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Introduction to Research in Scientific Education and Mathematics Education

Code: 45019 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
4313815 Research in Education OT 0 1


Maria Espinet Blanch

Teaching groups languages

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Jordi Deulofeu Piquet
Edelmira Rosa Badillo Jimenez


No prerequisits are necessary

Objectives and Contextualisation

This modules is an introduction to the specialty "research on innovation i science education and mathematics education". The goal of this module is the building of an understanding of  didactics of experimental sciences and didactics of mathematics as core disciplines within the research on innovation in science education and mathematics education. The objectives of this module are the following: 

  • acquisition of basic knowledge about the specificity of research in Science Education and Mathematics Education relevant for educational innovationa
  • learning how to read, talk and write following the criteria emerging from the above mentioned disciplines
  • identification of particular rigor criteria of educational research within the areas of mathematics and science contextualized in educational innovations

The specific contents approached within this module are the following: (a) Characteristics of didactics of experimental sciences and didactics of mathematics as scientific disiplines; (b) The importance of philosophical and historial reflection for the understanding of research and innovation in science education and mathematics education; (c) Fields developed within research in science education and mathematics education; (d) The communication of research and innovation in science education and mathematics education. 



Learning Outcomes

  • CA59 (Competence) Assess research on the didactics of mathematics and science while adopting criteria of methodological quality, research consistency and innovative relevance.
  • CA60 (Competence) Assess the contributions of research on the didactics of mathematics and sciences for the improvement of the environment.
  • CA61 (Competence) Assess the contributions of research to the didactics of mathematics and sciences for the improvement of sex/gender based inequalities.
  • KA58 (Knowledge) Describe the paradigms of and approaches to research on the didactics of science and mathematics from a historical perspective.
  • KA59 (Knowledge) Identify the most important changes to lines of research on the didactics of mathematics and science.
  • KA60 (Knowledge) Identify current problems in science education and mathematics education to guide innovation proposals.
  • SA45 (Skill) Review the most relevant sources of scientific literature on the didactics of mathematics and science.
  • SA46 (Skill) Summarise research expressed in a specific type of scientific communication (report, article, contribution to congresses, case study, poster, etc.)


The specific contents of this module are: (a) The characteristics of Didiactics of Science and Didiactics of Mathematics as research disciplines; (b) The importance of historical and philosophical reflextion for research and innovation in science education and matehamtics education; (c) Research fields in science education and mathematics education; and (d) Communicating research and innovation on science education and mathematics education. 



The teaching activity will be developed through the following classroom dynamics:

-Frontal teaching 

-Reading of papers and other documentary sources

-Analysis and collective discussion of papers and other documentary sources

-Practical activities in the classroom: Problems/Cases/Exercises 

-Oral presentations


Students will be asked to fill in the evaluation questionnaires within the classroom according to the guidelines and claendar provided by the Facultat de Ciències de l'Educació from UAB.   

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Frontal teaching and practical activities in the classroom 36 1.44 CA60, CA61, KA58, CA60
Type: Supervised      
Analysis and collective discussion of documents; oral presentations; tutoring 36 1.44 CA60, CA61, KA59, SA46, CA60
Type: Autonomous      
Reading of papers 78 3.12 CA59, KA60, SA45, CA59


Continuous Assessment Option: Students assessment will be conducted through 3 acitivites. The final grade will be the average of the grades obtained in the three assessment activities if the value is equal or higher than 4. The assessment activities are of an individual nature and will be graded by the professors teaching the module. The guidelines related to the assessment activities can be accessed through the Campus Virtual. The deadlines for delivering the assessment activities are the following: Assessment Activity 1 (15-11-2023)Assessment Activity 2 (13-12-2023)Assessment Activity 3 (14-01-2024). The feedback from the professors teaching the module will be done in 15 days from the delivery date. Students failing any of the assessment activities of the Continuous Assessment Option will need to deliver a justification report responding to the evlauators' comments and suggestions before the deadline of February 1st, 2024

Summative Evaluation Option: Students chosing this assessment option will need to deliver only one report through the Virtual Campus with the three assessment activities presented in the Continuous assessment option: (a) Assesment Activity 1 Critical reading of a research paper on science education or mathematics education, (b) Assesment Activity 2 The research maps of mathematics education and science education; and (c)  Assesment Activity 3  Competences and problem solving in science education and mathematics education. The report will be delivered and presented orally in February 1st, 2024 from 15h to 17,30h. Students failing the assessment activities of the Summative Evaluation Option will need to deliver a justification report responding to the evlauators' comments and suggestions before the deadline of February 15th, 2024

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Competences and problem solving in science education and mathematics education 30 0 0 CA60, CA61, KA60, SA45
Critical reading of a research paper on science education or mathematics education 40 0 0 CA59, KA58, KA60, SA46
The research maps of mathematics education and science education 30 0 0 KA58, KA59, KA60, SA45



School Science Review: http://www.ase.org.uk/journals/school-science-review

Science Education Review: http://www.scienceeducationreview.com/editorial.html

Abell, S.K. & Lederman, N.G. (Eds.) (2010). Handbook of research on Science Education Volume I. New York: Routledge.

Abell, S.K. & Lederman, N.G. (Eds.) (2014). Handbook of research on Science Education Volume II. New York: Routledge.

Bishop, A. J., Clements, M. K., Keitel, C., Kilpatrick, J., & Laborde, C. (Eds.). (1996). International handbook of mathematics education. Springer Science & Business Media.

Bishop, A., Clements, M.A.K., Keitel-Kreidt, C., Kilpatrick, J., Leung, F.K.-S. (Eds.) (2003). Second International Handbook of Mathematics Education. Springer International.

Clements, M.A., Bishop, A., Keitel-Kreidt, C., Kilpatrick, J., Leung, F.K.-S. (Eds.) (2013). Third International Handbook of Mathematics Education. Springer International.

English, L. D., & Kirshner, D. (Eds.). (2015). Handbook of international research in mathematics education. Routledge.

Fraser, B.J. & Tobin, K.G. (Eds.) (1998). International Handbook of Science Education. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.

Fraser, B.J.,Tobin, K.G.& McRobbie, CJ (Eds.) (2012). Second International Handbook of Science Education. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

Gunstone, R. (2015). Encyclopedia of science education. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

Grouws, D. A. (Ed.). (1992). Handbook of Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning: National Councilof Teachers of Mathematics. IAP.

Grouws, D. (Ed.). (2007). Handbook of Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. IAP.

Gutiérrez, A., & Boero, P. (Eds.). (2006). Handbook of research on the psychology of mathematics education: Past, present and future. Sense Publishers.

Gutiérrez, A., Leder, G., & Boero, P. (Eds.). (2016). Second Handbook of research on the psychology of mathematics education: Past, present and future. Sense Publishers.

Johnson, C.C., Mohr-Schroeder, M.J., Moore, T.J., & English, L.D. (Eds.). (2020). Handbook of Research on STEM Education (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429021381

Kelly, A.E.,& Lesh, R.A. (Eds.). (2000). Handbook of research Design in Mathematics and Science Education. New York: Routledge.

Lerman, S. (Ed.). (2014). Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education. Springer.

Stevenson, R.B., Brody, M., Dillon, J., & Wals, A. (Eds.). (2013). International Handbook of research on Environmental Education. New York: Routledge.



Enseñanza de las Ciencias: http://ensciencias.uab.es

Didáctica de las ciencias experimentales y sociales:  http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/revista?codigo=418

Revista Electrónica de Enseñanza de las Ciencias: http://www.saum.uvigo.es/reec

Revista EUREKA sobre enseñanza y divulgación de las ciències:  https://revistas.uca.es/index.php/eureka

Ciencia & Educação: http://www2.fc.unesp.br/cienciaeeducacao

Cultural Studies of Science Education: http://www.springer.com/education+%26+language/science+education/journal/11422

International Journal of Science Education: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/09500693.asp

Journal of Research in Science Teaching: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002

Science Education: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1098-237X



Avances de Investigación en Educación Matemática: http://www.aiem.es/index.php/aiem

Bolema: Boletim de Educação Matemática: www.scielo.br/bolema

Educational Studies in Mathematics: https://link.springer.com/journal/10649

For the Learning of Mathematics: http://flm-journal.org

Journal of Mathematical Behavior: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/the-journal-of-mathematical-behavior

Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education: http://www.springer.com/education+%26+language/mathematics+education/journal/10857

Journal for Research in Mathematics Education: http://www.nctm.org/publications/journal-for-research-in-mathematics-education

Mathematics Education Research Journal: http://www.springer.com/education+%26+language/mathematics+education/journal/13394

Mathematical Thinking and Learning: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/hmtl20/current

PNA, Pensamiento numérico avanzado: http://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/pna/index

RELIME, Revista latinoamericana de investigación en matemática educativa: http://www.clame.org.mx/relime/relimee.html



No special computer program is necessary in this module