts.
  • Apply techniques to collect and produce information about the functioning of individuals, groups and organisations in context.
  • Identify and recognise the different methods for assessment and diagnosis in the different areas applied to psychology.
  • Make changes to methods and processes in the area of knowledge in order to provide innovative responses to society's needs and demands.
  • Show respect and discretion in communication and the use of the results of psychological assessments and interventions.
  • Take account of social, economic and environmental impacts when operating within one's own area of knowledge.
  • Take sex- or gender-based inequalities into consideration when operating within one's own area of knowledge.
  • Use computer programmes for data management and analysis.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse a situation and identify its points for improvement.
  2. Apply test compound criteria such as an AC.
  3. Assess how stereotypes and gender roles impact professional practice.
  4. Carry out an interview of critical incidents in HR processes.
  5. Communicate in an inclusive manner avoiding the use of sexist or discriminatory language.
  6. Design situational tests for organizational processes.
  7. Identify and use information that enhances respect and discretion.
  8. Identify situations in which a change or improvement is needed.
  9. Identify the main needs and demands of people, groups and organizations.
  10. Integrate the results of evaluations.
  11. Interpret qualitative information obtained in the assessment process.
  12. Prepare, process and analyse quantitative data evaluation.
  13. Propose projects and actions that are in accordance with the principles of ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and obligations, diversity and democratic values.
  14. Propose projects and actions that incorporate the gender perspective.
  15. Propose viable projects and actions to boost social, economic and/or environmental benefits.
  16. Select appropriate tests for the object under evaluation.
  17. Select the predictors that can be used in selection processes.
  18. Submit technical reports that avoid the use of discriminatory language.
  19. Use computer programmes for data management and analysis.
  20. Using the criteria for optimal choice of evaluation methods.


First Block 1 .- Introduction to Management and HR

1.1 Human resources management

1.2 New Public Management and the Logic of Care and Social Justice

Second Block: 2 .- Teams and HR change

2.1 Management of Work Teams

2.2 Models of change in HR

Third Block: 3 .- HR management and intervention practices

3.1 Belbin's role model applied to HR

3.2 Meyer's culture model as applied to HR

Fourth Block: 4 .- HR research, intervention and auditing

4.1 Concept of HR audits

4.2 Psychosocial Audit and Human Knowledge Audit.

4.3 Research and intervention: shadowing and ethnography of management devices.

Fifth Block: 5 .- AI, Automation and HR

5.1 Biases and uses of organizational AI

5.2 HR management through AI

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
D1 Sessions of the theoretical classes 18 0.72 9, 10, 20
D2 Sessions of collaborative teaching 6 0.24 2, 4, 6, 9
D3 Sessions of case resolution 12 0.48 7, 10, 16, 17, 20
Type: Supervised      
S1. Tutorials 6 0.24 7
S2 Supervision of the virtual platform 4 0.16 7, 18, 19
Type: Autonomous      
A1 Collection of bibliographic information 12 0.48 19
A2 Resolution of cases in the EOS virtual platform 30 1.2 10, 11, 12, 19
A3 Individual study 60 2.4 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17

The subject is taught using different methodologies. The master class aims at developing ‘cos calves’ concepts of the subject, to conceptually present the subject and the preparation of situations, resolution of cases and its discussion, that approach the student to the reality of the HR.

N.B. The proposed teaching and assessment methodologies may experience some modifications as a result of the restrictions on face-to-face learning imposed by the health authorities. The teaching staff will use the Moodle classroom or the usual communication channel to specify whether the different directed and assessment activities are to be carried out on site or online, as instructed by the Faculty.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
EV1. Participation in working sessions 30% 0 0 9, 15, 19
EV2. Development of a HR process 40% 0 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
EV3. Multiple choice test 30% 2 0.08 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20


The evaluation of the course will be based on 4 evidences.


1) Participation in the activities of the work sessions (30% grade). Evidence with an individual grade. It is considered passed with the attendance to 80% of the programmed work sessions, if this percentage is not attended, the evidence will not be graded. It should be noted that this evidence will count within the 2/3 of evaluated activities necessary to qualify for the recovery if, and only if, you have participated in at least 5 of the scheduled activities.

2) Group work (40%). Evidence with a group grade. To be taken on week 12. The evidence consists of a written work and it presentation.

3) Test exam (30%). Evidence with an individual grade. It will take place in the second evaluation period, second evaluation period.


The students who have not achieved the criteria established to pass the course and those who have been evaluated in a set of activities with a minimum weight of 2/3 of the total grade of the course will be eligible for recovery; the minimum grade to be eligible for recovery is 3.5. The recovery test, in all cases, will be like the EV3 (multiple-choice exam). The grade of this test will be directly the final grade of the remedial test.


It is not foreseen that students of 2nd or later registration will be evaluated by means of a single non-recoverable synthesis test.




The SINGLE EVALUATION will take place on the same day and time as the test of the second evaluation period of the subject. All the contents of the course will be evaluated.


There will be a written exam, a delivery of the cases worked, and a report of the development of the HR process.


The final grade of the course will be obtained as described by the continuous evaluation.


The same recovery system will be applied as for the continuous evaluation.


Single evaluation activities







E1: Case delivery 





2nd assessment season

E2: Report


E3: Exam



 Link to the 2024-25 Faculty of Psychology degree evaluation guidelines: https://www.uab.cat/web/estudiar/grados/grados/evaluaciones-1345732995017.html


Aguelo, A. y Coma, T. (2016). La persona en el centro del desarrollo organizacional. Madrid: Ediciones Piramide

Belbin, Meredith. (2004). Belbin team roles. Book Belbin Team Roles.

Butteriss, Margaret (2001). Reinventado Recursos Humanos. Cambiando los roles para crear una organización de alto rendimiento. Barcelona: Gestió 2000 Aedipe.

Cantera,L.; Pallarès, S. y Selva, Clara (2013). Del Malestar al Bienestar Laboral. Barcelona: Amentia Editorial.

Dolan, Simon y otros (2007). La Gestión de los Recursos Humanos. Cómo atraer, retener y desarrollar con éxito el capital humano en tiempos de transformación. Madrid: Mc Graw Hill. 

Martín-Quirós, Mª Angustias y Zarco Martín, Victoria (2009). Psicología del Trabajo, de las Organizaciones y de los Recursos Humanos. Madrid: Ediciones Pirámide.

Meyer, Erin. (2022). El Mapa Cultural. Península.

Fardella, Carla., Jiménez-Vargas, Felipe., Rivera-Vargas, Pablo., y Baleriola, Enrique. (2022). Salir de la sombra. Una revisión sistemática sobre shadowing como propuesta metodológica para la investigación educativa. Revista de Investigación Educativa, 40(1), 257-274.

Sisto, Vicente. (2020). La escuela abandonada a evaluaciones y estándares, confinada en el managerialismo. Praxis educativa15.

Tirado, Francisco. Gálvez, Ana. Baleriola, Enrique. (2017). Critical Management Studies: Hacia unas Organizaciones Más Éticas y Sostenibles. UOC.

Valle Cabrera, Ramón J. (2003). La gestión Estratégica de los Recursos Humanos. Madrid: Pearson Prentice Hall.



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Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(SEM) Seminars 111 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 112 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 1 Spanish first semester morning-mixed