This version of the course guide is provisional until the period for editing the new course guides ends.

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Bachelor's Degree Final Project

Code: 100723 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2500241 Archaeology OB 4


Maria de la Paloma González Marcén


Maria de la Paloma González Marcén
Esther Rodrigo Requena

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


Students can enroll in their Final Degree Project once they have passed 160 credits over the previous three years. However, it is recommended to enroll during the last year of studies of the Degree.

Objectives and Contextualisation

Students in the last year of their studies must show that in addition to having acquired significant conceptual and empiric knowledge of the discipline, they also master the abilities and skills that are typical of the demands imposed by the scientific and professional practice of archaeology .Through this Final Project, students must demonstrate that they have achieved the competencies and the basic learning results acquired during their academic training by writing and presenting a initial research project, consisting in the elaboration and public presentation of a topic that allows a global and synthetic evaluation of the specific and transversal competences associated to archeaology. A teacher will supervise the work and guide the students during the elaboration process. The projects must have an original character and they will be done individually.
The results of the Final Project will be exposed in a public presentation session. By means of this presentation, students will have to demonstrate their competences in the field of the academic communication of research.


  • Contextualizing and analysing historical processes.
  • Developing critical thinking and reasoning and communicating them effectively both in your own and other languages.
  • Generating innovative and competitive proposals in research and professional activity.
  • Managing the main methods, techniques and analytic tools in archaeology.
  • Respecting the diversity and plurality of ideas, people and situations.
  • Students must be capable of applying their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and they should have building arguments and problem resolution skills within their area of study.
  • Students must be capable of collecting and interpreting relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make statements that reflect social, scientific or ethic relevant issues.
  • Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • Students must develop the necessary learning skills to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Applying both knowledge and analytical skills to the resolution of problems related to their area of study.
  2. Applying proper techniques and analytical tools in case studies.
  3. Autonomously searching, selecting and processing information both from structured sources (databases, bibliographies, specialized magazines) and from across the network.
  4. Carrying out an individual work that specifies the work plan and timing of activities.
  5. Carrying out oral presentations using appropriate academic vocabulary and style.
  6. Effectively expressing themselves and applying the argumentative and textual processes of formal and scientific texts.
  7. Establishing investigation protocols for original research projects.
  8. Identifying main and supporting ideas and expressing them with linguistic correctness.
  9. Interpreting and analysing documentary sources.
  10. Mastering Universal History from Prehistory to the Late Modern Age.
  11. Mastering and identifying the history of immediate environment.
  12. Mastering the diachronic structure of the past.
  13. Mastering the relevant languages to the necessary degree in the professional practice.
  14. Organizing their own time and work resources: designing plans with priorities of objectives, calendars and action commitments.
  15. Recognising the importance of controlling the quality of the work's results and its presentation.
  16. Reflecting on their own work and the immediate environment's in order to continuously improve it.
  17. Transmitting the results of archaeological research and clearly communicating conclusions in oral and written form to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  18. Using computing tools, both basics (word processor or databases, for example) and specialised software needed in the professional practice of archaeology.
  19. Using specialized knowledge acquired in an interdisciplinary context when debating.
  20. Using suitable terminology when drawing up an academic text.
  21. Using the specific interpretational and technical vocabulary of the discipline.


The TFG consists in the elaboration and presentation of a topic directly related to the contents of the subjects of the Degree of Archeology that must allow a global and synthetic assessment of the specific and transversal competences associated. The TFG must be a fundamentally academic work, not a research work in the strict sense, a character reserved for the TFM. Exceptional and never in a generalized way, the Degrees may propose some topics that entail the initiation to the management of the basic tools of the investigation.

Specifically, the TFG consists in:

  • The election of a topic directly related to the contents of the degree of Archeology
  • The search for documentation and bibliography, the selection, treatment and critical analysis of the data and specific literature of the chosen subject
  • The development of the theoretical framework, hypotheses and conclusions derived from this investigation
  • The written presentation of the work
  • The oral presentation of the most significant aspects of the work carried out

The written work will consist of a text, with a minimum length of 12.000 words and a maximum of 18.000 words. Table of contents, and biibliography are not included, neither the annexes with maps, databases, illustrations or documentation.
The work can be presented in the language of each student and must strictly follow formal academic requirements for presentation, both in terms of spelling and references, bibliographical appointments  and index. 

The oral presentation will consist of the public presentation of the TFG by the student before an Evaluation Committee composed of two members of the teaching staff of the Degree of Archeology or other recognized experts . The TFG Coordination will assign the date and place of public reading of the TFG. The presentation by students will have a maximum duration of 15 minutes. The commission may ask questions and request clarifications on the TFG during the presentation ceremony. In an orientative way, the commission will attend the explanatory values, instrumental resources and expressive sufficiency of the student, but also the content of the investigation exposed, its consistency and relevance of the research process presented and its results

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Supervised      
Supervision 8 0.32 1, 7, 14, 15, 16
Type: Autonomous      
Research and elaboration of the project 141 5.64 2, 1, 3, 19, 13, 11, 12, 10, 4, 7, 6, 20, 8, 9, 14, 15, 17, 21, 18

Although a second term course, the TFG preparation schedule is annual. The selection of the topic to be developed and the supervising sessions will take place throughout the academic year, both in the first and the second terms. Along both terms, the Degree Coordination will convene a series of meetings to explain the objectives of the work to be carried out, to facilitate the procedure of assignation of the supervisors and to support the general process of elaboration of the TFG.
The final version of the TFG will be delivered to the tutor or tutor in electronic format (pdf) latest on June 15th (June call) or on July 15th (September call). On the same date, a pdf copy has to be sent to the TFG Coordination , which will serve as the official record of delivery,

To inform students before enrolling, a meeting will be held in May with the students of the 3rd year to explain the content and methodology of the TFG.

Throughout the two terms there will be 3 general meetings with the students enrolled in the TFG (September, February, May). The dates and specific places where the meetings will be held will be made public, with a minimum of one week in advance, through the Virtual Campus. Attendance to these meetings is mandatory and will have contingency in the evaluation of follow-up.

Throughout the course different documents will be delivered to the Degree Coordination and / or the project supervisors to monitor the process of elaboration of the TFG of each enrolled student. The models of the documents will be available on the Virtual Campus.

Given that it is a subject without a timetable and a fixed meeting space it is essential that the students regularly consult the Moodle Space of the Virtual Campus course to be informed of the meetings convened, the necessary documents to follow up and other relevant information that may arise.

The Degree may organize during the course complementary training seminars for the development of the TFG of voluntary assistance

Procedures for choice or assignment of topic and supervisor:
Students will have the possibility of choosing one of the topics that have been worked on in the Degree of Archeology. All the teaching staff of the Degree will be involved in the course. Students may choose the person who will supervise the TFG from among all the teachers that teach in the Degree, depending on the substantive line or specialty of the work and the availability of the chosen teaching staff.

The Degree coordinator will ensure that each student enrolled will have this supervision. Any change in the subject matter or the person assigned to supervise the TFG must be authorized, within the limits established by the work calendar, from the Coordination of the Degree and the Teaching Committee of the Degree of Archeology. Each teacher will supervise a maximum of students based on the criteria established by each unit or area of knowledge within the Degree.

The supervision sessions:
These sessions are meetings arranged between the student and the supervisor to solve doubts, to maintain discussions about the specific contents of the project and to track the process of elaboration of the TFG according to calendars agreed between the tutor and the student. The follow-up sessions may be face-to-face or virtual and may involve the partial delivery of the agreed sections and the preparation of progress reports. It is recommended that a minimum of between 2 and 3 supervision sessions should be carried out per term.
The progress reports of each student will have contingency in the evaluation of the follow-up.


  • 2nd half of September/beginning of October (1st Meeting of all the students enrolled): Session with all the students enrolled, to take place the second fortnight of the month, on the objectives, timetable and procedure of the elaboration of the TFG. The specific date and venue of the meeting will be announced, at least, one week in advance through the Virtual Campus. In parallel, an indicative list of topics (and, where appropriate, the supervisors) will be made public through the Virtual Campus. Students in Erasmus stay will be informed in a personalized way through the Virtual Campus and they will be provided their assignment to a supervisor
  • October 15 (Delivery of documents): Throughout the first fortnight of the month, students will formally request the topic to be developed in the TFG, according to the published list or, as the case may be, on their own proposal. This form must contain:
    • Provisional title of the project
    • Supervisor of the project
    • Aim of the project
    • Initial reference bibliography
    • The original (or digital) signature of the supervisor of the TFG project is mandatory.
    • This form must be sent through the UAB Moodle in pdf format.
  • October 30 - Publication of the definitive list of accepted TFGs and of the person responsible for their supervision
  • February 15 (Delivery of documents): Each enrolled student will send an email to the TFG Coordination of the Degree with a copy to the supervisor following information:
    • A detailed index and a section of the written essay
  • Second falf of February (2nd Meeting of all students enrolled): Consultation session and follow-up of the TFG elaboration process. The specific date and venue of the meeting will be announced, at least, one week in advance through the Virtual Campus.
  • 30th May (Delivery of documents): Each enrolled student will fill in a questionnaire sent by the Coordination to decibe about the date of delivery of the written text (j15th June/15th July))
  • Second half of May (3rd Meeting of all students enrolled): Session to address the problems to complete the TFG and, especially, to give general guidelines for the oral presentation. The specific date and venue of the meeting will be announced, at least, one week in advance through the Virtual Campus.
  • June 15 (Delivery of written essay for the June call): Deadline for delivery of the work for its oral presentation during the last week of June. The written essay must be sent by email to both the supervisor and the TFG Coordination of the Degree in pdf format.
  • June 16-22 - Publication of the date and time of the oral presentations of June
  • June 23-30 - Oral presentations June call
  • July 15 (Delivery of written essay for the September call): deadline for the delivery of the work for its oral presentation during the first week of September.
  • July 23-26 - Publication of the date and time of the oral presentations of September
  • 1-4 September - Oral presentations September call

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Public presentation TFG 40 0.4 0.02 6, 5, 20, 8, 16, 17, 21
Supervision 10 0.1 0 14, 15
Written essay TFG 50 0.5 0.02 2, 1, 3, 19, 13, 11, 12, 10, 4, 7, 6, 20, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 18

The TFG may be submitted to the June or September call. Each enrolled student will have to communicate to the month of May which of the two calls is to be presented, through the mechanisms established by the Coordination of the TFG of the Degree.

Evaluation of the written work (50% of the final mark)

The written work will be evaluated by TFG supervisor who will have to write a report that will be presented to the TFG Coordination of the Degree following an established model that will assess the following aspects:

  • Ordered structure of work
  • Bibliography search: selection and critical analysis of the specific bibliography of the chosen subject.
  • Approach to the theoretical framework and state of affairs
  • Description, analysis and presentation of the documentation and the elaborated data
  • Ability to scientific reasoning through experimental planning, hypothesis approach and its possible contrast
  • Formal submission requirements, both for spelling and syntax, as well as bibliographic citations, notes and index. 

Evaluation of the oral presentation (40% of the final mark)

The written work will be evaluated by a Commission formed by two members of the teaching staff of the Degree of Archeology who must write a report that will be presented to the Coordination of the TFG of the Degree following an established model. The teaching staff that evaluates the presentation of the TFG can not be the supervisor of the project. The following aspects will be assessed:

  • The oral expression of the student
  • The structure of the oral presentation (formulation of the problem, description of the method, presentation of the results and interpretation)
  • The consistency and relevance of the research process presented and its results
  • The relationship between the oral presentation and written work
  • Setting the presentation time set
  • Theproper use of audiovisual media

Follow-up evaluation (10% of the final mark)

The monitoring of the TFG development process will be for the TFG Coordination of the Degree, valuing the following aspects:

  • Attendance at the 3 general meetings of the enrolled students 
  • Delivery within the established deadlines of the documents programmed by the TFG Coordination of the Degree
  • Supervisor's progress reportS

Qualifications marks

The qualification mark of a TFG has the same value as any other course of the degree. Those TFGs that are considered "Not evaluable" will be because the written essay has not been delivered on the given date, does not present the specific regulatory requirements (stylistic, orthographic, plagiarism, bibliography ...) rules, the student has not made the oral presentation or the supervisor considers that the project does not meet the conditions to be presented. The TFG only has a call and can not be re-evaluated.

In the June call it will be awarded, if applicable, the total of Honor Matricules that correspond to the number of students enrolled. No Honor Matricules are reserved especially for the September call, although  if in June they are not awarded, the ptojrcts presented in September will have this option. In the case of having more candidates than number of enrollments, a Teaching Committee may be designated to determine the criteria for granting.

On the detection of plagiarism

If the teaching staff at any time of the evaluation of a work detects evident plagiarism, it will mark the TFG with a "Not evaluated", in application of the commitment that the student signs at the moment of the registration to respect the rules on the originality of the projects.

About the process of reviewing and claiming qualifications

The TFG is subject to the same processes of ordinary review and extraordinary revision of any other subject of the degree. That is why i) must establish clear criteria (headings) to evaluate both the written presentation and the oral presentation; ii) raise the record of the monitoring process; and iii) make the lack of work in the oral evaluation committee explicit in public. This information is essential in the processes of extraordinary review.

About the certification of the TFG title

As of course 2017/2018 the TFG titles will not be included in the academic record of the students. The students who request it may apply for a certificate to Academic Management showing the title of the TFG. During the first fortnight of July, the coordinations of the TFG will reach the academic GA a complete list with the names of the students and the titles of the TFGs presented in the way that they are indicated from the Dean

About the publication of TFGs in the DDD

The publication in the UAB Digital Repository of all TFGs with a final grade of 9 or more is recommended. In order to be able to do the publication, the student must sign and submit to the TFG coordinator the consent document prepared by the Humanities Library.


This subject does not incorporate single assessment.


Coromina, Eusebi; Casacuberta, Xavier; Quintana, Dolors (2000) El Treball de recerca : procés d'elaboració, memòria escrita, exposició oral i recursos. Universitat de Vic: Vic.

Eco, Umberto (2001). Cómo se hace una tesis: técnicas y procedimientos de estudio, investigación y escritura. Editorial Gedisa: Barcelona.

Estella, Marta (1994). Les Referències i les citacions bibliogràfiques, les notes i els índexs. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Gabinet de Llengua Catalana

Ferrer, Virginia; Carmona, Moisés; Soria, Vanessa (eds.) (2013). El Trabajo de fin de grado : guía para estudiantes, docentes y agentes colaboradores. McGraw Hill:Barcelona

Meloy, J. M. 2002. Writing the qualitative dissertation: understandign by doing. Ed. Mahwah: Lawrence Enlbauw Associater.

Murray, R. 2008. Writing up your university assignments and research projects:a practical handbook. McGrow-Hill. Open University Press.

Montolío, Estrella  (coord.) (2000). Manual práctico de escritura académica. Editorial Ariel: Barcelona

Sánchez Asín, Antonio et al. (2016). Trabajos de fin de grado y de postgrado: guía práctica para su elaboración. Editorial Aljibe: Archidona.

Sancho, Jordi (2014). Com escriure i presentar el millor treball acadèmic : guia pràctica per a estudiants i professors. Eumo Editorial: Vic.

Swales, John M.; Feak, Christine B. (2004). Academic writing for graduate students: Essential tasks and skills. University of Michigan Press: Ann Arbor, MI.



There is no specific software.

It is recommended to use a bibliographic manager, such as Mendelay

Language list

Information on the teaching languages can be checked on the CONTENTS section of the guide.