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Technical Skills, Ethics and Policies for Professional Practice with Groups and Populations

Code: 42779 ECTS Credits: 9
Degree Type Year Semester
4313402 Psychosocial Research and Intervention OB 0 2


Jenny Cubells Serra

Teaching groups languages

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Lupicinio Ińiguez Rueda
Joel Feliu Samuel Lajeunesse
Luz Maria Martinez Martinez
Marisela Montenegro Martinez
Jesús Rojas Arredondo
Martín Mora Martínez



Objectives and Contextualisation

. Know the main contemporary debates about ethics and chicks  in the psychosocial field
. Analyse the ethical and political principles that guide the practice of psychosocial and community research and intervention.
. Identify different ethical and political dilemmas present in work with people, groups and populations.
. Reflect on the ethical and political implications deriving from professional involvement in specific psychosocial phenomena and problems
. Prepare the research work itself for evaluation by the ethics committee.




  • Consider the institutional, ethical and political context of psychosocial practice, assessing and responding to the implications of performing responsible professional relationships with institutions, groups and populations.
  • Defend and justify arguments with clarity and precision, so appropriate to the context, valuing the contributions of others.
  • Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  • Teamwork, creating synergies in working environments that involve different people working in a coordinated and collaborative.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyze the ethical and political principles of psychosocial field and assess their relevance to an object of study or specific action
  2. Defend and justify arguments with clarity and precision, so appropriate to the context, valuing the contributions of others.
  3. Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  4. Teamwork, creating synergies in working environments that involve different people working in a coordinated and collaborative.



-Introduction to research ethics and politics
											-Ethical and political aspects of entry to the field
											-Ethics Committee.
											-Ethical-political implications of being part of the field
											-Ethical and political aspects of entry to the field
											-Political effects of research and intervention
											-Ethical-political implications of praxis
											-Political and ethical aspects of the dissemination of results
											-Ethics of responsibility and ethics of care
											-Ethical and political aspects of working in / with institutions
											-Ethics and politics in the public space


Autonomous activities
    Systematic reading of bibliographic material.
    Analysis of and reflection on the recommended readings
    Development of a personal reflection
 Directed activities
    Presentation of the different contents
    Presentation and analysis of the different proposals and readings for each session
    Oral presentation of a topic previously agreed and worked on
    Discussion and participation in the group-class
 Supervised activities
    Individual tutorials to prepare the oral presentation.
    Tutorials for making the final reflection.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Oral presentation of a topic previously agreed and worked on Discussion and participation in the group-class 40 1.6 1, 3
Presentation of the different contents Presentation and analysis of the different proposals and readings for each session 20 0.8 1, 2, 4
Type: Supervised      
Individual tutorials to prepare the oral presentation. 14 0.56 1, 2, 3, 4
Tutorials for making the final reflection. 20 0.8 1, 2, 3
Type: Autonomous      
Sistematic reading of bibliographic material. Analysis of and reflection on the recommended readings. develope of a personal reflection 90 3.6 2


EV1. Oral presentation on ethics in intervention and/or research.
EV2. Work of reflection on the ethical and political aspects of the research work and/or intervention.
EV3. Report on the application of the module to the TFM process, corrected by the student's tutor in accordance with the guidelines set by the module coordinator. 
Grading criteria
Module passed: The module will be considered passed if the student obtains an average score higher than 5 in the set of assessment tests[
Evaluable. Evaluable evidence of learning has a weight equal to or greater than 40% of the total module.
Non-Evaluable. Non-evaluable evidence of learning has a weight less than 40% of the total module.
Reassessment: There is no reassessment.
Evaluation guidelines of the Faculty of Psychology: https://www.uab.cat/web/estudiar/graus/graus/avaluacions-1345722525858.html
Eventually, in the case of second registration, the student body may be evaluated by means of a synthesis exam. This exam will consist of the delivery of a reflection work (written) on the ethical and political aspects of the research or intervention work itself and will include the learning report of the module.
     Oral exposure 30%
    Critical writing about ethics and politicsaspects of the research and/or intervention 50%
   Report on the application of the module to the TFM process, corrected by the student's tutor in accordance with the guidelines set by the module coordinator. 20%
 Unic evaluation: 
All the contents of the module will be evaluated on the delivery date of Evidence 1. On that day, an oral presentation will be made (EV2: 30%) in a team with the rest of the people accepted for the single evaluation on one of the topics of the module, which will be assessed against the criteria marked for Evidence 2; the written work of evidence 1 will be delivered in the moodle classroom (EVC1:50%) and the report on the use of the module by TFM proces will be delivered (Ev3: 20%)

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
EV1. Oral presentation on ethics in intervention and/or research (team work) 30 1 0.04 1, 2, 4
EV2. Work of reflection on the ethical and political aspects of the research work and/or intervention(individual work) 50 40 1.6 1, 3
EV3. Report on the application of the module to the TFM process, corrected by the student's tutor in accordance with the guidelines set by the module coordinator. Individual work 20 0 0 1, 3


Raymond M. Lee and Claire M. Renzetti. The Problems of Researching Sensitive Topics: An Overview and introduction. American Behavioral Scientist. 1990 33:510

Denscombe, Martyn (2007). The good research guide: For small-scale social research projects (Third Edition). Berkshire: Open University Press.


Ibáñez, T. Los efectos políticos de la psicología social. Quaderns de Psicologia, 1983, 11, 95-106


Ibáñez, J. (1986) Perspectivas de la Investigación Social: el diseño en las tres perspectivas. En M. García Ferrando, J. Ibáñez y F. Alvira (Comps.) El análisis de la realidad social. Métodos y técnicas de investigación. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1996.


Ibáñez, T. e Íñiguez, L. (1997) Aspectos Metodológicos de la Psicología Social Aplicada. En J.L. Álvaro, A. Garrido y J.R. Torregrosa (Coords.) Psicol ogía Social Aplicada. Madrid: McGraw Hill.


Denzin, K. y Lincoln, Y.S. (Eds.) (1994) Handbook of Qualitative Research. London: Sage.


Pla, M. (1999) El rigor en la investigación cualitativa. Atención Primaria, 5 (24),



Taylor, S.J. y Bogdan, R. (1984) Introducción a los métodos cualitativos de investigación. Barcelona: Paidós, 1987


Beaulieu Estalella Rethinking Research Ethics , Anne Beaulieu y Adolfo Estalella. 5th International Conference on e-So

cial Science, Colonia (Alemania), 24-26/06/2009


Common values, controversial facts: Enacting dialogical ethics Ponencia invitada en el 11th Annual workshop of the Center for Qualitative Psychology , Sassari (Italia), 12-14 de marzo de 2010.


Gilligan, C. (1982).In a different voice: Psychological theory and women's development. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.


Kohen, B. (2005). Ciudadanía y ética del cuidado. E. Carrió y D. Maffía (Eds) Búsquedas de sentido para una nueva política. Buenos Aires: Paidós.


Kohlberg, L. (1981). The Philosophy of Moral Development. Moral Stages and the Idea of Justice. San Francisco: Harper & Row Pubs.


Matín-Palomo, M. T. (2010). Autonomía, dependencia y vulnerabilidad en la construcción de la ciudadanía. Zerbitzuan: revista de servicios sociales, 48: 57-69.


The module will be developed on the moddle platform within the framework of the UAB Virtual Campus.