Degree | Type | Year |
2500246 Philosophy | OB | 2 |
You can view this information at the end of this document.
There are no special prerequirements.
The general objectives of the course are:
The specific objectives of the subject are:
Title | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Type: Directed | |||
Lectures, seminars, small-group and individual tutorials | 60 | 2.4 | 4, 10, 12, 17, 20, 21, 22, 3 |
Type: Supervised | |||
Exhibition visits, artistic events, tests, participation in seminars | 30 | 1.2 | 8, 2, 11, 6, 15, 14, 24, 7 |
Type: Autonomous | |||
Individual and group readings, making of conceptual and evolutive maps | 50 | 2 | 2, 11, 18, 5, 15, 24, 7, 23 |
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Title | Weighting | Hours | ECTS | Learning Outcomes |
Film visual essay | 34% | 4 | 0.16 | 4, 16, 8, 1, 9, 12, 5, 6, 13, 14, 17, 24, 19, 21, 22, 23, 3 |
Written exam (Subject 4) | 33% | 3 | 0.12 | 16, 8, 2, 10, 11, 12, 5, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 |
Written exam (Subjects 2 and 3) | 33% | 3 | 0.12 | 2, 10, 11, 18, 15, 14, 17, 7, 22, 3 |
Continuous evaluation
There will be three compulsory assessment tests. The evaluation will consist of:
a) A presentation in the form of a visual essay in which one of the fundamental transformations of aesthetics is analysed according to the theoretical framework worked on in class, putting conceptual developments into operation (34%) (Maximum 10 min, can be done individually or in pairs).
b) The completion of a written exam in which subjects two and three will be evaluated (individual activity) (33%).
c) The completion of a written exam in which subject four will be evaluated (individual activity) (33%).
The exact dates of the deliveries will be announced in the first days of class, in order to be able to coordinate it with the other subjects of the Department.
Single evaluation, will consist of:
The completion of a written exam in which all the contents of the subject will be evaluated (100%) (individual activity).
In the case of continuous evaluation, students who have failed one, two or all three tests may sit a re-evaluation and recovery the test or tests they have failed. In order to be re-evaluated, it will be necessary to have taken at least two of the three tests.
If a student has not taken any of the tests, or has only taken one of the tests, he/she will be considered "not evaluable".
All three tests must be passed in order to pass the course. The final mark will be the average mark of the three tests.
In the case of a single evaluation, the reevaluation will consist of a written exam in which allthe contents will be evaluated.
In the event that the student makes any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade of an evaluation act, this evaluation act will be gradedwith 0, regardless of the learning process that may be instructed. In case of several irregularities in the assessment acts of the same subject, the final grade of this subject will be 0.
1. Compulsory readings
Immanuel Kant, Critique of Judgement, Oxford University Press, [1790] 2008, [selected fragments].
G.W.F Hegel, Lectures on Aesthetics, [selected fragments].
Walter Benjamin, "The Work of Art in theAge of Mechanical Reproduction” [1935]; Surrealism, [1929], [selected fragments].
Jacques Rancière, The Distribution of the Sensible: Politics and Aesthetics, [selected fragments].
Martin Heidegger, "The Origin of the Work of Ar", [selected fragments].
Gilles Deleuze, Francis Bacon The Logic of Sensation [selected fragments].
Catherine Malabou, "an eye on the edge of discourse", 2010.
Adriana Cavarero, Inclinations. Criticism of righteousness, 2022 [selected fragments].
Griselda Pollock, Vision and Difference: Femininity, Feminism and Histories of Art, [selected fragments].
Allen Carlson, "Environmental Aesthetics", Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2019.
Henry David Thoreau, Walden o la vida en los bosques, [1854] Madrid, Errata Naturae, 2013. [selected excerpts]
2. Secondary Bibliography
ARNHEIM, R., Arte y percepción visual, Alianza Forma, Madrid, 2002
BARASCH, M., Teorías del Arte: De Platón a Winckelmann, Alianza, Madrid, 1991; Modern Theories of Art, 1: From Winckelmann to Baudelaire, New York UniversityPress, New York, 1990; Modern Theories of Art, 2: From Impressionism to Kandinsky, New York University press, New York andLondon, 1998.
BOZAL, V., Historia de lasideas estéticas I iII, Historia 16, Madrid1998; (ed.), Historia de las ideas estéticas y de las teorías artísticas contemporáneas. Visor, Madrid, 1996.
CARROLL, N., Philosophy of Art. Routledge, 1999.
CASACUBERTA, D., “Nueve escollos para entender la cultura digital”. Enrahonar: Quaderns de filosofía, ISSN 0211-402X, Nº 32-33, 2001, pags. 235-244
DAVIS, S., The Philosophy of Art. Blackwell, 2006.
DANTO, A. C., El abuso de la belleza. La estética y el concepto del arte. Paidós, Barcelona, 2005.
DANTO, A., “La obra de arte y el futuro histórico”, La madonna del futuro. Paidós, Barcelona, 2003 (2000).
FISHER, E., La necesidad del arte. Barcelona, Nexos, 1993 (1959)
GAUT, B.; LOPES, D. (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics.Second Edition, Routledge, 2005.
GOMBRICH, E. H., Breve historia de la cultura, Ediciones Península, Barcelona, 2004.
GOMBRICH, E. H., La historia del arte. Madrid, Phaidon (1950).
GUASCH, Anna Maria (coord.), La crítica de arte, Ediciones del Serbal, Barcelona, 2003.
JAQUES, J.,“El sentido estético”, Disturbis 3 <>
JAQUES, J., , “Ernst Cassirer y la urdimbredelamemoria simbólica”, Er 33, pp. 59-73,2004.
JAUSS, H. R., Pequeña apología de la experiencia estética. Barcelona, Paidós, 2002 (1972)
JIMENEZ, M., ¿Qué es la estética?, Barcelona, Idea Books, 1999.
JIMÉNEZ, J., Teoría del Arte, Tecnos, Madrid, 2002.
KELLY, M., (ed.), Oxford Enciclopedia of Aesthetics, 1998. 2a edició, 2014. (Especialment recomanat)
KIERAN, M., (ed.), Contempory Debates in Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art. Blackwell, 2006.
KRIS, E. i KURZ, O., La Leyenda del artista, Ensayos Arte Cátedra, Madrid, 1982.
LAMARQUE, P., – H. OLSEN, H., (eds.), Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art. The Analytic Tradition. An Anthology. Oxford, Blackwell, 2004.
LYNCH, Enrique, Sobre la belleza,Anaya, Madrid, 1999.
LEVINSON, J., Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics, 2003.
MURRAY, Chris, Key Writers on art: From Antiquity to the Ninetenth Century, Routledge, London and new York, 2003; Pensadores clave sobre el arte: elsiglo XX. Ensayosarte Cátedra, Madrid 2006.
NIETZSCHE, F., El naixement de la Tragèdia. Madrid,Alianza Editorial, 1995 (1872).
RAMIREZ,J.A. Ecosistema y explosión de las artes. Anagrama, Barcelona 1994. (Especialmentrecomanat)
SHINER, Larry,La invención del arte, Paidós Estética 36, Barcelona, 2004.
SOTO CALDERÓN, A., La performatividad de las imágenes, Metales Pesados, Santiago de Chile, 2020.
SOTO CALDERÓN, A., Imaginación material, Metales Pesados, Santiago de Chile, 2022.
SOTO CALDERÓN, A., imágenes que resisten. La genealogía como método crítico, Ayuntamiento Barcelona, 2023.
TAFALLA, MARTA, “Rehabilitating the Aesthetics of Nature: Hepburn and Adorno”, Environmental Ethics, The University of North Texas, vol 33, pp 45-56, 2011.
TAFALLA, MARTA, “Una estética del circo y de los espectáculos circenses con animales”, Convivium, Universidad de Barcelona, num 27/28, pp 145-167, 2015.
TAFALLA, MARTA, “The Aesthetic Appreciation of Animals in Zoological Parks”, Contemporary Aesthetics, vol 15, 2017.
TAFALLA, MARTA, Ecoanimal. Una estética plurisensorial, ecologista y animalista, Plaza y Valdés, Madrid, 2019.
TAFALLA, MARTA, “Animals as Ornaments: On the Aesthetic Instrumentalization of Animals”, Margarita Carretero González (ed.), Spanish Thinking about Animals, Michigan State University Press, pp 51-66, 2020.
TAFALLA, MARTA, “Overcoming Climate Breakdown Denial and Neglect through the Aesthetics of Nature”, Contemporary Aesthetics, vol. 21, 2023.
TATARKIEWICZ, e., Historia de seis idees. Madid, Taurus, 1987 (1976). (Especialment recomanat)
VALVERDE, J. M., Breve historia y antología de la estética, Barcelona, Ariel. (Especialment recomanat)
VILAR, G., Las razones del arte. Madrid, Antonio Machado, 2005.
VILAR, G., La desartización del arte. Universidad de Salamanca, 2012.
C. Online sources
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Name | Group | Language | Semester | Turn |
(PAUL) Classroom practices | 1 | Spanish | first semester | morning-mixed |
(TE) Theory | 1 | Spanish | first semester | morning-mixed |