Degree | Type | Year |
2500797 Early Childhood Education | OB | 1 |
You can view this information at the end of this document.
The fundamental goal of Pràcicum 1 is that the students, as a group, take a first contact as future professional with a school and make a global observation of three basics aspects: the social setting,i the management and school organization and the classroom interactions.
General objectives:
Instrumental objectives:
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Stay in school and observation in the territory. | 70 | 2.8 | 1, 13, 4 |
Type: Supervised | |||
Seminar discussion and evaluation processes designed. Exhibitions jobs. Debates and monitoring group work. | 15 | 0.6 | 1, 4 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Study territory. Analysis school reality. Preparation of individual and collective memory. Field diary. Preparation and presentation of seminars. | 65 | 2.6 | 4, 12 |
The course Practicum I of the Childhood Education Degree is a module formed by different formative activities with an exploratory purpose. It is oriented towards the global analysis of social and educational reality. The different activities are organized around two variables: location and grouping.
A) Location: It refers to the location where the practicum takes place. They can be classroom or field activities. Classroom activities include workshops, seminars and tutorials, either individual or collective, that help to plan and establish the formative activities that form the module Practicum I. Field activities include those activities developed outside the university, mainly linked to a pre-primary/primary school and in relation to the territory where it is located.
B) Grouping: Depending on their nature, they can be individual or group activities. Individual activities include those that each student must accomplish on his/her own. These activities can be addressed at the preparation of the fieldwork or the study of the available data of the territory. Group activities represent the most important part of the module. The group of students assigned to a particular school are expected to work cooperatively to accomplish them.
The professors of the Faculty will assign a maximum of 5 students to each of the schools assigned to the UAB. The students assigned to the same school will constitute a working team that operates collectively in all the group activities of the course.
Students registered in one group will be divided in geographic areas and will have a tutor of the Faculty.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Exhibition of work. | 20% (individual) | 0 | 0 | 14, 3, 4, 6, 12 |
Final Report | 40% (30% group and 10% individual) | 0 | 0 | 1, 13, 14, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 |
School repport | 25% (12,5% individual and 12,5% group) | 0 | 0 | 14, 3, 5, 6, 12 |
Seminars | 15% (individual) | 0 | 0 | 2, 4, 6 |
The evaluation of Practicum I must allow the verification of the achievement of the competences identified in this guide. Likewise, it must take into account the global design of the subject and its methodological orientations. The evaluation consists of a series of indicators that must be taken into account:
1. Final Report. It accounts for 40% of the evaluation and represents a descriptive, analytical and reflective synthesis of the different activities and observations made during the whole Practicum. The evaluation of the final report includes a part of team work, characterization of the social environment, the school and classroom dynamics and a part of individual evaluation, which will be made from the individual diaries of observation in the classroom, the group diary where the aspects of organization, planning and execution of the work will be recorded, as well as the contribution of each of the members of the group and the assessment of the dynamics of work. The grade of the final report will be individual. The final report will be delivered through Moodel. The tutor's feedback will also be done through Moodle.
2. Tutorials, seminars. Tutorials and seminars represent 15% of the evaluation. They involve the supervision and monitoring, by the faculty teaching staff, of some practical and methodological activities, attendance and participation in plenary meetings to communicate, evaluate and analyze the information collected in the different schools and their environments.
3. Work expositions. The expositions represent 20% of the evaluation.
The notes of participation in tutorials, seminars and the notes of the expositions will be individual
4. School report, which represents 25% of the evaluation. This report will be issued by the school based on two evidences: An individual evaluation on the student's stay in the classroom, carried out by the classroom mentor and an evaluation of the work that the group presents in the school referent, on the school analysis carried out. Only the presentation of a single group work on the internship school will be accepted. The split or lack of commitment of any member of the group in the realization of the report or in the analysis of the school will be a reason to fail this part of the evidence, which will be graded as not evaluable, without the right to recovery. In case this or any other evidence is failed and the average with the rest of the evidences is higher than 5, by default the final grade of the practices will be 4.
To pass this course it is necessary that the student has a minimum score of five in each of the evaluated evidences (final report, tutorials, seminars, exhibitions and school report).
Students must show an attitude compatible with the teaching profession. If this is not the case, at any time during the internship, both the internship school and the university may decide that the student must stop his/her stay at the school. In these cases, there will be a contact between the faculty and the school, which will draw up a reasoned report of interruption of the internship where it will be evidenced that the student cannot continue the internship. If this happens, this person will automatically fail the Practicum (the numerical grade that will remain will be a 3).
A student is considered to have an attitude compatible with the teaching profession when he/she complies with 100% of the calendar, attends all scheduled activities and assumes the assigned responsibilities. It is also required that he/she has been respectful with the members of the educational community, in accordance with the ethical criteria of the profession (related to aspects such as equality, equity, coeducation or inclusion), avoiding inappropriate behavior (xenophobic, sexist, homophobic, etc.). They must also comply with the school's regulations (punctuality, following schedules, use of cell phones, dress, etc.), and write and speak correctly and appropriately in accordance with the vehicular language and the school's guidelines.
The total or partial plagiarism of one of the evaluation activities and/or copying in an evaluation test is a direct reason for failing the course (the numerical grade that will remain will be a 3). It will be considered that a work, activity or exam is "copied" when it reproduces all or part of the work of another classmate or makes use of artificial intelligence for its realization.
A paper or activity will be considered plagiarized when it presents as its own a part of an author's text without citing the sources, regardless of whether the original sources are in paper or digital format (more information on plagiarism at 1.html).
All evaluation tasks carried out during the course must be submitted by the deadline indicated by the faculty in the academic program.
Final report grades will be available within twenty working days of submission.
Attendance to the seminars is compulsory. Otherwise, it will be considered as "Not evaluable". The only purpose of the supporting documents is to explain the absence; in no case they are an exemption of attendance.
In all activities (individual and group), linguistic correctness, writing and formal aspects of presentation will be taken into account. Students must be able to express themselves fluently and correctly and show a high degree of understanding of academic texts. An activity may be returned (not evaluated) or failed if the teacher considers that it does not meet these requirements.
Let us remember that, in the case of the Catalan language, in the 1st and 2nd year, the student is required to have a linguistic competence equivalent to Level 1 for Teachers of Early Childhood and Primary Education; and that from the 3rd year of the Degree the student must have shown a competence equivalent to Level 2 for Teachers of Early Childhood and Primary Education.
The student must comply with the regulatory framework for internships In this sense, it is not allowed to repeat an internship school in two different practicums. Neither can the internship be carried out in a school where there are first-degree relatives or where the student is working without authorization from the university coordination
According to the academic regulations, this course does not contemplate the possibility of a single evaluation or recovery systems.
Bibliografia bàsica
Alegre, M. A. (Coord). (2010). Les famílies davant l’elecció escolar. Dilemes i desigualtats en la tria de centre a la ciutat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill, Col. Polítiques, 72.
Anyon, J. (1999). Clase Social y conocimiento escolar. Dins: Fernández, M. (comp.) Sociología de la educación. Textos fundamentales (pp. 615-627). Barcelona: Ariel
Armengol, C., Pallarès, R.M., Feixas, M. (2003). Seguint el fil de l’organització. Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
OECD (2010): La naturalesa de l'aprenentatge: Utilitzant la recerca per inspirar la pràctica.. Traducció en català disponible en:
Bibliografia complementaria
Antunez, S. (1993). Claves para la organización de centros escolares. Barcelona: Horsori.
Antunez, S., Gairín, J. (1996). Fundamentos y prácticas de la organización escolar. Barcelona: Grao.
Bazarra, L. (2014). Ser profesor y dirigir profesores en tiempos de cambio. Madrid: Narcea.
Benito, R., Gonzalez, I. (2009). Processos de segregació escolar a Catalunya. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill. Col Polítiques 59.
Bisquerra, R. (2017). Educació emocional: de la recerca a la pràctica fonamentada. Revista Catalana de Pedagogia, 13 (2018), p. 145-171. DOI: 10.2436/20.3007.01.102. ISSN (edició electrònica): 2013-9594.
Blejmar, B. (2018). Gestionar es hacer que las cosas sucedan. Buenos Aires: Noveduc.
Bonal, X. (2012). Municipis contra la segregació escolar. Sis experiències de política educativa local. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill. Col. Polítiques 78.
Cantón, I., Pino, M. (coords). (2014). Organización de centros educativos en la sociedad del conocimiento. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
Collet, J., Tort, A. (2017). Escoles, famílies i comunitat. Barcelona: Octaedro.
Coronel, J.M., López, J., Sánchez, M. (1994). Para comprender las organizaciones escolares. Sevilla: Repiso.
Dronkers, J. (2008). l’Educació com a pilar de la desigualtat. La política educativa europea: limitacions i possibilitats. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill.
Fernández, F. (Coord) (2003). Sociología de la Educación. Madrid: Pearson.
Ferrer-Esteban. G. (2019). Mesures i suports d’atenció a les necessitats educatives i diversificació curricular: què funciona per millorar els aprenentatges i reduir l’abandonament? Fundació Jaume Bofill. Què funciona en educació, núm 15. Recuperat de
Fundació Jaume Bofill. (2019). LECXIT: Lectura per a l’èxit educatiu. Recuperat de
Gairín, J., Darder, P. (Coord.) (1996). Organización de centros educativos. Aspectos básicos. Barcelona: Práxis.
Garcia, M. (2003). El sistema de enseñanza como construcción histórica y social. Dins Fernández, F. (Coord). Sociología de la educación (pp. 87-114). Madrid: Pearson.
Garcia, M. (2013). Absentismo y abandono escolar. Madrid: Síntesis.
Gratacós, P., Ugidos, P. (2011). Diversitat cultural i exclusió social. Dinàmiques educatives, relacions interpersonals i actituds del professorat. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill.
Lafuente M. Millora l’aprenentatge de l’alumnat mitjançant el treball per projectes? Fundació Jaume Bofill. Què funciona en educació, núm 16. Recuperat de:
Lorenzo, M. (2011). Organización de centros educativos. Modelos emergentes. Madrid: La Muralla.
OECD (2017): The OECD Handbook for Innovative Learning Environments. Traducció en català disponible en:
Rist, R. (1991). Sobre la comprensión del proceso de escolarización: aportaciones de la teoría del etiquetado. Dins: Fernández, M. (comp.) Sociología de la educación. Textos fundamentales. (pp.615-627). Barcelona: Ariel.
Santos, M. (2000). La escuela que aprende. Madrid: Morata.
Solís G., P, González B., i V (2017) El efecto Pigmalión en la práctica docente. Publicaciones Didacticas. Nº 83. Recuperat de:
Taberner, J. (1999). Sociología y Educación. Barcelona: Tecnos.
Tarabini, A. (2012). Sociologia del curriculum i la praxi educativa. Dins Rotger. J.M. (coord.) Sociologia de l’educació per a professorat d’educació secundaria (pp. 289-315) Barcelona: El Roure.
UNESCOCAT. Educació 2030. Declaració d’Incheon i marc d’acció per a la implementació de l’Objectiu de Desenvolupament Sostenible 4. Centre UNESCO de Catalunya, 2018.
Consell Superior d'Avaluació del Sistema Educatiu de Catalunya. Generalitat de Catalunya.
Departament d'Educació. Generalitat de Catalunya.
Fundació Jaume Bofill.
Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa. Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional.
Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional.
No specific programme is required.
Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.