Degree | Type | Year |
2500798 Primary Education | OB | 2 |
You can view this information at the end of this document.
A good oral and written command of Catalan and Spanish (C2 level) will be necessary to achieve the aims of the course. An English or French B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages will also be required.
This course provides future primary school teachers with background knowledge on the processes of teaching and learning languages in formal settings. Participants will also become familiar with the Language Curriculum for Primary Education and with examples of good practices related to language and literature education, especially in the following areas:
At the end of the course, students must:
-What is literary reading? Why read literature at school? How do young readers learn to read?
- Selection criteria for narrative works at school.
- Reading albums: potential of multimodal language in learning to read.
-Fundamentals of literary conversation. Read narrative and learn to do distanced readings.
-Poetry at school: a possible itinerary.
Why read the classics?
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Supervisadas | 15 | 0.6 | |
Tutorías | 30 | 1.2 | |
Type: Supervised | |||
Trabajo autónomo | 30 | 1.2 | |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Presencial gran grupo | 75 | 3 | 7, 23, 15, 8, 9, 24, 25, 19, 21, 16, 18, 22, 26 |
The teaching methodology favours students’ active participation in their learning process in all forms of classroom organisation as detailed below:
The large group sessions include expositions by the teaching staff of the content and basic issues of the syllabus, presentation of the readings and assignments and feedback on the work carried out.
They are developed with the whole class group and allow the presentation of the main contents through open and active participation by the students, who will also be able to present the results of their work.
Sessions with the whole group: The teacher will introduce the topics to be dealt with in the course, discuss the class readings, set the tasks, tutor students individually or in small groups, monitor group work and give feedback. Students will cooperate with their peers to construct shared knowledge through oral presentations and to elaborate the course assignments.
Seminars are small group learning spaces (1/2 part of the large group) guided by the teacher, in which, through the analysis of documents, resolution of cases or various activities, the contents and topics worked on in the large group are deepened.
The sessions on teaching and learning the literary competence literature combine theory classes in large groups to offer basic concepts for literary reading and the foundations of the didactics of literature, with reading workshops of specific works. The seminars function as practical moments in which we put the rules of distant reading to work to learn to read literature and focus our gaze on the hows of the works, rather than the whats. Both the proposed assignments and the exam aim to give students tools on how to read and work with literature at school.
The sessions on teaching and learning the reading competence combine theoretical classes in large groups, whichoffer explanations about the process of learning reading competences, with seminars that offer practical exercises in applying these concepts. Both the proposed work and the exam have the goal of checking the students' competence to accompany the development of reading in all primary school cycles from the didactic knowledge of the processes of acquiring the written language.
Evaluation of the teaching performance and the subject: approximately fifteen minutes of some class will be allocated to allow students to answer the evaluation surveys of the teaching performance and the evaluation of the subject.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Activity of writing the script of a literary conversation | 20% | 0 | 0 | 4, 14, 15, 8, 3, 18, 17, 2 |
Group observation of children's productions | 20% | 0 | 0 | 1, 5, 4, 10, 23, 14, 11, 20, 16, 26, 6, 2 |
Oral presentation of expressive reading aloud | 10% | 0 | 0 | 4, 10, 14, 13, 9, 21, 18 |
Written test | 25% | 0 | 0 | 1, 5, 8, 24, 25, 19, 11, 12, 20, 18, 6, 2 |
Written test of the literature block | 25% | 0 | 0 | 7, 1, 5, 15, 9, 25, 19, 11, 3, 20, 16, 17, 22, 6, 2 |
To pass this course, the student must demonstrate a good general communicative competence, both orally and in writing, and a good command of the vehicular language, Catalan.
Class attendance is mandatory, both for studens in the formative assessment and in the one-off assessment: students must attend at least 80% of classes, otherwise they will get a not avaluable.
Students must submit all evaluation activities set for the course and obtain a PASS mark (minimum of 5 out of 10) in both exams. The combination of all these scores will result in the course final mark. In case a student does not have a pass mark in all the assessment activities, the teacher will discuss with that student what to do.
In accordance with UAB policy, plagiarism or copy of any task or part of a task will be penalized with a fail (0). Students do not be given the possibility of doing that assignment again. The rule applies to all individual and group tasks (in the latter case, all members of the group who commits plagiarism will score 0 in that assignment). If during the realisation of an individual assessment task in the classroom, the teacher sees a student trying to copy or find any document or device not approved by the faculty, the mark for the task will also be 0, and that student will not be allowed to redo the task.
Evaluation tests will contemplate respect for inclusion and the gender perspective following the following criteria:
• Communicate with a non-sexist or discriminatory use of language.
• Assess how stereotypes and gender roles affect professional practice.
• Identify the main inequalities and discrimination based on sex/gender present in society.
• Analyse gender inequalities and discrimination in the field of personal knowledge.
• Propose projects and actions that incorporate the gender perspective.
- Continuous assessment consists of the following tests and activities:
- Expressive reading activity aloud, in pairs. Presentation of a literary reading activity in the initial cycle. 10% of the overall mark.
- Activity of writing the script of a literary conversation, in groups. Work of 3 people on the preparation of the script to prepare a literary conversation in class about a work of children's literature. Evidence of individual work and class participation on block 1 can be added to this grade. 20% of the final grade.
- Group observation of children's productions. Observation work and analysis of a functional reading and/or writing activity for boys and girls in the initial cycle (6 to 8 years). The observation criteria will take into account the clarity of the oral presentation, the analysis of children's responses and the relationship with the contents of the subject. The work, which will be done in groups of four, will be presented orally in a large group session. A week later, it will be presented in writing with a joint part (15% of the grade) and an individual personal reflection (5% of the grade). 20% of the global mark: 15% the group part and 5% the personal reflection.
- Written test of the literature block, individual. Control over: compulsory theoretical reading (Colomer, T.;Manresa, M.;Ramada, L.;Reyes, L. (2018). Literary narratives in Early Childhood and Primary Education. Synthesis), the bibliography on block 1, the children's book readings and the creation of activities for the didactic exploitation of literary texts. Children's book reading includes a diverse set of contemporary children's literature and some classics. The exam will be done one week after finishing block 2 on the initial learning of the written language. 25% of the overall value of the subject.
- Written test of the written language block in the initial cycle. The exam includes the contents of block 2 of written language, the reading of the compulsory articles worked on, the activities worked on in class and in-depth analysis of children's productions. Value: 25% of the global mark
- The results of the delivered exercises will be published on the virtual campus during the 20 business days following delivery. Exam results will be published within 12 days of delivery. The student will have 5 days to request the review of the work from the date of its publication. For the review of the exams, it must be done on the date indicated by the teacher.
- The assignments of the subject are not recoverable in any case, only the two exams are.
Students opting for the single assessment must pass the following tests on the day of their group exam (June 18th/19th/20st):
Written test of the written language block in the initial cycle. The exam includes the contents of block 2 of written language, the reading of the compulsory articles worked on, the activities worked on in class and in-depth analysis of children's productions. Value: 30% of the overall grade
Written test of the literature block. Control over: mandatory theoretical reading (Colomer, T.;Manresa, M.;Ramada, L.;Reyes, L. (2018). Literary narratives in Early Childhood and Primary Education. Synthesis),the bibliography on block 1 of the program, children's book readings and the creation of activities for the didactic exploitation of literary texts. Children's book reading includes a diverse set of contemporary children's literature and some classics. It can also include the preparation of the script of a literary conversation about a text that will be given during the test. Value: 30% of the overall mark.
Observation work for children's productions, individual. Observation work and analysis of a functional reading and/or writing activity for boys and girls in the initial cycle (6 to 8 years). The observation criteria will take into account the clarity of the oral presentation, the analysis of children's responses and the relationship with the contents of the subject. The work will be presented orally and in writing. !0% of the overall mark.
Script activity for a literary conversation. Work on the preparation of a script to prepare a literary conversation in class about a work of children's literature that will have been previously provided. 10% of the overall mark.
Oral presentation of expressive reading aloud. Presentation of an oral literary reading activity on a text provided prior to the test and that has to be represented as it would be done in the initial cycle. 10% of the overall mark.
Oral interview. 10% of the overall mark.
To pass the subject, students opting for the single assessment must have a minimum mark of 5 in all the tests. Recovery will be the same as for continuous assessment students. To qualify for the recovery, they must have presented themselves to all five tests.
The students who complete the single assessment will not receive or receive a return on the assessment or qualifier of the continuous assessment activities carried out during the development process of thesubject. The lliurament will be unique and concentrated in one mateix day.
Ensenyament i aprenentatge de la competència literària
Cairney, T. H. (1992). Enseñanza de la comprensión lectora. Morata
Chambers, A. (2007). ¿Quieres que te cuente un cuento? Una guía para narradores y cuentacuentos. “Fomentos lectores”. Caracas: Banco del Libro.
Chambers, A. (2009). Dime. Los niños, la lectura y la conversación. Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Chambers, A. (2007). El ambiente de la lectura. Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Colomer, T.;Manresa, M.;Ramada, L.;Reyes, L. (2018). Narrativas literarias en Educación infantil y Primaria. Síntesis.
Colomer, T. (2010). Introducción a la literatura infantil y juvenil actual. Síntesis.
Colomer, T. (2005): Andar entre libros. La lectura literaria en la escuela. FCE.
Colomer, T. (ed.) (2002). La literatura infantil y juvenil catalana: un segle de canvis. ICE de la
Colomer, T. (dir.) (2002). Siete llaves para valorar las historias infantiles. Fundación Germán
Sánchez Ruipérez.
Decret 175/2022, de 27 de setembre, d’ordenació dels ensenyaments de l’educació bàsica.
Juan, Anna; Reyes, L. (2023). La lectura literària a primària. Departament d'Educació. Disponible a: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
Jolibert, J. (coord.) (1992). Formar infants productors de textos. Graó.
Lluch, G. (2003). Análisis de narrativas infantiles y juveniles. Publicaciones de la UCLM-CEPLI.
Lluch, G. (ed.). (2000). De la narrativa oral a la literatura per a infants. Invenció d’una tradició literària. Bromera.
Machado, A.M. (2004). Clásicos, niños y jóvenes. Norma.
Molist, P. (2008). Dins del mirall. La literatura infantil explicada als adults. Graó.
Munita, F.;Real, N. (2019). “Simple o ximple? Una reflexió sobre la poesia infantil”. Faristol, núm. 89 (abril), pp. 26-29. ISSN:02013-2427.Versió digital accessible en línia (
Teixidor, E. (2007). La lectura i la vida. Columna.
Valriu, C. (2010). Història de la literatura infantil i juvenil catalana. La Galera.
Ensenyament i aprenentatge de la competència lectora
Arias-Gundín, Olga; Fidalgo, Raquel; Martínez-Cocó, Begoña; Bolaños-Alonso, Francisco-Javier (2011). Estrategias de comprensión lectora en alumnos de Educación Primaria y Secundaria. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology, vol. 3(1), 613-620
Cassany, D. (2006). Rere les línies. Sobre la lectura contemporània. Barcelona: Empúries.
Cassany, D. (2019). Laboratorio lector. Para entender la lectura. Anagrama.
Colomer, T; Camps (1991): Ensenyar a llegir, ensenyar a comprendre, Barcelona: Edicions 62/Rosa Sensat.
Lerner, D. (2001). Leer y escribir en la escuela: lo real, lo posible y lo necesario. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.DDAA. (2006). “El primer aprenentatge de la lectura i l’escriptura”, número monogràfic de la revista Articles de Didàctica de la Llengua i la Literatura, nº 40.
Mata Anaya, J; Núñez Delgado, M.P. i Rienda Polo, J. (Coords y Eds). (2015). Didáctica de la lengua y la literatura. Pirámide.
Minguela, M., Solé, I. (2011). Comprenc el que llegeixo? De la valoració de la pròpia comprensió a lús d'estratègiesde lectura. Articles de la Llengua i la Literatura, 53, 35-44
Nemirovsky, M. (2009). Experiencias escolares con la lectura y la escritura. Graó.
OCDE. (2019). PISA 2018. Programa para la Evaluación Internacional de los Estudiantes. Informe español. Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional.
Palou Sangrà J. i Fons Esteve, M. (2016). La comprensión lectora. Dins J. Palou Sangrà i M. Fons Esteve (Coords.). Didáctica de la lengua i la literatura en educación primaria, (pp. 113-127). Editorial Síntesis.
Sánchez Miguel, E. (2010). La lectura en el aula. Qué se hace, qué se debe hacer y qué se puede hacer. Graó
Sánchez Miguel, E. (2010). La lectura en el aula. Graó.
Solé, I. (2011). La comprensió lectora, una clauper a l'aprenentatge. Debats d'Educació, 24.Recuperat de:
Solé, I. (2013). Estrategias de lectura. Graó.
Solé, I. (2023). PIRLS 2021 la lectura, la escuela y la vida. Aula de innovación educativa, ISSN 1131-995X, Nº 328-329, págs. 30-34.
Verdía, E. (2002). “Comentarios al Marco común europeo de referenciapara las lenguas”, en Mosaico (número monográfico sobre Marco común europeo de referencia y Portfolio de las lenguas de la
cultura escrita a la catalunya moderna urbana i rural. aprendre i saber de llegir, escriure, comptar i altres arts)
Piñol Alabart, D. (2005). “Alfabetització, cultura escrita i classes populars a l’època contemporània”. Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics Núm. XVI, p. 113-132.
Portals i recursos digitals
Recursos de literatura infantil i juvenil: i
IBBYcat (Consell Català del Llibre Infantil i Juvenil):
Recursos de llengua i literatura:
Portal del Grup de Recerca en Literatura infantil I Educació literària de la UAB. Conté textos I audios d’autors I narradors, materials didàctics, llibres recomanats, etc.
Primer aprenentatge de la llengua escrita, dos portals: i
Portal del CIREL (Centre de Suport a la Innovació i Recerca Educativa en Llengües):
Aprenentatges basats en situacions
Competències transversals
Vectors i models de plantilla de programació:
Ensenyaments al llarg de la vida. Currículum d’educació d’adults.
Servei d’educació al llarg de la vida.
It is no needed any software but a general knowledge of basic technology.
Name | Group | Language | Semester | Turn |
(SEM) Seminars | 211 | Catalan | second semester | morning-mixed |
(SEM) Seminars | 212 | Catalan | second semester | morning-mixed |
(SEM) Seminars | 311 | Catalan | second semester | morning-mixed |
(SEM) Seminars | 312 | Catalan | second semester | morning-mixed |
(SEM) Seminars | 411 | Catalan | second semester | afternoon |
(SEM) Seminars | 412 | Catalan | second semester | afternoon |
(SEM) Seminars | 711 | Catalan | second semester | afternoon |
(SEM) Seminars | 712 | Catalan | second semester | afternoon |
(TE) Theory | 21 | Catalan | second semester | morning-mixed |
(TE) Theory | 31 | Catalan | second semester | morning-mixed |
(TE) Theory | 41 | Catalan | second semester | afternoon |
(TE) Theory | 71 | Catalan | second semester | afternoon |