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Sociology of Communication

Code: 101137 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2500262 Sociology OT 4


Dafne Muntanyola Saura

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


There is no prerequisites

Objectives and Contextualisation

The course of Sociology of Communication combines several objectives. In the theoretical level, it is proposed to introduce the student into the main theories of communication. In the analysis of reality, the role and the social logic of the main mass communication media and social networks. Finally a brief description of the characteristics of the Catalan communication space are studied. But also, in the applied plan, you will learn to do -and will do- a Communication Plan for a real institution.

In short, the introduction to the theories is oriented towards a later reflection on the social importance of the mass media and the networks, and everything comes together in an analysis of the immediate environment, placing a particular emphasis on the role of social networks annd visual content.


  • Analysing the problems arising from the implementation of public policies and conflict situations by recognising the complexity of the social phenomena and political decisions affecting democracy, human rights, social justice and sustainable development.
  • Applying the concepts and approaches of the sociological theory, specially the explanations of social inequalities between classes, between genders and between ethnic groups, to the implementation of public policies and to the resolution of conflict situations.
  • Assessing the contributions of sociological approaches to the study of culture, education, interaction between society and environment, social policy, and work.
  • Demonstrating a comprehension of the approaches of the sociological theory in its different aspects, interpretations and historical context.
  • Describing social phenomena in a theoretically relevant way, bearing in mind the complexity of the involved factors, its causes and its effects.
  • Developing critical thinking and reasoning and communicating them effectively both in your own and other languages.
  • Developing self-learning strategies.
  • Effectively communicating the basic analysis of social phenomena in an elementary level of English.
  • Respecting the diversity and plurality of ideas, people and situations.
  • Searching for documentary sources starting from concepts.
  • Students must be capable of assessing the quality of their own work.
  • Students must be capable of managing their own time, planning their own study, managing the relationship with their tutor or adviser, as well as setting and meeting deadlines for a work project.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Comparing the different theoretical approaches about culture.
  2. Comparing the reading of cultural phenomena from several ideologies of the social reality of Spain and Catalonia.
  3. Defining the sociological concepts that interpret the cultural phenomena.
  4. Defining the underlying social phenomena of cultural policies and conflicts.
  5. Developing critical thinking and reasoning and communicating them effectively both in your own and other languages.
  6. Developing self-learning strategies.
  7. Distinguishing the explanations of cultural inequalities between classes, between genders and between ethnic groups that these actors take for granted.
  8. Distinguishing the sociological concepts about culture adopted by the actors involved in these policies and conflicts.
  9. Distinguishing the sociological concepts, as well as the methods and techniques of social investigation commonly used to analyse culture.
  10. Effectively communicating the basic analysis of social phenomena in an elementary level of English.
  11. Explaining the social interpretations of culture according to these approaches.
  12. Expressing the debates regarding these approaches, that refer to culture.
  13. Relating the concepts, methods and techniques used to analyse culture with general theoretical and methodological debates.
  14. Relating the debates regarding these approaches, that refer to culture, with the historical context in which they emerged.
  15. Relating the explanations of cultural inequalities with general theoretical and methodological debates.
  16. Relating the theoretical approaches with debates about social order and action.
  17. Respecting the diversity and plurality of ideas, people and situations.
  18. Searching for documentary sources starting from concepts.
  19. Students must be capable of assessing the quality of their own work.
  20. Students must be capable of managing their own time, planning their own study, managing the relationship with their tutor or adviser, as well as setting and meeting deadlines for a work project.


Continguts, calendari, avaluació. Comunicar en la quotidianitat  Taller speed conversation  (Garfinkel)
Oposició o juxtaposició dels mitjans de comunicació?  Postman (1990) El mitjà és la metàfora Taller The Media is the Message McLuhan & Fiore (1967)
A. Què és un Pla de Comunicació Convidat: Salvador Cardús 
I. Antecedents europeus. Xarxes i multituds Freud (1921) Psicologia de grup i l'anàlisi de ego
II. L'Escola de Chicago. De la massa al públic  
III. La Mass Comunication Research. Guerra, indústria, cohesió social Mattelart & Matteart (1997). Los Empirismos del Nuevo Mundo
IV. La Teoria Crítica. La comunicació com a mercaderia  
B. La comunicació de la cultura Eco (1968) Apocaliptics vs Integrats 
V. L'Estructuralismei la semiologia   
C. La comunicació de l'art Benjamin (1936) Lobra d'art en l'època de la reproductibilitat tècnica
VI. L'Escola de Palo Alto. Tot comunica                                                  
D. La multimodalitat comunicativa     Taller de ciència cognitiva
E. La fabricació de l'opinió pública Taller espiral del silenci
1. Manipulació i Poder Video sense ficció taller Chomsky
2. Dilemes ètics de la IA generativa: privacitat, biaxos, control Taller IA
VII. Els Cultural Studies i la fenomenologia social.La intersubjectivitat  Joan P. Emerson (1970) Behavior in Private Places
3. Recerca en mitjans digitals: plataformes i xarxes socials. Convidat: Adrian Padilla (ComunicacióUAB)
VIII.  La societat xarxa. Fragmentació i complexitat Rius-Ulldemolins i Pecourt (2021) Digitalización de la sociedad, creatividad y nuevas prácticas culturales
4. Ciència i pseudociència Taller: El debat sobre la postveritat
G. Narratives mediàtiques: El canvi climàtic i les seves metàfores  Convidat Pep Espluga (Sociologia UAB)
Sociologia visual (II): anàlisi sociològica  Taller de Fotografia participativa
H. La gestió i la comunicació cultural als Països Catalans. Convidat CAC
Esborranys plans de comunicació  

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Presentation sessions on the subjects of the course 26 1.04
Type: Supervised      
Group work derived from seminars 13 0.52
Individualized review of the work portfolio carried out 8 0.32
Seminary sessions 13 0.52
Type: Autonomous      
Formulation fo critical questions 12 0.48
Study and reading texts of course topics 58 2.32

The course is developed through theoretical classes, with the support of some reference texts that are in the compulsory bibliography of the teaching guide. The theoretical classes will include discussions in the classroom, favoring a participatory dynamic from the start, but also with the aim of learning to use the conceptual system that will be derived from it. These classes will be complemented by a weekly seminar in which exercises and debates will be carried out of an applied nature to the student's most immediate reality. There will be short written exercises and oral presentations. Formal communicative correction will be highly valued.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
1. Carrying out a Communication Plan of an organization 40% 14 0.56 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20
2. Critical questions about the readings 20% 4 0.16 4, 6, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
3. Written exam on the theories of communication 40% 2 0.08 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20

It is the work and the presence in the seminars with the questions that will allow a correct continuous assessment. The continuous assessment includes the formulation of critical questions about the compulsory readings (20%), which accompany the other work of the course, the realization of the communication plan (40%). To properly monitor this group work, there will be two mandatory group tutorials that the students will have to arrange with the teacher, the first in February-March and the second in April, and the presentation of the drafts in May .

Finally, there will be an exam on the readings and the content of the classes (40%) where the interpretation of texts and data linked to communication will be asked. It is necessary to present all the evidence to make the continuous evaluation.

Students that choose a singe evaluation item must commmunicate their decision to the professor during the first two weeks of classe, and they will turn in the communication plan (40%) and the critical questions (20%) the same day of the final exam (40%).


Compulsory Bibliography

1.   Postman, Neil (1990) El mitjà és la metàfora . a Divertim-nos fins a mori. Barcelona: La Campana.

2.   Freud, Sigmund (1921) Group psicology and the analysis of the ego. London: Penguin.

3.   Mattelart, Armand & Mattelart, Michèle (1997) La teoria de la información en Historia de las teories de la comunicación- Barcelona: Paidós.                                                  

4.   Eco, Umberto (1968/ 2006). Introducció. Apocalípticos e integrados. Barcelona: Tusquets.

5.   Benjamin, Walter (1936/2021) L’obra d'art en l'època de la reproductibilitat tècnica. Barcelona:Edicions de la L Geminada.

6.   Joan P. Emerson (1970) Behavior in Private Places. O’Brien, J. The Production of Reality. London: SAGE.

7.   Rius-Ulldemolins, Quim i Pecourt, Juan (2021) Digitalización de la sociedad, creatividad y nuevas prácticas culturales. La sociología de la cultura en la era digital. Universitat de València PUV.


For the first part of the course:

Mattelart, Armand i Mattelart, Michèle. Historia de las teorías de la comunicación. Barcelona: Paidós, 1997, 126 pp. 


On media:

Bourdieu, Pierre. Sobre la televisió. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1997. 

Cardús i Ros, Salvador. Política de paper. Premsa i poder, 1981-1992. Barcelona: La  Campana, 1995

Lacroix, Michel. El culte a l’emoció. Atrapats en un món d’emocions sense sentiments. Barcelona: Edicions La Campana, 2005

Johnson, Steven. Si és dolent t’ho recomano.Barcelona: Ed. La Campana, 2009

Postman, Neil. Divertim-nos fins a morir. El discurs públic a l’època del “show-business”. Barcelona: Llibres de l’índex, 1993. (Amusing Ourselves to Death.Nova York, Viking Penguin, 1985)


Sobre sociologia visual:

Banks, Marcus (2005). Visual Methods in Social Research. London: Sage.

Benjamin, Walter. (1936/2021). L'obra d'art a l'època de la seva reproductibilitat tècnica. Barcelona: Edicions 62.  La obra de arte en su época de reproductibilidad técnica. Madrid: Alianza.

Becker, Howard. S. (2005). Visual sociology, documentary photography, and photojournalism: It's (almost) all a matter of context. In Image-based research (pp. 84-96). Routledge.

Boudieu, Pierre & Bourdieu, Marie-Claire. (1965/2004). The peasant and photograpjy. Ethnography, 5(4): 601-616.

Bourdieu, P. (1965/2003) Un arte medio. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Delgado, Melvin. (2015) Urban YouthandPhotovoice: Visual Ethnography in Action. Oxford University Press.

Evans, Jessica & Hall, Stuart. (Eds). (2005). Visual Culture: the reader. London: Sage.

Harper, Douglas. (2002). Talking About Pictures: a Case for Photo Elicitation. Visual studies  17.1 (2002): 13–26.

Harper, Douglas. (2012). Visual Sociology. Chicago University Press.

Lozowy, Andriko, Rob Shields, and Sara Dorow (2013). “Where Is Fort McMurray? The Camera as a Tool for Assembling ‘Community.’” Canadian journal of sociology 38.2: 191–210.

Maresca, Sylvain y Meyer, Michaël (2015). Compendio de fotografía para uso de sociólogos. Edicions Bellaterra.

Mitchell, Claudia. (2011) Doing Visual Research. London: Sage.

Muntanyola-Saura, Dafne. (2017). El video y la danza:  cómo la etnografía audiovisual modifica la mirada sociológica. Dossier “Las razones y las Emociones de las Imágenes” / Dossiê “As razões e as emoções das imagens”. RBSE Revista Brasileira de Sociologia da Emoção, 16-47: 57-74.

Muntanyola-Saura, D. 2012. “Expert Knowledge and  Video-aided Ethnography a Methodological Account.”  Révue de Synthèse 133 (1): 75–100.

Mok, T.M., Cornish, F. & Tarr, J. (2015). Too Much Information: Visual Research Ethics in the Age of Wearable Cameras. Integr. psych. behav. 49, 309–322 https://doi-org.are.uab.cat/10.1007/s12124-014-9289-8

Mylne, E.J., Mitchell, Claudia & Naydene deLange. Handbook of Participatory Video. Toronto: Altamira Press

Pink, Sarah. (2013). Doing Visual Ethnography. SAGE: London.

Rosenblum, Barbara. (1978). Photographers at Work. A Sociology of Photographic Analysis. New York: Holmes & Meier.

Sontag, Susan. (2019) Sobre la fotografia. Barcelona: Arcadia Edicions. (1977) On Photography. New York: Pinguin Books.


Visual Studies

Yearbook of Moving Images Studies

Journal of Visual Culture

Visual Methodologies















Complementary bibliography

Part 1 

Bourdieu, Pierre. “L’opinion publique n’existe pas” a Questions de sociologie. Paris. Ed. Minuit, 1988.Ed. esp: Cuestiones de sociología.Madrid. Istmo, 2000 

Farré Coma, Jordi. Invitació a la teoria de la comunicació. Valls. Cossetània, 2005

Hall, Edward T. La Dimensión oculta. Méxic, Siglo Veintiuno, 1987                                 

Hall, Edward T.El lenguaje silencioso.Madrid : Alianza, 1989 

Saperas, Enric. Introducció a les teories dela comunicació. Barcelona, Pòrtic, 1992

Winkin, Yves. “Presentación general” a Bateson, Goffman, Hall et. al.La nueva comunicación. Barcelona, Kairós, 1984, pp. 11-113. 

Part 2

Bezunartea, Ofa et al. La prensa y los electores. El mito de la influencia. Euskal Herriko Universitatea. Bilbao, 2000

Blain, Neil; Boyle, Raymond & O’Donnel, Hugh. Sport and National Identity in the European Media. Leicester. Ceicester University Press, 1993

Borrat, Héctor. El periódico, actor político. Barcelona. Gustavo Gili, 1989

Boyd, Dannah. It’s complicated. The Social Lives of Networked Teens. Yale University Press, 2015

Cardús, Salvador. “En defensa de la televisió: la realitat virtuosa” a Trípodos, 6 (1998) pp. 31-44

Cardús, Salvador “Els mitjans de comunicació i els conflictes de mercat” a Actes del II Congrés Català de Sociologia. Barcelona, Societat Catalana de Sociologia, pàg. 1017-1034

Cardús, Salvador The Circulation of Daily Newspapers in the Catalan-speaking areas between 1976 and 1996. The Anglo-Catalan Society, 1999

Castells, Manuel. L’era de la informació: Economia, societat i cultura.(3 volums) Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, 2003. Ed. original: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. New Jersey: Blackwell, 2003

Castells, Manuel. La galàxia Internet. Reflexions sobre Internet, empresa i societat.Barcelona. Rosa dels Vents, 2002. Ed. Espanyola: Barcelona. Plaza y Janés, 2001.

Champagne, Patrick. Faire l’opinion. París. Seuil

Chomsky, Noam. Las ilusiones necesarias. Libertarias/Prodhufi, 1992

Ferrés, Joan. Televisión subliminal. Socialización mediante comunicaciones inadvertidas. Barcelona. Paidós, 1986

Katz, Jon. Virtuous reality. Nova York. Random House, 1997

Lippman, W. Public opinion. Londres. Allen & Unwin, 1932

O’Donnell, Hugh.Good Times, Bad Times. Soap operas and society in western Europe. Londres. Leicester University Press, 1998

Peralta, Miquel. Teleinformatius. La transmissió informativa d’actualitat.Barcelona. Trípodos, 2005

Sartori, Giovanni. Homo videns. La sociedad teledirigida. Madrid, Taurus, 1998

Tusón, Jesús. Com és que ens entenem? (si és queens entenem). Barcelona. Empúries, 1999

Vázquez Montalbán, Manuel. Informe sobre la información. Barcelona. Ed. Fontanella, 1975

Weber, Max. “Para una sociología de la prensa” a REIS núm. 57, 1992 (251-259)





Treballs de Comunicació. Societat Catalana de Comunicació (IEC)


Blocs sobre xarxes:


Crítica informativa:



Estudi i educació en mitjans:




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Any word processor

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 51 Catalan second semester afternoon
(TE) Theory 51 Catalan second semester afternoon