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Management of Archives

Code: 42111 ECTS Credits: 15
Degree Type Year Semester
4312208 Archival and Records Management OB 2 1


Anahi Cristina Casadesus De Mingo

Teaching groups languages

To check the language/s of instruction, you must click on "Methodolody" section of the course guide.


Xavier Carmaniu Mainadé
Antoni Esparó Torras
Anna Vila Espuña
Anahi Cristina Casadesus De Mingo


There are no prerequisites.

Objectives and Contextualisation

L1. Marqueting and Communication

  • Knowing both the basic concepts and the basic techniques of marketing and communication as well as the latest trends that are being developed in the world of cultural communication in general.
  • Learning to apply all these acquired knowledge about the archives and know how to apply them both from the archives themselves and from the perspective of the independent professional.

L2. Preventive conservation and archival equipment

  • Providing basic knowledge so that the student at the end of the course can identify the materials that make up a document collection, evaluate its conservation status, and determine the treatments and preventive measures to be taken to guarantee its conservation in it future.
  • Providing knowledge about the different aspects that determine the good physical state of a fund, both in its normal storage, and during handling, during the consultation, digitization or exposure. The lines of action to be adopted in a preventive or direct manner on the documents. 

L3. Management techniques for archiving services

Beyond the application of document management and archiving techniques, archiving is configured as a service within organisations and, as such, requires the application of management techniques that make possible services based on efficiency and quality, whether in the public administration or in a private organisation. At the same time, the outsourcing of document management and archiving services by some organizations makes it essential to be able to develop professionally in this context.

The objectives are:

  • Learning and practice designand planning techniques.
  • Learning and practice techniques of management of economic, material and human resources available to optimize their use and improve efficiency.
  • Learning to use appropriate techniques to improve the quality of services.
  • Learning to know the users of archival services and identify their demands.
  • Learning to evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of services.
  • Learning techniques for introducing changes and improvements in the functioning of archiving services.


  • Adapt to new situations, showing leadership and initiative abilities.
  • Analyse, synthesise, organise and plan management environments and actions.
  • Carry out team work in interdisciplinary ways.
  • Communicate and justify conclusions clearly and unambiguously to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • Communicate knowledge orally and in writing.
  • Define and evaluate the equipment and conditions of archiving services.
  • Design and implement management systems in archive services.
  • Design and implement plans and develop actions for the cultural promotion and dissemination of archive services and of their documentary collections.
  • Generate innovative and competitive proposals.
  • Recognise the conditions of preservation for each type of documentary support.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Adapt to new situations, showing leadership and initiative abilities.
  2. Analyse, synthesise, organise and plan management environments and actions.
  3. Apply methods of preventive conservation.
  4. Carry out team work in interdisciplinary ways.
  5. Communicate and justify conclusions clearly and unambiguously to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  6. Communicate knowledge orally and in writing.
  7. Create prevention and emergency plans.
  8. Design, implement and manage process-management systems in archive centres.
  9. Determine the equipment and the material and human resources in archive centres.
  10. Develop action programmes.
  11. Develop marketing plans.
  12. Develop products for cultural promotion and for the dissemination of archive services.
  13. Generate innovative and competitive proposals.
  14. Identify pathologies affecting documentary media.
  15. Identify the conditions and equipment pertaining to archive services.
  16. Recognise marketing techniques.
  17. Recognise reference norms regarding management quality and excellence.
  18. Recognise the effects of environmental conditions on documentary media.
  19. Recognise the physical and chemical characteristics of documentary media.


L1. Marketing and Communcation 

1. Introduction to marketing

2. The marketing plan

3. The communication plan

4. The communication channels

5. The use of Public Relations as a tool for communication in Archive Institutions


L2. Preventive conservation and archival equipment

1. Concepts of conservation and restoration

1.1 The conservation of documents throughout history. Introduction.

1.2 Conservation concepts; preventive conservation, curative conservation, restoration.

2. Traditional materials and typologies of documentary heritage

2.1 Documentary supports and elements supported

2.2 Document formats

3. Intrinsic causes of degradation and more common alterations (paper and parchment support)

4. Extrinsic causes of degradation and more common alterations (paper and parchment support)

5. Preventive conservation

5.1 Control of environmental variables

5.2 Pest control

5.3 Maintenance and cleaning

5.4 Manipulation and consultation


6.1 photographic materials throughout history. Introduction

6.2 formats and typologies, visual identification, degradations

6.3 conservation

7. Deposit and storage

7.1 Types and characteristics of deposits

7.2 Furniture

7.3 Individual protection systems

8. Restoration processes

9. Action plans

9.1 Risk assessment

9.2 Prevention

9.3 Recovery


L3. Management techniques for archiving services 

1. Management for archival services


2. Strategic management of archival services

2.1Introduction to strategic management

2.2 Strategic and project planning

2.3 Definition of resources: equipment, facilities and services

2.4 Implementation of strategy and control systems


3. Quality Management and Excellence


4. Management by objectives and processes

4.1. Management by objectives and processes

4.2. Identification, sequence and selection of processes and functions

4.3. The description and documentation of processes and procedures

4.4. Monitoring and measurement of results: defining indicators


5. Ethics 



The course wil be teach in catalan

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
L1. Interactive classes (online if required) 18 0.72 11, 12, 5, 16
L1. Online Classroom 18 0.72 2, 3, 7, 14, 18, 19
L2. Practical activities 12 0.48 3, 6, 7, 14, 18, 19, 4
L2. Virtual classroom 8 0.32 3, 7, 9, 10, 15, 14, 18, 19
L2. Visits to archive centres 5 0.2 2, 9
L3. Debates and presentations 12 0.48 2, 6, 9, 8, 10, 15, 17, 4
L3. Master classes 22 0.88 5
Type: Supervised      
L1. Case study projects 40 1.6 11, 12, 5
L2. Realization of work files, on practical activities and visits 20 0.8 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 18, 19, 4
L3. Individual or group practical work and exercises 20 0.8 1, 2, 6, 5, 4
Type: Autonomous      
L1. Study and analysis of cases chosen by the students 20 0.8 11, 12, 5
L2. Case study and analysis 42 1.68 1, 2, 13
L2. Readings 20 0.8 9, 15, 14, 18, 19
L3. Practical excercises at home 25 1 9, 8, 10, 15
L3. Readings 16 0.64 1, 5, 4


To pass the module students must pass each learning section.


L1. Marketing and Communication

If a test is required to recover from the evaluation, a written excercise must be carried out according to the teacher's instructions.

L2. Preventive conservation and archival equipment

If a test is required to recover from the evaluation, a theoretical-practical exam must be carried out.

L3. Management techniques for archiving services

If a test is required to recover from the evaluation, a written excercise must be carried out according to the teacher's instructions. 

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
L1. Evaluation activities 50% 10 0.4 11, 12, 5, 16
L1. Participation 10% 5 0.2 1, 2, 6, 11, 12, 9, 8, 10, 13, 15, 5, 16, 4
L1. Practical exercises 40% 10 0.4 11, 12, 5, 16
L2. Practical assignments 40% 12 0.48 1, 2, 6, 13, 4
L2. Technical visit assignment 10 % 6 0.24 2, 3, 6, 9, 15, 18
L2. Written theory exam 50% 2 0.08 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 18, 19
L3. Ethics exercise 30% 12 0.48 1, 2, 6, 9, 13, 5, 17, 4
L3. Project 50% 16 0.64 1, 2, 6, 9, 8, 10, 13, 15, 5, 17, 4
L3. Submissions' punctuality 20% 4 0.16 1, 2, 6, 9, 8, 10, 13, 5, 17, 4


L1. Marketing

AA.DD (2009). Archivos y cultura. Manual de dinamización. Gijón: Ediciones Trea.

ABATI, G.; IMAS, J. (2010). Guia d’innovació en màrqueting i processos comercials. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i

ALBERCH, R.; BOIX, L.; NAVARRO, N.; VELA, S. (2001). Archivos y cultura. Manual de dinamización. Gijón: Ed. Trea.

CHABIN, M-A. (2005). “L'èxit del mot 'arxiu' als mitjans de comunicació: una oportunitat per als arxivers”. A: Lligall [Barcelona], núm. 23, p. 135 – 151.

CHARBONNEAU, N. (1994). “Marketing de archivos. El control de resultados”. A: Tábula, núm. 3, p. 235-246.

CHIAS, J. (1995). Marketing público. Madrid: McGraw-Hill / Interamericana de España, S.A.

COLBERT, François; CUADRADO, Manuel (2003). Marketing de las artes y la cultura. Barcelona: Ariel.

FONTANALS, R; SAURÍ, M. C.; SERCHS, J.; SOLÀ, F.; TORRAS, M.; BORRÀS, J. (2005). “La comunicació externa dels arxius a Catalunya: per un 'feedback' global”. A: Lligall [Barcelona], núm. 23, p. 153 – 189.

GARCIA RIBAS, Carmen (2005). “Claus per a una comunicació eficaz”. A: Lligall [Barcelona], núm. 23, p. 11-16.

GRAELLS, J. (2011). “Les xarxes socials revolucionaran la professió d‟arxiver”. A: Lligall [Barcelona], núm. 32, p. 157 – 171.

HALLAM, E. (2005). “Establint contactes: els arxius i el públic”. A: Lligall [Barcelona], núm. 23, p. 77 – 115.

ITURRATE, G. (1993). “Aproximació teòrica a la tipologia dels usuaris d’arxius”. A: Lligall [Barcelona], núm. 7, p. 77-96.

KOTLER, PH. (2004). El marketing de servicios profesionales. Barcelona: Paidos.

KOTLER, N.; KOTLER, PH. (2001) Estrategias y marketing de museos. Barcelona: Ariel.

LAPORTE, A. (2004). “3r Laboratori d'Arxius Municipals: El coneixement i la imatge dels arxius a Catalunya”. A: Lligall [Barcelona], núm. 22, p. 485-502.

LEWIS, M. (1993). “Marketing i publicitat per a arxivers”. A: Lligall [Barcelona], núm. 7, p. 65-74.

LOZANO, F., i altres (1996). El Archivo, un centro vivo y abierto a la actividad escolar. Propuesta didáctica. Toledo: Consejeria de Educación y Cultura.

MAURI, A. (1995). "La imatge de l'arxiu". A: Lligall [Barcelona], núm. 9, p. 97-103.

PARMERLEE, David (2002). Cómo preparar un plan de marketing. Barcelona: Gestión 2000.

PIETERSE, W. (1995). “L’arxiu i la difusió”. A: Lligall [Barcelona], núm. 10, p. 189- 195.

RANDALL, Geoffrey (2003). Principios de marketing. Madrid: Thomson; Paraninfo.

REVERTÉ VIDAL, Maria Pilar (2004). “Patrimoni documental, patrimoni de tots: una reflexió per la creació d'una xarxa de serveis didàctics en arxius”. A: Lligall [Barcelona], núm. 22, p. 123-159.

SAINZ DE VICUÑA, J.M. (2000). El plan de marketing en la práctica. Madrid: Esic Editorial.

SANCHO ROYO, D. (2002). Gestión de servicios públicos: estrategias de marketing y calidad. Madrid: Editorial Tecnos.

SANTESMASES, M. (2001). Marketing, conceptos y estrategias. Madrid: Ediciones Pirámide.

SAURÍ 1999

SAURÍ, Concepció (1999). "Mitjans de comunicació i arxius municipals: l'experiència de l'Arxiu Municipal de Palafrugell". A: Lligall [Barcelona], núm. 15, p. 185-207.

SUQUET, M. Àngels (2003). “Els arxius com a agents culturals”. A: Lligall [Barcelona], núm. 21, p. 73-84.

TARRADELLAS PRAT, E. (2012). “L‟ús de Twitter en el món dels arxius”. A: Lligall [Barcelona], núm. 33-34, p. 35 – 63.

TARRÉS, A. (2005). “Propostes per a l'aplicació del màrqueting als arxius”. A: Lligall [Barcelona], núm. 24, p. 181 – 222.

TARRÉS, A. (2006). Márquetin y archivos. Gijón: Ediciones Trea.

TRIBÓ, G. (Coord.) (2002). Didàctica amb fonts d’arxius. Llibre d’actes. Primeres jornades Ensenyament –Arxius. Barcelona: ICE.

YAKEL, E. (2005). “Els arxius a l'era de l'accessibilitat”. A: Lligall [Barcelona], núm. 23, p. 117 – 134.


L2. Preventive conservation and archival equipment

AA.VV 2006.  AA.VV. La problemàtica dels fongs en el patrimoni documental. Barcelona: Departament de Cultura, 2006. (Col·lecció Arxivística i gestió documental. Sèrie Conservació i restauració; núm. 1).

AA.VV 2008. AA.VV. Protocols per a la prevenció, el control i el tractament de les infeccions per microorganismes que afecten al patrimoni documental. Barcelona: Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació, 2008. (Col·lecció Arxivística i gestió documental. Sèrie Conservació i restauració; núm. 2). ISBN 978-84-393-7848-8.

AA.VV 2008 AA.VV. Conservación preventiva y procedimientos en exposiciones temporales. [Madrid]: Grupo Español del IIC, [2008]. ISBN 978-84-612-6181-9.

VAILLANT1996  Vaillant Callol, Milagros; Valentín Rodrigo, Nieves. Principios básicos de la conservación documental y causas de su deterioro. Madrid: Instituto del Patrimonio Histórico Español, 1996. ISBN 84-8181-150-5.

TACON 2008  Tacón Clavaín, Javier. La conservación en archivos y bibliotecas : prevención y protección. Madrid: Ollero y Ramos, [2008]. ISBN 978-84-7895-252-6.

TACON 2009 Tacón Clavaín, Javier. La restauración en libros y documentos: técnicas de intervención. Madrid: Ollero y Ramos, 2009. ISBN 978-84-7895-257-1.

TACON 2011 Tacón Clavaín, Javier. Soportes y técnicas documentales: causas de su deterioro. Madrid: Ollero y Ramos, 2011. ISBN 978-84-7895-263-2

MC CLEARY 2001  Mc. Cleary, John; Crespo, Luís. El cuidadode libros ydocumentos : manual práctico de conservación yrestauración. Madrid: Clan, 2001. (Artes y oficios del libro; 2). ISBN 84-89142-51-3.

MAYNÉS 2005  Maynés, Pau. La conservació de col·leccions de fotografies. [Barcelona]: Departament de Cultura, 2005. (Museus. Documentació). ISBN 84-393-6756-2.

PAVÁO 2001 Paváo, Luís. Conservación de colecciones de fotografia. Andalusia: Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico, Centro Andaluz de la Fotografía, 2001. (Cuadernos técnicos / Centro Andaluz de Fotografía; 5). ISBN 84-8266-174-4.

SANCHEZ 1999  Sánchez Hernampérez, Arsenio.  Políticas de conservación en bibliotecas. Madrid: Arco/Libros, [1999]. ISBN 84-7635-393-6

CALVO 2004  Calvo Torras, M Angeles; Corcuera Marín, Esther. Alteraciones del soporte celulósico provocadas por hongos. Butlletí de Conservació-Restauració del Grup Tècnic. 2004, núm. 47. PH Boletín del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico. 2005, núm. 53, p. 18-23.

URGELLÈS 2002  Bello Urgellès, Carme; Borrell Crehuet, Àngels. El patrimonio bibliográfico y documental : claves para su conservación preventiva. Gijón: Trea, [2002]. (Biblioteconomía y administración cultural; 57). ISBN 84-9704-033-3.

VERGARA  2002   Vergara, José. Conservación y restauración de material cultural en arxivos y bibliotecas. València:Biblioteca Valenciana, 2005. (Colección profesional) 84-482-4252-1.

GASCOIGNE 2004  Gascoigne, Bamber. How to Identify Prints: A Complete Guide to Manual and Mechanical Processes from Woodcut to Inkjet. Thames & Hudson, 2004

LAVÉDRINE 2009  Lavédrine, Bertrand. Photographs of the Past: Process and Preservation. Getty Publications Imprint: Getty Conservation Institute; 2009. ISBN 978-0-89236-957-7

JÜRGENS 2009  Jürgens, Martin C. The Digital Print – Identification and Preservation. Getty Publications, Imprint: Getty Conservation Institute; 2009



















L3. Management techniques for archiving services 

Basic Bibliography

Guerras L.A.; Navas J.M. (2015). La Dirección Estratégica de la Empresa. Teoria y Aplicaciones 5ª Ed. Thomson Civitas: Madrid 

Gimbert, X. (2010) Pensar Estratégicamente: Modelos, Conceptos, Reflexiones. Deusto

Robins, S.P.; Coulter, M. (2012). Management 11th Ed. Prentice Hall.

Russell, R.S; Taylor, B.W. (2019). Operations and Supply Chain Management 9th Ed. Wiley

Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business Model Generation: A handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers and Challengers. United Kingdom: Wiley.


Complementary Bibliography

Grant, R. (2016). Contemporary Strategy Analysis 9th Ed. Wiley

Navas J.M.; Guerras, L.A. (2016). Fundamentos de Dirección Estratégica de la Empresa. Thomson Civitas: Madrid

Hamermesh, R.G., Marshall, P.W. & Pirmohamed, T. (2002). Note on Business Model Analysis for the Entrepreneur. Harvard Business Review, January,14.

Shafer, S.M. Smith, J.H. Linder, J.C. (2005) The power of business models, Business Horizons, 48 (3), 199-207. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0007681304001132>

Ovans, A. (2015). What is a Business Model? Harvard Business Review, January. <https://hbr.org/2015/01/what-is-a-business-model> 

Magretta, J. (2002) Why Business Models Matter. Harvard Business Review, May. <https://hbr.org/2002/05/why-business-models-matter>

Casadesus-Masanell, R. & Ricart, J.E. (2011) How to Design a Winning Business Model. Harvard Business Review, January-February. <https://hbr.org/2011/01/how-to-design-a-winning-business-model>














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