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Training for Critical, Geographical, Historical and Social Thinking

Code: 45016 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
4313815 Research in Education OT 0 1


Maria de las Neus Gonzalez Monfort

Teaching groups languages

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Nuria Arís Redó
Jordi Castellvi Mata
Joan Llusà Serra


there is not

Objectives and Contextualisation

- Analyze the different aspects of the formation of historical thought: historical time, historical consciousness, historical imagination and empathy, interpretation of sources and historical narration.
- Analyze the different aspects of the formation of geographical thinking: construction of space, landscape, territory and identities.
- Assess the contributions of research in historical time and geographical space to education for citizenship and to innovation in the classroom.
- Analyze the formation of critical and social thinking in education for citizenship.
- Analyze the role of the media in the formation of critical and social thinking.

Learning Outcomes

  • CA44 (Competence) Contrast the innovation and research data with the goals of training for critical, geographical, historical and social thinking.
  • CA45 (Competence) Make proposals for improvement and/or innovation projects in training for critical, geographical, historical and social thinking based on evidence.
  • KA45 (Knowledge) Describe the methodological paradigms, approaches and designs in innovation and research in training for critical, geographical, historical and social thinking.
  • KA46 (Knowledge) Identify different lines of research on training for critical, geographical, historical and social thinking.
  • KA47 (Knowledge) Identify problems and offer solutions for educational needs in the didactics of social sciences using innovative approaches.
  • KA48 (Knowledge) Assume the ethical principles of innovation and research when conducing studies on the didactics of the social sciences.
  • SA34 (Skill) Conduct a review of the scientific literature regarding training for critical, geographical, historical and social thinking.
  • SA35 (Skill) Design and conduct field work in relation to the didactics of the social sciences using different data collection techniques and instruments.


Block I. Space and geographical thought. The construct of space as a coordinate and as a social concept. Teaching geography and local-global space and sustainability. Research on the reading of the landscape, and its complexity Interpretation of the territory and construction of identities.

Block II. Time and historical thought. Research on the formation of historical thought, temporality and historical consciousness. Approaches to historical narration. Historical imagination and empathy. The teaching of history from the interpretation of historical sources.

Block III. Critical social thinking. Analytical perspectives on the formation of social thought. Critical and creative thinking. Critical literacy from social studies, democratic participation and social action.


The methodology is based on a presentation of lines of research and proposals for innovation, which the students donin the necessary instruments to work with autonomy in the several investigations.

The class will be led to debates on materials analyzed and worked on in groups to design proposals for research or innovation based on the research carried out.

The autonomous work will consist of reading research bibliography materials, research results and innovation proposals.

It is very important to participate in the classroom, to solve research problems, to plan innovation proposals, along with the discussion based on materials, proposals, examples.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Tutorials 0 0
Type: Supervised      
Classroom practice: solving problems/cases/exercises 0 0
Type: Autonomous      
Reading articles and documentaries. 0 0


Assessment is the process established to assess the achievement of learning outcomes based on the evidence defined in the subject guide.
The evaluation of the subject will be carried out throughout the academic year through the proposed activities (the program given at the beginning of the subject will specify the activities and assignments to be carried out).
Assignments will be delivered primarily through the virtual campus. Other delivery routes may be enabled, prior agreement with the teaching staff.
Communicative competence
In order to pass this subject, the student must demonstrate, in the activities proposed, good general communication skills, both orally and in writing, and a good command of the language or languages listed in the teaching guide. This competence is a requirement. In all activities (individual and group), linguistic correction, writing and formal aspects of presentation will therefore be taken into account. Students must be able to express themselves fluently and correctly and must show a high degree of understanding of academic texts. An activity can be returned (not evaluated) or suspended if the teacher considers that it does not meet these requirements.
Given that the vehicular language of the master's degree and of secondary education is Catalan, the oral and written tasks related to this module must be presented in this language.
Copying and plagiarism
Copying and plagiarism are intellectual theft and therefore constitute a crime that will be sanctioned with the grade "zero". In the case of copying between two students, if it is not possible to know who copied who, the penalty will be applied to both students. Fraudulent use of artificial intelligence will result in the evaluation activity being considered suspended with a 0.
Attendance and presence
Attendance at face-to-face classes of the subject is mandatory at 80%, in order to be able to carry out the continuous assessment. Otherwise, the final grade will be 'not assessable'. The supporting documents that are sometimes presented in case of absence serve only to explain the absence, in no case are they an exemption from attendance. If someone cannot meet the percentage of attendance established, they cannot take part in the continuous assessment, and they will have to attend the recovery, as long as they have previously submitted 66% of the assessment activities.
The recoverable activities are the three that are planned in the teaching guide. The maximum rating that can be obtained in recovery is 5 out of 10.
Gender perspective
During the sessions, the gender perspective will be taken into account through the review of androcentric biases, the questioning of gender assumptions and hidden gender stereotypes, the incorporation of knowledge produced by women, and the critical perspectives that uncover androcentric conceptualizations and put clearly the social and cultural causes and mechanisms that underpin gender inequalities.
In this module, it will be necessary to include the gender perspective through (self) critical reflection on one's own subjectivity and how it affects teaching (for more information see: Agud Morell, Ingrid; Amat, Meritxell; Bertran, Marta; [et al. ]. (2020). Gender perspective in education. Conceptual framework. Barcelona: UAB. <https://ddd.uab.cat/record/226865>).
Evaluation dates
- The presentation of the "Critical analysis of proposals for research or innovation in the field of geographical thinking" is expected at the end of January.
- The presentation of the "Critical analysis of proposals for research or innovation in the field of historical thought" is planned for the end of February.
- The presentation of the "Construction of a theoretical framework to relate the formation of critical and social thinking to its field of study" is expected at the end of April.
- Recovery is expected by the end of May.
Unique assessment
The single evaluation must be requested within the deadlines and the mechanism thatthe Faculty of Education Sciences has provided.
This subject foresees the single assessment. In this case, attendance is essential for the assessment at the previously established percentage. If someone does not fulfill it, they can apply for the call for recovery. It will be necessary to present 66% of the assessment activities, but the rating of each of them will not exceed 5 out of 10.
The activities to be delivered for the single assessment are the same as for the continuous assessment together with an assessment interview. The delivery day is the same day as the "The presentation of the "Construction of a theoretical framework in which to relate the formation of critical and social thinking with its field of study" and is planned for the end of April. The weighting of the activities for the single assessment is as follows:

-Critical analysis of research or innovation proposals in the field of geographical thinking: 20%
- Critical analysis of research or innovation proposals in the field of historical thought: 20%
- Construction of a theoretical framework to relate the formation of critical and social thinking to its field of study: 45%
- Evaluation interview: 15%

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Construction of a theoretical framework on relating the formation of critical and social thought to his field of study 50% 75 3 KA47, KA48, SA35
Critical analysis of research proposals or innovation in the field of geographic thought 25% 37.5 1.5 CA44, CA45, KA45, KA46, SA34
Critical analysis of research proposals or innovation in the field of historical thought 25% 37.5 1.5 CA44, CA45, KA45, KA46


Geographical education

BATLLORI, R. (2002) “La escala de análisis: un tema central en didáctica de la geografía”, Íber, Nº 32, pp. 6-19

BENEJAM, P. (2005), Quins continguts rellevants de geografia convé que aprenguin els alumnes de l’etapa de secundària obligatòria?, Conferencia dentro del grupo GRICSO, Rosa Sensat, 9 de marzo de 2005

BENNETS, T. (2005), Progressism in geographical understanding, en: International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 14(2), pp. 112-132.

CAPEL, H. (2010) Geografía en red a comienzos del tercer milenio: para una ciencia solidaria y en colaboración, en: Scripta Nova, revista electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias sociales, Vol. XIV, Nº 313, febrer de 2010 (Publicación en línea)  http://www.ub.es/geocrit/sn/sn-313.htm (Última consulta: 28 de enero de 2010)

COMES, P (2002), “De la observación espacial a la implicación social: Rastres, un ejemple de aplicación didáctica multimedia”, Íber, Nº32, pp. 96-106

COMES, P. y CUCURELLA, S. (2001), La Geografía escolar, entre las nuevas tecnologías y la educación ciudadana, en: MARRÓN (Coord.) (2001) La Formación Geográfica de los Ciudadanos en el cambio de Milenio, Asociación de Geógrafos españoles, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, pp. 145-154

FIEN, J. (2005), Teaching and learning geography in the UN decade of education for sustainable development, a: Geographical Education,18, pp 6-10.

GARDNER, R. y LAMBERT, D. (2006) Futuring Geographers: The role of the subject organisations, a: Geography, Vol. 91 (2) pp. 159-170. 

HUCKLE, J. (2002) Reconstructing nature: Towards a geographycal education for sustainable development, Geography, 87 (1), pp. 64-72

IGU-CGE (INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHICAL UNION-COMMISSION ON GEOGRAPHICAL EDUCATION) (2006), The International Charter on Geographical Education, First Draft, Revised 2006 Edition (ver: http://igu-cge.tamu.edu/cgecharter2005.pdf)

JOHNSTON, R. J. , TAYLOR, P. J. i WATTS, M. J. (2002), Geographies of global change. Remapping the World. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.

MCKEOWN, R. (2002), Manual de Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible, Centro para la Geografía y la Educación Ambiental, Universidad de Tennessee, Tennessee, (ver:http://www.edstoolkit.org)

MÉRENNE-SCHOUMAKER, B. (2006), La enseñanza de la geografía, en: HIERNAUX, D. y LINDÓN, A. (Dir.) (2006), Tratado de Geografía Humana, Editorial Anthropos, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa, México, pp 628-643.

MORGAN, J. i LAMBERT, D. (2005), Geography. Teaching school subjects 11-19, Routledge, London

NOVO, M. (2006), El desarrollo sostenible. Su dimensión ambiental y educativa, Pearson Educación, Madrid

ROMERO MORANTE, J. y LUIS GÓMEZ, A. (2008) “El conocimiento socio-geográfico en la escuela: las tensiones inherentes a la transmisión institucionalizada de cultura y los dilemas de la educación para la democracia en este mundo globalizado”, Scripta Nova. Revista Electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona, 1 d’agosto de 2008, vol. XII, N. 270 (123). (ver: http://www.ub.es/geocrit/sn/sn-270/sn-270-123.htm)

SOUTO, X. M. (1999), Didáctica de  la Geografía. Problemas sociales y conocimiento del medio. Ediciones del Serbal, Barcelona.

TANI, S. (2004), Curriculum reform and primary geography in Finland. A gap between theory and practice, en: International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 13 (1),pp 6-20.

VILARRASA, A. (2002), “El medio del ciudadano del siglo XXI, Íber, Nº32, pp. 41-49

Historical education

BARTON, K. C. (2008). Research on students’ ideas about history. Levstik, L. S.; Tyson, C. A. (eds.). Handbook of Research in Social Education. New York: Routledge. 239-257.

GÉrin-Grataloup, a-m.; Tutiaux-Guillon, n. (2001). La recherche en didactique de l’histoire et de la géographie depuis 1986, essai d’analyse. Tutiaux-Guillon, N. (coord.). 15 ans de recherche en didactique de l’Histoire-Géographie. Monogràfic de Perspectives Documentaires en Éducation, 53. INRP.

GONZÁLEZ MONFORT, N.; HENRÍQUEZ, R.; PAGÈS, J. SANTISTEBAN, A.; (2010). Empatía histórica para un presente cambiante. La enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la comprensión histórica a través de una experiencia didáctica. Pagès, J. González Monfort, N. (coord.),  La construcción de les identitats i l’ensenyament de les Ciències Socials, de la Geografia i de la Història, Barcelona: Serei de Publicacions de la UAB, 145-157.

LAUTIER, N.; ALLIEU-MARY, N. (2008). La didactique de l’histoire. Revue Française de Pédagogie, 162, 95-131.

MARTINEAU, R. (2002). La pensée historique... une alternative ré-flexive précieuse pour l’éducation du citoyen, en Pallascio, R.; La-fortune, L. Pour une pensée réflexive en éducation, 281-309. Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec.

Martineau, r. ; DÉRY, Ch. (2002). À la recherche de modèles transposés de raisonnement historique. Les modulations de la pensée en classe d’histoire. Traces, Vol. 40, 4, 10-25.

MATTOZZI, I. (2002). Presentazione per il docente. La formazione del pensiero temporale negli adolescenti. Perillo, E. (a cura di). La storia. Istruzione per l’uso. Materiali per la formazione de competenze temporali degli studenti. Napoli: Tecnodid. 9-22.

PAGÈS, J.; GONZÁLEZ, P. (2009). Història, memòria i ensenyament de la història: perspectives europees i llatinoamericanes. Barcelona: Servei de Publicacions UAB.

Pagès, J. (1999). El tiempo histórico: ¿Qué sabemos sobre su enseñanza y su aprendizaje? Análisis y valoración de los resultados de algunas investigaciones. AAVV: Aspectos didácticos de Ciencias Sociales. 13. Zaragoza: ICE-Universidad de Zaragoza. 241-278.

Pagès, J.; Santisteban, A. (1999). La enseñanza del tiempo histórico: una propuesta para superar viejos problemas, en AUPDCS. Un currículum de Ciencias Sociales para el siglo XXI. Qué contenidos y para qué, 187-207. Sevilla: Díada.

PAGÈS, J.; SANTISTEBAN, A. (2008). Cambios y Continuidades: aprender la temporalidad histórica. JARA, M.A. (coord.). Enseñanza de la Historia. Debates y Propuestas. Editorial de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Neuquén (Argentina).

PLÁ, S. (2005). Aprender a pensar históricamente. La escritura de la historia en el bachillerato. México: Plaza y Valdés.

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SANTISTEBAN, A. (1999). Aprender el tiempo histórico: deconstruir para reconstruir. Historiar, 1: 141-150.

Santisteban, A. (2006). Une proposition conceptuelle pour la recherche et l’enseignement du temps historique, Le Cartable de Clio, 6: 77-90.

SANTISTEBAN, A. (2007). Una investigación sobre cómo se aprende a enseñar el tiempo histórico. Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales, 6, 19-29.

Santisteban, A.; Pagès, J. (2006). La enseñanza de la historia en la educación primaria. En Casas, M. y Tomàs, C. (coord.) Educación Primaria. Orientaciones y Recursos, 468/129-468/160. Barcelona: Wolters Kluwer Educación.

Santisteban, A.; Pagès, J. (2011). Enseñar y aprender el tiempo histórico. Santisteban, A. y Pagès, J. (coords.). Didáctica del Conocimiento del Medio Social y Cultural en la Educación Primaria. Ciencias Sociales para comprender, pensar y actuar. Madrid: Síntesis, 209-227.

SANTISTEBAN, A.; GONZÁLEZ, N.; PAGÈS, J. (2010). Una investigación sobre la formación del pensamiento histórico. Ávila, R.M.; Rivero, P.; Domínguez, P.L. (Coords.). Metodología de investigación en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales. Zaragoza: Institución Fernando el Católico. Diputación de Zaragoza/ AUPDCS.

WILSON, S.M. (2001). Research on History Teaching. Richardson, V. (ed.). Handbook Of Research On Teaching. 4th ed. Washington: American Educational Research Association. 527-544.

Critical  and Social Thinking

BOISVERT, J. (2004). La Formación del Pensamiento Crítico: Teoría y Práctica. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Boix-MANSILLA, V.; Gardner, H. (1999). ¿Cuáles son las cualidades de la comprensión? Stone, M. (comp.) (1999), La Enseñanza para la Comprensión. Vinculación entre la investigación y la práctica. Barcelona: Paidós, 215-256.

DALONGEVILLE (2003). Noción y práctica de la situación-problema en historia. Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales, 2, 3-12.

DELEON, A., & ROSS, E. W. (Eds.). (2010). Critical theories, radical pedagogies, and social education: New perspectives for social studies education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

DEWEY, J. (2002). Cómo pensamos: Nueva exposición de la relación entre pensamiento y proceso educativo. Barcelona: Paidós. (ed. 1910).

DHOND, H. (1994). Critical Thinking: Research Perspective for Social Studies Teacher. Canadian Social Studies, Vol. 28 (4).

EVANS, R. W. (2011) La naturalesa tràgica de la reforma escolar nord americana. El cas dels estudis socials. Pagès, J.; Santisteban, A. (coords.)  (2011). Les qüestions socialment vives i l’ensenyament de les ciències socials. Barcelona : Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Col. Documents, 13-23.

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GONZÁLEZ MONFORT, N. y SANTISTEBAN, A. (2011). Cómo enseñar ciencias sociales para favorecer el desarrollo de las competencias básicas. Aula de Innovación Educativa, 198, 41-47.

GUTIERREZ GIRALDO, M.C. (2011). Pensamiento reflexivo en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las Ciencias Sociales.Uni-Pluriversidad, 11 (2), 83-92.

HESS, D. (2009). Controversy in the classroom: The democratic power of discussion. New York: Routledge.

HUBER, M. (2004). La situación problema como facilitador de la actividad del profesor de historia. Enseñanza de lasCienciasSociales, 3, 29-38.

KUBEY, R. (2010). Media Literacy and Communication Rights: Ethical Individualism in the New Media Environment. Gazette, 72: 323-338.

LE ROUX, A. (coord.) (2004). Enseigner l’histoire-géographie par le problème? Paris: L’Harmattan

LEGARDEZ, A. (2003). L’enseignement des questions sociales et historiques, socialement vives. Le cartable de Clio nº 3, 245-253.

PAGÈS, J. (1997). La formación del pensamiento social. Benejam, P. y Pagès, J., Enseñar y aprender ciencias sociales, geografía e historia. Barcelona: Horsori, 151-168.

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PIPKIN, D. (coord.) (1999). Pensar lo social. Argentina: Ediciones La Crujía.

SANTISTEBAN, A. (2004). Formación de la Ciudadanía y educación política. Vera, M.I. y Pérez, D. La Formación de la ciudadanía: Las TICs y los nuevos problemas, Alicante: Universidad de Alicante / AUPDCS, 377-388.

SANTISTEBAN, A. (2011). La formación del pensamiento social y el desarrollo de las capacidades para pensarla sociedad. Santisteban, A. y Pagès, J. (coords.), Didáctica del Conocimiento del Medio Social y Cultural, Madrid, Síntesis, 65-84.

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WARING, S.M.; ROBINSON, K.S. (2010). Developing Critical and Historical Thinking Skills in Middle Grades Social Studies. Middle School Journal, vol.42, 1, 22-28.

