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Industrial Microbiology

Code: 101014 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2500502 Microbiology OB 3


Jordi Mas Gordi

Teaching groups languages

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The student must have completed with success the subject Microbiology of the Microbiology degree, or some subject of equivalent content.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The aim of this course is to train the student in the different aspects microbiology which have particular relevance in the industry field, particularly those in which microorganisms participate as active production agents. A series of initial lectures deals with aspects such as the manipulation and use of microbial cultures as starters in production processes, as well as with the sterilization and control procedures required to ensure that these processes are successful. A second more specific set of lectures analyses the role of microorganisms in different specific processes, making particular emphasis on the composition of the microbial communities involved, as well as on the most relevant metabolic activities.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CM15 (Competence) Evaluate the role of microorganisms in processes of economic interest as producers of key compounds in the development of our societies and in the improvement of the quality of life.
  2. CM16 (Competence) Propose microbial processes to assess the environmental impact of human activity, as indicators of ecosystem alteration, as well as to recover contaminated environments.
  3. KM23 (Knowledge) Identify the operations and production processes involving microorganisms or their components.
  4. SM22 (Skill) Manage specific bibliography and internet tools to develop an academic work within the field of environmental or industrial microbiology both in English and in one's own language or others.
  5. SM23 (Skill) Select the appropriate methodologies to characterise populations and communities of microorganisms from environmental and industrial samples and their abiotic environment.
  6. SM24 (Skill) Analyse industrial operations and processes involving microorganisms or their components in order to contribute to their improvement and guarantee their success.


1. Introduction to Industrial Microbiology

2. Groups of microorganisms of industrial interest.

3. Problems caused by microorganisms

4. Microbial control strategies

5. Assessment of environmental microbial contamination

6. Cleaning and disinfection of industrial facilities

7. Reduction of microbial load in raw materials and products

8. Limitation of microbial growth

9. Production of cell biomass

10. Lactic fermentations on vegetables

11. Fermentation in meat

12. Production of alcoholic beverages

13. Microbiological aspects in the manufacture of dairy products

14. Production of energy using microorganisms

15. Fuel desulfurization

16. Biodegradable plastics of microbial origin

17. Microbial biosensors


Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Problem-solving sessions 15 0.6 CM15, CM16, KM23, SM22, SM23, SM24, CM15
Theory lectures 30 1.2 CM15, CM16, KM23, SM22, SM23, SM24, CM15
Type: Autonomous      
Literature search 20 0.8 CM15, CM16, KM23, SM22, SM23, SM24, CM15
Problem solving 30 1.2 CM15, CM16, KM23, SM22, SM23, SM24, CM15
Study 32 1.28 CM15, CM16, KM23, SM22, SM23, SM24, CM15
Text readings 20 0.8 CM15, CM16, KM23, SM22, SM23, SM24, CM15

Teaching of the subject is organized in theory lectures and problem-solving sessions.

Theory lectures. The theory classes are designed to allow the student to progressively incorporate the elements required to achieve a structured knowledge of the role of microorganisms in industrial processes. The contents are taught in the classroom using teaching resources that are available to the student through the virtual campus.

Problem-solving sessions. Problem-solving sessions are strictly dedicated to work interactively with the teacher, in small size groups. These sessions will be devoted both to the resolution of numerical exercises and to the discussion and resolution of practical cases. Both the exercises and the practical cases require the realization of personal work outside the classroom.


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Exam 1. Theory (65%) + Problem-solving (35%) 45% 1.5 0.06 CM15, CM16, KM23, SM22, SM23, SM24
Exam 2. Theory (65%) + Problem-solving (35%) 45% 1.5 0.06 CM15, CM16, KM23, SM22, SM23, SM24
Participation in class activities 10% 0 0 CM15, CM16, KM23, SM22, SM23, SM24

Assessment will be carried out through two exams each contributing 45% of the final grade. Each of the exams will cover theory (with a weight of 65%) and problem-solving (with a weight of 35%) contents. The remaining 10% of the grade will complement the exam scores only if both exams have been successfully passed and will be based on the level of participation in the problem-solving sessions, requiring the completion of the assigned tasks within the established deadlines. To pass the subject the student must obtain 5 over 10 or higher in each exam. If the event of failing to pass any of the exams, a reassessment exam is scheduled at the end of the semester. To participate in the reassessment exam, students must have been previously assessed in a set of activities the weight of which equals a minimum of two thirds of the total grade of the subject or module. Students will obtain the "Not Evaluable" qualification when the evaluation activities carried out have a weight lower than 67% of the final grade. Students that, having passed the exams, want to improve their grades may also take the reassessment exam. In the event of taking the reassessment exam, students implicitly renounce to their previously obtained grades.

Single common exam that includes both, theory and questions corresponding to theproblem-solving sessions. The single assessment consists of a single exam that includes the contents of the entire theory program with a weight of 60% and problem-solving with a weight of 40%. The grade obtained in this exam constitutes 90% of the final grade of the subject. The remaining 10% corresponds to the evidence of problem-solving sessions.
The delivery of evidence corresponding to the problem-solving sessions will follow the same procedure used for the continuous assessment.
The single assessment exam will be performed in the same date fixed in the calendar for the last continuous assessment exam and the same recovery system will be applied as for continuous assessment.




There is no specific software associated with this subject.

Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(PAUL) Classroom practices 731 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(PAUL) Classroom practices 732 Catalan second semester morning-mixed
(TE) Theory 73 Catalan second semester morning-mixed