This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Learning and Development I

Code: 102085 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2500798 Primary Education FB 2


Ibis Marlene Alvarez Valdivia


Crista Weise

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


Learning and development I is a core subject of the curriculum and it doesn´t have previous requirements. However, the methodological option and the competencies to be acquired need and active attitude and the attendance and participation in the activities, developed in class. A predisposition to conceptual change, reading tasks of the basic and complementary texts and cooperative work into small groups are also needed.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The course Learning and Development I is part of the subject Basic Formation: Learning and Development of Personality (Ministry Order ECI/3857/2007). It is a basic and compulsory formation, related to the basic subjects of the Social and Juridical Sciences: Education and Psychology area. The subject comprises 18 credits ECTD, which are distributed in three compulsory courses with 6, 4 and 5 credits respectively: Learning and Development I, Learning and Development II and Differences and inclusion.
Each course have a duration of one semester and corresponds to the second, third and fourth years of the grade.
Learning and development I is a core subject with 6 credits from the Plan of Study of the graduate in Primary Education.
This subject is oriented to increase the professionalization of the student of elementary education within the other subjects of the program of the degree in elementary education, especially with the area of pedagogy, sociology and special didactics. In particular this subject have the objective to construct criteria for the analysis and comprehension of the educative practices of the school, and to develop skills for the design and practice of the teaching processes.


  • Analyse and recognise one's own socio-emotional skills (in terms of strengths, potentialities and weaknesses), to develop those that they are necessary for professional development.
  • Design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of diversity that take into account gender equality, equity and respect for human rights and observe the values of public education.
  • Develop the functions of tutoring and guidance of pupils and their families, attending to the pupils' own needs. Understand that a teacher's functions must be perfected and adapted in a lifelong manner to scientific, pedagogical and social changes.
  • Foster coexistence in and outside of the classroom, resolve problems with discipline and bring about peaceful resolution of conflicts.
  • Master the necessary knowledge to understand the personality development of these pupils and identify dysfunctions
  • Recognise and evaluate the social reality and the interrelation of factors involved as a necessary anticipation of action.
  • Take account of social, economic and environmental impacts when operating within one's own area of knowledge.
  • Take part and be implicated in the acts, meetings and events at the institution to which one belongs.
  • Take sex- or gender-based inequalities into consideration when operating within one's own area of knowledge.
  • Understand the characteristics of these students, as well as the characteristics of their motivational and social contexts.
  • Understand the learning processes relative to the 6-12 period in the family, social and school context.

Learning Outcomes

  1. "Develop positive attitudes towards intervention for the development of all people whatever their personal characteristics; towards interaction with family members, cooperation in professional teams and socio-educational institutions."
  2. Active and constructive participation in the classroom, both in guided activities and in independent work.
  3. Being aware of the importance of interactions between peers in the development of empathy, social relations and status within the group.
  4. Identify the social, economic and environmental implications of academic and professional activities within one?s own area of knowledge.
  5. Identifying the basic elements of affective, social and moral development (norms and values, self-concept and self-esteem and identity and gender), as general characteristics of elementary school students.
  6. Identifying the basic elements of cognitive development (attention, memory) in the developmental stage of primary school pupils, as general characteristics of these students.
  7. Identifying the different conceptions about development, and its implications for teaching practices.
  8. Integrating cognitive and socio-emotional development into a personal vision about the student which allows the tutorial action to be undertaken.
  9. Master verbal and nonverbal communication skills and social skills to optimize classroom relationships and enhance teaching and tutorial functions.
  10. Propose new methods or well-founded alternative solutions.
  11. Recognising the influence of the development of identity, especially gender, and of moral reasoning in developing the values and rules of the classroom and the school.
  12. Understand the fundamentals of the sociocultural and contextual perspective of development.
  13. Understand the personality development of primary pupils, on the basis of the formation of identity and individual differences.
  14. Understand the processes for developing standards and values, and also moral reasoning. Understand conflict as a learning opportunity.


Thematic block 1:Biological, social, and cultural basis of the lifelong developmental process
1.1. Conceptions of development and its influence on orientation and educational approaches of teaching. Different theoretical perspectives.
1.2. Sociocultural context and perspectives of development.Role of education and schooling in development.

Thematic block 2: Psychomotor development
2.1. Development of psychomotor skills, coordination and regulation of movement.
2.2. Evolution of the graphic gesture. Construction of the body scheme

Thematic block 3:  Cognitive and linguistic development
3.1. Development of thought: concept formation and problem-solving.
3.3. Language development.

Thematic block 4: Socio-emotional development

4.1. Emotion regulation and evolution of social behavior. 
4.2. Construction of personal and gender identity.
4.3. Interactions among peers. Friendships and groups.

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Expositive class 15 0.6 12, 13, 14, 6, 7, 8, 3, 11, 5
Small class group 30 1.2 1, 12, 9, 7, 8, 2, 3
Type: Supervised      
Supervisors (tutorial and assessment) 30 1.2 1, 12, 13, 14, 9, 6, 7, 8, 3, 11, 5
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomous study 75 3 12, 14, 7, 8, 3, 11

This course will propose to perform one of the evaluation items using the the Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) methodology is a student-centered educational approach that fosters the development of critical and analytical skills through exploration and questioning. In this course, we will implement IBL to delve into psychological development during the school years, providing a dynamic and collaborative learning experience.

Structure of the Work

  1. Group Formation: Students will be organized into groups of 4 to 5 people. This structure promotes cooperation, idea exchange, and collaborative learning, which are essential elements of IBL.
  2. Selection of the Scientific Article: Each group will select a recent scientific article related to psychological development during the school years. The selection must be approved by the instructor to ensure relevance and content quality.
  3. Critical Review of the Article: The groups will conduct a critical review of the selected article, evaluating its methodology, results, and conclusions. Students are expected to identify strengths, limitations, and possible implications of the study.
  4. Inquiry Questions: Based on the critical review, the groups will formulate inquiry questions that arise from their analysis. These questions should explore aspects not addressed or underdeveloped in the article, encouraging a deeper search for knowledge.
  5. Research and Response: The groups will investigate the formulated questions using additional sources and appropriate methodologies. This process will involve searching relevant literature, designing small exploratory studies, or interviewing experts, as applicable.
  6. Presentation of Results: Finally, the groups will present their findings to the class, using oral presentations, posters, or written reports. This stage will foster communication skills and allow the exchange of knowledge among all students.

Autonomous work is assumed for text reading, case studies, tutorials, team activities.

Systematic tutorials will be held to follow up on teamwork, as well as to clarify any doubts that may arise in relation to the study of the syllabus.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Attendance and participation in learning activities Compulsory requisite 0 0 9, 2
First individual written assessment (continuous assessment). Thematic blocks 1, 2, and 3. 35% 0 0 1, 9, 6, 7, 4, 8, 10
Second individual written assessment (continuous assessment). Thematic block 4. 25% 0 0 1, 13, 14, 8, 3, 11, 5
Team Work. ABI Project (Inquiry-Based Learning). Group work carried out throughout the entire course. 40% 0 0 1, 12, 13, 14, 9, 6, 7, 4, 8, 2, 3, 10, 11, 5

The evaluation is considered as the tool to gather information on student performance, compared to both process and outcome of learning.

The evaluation of the course will involve two types of activities:

Individual written test (continuous assessment) where the student must demonstrate the understanding of the basic contents of the subject (60% of the final grade). There will be three assessments of this type, at the end of thematic blocks 3 and 4; on weeks 10 and 14, respectively.
The weight of each in the individual evaluation is the following:
    1st Partial Evaluation: 35%.
    2nd Partial Evaluation: 25%
Teamwork (40% of the final grade) consists of the follow-up of the training activities related to the ABI.  Continuous assessment will be used with evidence collected from each formative activity of each phase and transversally, as well as reflection on the process and progress of learning. The final submission of the written work on the mini-research must be made in week 16. This assessment cannot be recovered.

In case of not passing a Continuous Individual Assessment the student will have to take a final exam to re-evaluatethe contents corresponding to the EIC that he/she has not passed or that he/she wishes to improve the grade obtained. It is necessary to pass the two Individual Assessment CIA with a 5 out of 10 to pass the course. The recovery will take place at the end of the course, the date scheduled for the 2024-25 course is during the first week of February 2025.

Assessment Criteria

Students must attend a minimum of 80% of the classes (both plenary classes and seminars). Punctuality will be taken into account.

a) Each activity will include individualevaluation criteria previously specified.
b) Before delivering evidence of learning, it is necessary to check that the sources, notes, textual citations and bibliographical references have been correctly written following the APA regulations. You will find information about this at:
c) To assess the evolution of students’ learning and in accordance with the Regulations on the Rights and Duties of the University, it is necessary for all the works to be original versions produced by the students (NO PLAGIARISM) that demonstrate understanding and reflection regarding the contents of the subject.
  • Copying or plagiarism of jobs or exam is a serious offence that can represent failing the course.
  • A work, activity or exam is considered as "copied" when it reproduces all or part of the work of another person.
  • We will also consider a work or activity is "plagiarized" when it is presented as its own a piece of text from an author without citing sources, regardless of the original sources are on paper or in digital format. More information on plagiarism in
  • If, while doing individual class work, the teacher considers that a student is attempting to copy or discovers some type of document or device not authorized by the teacher, the student will be graded with a 0, with no option for recovery, and will therefore have the subject failed.
d) Delivery of the ongoing evaluation activities must be strictly observed. The results of each of the assessments shall be published in the campus no later than 15 days after delivery, and a revision date will be offered within 10 days of the publication of the grades.
Oncedelivered thequalifications of each of the activities of the continuous assessment, an overall assessment to serve as a guide and as a return of the work done will be provided. From this information, the student may make a self-contrasting of his work with the guidelines offered in the feedback. This self-assessment exercise will facilitate the understanding and self-learning process itself. In addition, the student may request revision of the grades in the hours that teachers have destined at mentoring.
e) With respect to assignment presentations, all due care must be taken with use of language. Information must be well-organised and all presentation texts should be carefully revised. Additionally, each work must include a bibliographical references section, which will include all documents consulted for the presentation. Document citation must follow the APA (American Psychological Association) style. Correct application of APA formatting will be taken into account in assessment.
f) To pass this course, students should show both a positive attitude and an ethical commitment towards the teaching profession. This means exhibiting a respectful attitude and involves punctuality, empathy, and respect for the diversity of people and ideas. Discriminatory attitudes willnot be accepted.
g) Those students who have obtained an excellent assessment in all evaluations and have participated actively and systematically engaged in teaching activities shall be eligible for honours (MH). If there are more students in those conditions available MH (5% of all people enrolled in the course), the teacher is to decide who to award this grade depending on the quality of their contributions.
For questions, consult "Criteria and guidelines for evaluating the Faculty of Education," approved by the COAtoMay28, 2015 (



  • Alvarez, I.M. (2020). Psicología para maestros. Desarrollo y aprendizaje  en la edad escolar. Unversitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
  • Berk L. (2019) Exploring Child and Adolescent Development. London:Pearson (Biblioteca Humanitats UAB)
  • Buckler , S. & Castle, P. (2014). Psychology for Teachers. SAGE Publications Ltd
  • Cole, M., Cole, S. R., & Lightfoot, C. (2005). The development of children. Macmillan (Biblioteca Humanitats UAB)
  • Della, B. i Chistoph, V. (2009). Neurociencia y docentes: crónica de un encuentro. Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 386, 92-96.
  • Florea, N. M., & Hurjui, E. (2014). Critical thinking in elementary school children. Issues7, 9th. 
  • Harris, P. L. (1992). Los niños y las emociones. Madrid: Alianza (Biblioteca Humanitats UAB)
  • Macblain, S. (2020). Child development for teachers. London: SAGE Publications Inc. 
  • Mcdevvit T.M. & Ormrod J.E. (2020)  Child Development and Educaton. London. Pearson (Biblioteca Humanitats)
  • Mendiara-Rivas, M. (2008). Psicomotricidad: un enfoque natural.  Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 62 (22,2), 175-198. [Artículo  en línea]. Disponible en
  • Moll, L.C. (1990). La zona de desarrollo próximo de Vygotsky: Una reconsideración de sus implicaciones para la enseñanza. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 13, 51-52.
  • Murphy, C, Bianchi, L, McCullagh, J, & Kerry, K.  (2013). Scaling up higher order thinking skills and personal capabilities in primary science: Theory-into-policy-into-practice'. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 10,173-188.
  • Oliva, A. (1997). La controversia entre la herencia y ambiente. Aportaciones de la genética de la conducta.  Apuntes de Psicología, 51, 21-37.
  • Palacios, J., Coll, C. y Marchesi, A. (Comps.) (2001). Desarrollo Psicológico y Educación. 2. Psicología de la Educación Escolar. Capítulo 25 (pp. 1-12). En J. Palacios, A. Marchesi y C. Coll (Compilación). Psicología Evolutiva I. Madrid: Alianza.
  • Rodríguez Gómez, J. M. (2008). Los docentes ante las situaciones de violencia escolar. REIFOP, 11(3), 37-42.
  • Rogoff, B. (2008). Observing sociocultural activity on three planes: Participatory appropriation, guided participation, and apprenticeship. Pedagogy and practice: Culture and identities, 58-74.
  • Rostan, C.; Sidera, F. & Esteban, M. (2007). Les emocions dels nens/es en edat escolar. Revista digital de la facultat d'educació ipsicologia 4, 13-23.
  • Solaz, J. J. & Sanjosé- López, V. (2008). Conocimientos y procesos cognitivos en la resolución de problemas de ciencias: consecuencias para la enseñanza. Revista deInvestigación en Educación, 1. 
  • Soldevila, A., Filella, G., Ribes, R. & Agulló, M. J. (2007). Una propuesta de contenidos para desarrollar la conciencia y la regulación emocional en la Educación Primaria. Cultura y Educación, 19 (1), 47-59.
  • Tey Teijón, A. & Cifre-Mas, J. (2011). El profesorado ante el reto del aprendizaje ético y el desarrollo de las competencias sociales y ciudadanas. El modelo adoptado en el programa: Barcelona, Aula de Ciutadania. Revista Educación, número extraordinario. 225-242. [Artículo en línea].
  • Torío- López, S., Peña-Calvo,  J. V, & Rodríguez- Menéndez, M.C. (2008). Estilos educativos parentales. Revisión bibliográfica y reformulación teórica. Teoría de la Educación,  20,  151-178.
  • Vadeboncoeur, Jennifer A.; Collie, Rebecca J. (2013). Locating Social and Emotional Learning in Schooled Environments: A Vygotskian Perspective on Learning as Unified. Mind Culture And Activity 20 (3). 201-225
  • Vielma, E. i Sala, M. L. (2000). Aportes de las teorías de Vygotsky, Piaget, Bandura y Bruner. Paralelismo en sus posiciones en relación con el desarrollo. Educere, 3 (9), 31-37.
  • Vosniadou, S. (2013). Model based reasoning and the learning of counter-intuitive science concepts. Infancia y Aprendizaje36(1), 5-33.
  • Vygotsky, L. (1978). Interaction between learning and development. In M. Cole, V. John-Steiner, S. Scribner, & E. Souberman (Eds.). Mind and Society (pp. 79-91).Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Wells, G. (2004). Discussion: Narrating and theorizing activity in educational settings. Mind, Culture, and Activity11(1), 70-77.
  • Wolf, D., & Perry, M. D. (1988). From endpoints to repertoires: Some new conclusions about drawing development. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 22(1), 17-34.
  • Wood, D. (1998). How children think and learn: The social contexts of cognitive development . Blackwell Publishing.
  • Wolf, D., & Perry, M. D. (1988). From endpoints to repertoires: Some new conclusions about drawing development. Journal of Aesthetic Education22(1), 17-34.
  • Wood, D. (1998). How children think and learn: The social contexts of cognitive development. Blackwell Publishing.


 Audiovisual Sources

  • Center on the Developing Child (2012). In Brief: Executive Function: Skills for Life and Learning [video] Disponible a
  • Science Bits  Science Bits is a research-based science curriculum designed to enhance learning with understanding. Welcome to the science instructional solution that does not only provide explanatory content, but a methodology to teach science in a way that engages students and helps them achievereal understanding of scientific concepts.
  • SPOTLIGHTERS. The Spotlighters project will offers training activities for educators with the goal of preparing them to use the Spotlighters tools and materials with their students and with their peers.
  • Toolkit was designed to assist teachers in the delivery of the lesson content produced under Spotlighters. The aim of the content is to educate students about the science of stress and self-regulation. For a quick look at some of the material the Toolkit covers, have a look at this document containing 10 questions and answers about stress and self-regulation. The Toolkit is part of a bigger set of resources, also consisting of a free online course (MOOC) and the ClassMood App.




BBVA. Aprendemos juntos.
Editorial Graó. Espacio profesional. Experiencias.
EDUCACIÓ.360. Educació a temps complet. Experiències i Recursos.
EduCaixa - Portal Educativo Online‎.
Senderi. Educació en valors.
XTEC - Xarxa Telemàtica Educativa de Catalunya. Recursos.


Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(SEM) Seminars 211 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 212 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 213 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 311 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 312 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 313 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(SEM) Seminars 411 Spanish first semester afternoon
(SEM) Seminars 412 Spanish first semester afternoon
(SEM) Seminars 413 Spanish first semester afternoon
(SEM) Seminars 711 English first semester afternoon
(SEM) Seminars 712 English first semester afternoon
(SEM) Seminars 713 English first semester afternoon
(TE) Theory 21 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 31 Catalan first semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 41 Spanish first semester afternoon
(TE) Theory 71 English first semester afternoon