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Advanced Topics in Regional Studies and Planning

Code: 44471 ECTS Credits: 9
Degree Type Year Semester
4317520 Territorial Studies and Planning OB 0 1


Angel Cebollada Frontera

Teaching groups languages

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Gemma Simón Mas
Samuel Nelˇlo Deakin
Jordi Honey Roses
Pau Avellaneda Garcia



Objectives and Contextualisation

This subject will cover the key contents of the most advanced contemporary research on active mobility and, more specifically, bicycle mobility. The course will provide students with the conceptual and methodological tools for planning metropolitan environments in transition to active mobility scenarios.

The subject has an applied character and is guided by the methodology of learning by challenges: it is about facing real and complex problems identified by the different actors in the territory in order to make an appropriate diagnosis and point out possible solutions to the problems detected. Challenging learning is today a widely recognized methodology that allows not only to deal with real case studies, but also to insert the student in environments in which in the future he can develop his professional career. It is also a good opportunity to integrate and experiment with the knowledge and methods acquired in other subjects of the Master. For this reason, the central axis is the realization of a project that we call Troncal and that is done in coordination with two more subjects: Territorial and Urban Planning and City and Metropolitan Spaces.

By core we mean the realization of a practical exercise, consisting of the recognition and identification of the urban, social and environmental characteristics of a territory in order to implement projects and proposals that solve the identified challenges.

For the 2023-24 academic year, the title of the Troncal is Active Mobility in Metropolitan Environments. Bases for the Planning and Management of active mobility in the Ribera Baixa. This territory made up of twelve municipalities (Albalat de la Ribera, Almussafes, Benicull del Xúquer, Corbera, Cullera, Favara, Fortaleny, Llaurí, Polinyà del Xúquer, Riola, Sollana and Sueca) is the southern gate of the Metropolitan Area of Valencia and the point of contact with the coastal - tourist areaof Valencia and with areas of great natural interest (Albufera Natural Park).

The challenge will be, based on the identification of specific problems expressed by local actors, to select, define and work collaboratively in order to be able to point out possible concrete solutions in proposals and projects. Work will be done in small groups, each of which will delve deeper into a thematic aspect. The results will be presented to local officials and other actors in society.

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Learning Outcomes

  • CA24 (Competence) Evaluate the access to public space according to citizens' social and economic status.
  • CA25 (Competence) Describe the transformation of public space by planning to rebalance the territory.
  • KA22 (Knowledge) Identify the reference paradigms of current lines of research on territorial and urban matters.
  • KA23 (Knowledge) Identify the relationship between the political-legal system and territorial dynamics.
  • KA24 (Knowledge) Outline territorial and urban transformation processes using methodologies and instruments linked to reference theories, which are capable of measuring the mechanisms of action and their results.
  • KA25 (Knowledge) Recognise conceptual frameworks used to analyse and interpret territorial and urban conflicts.
  • KA39 (Knowledge) Select analysis and synthesis strategies for assessing the impact that urban planning has on citizens.
  • SA20 (Skill) Manage conflict and coexistence in public spaces as a tool for urban planning.
  • SA21 (Skill) Evaluate the relevance of academic research in territorial intervention and management for the purposes of planning.


This subject will cover the following topics:


1. Mobility Planning in a systemic multi-crisis context

2. Integrated Cycling Policy

3. Cycle mobility from an international perspective

4. The conditions factors of active mobility

5. Active mobility in metropolitan planning

6. Recognition of the study area

7. Tools for the elaboration of a planning document for the implementation of comprehensive bicycle policies


At the beginning of the course the detailed program of the subject will be provided





The training activities are divided into those leading at lecturers in the classroom and /0r outside, those supervised by lecturers outside the classroom and the autonomous ones that must be developed by students.


There are three types of leading activities. The first is the classes that will combine the master sessions with debates. The second is the lecture series (six in total). The last will be the workshops, of a practical nature


In this course there are two types of supervised activities: the fieldwork that will be carried out in the week of October 02 to 06 and the group project tutorials that each tutor will lead. At the beginning of the course, the teacher will explain the protocol of measures and good practices for field trips.


Finally, the autonomous activity will consist of the elaboration of all the phases of the main project.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Classes and debates 28 1.12
Lectures 12 0.48
Workshop 18 0.72
Type: Supervised      
Field work 24 0.96
Group Tutorials 12 0.48
Type: Autonomous      
Sutudy and preparation of the course project 28 1.12


The final mark will come from:

- Essay: 25%

- Active participation in class: 10%

- Elaboration of the main project: 40%

- Preparation of the poster: 15%

- Public presentation of the trunk project: 10%


There will be no possibility of recovery of activities related to core work or active participation in class. The recovery of the portfolio will be the elaboration of an additional exercise always and when the minimum note is of 3,5 (over 10).

The student will receive the grade of ‘Not assessable’ instead of ‘Suspended’ as long as he has not delivered all the exercises of the module.

On carrying out each evaluation activity, lecturers will inform students (on Moodle) of the procedures to be followed for reviewing all grades awarded, and the date on which such a review will take place.

VERY IMPORTANT: Total or partial plagiarism of any of the exercises will automatically be considered a SUSPENSION (0) of the plagiarized exercise. In the event of several irregularities in the evaluation of the same subject, the final grade for this subject will be 0. PLAGIARISM is copying from unidentified sources of a text, whether a single sentence or more, which is pretends to be self-produced (THIS INCLUDES COPYING PHRASES OR FRAGMENTS FROM THE INTERNET AND ADDING THEM WITHOUT MODIFICATIONS TO THE TEXT PRESENTED AS ITS OWN), and is a serious offense. It is necessary to learn to respect the intellectual property of others and to always identify the sources that can be used, and it is essential to take responsibility for the originality and authenticity of one's own text.

Assessment activities rated with 0 for irregularities committed by the student may not be recovered.


This subject does NOT incorporate single assessment

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Active participation in the course 10% 2 0.08 SA21
Elaboration of the main Project 40% 80 3.2 CA24, KA23, KA24, SA20, SA21
Essay 25% 8 0.32 KA25, KA39
Poster elaboration 15% 10 0.4 CA25, KA22
Presentation of the core work 10% 3 0.12 CA25, KA25, KA39


The lecturers will give the bibliographic references for each session.


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