This module is compulsory for students specializing in the area of Teaching Language and Literature and is optional for other specialized areas of study.
The module covers innovative research in the domain of teaching of languages within the context of globalization, linguistic diversity (super-diversity), multiculturalism and the increasing use of English as a lingua franca in diverse contexts.
Contents include:
- Global conceptions of plurilingual and intercultural education;
- Features of an integrated approach to plurilingual and intercultural education;
- The application of qualitative research to plurilingual education contexts (e.g. plurilingual interaction in the classroom, digital contexts, informal educational contexts);
- Research approaches to technology-mediated language learning contexts.
The guided learning process will be developed through the following phases of the module:
- Lectures/presentations by teachers.
- Reading of articles and other related resources.
- Analysis and discussion of articles and resources.
- Empirical activities: application of research concepts on classroom interactions; multilingual educational contexts; problem solving and cases.
- Development of the final product in group and oral defense of the final output.
- Individual reflection on the contents of the module.
Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.
Evaluation criteria for the module (continued assessment)
Group work 50%
The following items will be taken into account:
- Critical reading of assigned texts and materials.
- Contributions to group work (e.g. case studies, etc.)
- Regular advancement of final output (contribution and delivery of drafts of case studies, etc.).
- Oral defense of final output (e.g. case studies, etc.). Dates between March 20 & 27, 2024.
Individual (50%)
Attendance & participation 15%
The following items will be taken into account:
- Regular attendance;
- Punctuality & consistent full attendance;
- Demonstrative engagement with proposed activities during class;
- Collaboration with classmates;
- Facilitation and support of classmates' learning as well as own.
Final (individual) reflection (35%)
The final reflection consists of:
- The development of a written reflection, carried out in class on the last day of the module (March 5th, 2024), in which the student proposes a practical application of one chosen theme from the class in a learning context (formal or non-formal) of their choice.
- The proposal should be theoretically and methodologically justified.
The following will be taken into account in the written reflection:
- Content: relevance of the theme, originality of the approach; inclusivity inthe proposal; demonstration of comprehension of thecontents of the subject.
- Communicative and formal aspects: Coherent and understandable text that has all the characteristics of academic writing and does not use discriminatory language.
Re-sit examination
Any student who has suspended the course can make it up sitting an exam consisting of two parts: written and oral. The date of the re-sit will be within 3 weeks following the end of the module. The highest possible mark for the re-sit exam is 5 out of 10.
Single assessment
This course allows for a single assessment, although it is not advisable to take this option, especially considering the methodology followed in the course.
Any student opting for this method of evaluation should bear in mind the following:
- In order to apply for this assessment option, it is necessary to follow the deadlines and procedures established by Academic Management.
- It is necessary to attend 80% of the classes. In the event that students are unable to meet the established percentage of attendance, they will be able to sit the make-up exam if and when they have delivered at least 2/3 of the evaluation tasks (see next point). The highest possible mark for the re-sit exam is 5 out of 10.
- The assessment activities are the same typology as the group work (e.g. delivery of drafts of the case study) however, they are carried out individually. These activities have the same weight as those of the continuous assessment.
- The date of delivery of tasks for the single assessment is the final day of class. Apart from delivery of the individual tasks, any student opting for single assessment must sit for the individual reflection which takes place on the final day of the module (March 5th, 2024).
In the event that irregularities are detected in the assessment activities (plagiarism, copying, etc.), the final grade for this subject will be 0. Anyone failing due to copying or plagiarism is excluded from any possibility of re-sit. It is considered copying if all or a large part of a colleague's work is reproduced, and the use of a text by any author as one's own, without proper citation of the sources, is considered plagiarism. This includes any published text in paper or in digital format available on the Internet. In the case of copying between two students, if it is not possible to determine who has copied whom, the sanction will be applied to both students.
Students are advised to consult this guide regarding how to avoid plagiarism.
Recommended bibliography (all of the reading on this list will not necessarily be used for the guided activities in the course, but the list is useful for group and individual work). Specific bibliography to some of the activities will be given at the beginning of the course or during the course. The links in this document will be updated at the beginning of the course, if necessary.
- Alam, F., Stein, A. & Rosemberg, C.R. (2011). “Te explicó qué quiere decir”, “te digo cómo se llama”. Interacciones niño-niño en torno a vocabulario no familiar, Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 4(4), 56-71.
- Andreani , H.A. (2014). Wawqes Pukllas. Prácticas juveniles de escritura quichua (Argentina), Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 7(4), 38-56.
- Anguera Cerarols, C. (2013). L’ensenyament de l’espai geogràfic en una aula d’anglès de primària, Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 6(4), 33-53.
- Antoniadou, V. (2011). Virtual collaboration, ‘perezhivanie’ and teacher learning: A socio-cultural-historical perspective, Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 4(3), 53-70.
- Antoniadou, V. & Dooly, M. (2017). Educational ethnography in blended learning environments. In E. Moore & M. Dooly (eds.) Qualitative approaches to research on plurilingual education / Enfocaments qualitatius per a la recerca en educació plurilingüe / Enfoques cualitativos para la investigación en educación plurilingüe (pp. 237-263). DOI: (also available in Catalan)
- Ballena, C., Masats, D. & Unamuno, V. (2020). The transformation of language practices: Notes from the Wichi community of Los Lotes (Chaco, Argentina). In E. Moore, J. Bradley & J. Simpson (eds.), Translanguaging as transformation: The collaborative construction of new linguistic realities (pp.76-92). Multilingual Matters.
- Beacco, J.-C., Coste, D., van de Ven, P.-H. & Vollmer, H. (2010). Langues et matières scolaires – dimensions linguistiques de la construction des connaissances dans les curriculums. Conseil de l’Europe. See: Plateforme de ressources et de références pour une éducation plurilingue et interculturelle.
- Beacco, J.-C., Coste, D., van de Ven, P.-H. & Vollmer, H. (2010). Language and school subjects- Linguistic dimensions of knowledge building in school curricula. Council of Europe.
- Birello, M., Llompart, J. & Moore, E. (2021). Being a plurilingual speaker versus becoming a linguistically sensitive teacher: contradictions in the discourses of initial teacher education students. International Journal of Multilingualism.
- Blommaert, J. & Backus, A. (2011). Repertoires revisited: ‘Knowing language’ in superdiversity. Working papers in urban language & literacies, no. 67. Tilburg University.
- Borràs, E. (2022). Plurilingual teamwork practices in an internationalised setting at a Catalan university. In D. Masats & L. Nussbaum (Eds.) Plurilingual classroom practices and participation in Catalonia: Analysing interaction in local and translocal settings (pp. 109-122). Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
- Borràs, E. & Moore, E. (2019). The plurilingual and multimodal management of participation and subject complexity in university CLIL teamwork. English Language Teaching, 12(2), 100-112.
- Borràs, E. & Nussbaum, L. (2022). Plurilingual modes of interaction in English-medium university classes. In D. Masats & L. Nussbaum (Eds.) Plurilingual classroom practices and participation in Catalonia: Analysing interaction in local and translocal settings (pp. 15-26). Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
- Corona, V. (2017). Un acercamiento etnográfico al estudio de las variedades lingüísticas de jóvenes latinoamericanos en Barcelona. In E. Moore & Melinda Dooly (eds.), Qualitative approaches to research on plurilingual education / Enfocaments qualitatius per a la recerca en educació plurilingüe / Enfoques cualitativos para la investigación en educación plurilingüe (pp. 151-169). DOI: (also available in English)
- Corona, V., Nussbaum, L. & Unamuno, V. (2013). The emergence ofnew linguistic repertoires among Barcelona'syouth of Latin American Origin, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 16(2), 182-194.
- Coste, D.; Moore, D., & Zarate, G. (2009). Plurilingual and pluricultural competence. Council of Europe.
- Cots, J., Dooly, M., & González-Davies, M. (2023). Plurilingual education in Catalonia. In J. Cots (ed.) Profiling plurilingual education. A pilot study of four Spanish autonomous communities(pp. 55-74). Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida.
- Dooly, M. (2011).Divergent perceptions of telecollaborative language learning tasks: Tasks-as-workplan vs. task-as-process, Language Learning & Technology, 15(2), 69-91.
- Dooly, M. (2017). A mediated discourseanalysis(MDA) approach to multimodal data. IN E. Moore & M. Dooly (eds.) Qualitative approaches to research in plurilingual language learning environments / Enfocaments qualitatius per a la recerca en educació plurilingüe (pp. 189-211). (also available in Catalan)
- Dooly, M. (2022). ‘We will have to remember this as teachers’: A micro-analytical approach to student-teacher online interaction and teacher identity. In H. Kayi-Aydar & J. Reinhardt (Eds.) Contemporary perspectives on language teacher development in digital contexts (pp. 67-90). John Benjamins.
- Dooly, M. (2022). ‘Can you repeat please?’ Young learners’ emergent awareness and use of interactional repertoires in a telecollaborative exchange. In D. Masats & L. Nussbaum (Eds.) Plurilingual classroom practices and participation in Catalonia: Analysing interaction in local and translocal settings (pp. 67-90). Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
- Dooly, M. & Czura, A. (2022). Let's talk about el catalan's😉”: Student teachers’ use of plurilingual and plurimodal resources in WhatsApp interaction. In D. Masats & L. Nussbaum (Eds.) Plurilingual classroom practices and participation in Catalonia: Analysing interaction in local and translocal settings (pp. 200-211). Taylor & Francis/Routledge.
- Dooly, M. & Darvin, R. (2022). Intercultural communicative competence in the digital age: critical digital literacy and inquiry-based pedagogy, Language and Intercultural Communication, 22(3), 354-366.
- Dooly, M. & Davitova, N. (2018). ‘What can we do to talk more?’ Analysing language Learners’ online interaction. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, Special Issue: Conversation Analytic Studies on Teaching and Learning Practices: International Perspectives, 33, 215-237.
- Dooly, M. & Masats, D. (2011). Closingthe loop between theory and praxis: New models in EFL teaching, ELT Journal, 65(1), 42-51.
- Dooly, M. & Masats, D. (2020). 'What do you zinc about the project?': Examples of technology-enhanced project-based language learning. In G. Beckett & T. Slater (eds.), Global perspectives on project-based language learning, teaching, and assessment: Key approaches, technology tools, and frameworks (pp. 126–145). Routledge.
- Dooly, M., Moore, E. & Vallejo, C. (2017). Research ethics. In E. Moore & M. Dooly (eds.), Qualitative approaches to research in plurilingual language learning environments / Enfocaments qualitatius per a la recerca en educació plurilingüe (pp. 351-362). (also available in Spanish)
- Dooly, M. & Vallejo, C. (2018). Bridging across languages and cultures in everyday lives: an expanding role for critical intercultural communication. Language & Intercultural Communication (Special Issue), 18(1), 1-8.
- Dooly, M. & Vallejo, C. (2020). Bringing plurilingualism into teaching practice: a quixotic quest? Special Issue: International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 23(1), 81-97.
- Erling, E. & Moore, E. (2021). Introduction: Socially just plurilingual education in Europe: Shifting subjectivities through researchandaction,International Journal of Multilingualism, 1-11.
- Gajo, L. (2011). Trabajar en otra lengua para elaborar saberes en una disciplina. In C. Escobar Urmeneta & L. Nussbaum (eds.) Aprendre en una altra llengua. Learning through another language. Aprender en otra lengua (pp. 53-70). Servei de Publicacions UAB.
- Gandulfo, C., & Nussbaum, L. (2016). Hablantes bi/plurilingües y prácticas educativas: Perspectivas etnográficas e interaccionistas, Signo y Seña, 29, 5-10.
- Garcia, O. (2009). Education, multilingualism and translanguaging in the 21st century. In O. Garcia (ed.) Bilingualeducation in the 21st century: A global perspective (pp. 140-158). Wiley-Blackwell.
- Hall, J.K., Cheng, A., & Carlson, M. T. (2006). Reconceptualizing multicompetence as a theory of language knowledge, Applied Linguistics, 27(2), 220–240.
- Kruszynska, K., & Dooly. M. (2023). Thinking allowed: Analyzing students' critical thinking and language awareness through linguistic landscapes. In S. Melo-Pfeifer (Ed.) Linguistic landscapes and teacher education (pp. 75-90). Springer.
- Llompart Esbert , J. (2014). Ressources en transformation: multimodalitat, plurilingüismo, acquisizione – seen from an interactional perspective. Una entrevista amb Lorenza Mondada, Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature,7(4), 79-87.
- Llompart, J. (2022). Students as teachers, teacher as learner: Collaborative plurilingual teaching and learning in interaction. In D. Masats & L. Nussbaum (Eds.) Plurilingual classroom practices and participation in Catalonia: Analysing interaction in local and translocal settings (pp. 54-65). Routledge.
- Llompart, J., Masats, D., Moore, E. & Nussbaum, L. (2020). 'Mézclalo un poquito': plurilingual practices in multilingual educational milieus. Special Issue: International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 23(1),98-112.
- Llompart, J. & Moore, E. (2020). La reflexión para la didáctica lingüísticamente inclusiva, Textos de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura, 88, 55-60.
- Llompart-Esbert, J. & Nussbaum, L. (2020). Collaborative and participatory research for plurilingual language learning. In E. Moore, J.Bradley & J. Simpson (eds.), Translanguaging as transformation: The collaborative construction of new linguistic realities (pp. 216-249). Multilingual Matters.
- López Vera, M., & Dooly, M. (2023). Languages: (in)visibility matters. In S. Melo-Pfeifer (Ed.) Linguistic landscapes and teacher education(pp. 21-37). Springer.
- Markee, N. (2008). Towards a learning behavior tracking methodology for CA-for SLA, Applied Linguistics, (29)3, 404–427.
- Masats, D. (2017). L'anàlisi de la conversa al servei de la recerca en el camp de l'acquisició de segones llengües (CA-for-SLA). In E. Moore & M. Dooly (eds.), Qualitative approaches to research in plurilingual language learning environments / Enfocaments qualitatius per a la recerca en educació plurilingüe (pp. 293-320). (also available in English)
- Masats, D. (2022). Doing 'being sociolinguists': Students' envisagement of languages, varieties and uses. in D. Masats & L. Nussbaum (Eds.), Plurilingual classroom practices and participation in Catalonia: Analysing interaction in local and translocal settings (pp. 95-106). Routledge.
- Masats, D. & Noguerol, A. (2022). Creating a plurilingual space through talk-in-interaction. In D. Masats & L. Nussbaum (Eds.), Plurilingual classroom practices and participation in Catalonia: Analysing interaction in local and translocal settings (pp. 27-39). Routledge.
- Masats, D., Nussbaum, L. & Unamuno, V. (2007).When the activity shapes the repertoire of second languagelearners. In L. Roberts, A. Gürel, S. Tatar & L. Martí (eds.) EUROSLA Yearbook (selected papers of EUROSLA 16 and 15 conferences): Volume 7 (pp. 121-147). John Benjamins.
- Masats, D. & Unamuno, V. (2001). Constructing social identities and discourse through repair activities. In S.H. Foster-Cohen & A. Nizegorodcew (eds.) EUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 1 (pp. 239–254). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Menti, A.B. & Alam, F. (2014). Los gestos y la enseñanza de palabras poco familiares: ¿Cuándo emplean las maestras información gestual?, Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 7(1), 17-32.
- Migdalek, M.J. i Rosemberg, C.R. (2012). La función de los gestos durante la planificación del juego en el jardín de infantes, Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 5(3), 25-43. <spanclass="value">
- Moore, E. (2014). Constructing content and language knowledge in plurilingual student teamwork: Situated and longitudinal perspectives, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 17(5), 586-609.
- Moore, E. (2022). “How do the apples reproduce?”: Mediation-in-interaction in a university CLIL course. In D. Masats & L. Nussbaum (Eds.), Plurilingual classroom practices and participation in Catalonia: Analysing interaction in local and translocal settings (pp. 134-146). Routledge.
- Moore, E., Borràs, E. & Nussbaum, L. (2013). Plurilingual resources in lingua franca talk: An interactionist perspective. In H. Haberland, D. Lønsmann & B. Preisler (eds.) Language alternation, language choice and language encounter in international tertiary education (pp.53-84). Springer.
- Moore, E. & Llompart, J. (2019). De la didàctica de les llengües a ladidàctica del plurilingüisme. CLIL Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Education, 2(2), 57-65.
- Moore, E. & Nussbaum, L. (2011). Què aporta l'anàlisi conversacional a la comprensióde les situacions d'AICLE. In C. Escobar Urmeneta & L. Nussbaum (eds.) Aprendre en una altra llengua. Learning through another language. Aprender en otra lengua (pp. 93-117). Servei de Publicacions UAB.
- Moore, E. & Nussbaum, L. (2014). Building a multilingual university in institutional policies andeveryday practices. In J.W. Unger, M. Krzyżanowski & R. Wodak (eds.) Multilingual encounters in Europe’s institutional spaces (pp. 243-269). Continuum.
- Moore, E. & Nussbaum, L. (2013). La lingüística interaccional y la comunicación en las aulas, Textos de Didáctica de la Lengua y de la Literatura, 63, 43–50.
- Moore, E. & Patiño-Santos, A. (2014). Plurilingual resources for ‘welcoming’ at a university service for international students, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 35(4), 406-425.
- Moore, E., Nussbaum, L. & Borràs, E. (2013). Plurilingual teaching and learning practices in ‘internationalised’ university lectures. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 16(4), 471–493.
- Moore, E. & Vallejo, C. (2022). “What do you like about Spain?”: Building understandings of people and places in interaction mediated by plurilingual and digital resources. In Dolors Masats & Luci Nussbaum (Eds.), Plurilingual classroom practices and participation in Catalonia: Analysing interaction in local and translocal settings (pp. 162-174). Routledge.
- Nussbaum, L., Moore, E. & Borràs, E. (2013). Accomplishing multilingualim through plurilingual activities. In A-C. Berthoud, F. Grin & G. Lüdi (eds.), Exploring the dynamics of multilingualism: The DYLAN project (pp. 229-252). John Benjamins.
- Nussbaum, L. (2013). Socialisation langagière et construction des identités. In B.Falaize, Ch. Heimberg & O. Louves (eds.) L’école et la nation (pp. 195-206). ENS Éditions.
- Nussbaum, L. (2013). De las lenguas en contacto al habla plurilingüe. In V. Unamuno & A. Maldonado (eds.) Prácticas y repertorios plurilingües en Argentina (pp. 273-283). GREIP-UAB.
- Nussbaum, L. (2013). Interrogations didactiques sur l’éducation plurilingue. In V. Bigot, A. Bretegnier & M. Vasseur (eds.) Vers le plurilinguisme? 20 ans après (pp.85-93). Albin Michel.
- Nussbaum, L. (2014). Una didàctica ‘sociolingüística’ de les llengües? Bellaterra Journal of Teaching &Learning Language & Literature, 7(3), 1-13.
- Nussbaum, L. & Unamuno, V. (2014). Luces y sombras de la educación plurilingüe en España y América Latina. In C.Lomas (ed.) La educación lingüística, entre el deseo y la realidad. Competencias comunicativas y enseñanzadel lenguaje (pp. 203-215). Octaedro.
- Nussbaum, L. & Unamuno, V. (Eds.) (2006). Usos i competències multilingües entre escolars d’origen immigrant. Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions de la UAB.
- Pratginestós, C. (2022). Interactional competence in transnational plurilingual peer interactions. In D. Masats & L. Nussbaum (Eds.) Plurilingual classroom practices and participation in Catalonia: Analysing interaction in local and translocal settings (pp. 188-199). Routledge.
- Thorne, S.L.(2013). Language learning, ecologicalvalidity, and innovation under conditions of superdiversity, Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 6(2), 1-27.
- Unamuno, V. (2010). Plurilingüismo y formación de maestros indígenas en la Argentina, Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, 3(2), 88-97.
- Unamuno, V. & Maldonado, A. (Eds.) (2013). Prácticas y repertorios plurilingües en Argentina. GREIP-UAB.
- Vallejo,C. (2020). Child-volunteer socialisation in an after-school programme: a case study about transcaring and transformation, Language and Intercultural Communication, 10(6), 513-530.
- Vallejo, C. (2022). Plurilingual practices and pluriliteracies in an after-school program: Encouraging children’s use of their entire repertoire for meaning making. In D. Masats & L. Nussbaum (Eds.), Plurilingual classroom practices and participation in Catalonia: Analysing interaction in local and translocal settings (pp. 43-53). Routledge.
- Vallejo, C. & Dooly, M. (2020). Plurilingualism and translanguaging: emergent approaches and shared concerns. Introduction to the special issue, Special Issue: International Journal ofBilingual Education and Bilingualism, 23(1), 1-16.
Recursos educatius oberts / Open Educational Resources (OER):
- Making Literacy Meaningful: Dooly, M, Masats, M., Pascual Calvo, X. & Vallejo, C. (2019). FAQs about plurilingual Education: Key issues and some informed answers.
- Making Literacy Meaningful: Dooly, M. & Vallejo, C. (2019). Teaching pronunciation across languages.
- Making Literacy Meaningful: Dooly, M. & Vallejo, C. (2019). Creatingan inclusive supportivelanguage environment.
- Making Literacy Meaningful: Dooly, M. & Vallejo, C.(2019). Crear un ambient inclusiu per donar suport a l’aprenentatge de la llengua.
- Making LiteracyMeaningful: Dooly, M. & Vallejo, C. (2019).First and other language acquisition: Activities for promotion of language learning across all levels.
- Making LiteracyMeaningful: Dooly, M. & Vallejo, C. (2019). Identifying and working with the different levels of linguistic competence of the newcomer.
- Making Literacy Meaningful: Pascual Calvo, X. (2019). La gestió de la diversitat lingüística a l’aula: un repte per al professorat.
- Making Literacy Meaningful: Pascual Calvo, X. (2019). Els primers passos vers l’escriptura: Entrevista a Maria Montes Valls.