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Criminal Law (Crimes)

Code: 100460 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year
2500257 Criminology OB 2


Maria Jose Rodriguez Puerta

Teaching groups languages

You can view this information at the end of this document.


There are no prerequisites for this course. However, students will understand it more appropriately if they have already taken and passed the course on general criminal law.

The teaching of the subject will be taught taking into account the perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The theoretical classes and seminars will be held in Spanish.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The program of legal courses seeks to provide basic legal training suitable for criminology. The main objective of these courses is to work on legal norms, mostly on those related to the criminal justice system, both substantive and procedural.

Within the Degree in Criminology, the courses on criminal law are intended to offer knowledge on the legal framework of the phenomenon of crime. In this field, the course on Criminal Law – Special Part focuses on penal legal knowledge of violations most frequently observed in forensic practice.

The general aim of this course is set out as follows: "to familiarize both specialists and general society with responses to the problems of criminality and social conflict, which take into account the rights and the interests of all those involved, and that are based on the values of social pacification, social integration and prevention of new conflicts."

In this context, the course on Criminal Law – Special Part has the following objectives:

  1. To be knowledgeable with the rules of the special part of Criminal Law
  2. To be familiar with the elements of different types of crime
  3. To be able to make a critical assessment of judgements  judges and courts in the criminal field


  • Ability to analyse and summarise.
  • Clearly explaining and arguing a carried out analysis about a conflict or crime problem and its responses in front of specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • Drawing up an academic text.
  • Identifying the most appropriate and effective penal intervention for each particular case.
  • Properly using the legal, psychological, pedagogical and sociological language.
  • Respectfully interacting with other people.
  • Students must demonstrate they know the legal framework and operating model of the crime control agents.
  • Students must demonstrate they know the legal/penal response framework to criminality (constitutional law, police law, procedural law and criminal law).
  • Using non-discriminatory and respectful language when referring to the several parties involved in conflict and criminality.
  • Verbally transmitting ideas to an audience.
  • Working autonomously.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Ability to analyse and summarise.
  2. Applying effectiveness criteria when using law in the field of criminology.
  3. Applying the constitutional law in the criminological field.
  4. Arguing criminality arguments in a verbal and polite way and without bias.
  5. Arguing with accuracy legal concepts at a forum.
  6. Drawing up an academic text.
  7. Effectively communicating by using specific law terms.
  8. Respectfully interacting with other people.
  9. Using the legislation and its means of implementation to the criminal act.
  10. Verbally transmitting ideas to an audience.
  11. Working autonomously.


Unit 1. Crimes against human life. Homicide: concepts and structure. Abortion and euthanasia.

Unit 2. Assault and domestic violence

Unit 3. Kidnapping and other crimes against freedom of movement.

Unit 4. Sexual offences

Unit 5. Crimes against privacy 

Unit 6. Crimes against property I

Unit 7. Crimes against property II

Unit 8. Drug dealing   offences

Unit 9. Car traffic offences

Activities and Methodology

Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures 19.5 0.78 3
Seminars 19.5 0.78 3, 5, 4, 7, 6, 8, 1, 10, 9
Type: Autonomous      
Individual and group work 106 4.24 3, 7, 6, 8, 1, 11

In order to achieve the competences of the  course, students must perform two types of activities.
1. Directed activities, which will be done in the classroom, consisting of:
Lectures given by the professor, in which the theoretical contents of the course will be examined
Seminars:  Following the lectures, seminars will be devoted to work on each of the topics of the course through activities consisting of discussing readings,  analyzing case law, performing mock trials and giving presentations.
2.- Autonomus activities. As a complement to the directed activities, students will work individually and in a group, through: 
a. Group work on the judgements and readings provided to students. The results of some of the group work will be presented in the seminars.
b. Individual work. Students must write 2 esasays on different topis proposed at the beginning of the course.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Continous Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Group work 10% 0 0 2, 5, 4, 7, 8, 1, 10
Individual works 40% 3 0.12 2, 3, 7, 6, 8, 1, 11, 9
multiple choice 50% 2 0.08 3, 7, 1, 11

1. Continuous evaluation model

Classes start on time. Late arrival or early exit is not admitted, except reasonable justification.

Continuous evaluation will be carried out throughout the fourth months. This requires regular attendance at classes (80%) and the completion of the activities detailed below.

Continuous evaluation activities (50% of the final mark). There are 3 types of continuous evaluation activities:

  • Two individual activities: 2 practical exercises (resolution of cases, 40% of the final mark, specifically 15% the first and 25% the second).
  • Seminar group activities: In each seminar, students will be asked to carry out activities such as case law search and analysis of courts’ ruling, or to prepare a mock trial. In order to prepare or to complete seminars’ activities, student may be asked to work before or after each seminar. With the purpose of enhancing the learning process, practical exercises on specific cases will also be proposed. These activities will represent the 10% of the final mark).
  • Final overall test: multiple choice (50%).

Students who fail to appear for even just one evaluation activity will be allowed to resit only if the absence is justifiable. Students will be assessed as long as they have completed a set of activities whose weight is equivalent to a minimum of 2/3 of the total grade of the subject. If the value of the activities carried out does not reach this threshold, the teacher of the subject can consider the student as not evaluable.

2. Rules for passing the course and re-evaluation

 In order to pass the course, students will need to obtain a 5 as the minimum mark

To add up the marks, students will need to obtain, at least, a mark of 2/5 in the multiple-choice exam (4/10).

If the mark of the multiple-choice exam  is lower than 2, students must resit.

If the mark in the multiple-choice exam  is equal to or higher than 2, but with the aggregation of the other marks the grade is less than 5, students must resit. In this case, they will be asked to analyse and solve a case and/or to complete a multiple-choice exam.

Cheating at any evaluation activity will imply a fail mark (0) and students will lose the right to a new assessment. Each case of plagiarism will be assessed. In the most serious cases, students will be given a fail mark (0) and will lose the right to resit.

3. Single assessment

Students who opt for the single evaluation will be evaluated on the basis of 3 activities to be carried out in 3 hours on the same day scheduled for the final exam:

  • A multiple-choice exam, the same done by  students who opt for the continuous evaluation (50% of the final mark). 1 h
  • The resolution of cases (50% of the final mark). 2 h

Similar to other students, also students who opt for the single evaluation model will have right to teachers’ attention and support throughout the semester, according to the tutorial schedule.


Mandatory readings
To prepare the course, we propose 3 alternative textbooks. All three are suitable, especially the 2023 or later editions.
  • Muñoz Conde, F. (2023). Derecho penal. Parte especial. 25ª Ed. Tirant lo Blanch (acces online at UAB library).
  • Quintero Olivares, G. (Dir.) (2016). Comentarios a la parte especial del derecho penal. 6ª Ed.Thompson
  • Silva Sánchez, J. M. (Dir.) (2023). Lecciones de derecho penal. Parte especial. 9ª ed. Atelier

To prepare the seminars, specific and complementary bibliography will be provided through the Moodle.



Language list

Name Group Language Semester Turn
(TE) Theory 1 Spanish second semester morning-mixed