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Master's Degree Dissertation

Code: 44827 ECTS Credits: 12
Degree Type Year Semester
4318300 Theatre Studies OB 0 2


Nuria Santamaria Roig

Teaching groups languages

You can check it through this link. To consult the language you will need to enter the CODE of the subject. Please note that this information is provisional until 30 November 2023.


Rossend Arques Corominas
Nuria Llorens Moreno
Carles Batlle Jordà
Francesc d'Assis Cortes Mir
Jordi Jane Llige
Daniela Palmeri
Anna Corral Fulla
Francesc Foguet Boreu

External teachers

Anna Solanilla Rosselló
Antoni Ramon Graells
Christine Schmutz
Davide Carnevali
Elisabeth Escudé Gallés
Ester Vendrell Sales
Lluís Masgrau Peya
Mercè Saumell Vergés
Roberto Fratini Serafide


If the student takes the master's degree in two years, enrolling on this subject in the last academic year is advisable.

Being familiar with the formal requirements of an academic paper is highly recommended.

Objectives and Contextualisation

This subject is dedicated exclusively to elaborating an original and unpublished reflection and/or research work written individually under the supervision of one of the specialist professors of the master's degree. The TFM can be a scientific production or an applied investigation concerning an unprecedented aspect of the performing arts.

Learning Outcomes

  1. CA18 (Competence) Demonstrate learning skills that allow independent study to take place.
  2. KA33 (Knowledge) Incorporate the theoretical grounding acquired through the analysis of the various aspects and specificities of the performing arts into a research project.
  3. SA27 (Skill) Precisely define the hyphotheses and objectives.
  4. SA28 (Skill) Apply research methodology, techniques and specific resources consistent with the chosen conceptual framework to research a topic taken from within the field of the performing arts.
  5. SA29 (Skill) Manage and systematise the data collected using a scientific method.
  6. SA30 (Skill) Collect important information from scientific literature in terms of approaching and contextualising a specific research topic.
  7. SA31 (Skill) Use suitable specific terminology and language register in research projects in the field of the performing arts.


The Final Master's Project (TFM) is an original and unpublished research project, written by each student of the master's degree in agreement with the professor assigned to her/him and submitted for evaluation by a commission of three teachers from the same master's degree in public session.

 The research will be carried out based on three axes: (i) a theoretical or historical investigation of the performing arts; (ii) a theoretical reflection and conceptualization of a complete creative process (a play, a theatre, a show) or (iii) an edition of a theatrical text or theoretical or critical material on performing arts.

The TFM must have the character of a research article published in a specialized performing arts magazine.



The Final Master's Project (TFM) is an original and unpublished research project, written by each student of the master's degree in agreement with the professor assigned to her/him and submitted for evaluation by a commission of three teachers from the same master's degree in public session.

The research will be carried out based on three axes: (i) a theoretical or historical investigation of the performing arts; (ii) a theoretical reflection and conceptualization of a complete creative process (a play, a theatre, a show) or (iii) an edition of a theatrical text or theoretical or critical material on performing arts.

The TFM must have the character of a research article published in a specialized performing arts magazine.

Temporary guidelines


1. Previous session of the people enrolled in the TFM with the coordinator of the module. Presentation of the guidelines for the development of the TFM (see also the calendar on the virtual campus and the website of the master's degree).

2. The student will present to the coordinator a proposal on the topic of his/her work (provisional title, summary, brief bibliography). The coordinator, with the agreement of the MUET Academic Board, will assign a tutor to the student based on the characteristics of the proposed topic.

3. Orientation and debate sessions with the tutor: (i) definitive choice of topic; (ii) subsequent approval of the coordinator, and (iii) orientation sessions with the tutor for the TFM: consultations on the bibliography and preparation and presentation of a provisional work draft.

4. Writing a report that contains a brief exposition: a) presentation of the TFM; b) starting hypothesis; c) research objectives and questions; d) state of the bibliographic issue; e) work methodology; f) provisional index; g) significant progress; and h) doubts and problems. The report length is four pages (8,400 characters with spaces) maximum. The report must be sent to the tutor and the module coordinator within the deadlines established by the TFM calendar. The student will receive the appropriate comment on his/her document.

5. Elaboration of the work: (i) delivery of the partial versions of the work following the instructions of the tutor; (ii) delivery of a complete first draft within the term established by the established calendar of the TFM, and (iii) delivery of the TFM: three copies (one for each member of the panel) and another copy for the la Unitat Integrada de Suport Administratiu Departamental de Filologies /Gestió Titulacions de Tercer Cicle de Filologies <uisad.filologies.tercer.cicle@uab.cat> Works outside the established deadlines will not be accepted.

6. Publication of the courts, the date and the place of dissertation defence (see calendar). The student must provide a copy of the officially deposited TFM to each member of his/her panel.

7. Session of public dissertation defence and evaluation of the TFM.




The methodology adopted in preparing the TFM will depend on the chosen topic and the corresponding tutor. The individual counselling of the tutor will be combined with the support of the module's coordination during the elaboration of the TFM. The following general considerations regarding the characteristics of the work must be taken into account:


1. The TFM must have a minimum extension of 25 pages (52,500 characters with spaces) and 40 pages (84,000 characters with spaces). See presentation rules on the virtual campus.

2. Studies must be original and unpublished to be accepted. The total or partial plagiarism will suppose immediate suspense of the module.

3. The TFM can be written in Catalan or Spanish.

4. The works must observe an adequate use of the linguistic register, grammar and orthography. A badly drafted work can exclude TFM from the tutor's defence or obtain a negative valuation by the Panel.

5. All sources used must be exhaustively referenced. Papers must follow the citation styles of MLA (https://www.mla.org/MLA-Style) or Harvard (https://library.aru.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm).

6. If the TFM is associated with a creation process, the student must consider at least the following aspects: starting hypothesis, research questions, theoretical references, artistic precedents (contextualization), methodological explanation, follow-up and documentation of the process, and conclusions. If the creation process includes other people, the signed permissions authorizing the use of their image or participation must be included in the work annexes.

7. All the TFM must contain brief conclusions related to the objectives formulated in the introduction.

8. All the TFM may include an annexe with unpublished documentation (texts, images, audio-visual recordings). Permission to use such materials must be included, if applicable.

9. The TFM can only be deposited and defended with the tutor's approval (signature and date). The tutor has to ensure the process of elaboration of the TFM with face-to-face tutorials (3 at least) and is invested with the necessary authority not to authorize the presentation of those works that he/she considers insufficient or that have breached the terms of presentation or any of the established norms.

10. The change of tutor is only authorized in extreme cases and for very justified reasons. As of March 1, no changes will be allowed.

11. On the cover of the TFM should be in writing: the full title, name of the author, name of the tutor, the name of the master's degree and the course.

12. The public defence of the TFM can only be carried out on the days scheduled at the beginning of the course, according to the module calendar. For evaluation, see below.

13. The preceding points govern the module's contents and do not contemplate exemptions or exceptions.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Introductory session 3 0.12 CA18, KA33, SA27, SA28, SA29, SA30, SA31, CA18
Type: Supervised      
Academic tutoring 86 3.44 CA18, KA33, SA27, SA28, SA29, SA30, SA31, CA18
Type: Autonomous      
Documentation, Study and elaboration of TFM 211 8.44 CA18, KA33, SA27, SA28, SA29, SA30, SA31, CA18


The module's assessment consists of the presentation and public defence of the TFM. It is essential to have previously attended the coordination and tutoring sessions. The work, presented with the tutor's approval, will be evaluated by a panel designated by the module coordinator, with the consensus of the Master's Academic Board. Three members constitute the panel: the work tutor and 2 more doctors from the MUET.

The public defence session lasts one-hour maximum:

-15 minutes of presentation for the author of the paper. The speech will focus exclusively on the conclusions and the strengths and weaknesses of the TFM.

- 30 minutes for the members of the panel (10 minutes each)

- 15 minutes of debate/reply/deliberation.

The panel members will fill in the TFM evaluation report and duly signed by all three, and it will be deposited in the UISAD de Filologies de la UAB.


Additional notes


1. If the student commits any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade of an evaluation act, said evaluation act will be graded with a 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that may be instituted. If various irregularities occur, the final grade for the module will be 0.

2 If, due to force majeure, the defence cannot be carried out in person, the format will be adapted to the possibilities offered by the virtual tools of the UAB.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Public defence 20% 0 0 CA18, KA33, SA27, SA28, SA29, SA30
Text 80% 0 0 CA18, KA33, SA27, SA28, SA29, SA30, SA31


Provisional sources

Bibliografia sumària


Blaxter, L; Hugues, C.; Tight, M. (2000) Cómo se hace una investigación. Barcelona: Gedisa.

Coromina, E. et alii. (2000) El treball de recerca: procés d’elaboració, memòria escrita, exposició oral i recursos. Vic: Eumo/Universitat de Vic.

Eco, U.(2001) Cómo se hace una tesis: técnicas y procedimientos de estudio, investigación y escritura. Barcelona: Gedisa.

Fleming, R.S; Kowalsky, M. (2021) Survival Skills for Thesis and Dissertation Candidates. Cham: Springer. Disponible des del catàleg de la BH: https://bibcercador.uab.cat/permalink/34CSUC_UAB/1c3utr0/cdi_askewsholts_vlebooks_9783030809393

Icart, M. T. et alii (2001) Elaboración y presentación de un proyecto de investigación y una tesina. Barcelona: Edicions de la UB.

Lluch, G; Nicolàs, M. (2015) Els treballs acadèmics II. Els treballs d’investigació. Barcelona: UOC. Disponible des del catàleg de la BH:


Rigo, A.; Genescà, G. (2000). Tesis i treballs: aspectes formals. Vic: Eumo.

Tolchinski, L.; Rubio, M; Escofet, A. (2011) Tesis, tesines y otras tesituras. De la pregunta de investigación a la defensa de la tesis. Barcelona: Edicions de la UB.

 Biblioteca d’Humanitats (2023) Com fer el TFM o el TFG?. Bellaterra: UAB. Disponible en línia: https://www.uab.cat/web/estudia-i-investiga/suport-als-treballs-academics/com-fer-el-tfg-o-tfm-1345807761214.html


