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Educational Theories and Systems: Inequalities, Politics and Social Change

Code: 45011 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
4313815 Research in Education OT 0 1


Mauro Carlos Moschetti Plaul

Teaching groups languages

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Joan Carles Melich Sangra
Jorge Pamies Rovira


This is a mandatory course for the specialisation in Inequalities, Research and Educational Action

Objectives and Contextualisation

The objective of this course is to understand the relationships between educational systems and inequalities based on various theoretical and empirical contributions from academic literature. The contents of the subject will involve an analysis of these relationships at the macro, meso, and micro levels. Different theories and approaches to education and educational policy-making will be considered, along with aspects related to the culture and structure of educational institutions, and the role of teachers and families in relation to inequalities and social change. The content blocks that structure the subject will allow for the recognition of inequalities present in the various stages - access, process, and outcomes - of schooling, and will provide the appropriate tools for reflection, analysis, and the development of research proposals within this framework.The following topics will be addressed:

• Educational policies: inequalities and equity

• Schools and teachers: strategies for educational equity

• Family, context and inequalities

Learning Outcomes

  • CA29 (Competence) Formulate a research problem and research questions and goals in the field of education theory, policy and educational intervention.
  • CA30 (Competence) Assess the social, economic and environmental impact of education theory research, policy and educational intervention.
  • CA31 (Competence) Conduct research in the field of education theory, policy and educational intervention assessing inequalities based on sex/gender, ethnicity, class, religion and age.
  • KA28 (Knowledge) Identify different lines of research in the fields of education theory, politics and educational intervention.
  • KA29 (Knowledge) Identify problems and offer solutions for educational needs at the macro, meso and micro levels using innovative approaches.
  • SA19 (Skill) Produce a comprehensive review of the scientific literature in the fields of education theory, policy and educational intervention.
  • SA20 (Skill) Present a research study while adapting the tone to the type of scientific article.


1. Education policies: inequality and equity.

          1.1.  Theoretical approach: principles and concepts.

          1.2.  Education policies, globalization and international organizations.

          1.3.  Educational policies in Catalonia and Spain.

          1.4.  Educational policies at the local level.

      2. Schools and teachers: strategies for educational equity.

         2.1. Schools: structure and culture and its impact on equity.

         2.2.  Teachers: promoting educational success

     3. Family environment and inequalities.

         3.1. Family attitudes in promoting educational success.

         3.2.  Family, community and educational inequalities.

         3.3.  Context and territory networks


The training activity will be developed based on the following dynamics:
- Lectures
- Reading, analysis and discussion of articles and documentary sources
- Classroom practices: problem solving / cases / exercises
- Office hours

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Activities and readings 36 1.44 CA29, CA30, CA31, KA28, KA29, SA19, SA20, CA29
On-site in large group 36 1.44 CA29, CA30, CA31, KA28, KA29, SA19, SA20, CA29
Type: Autonomous      
Individual module work 78 3.12 CA29, CA30, CA31, KA28, KA29, SA19, SA20, CA29


The assessment of the course will be carried out through the activities indicated above. The academic paper must be handed in on April 25th. The rest of the assessment activities take place throughout the sessions.

The final grade will be the weighted average of the planned activities. To be able to apply this criterion, it will be necessary to obtain at least a 4 in every activity, those carried out during the development of the course and in the final paper.

Class attendance is mandatory. In order to obtain a positive final evaluation, students must have attended a minimum of 80% of the classes. Plagiarism or copying will result in failure and will be reported to the degree coordinator.

Students who choose to take a single assessment must prepare and deliver an academic article (50%) and make an oral presentation expanding on three topics developed throughout the course (50%)—both activities on April 25th.

The examination re-take, both in the case of the continuous assessment and single assessment, will take place on May 30th and will consist of the delivery of a review and reworking of the activity(s) in which the student has failed.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Analysis of articles (activities and readings during the development of the module) 40% 0 0 CA29, CA30, CA31, KA28, KA29, SA19, SA20
Attendance and participation 10% 0 0 CA29, CA30, CA31, KA28, KA29, SA19, SA20
Preparation of an academic paper 50% 0 0 CA29, CA30, CA31, KA28, KA29, SA19, SA20


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Carrasco, S.; Pàmies, J.; Ponferrada, M.; Ballestín, B.; Bertran, M. (2011) Segregación escolar e inmigración en Cataluña: aproximaciones etnográficas, in F. J. García Castaño & S. Carrasco (eds.) Población inmigrante y escuela. Conocimientos y saberes de investigación. Textos reunidos en homenaje a Eduardo Terrén Lalana. Colección Estudios Creade N.º 5. Madrid:  pp 367-400

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