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Management and Quality of Nursing Services

Code: 106108 ECTS Credits: 3
Degree Type Year Semester
2500891 Nursing OB 2 1


Sabiniana San Rafael Gutierrez

Teaching groups languages

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This subject does not have prerequisites.

Objectives and Contextualisation

General objective

  • The main objective of the course is to provide the student with the knowledge and skills necessary to be able to fully develop the managerial / administrative function of the nursing profession in a healthcare context, with special emphasis on the process of evaluating quality of care and its relationship with nursing care.

Specific objectives

At the end of the study of the different thematic units, the student will be able to:

  • Describe and explain the main theories and trends in management, as well as the evolution and historical setting of the Spanish and Catalan health system.
  • Describe the current legislation on health and social protection, as well as the rights and duties of users of health services.
  • Identify the principles of health financing in general, and of our health system in particular, and make an analysis of the available resources.
  • Understand the structure of the administrative process and its application in the workplace.
  • Identify the characteristics of the managerial function of nursing professionals and the different specific professional roles that this function performs.
  • Describe the systems for evaluating the quality of care and know the indicators that evaluate the effectiveness of the health system.
  • Know the aspects related to the humanization of healthcare management and its implications in healthcare practice.


  • Act with ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and duties, diversity and democratic values.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of health information systems.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of health financing and social health and proper use of available resources.
  • Establish evaluation mechanisms considering the different scientific, technical and quality aspects.
  • Make changes to methods and processes in the area of knowledge in order to provide innovative responses to society's needs and demands.
  • Offer technical and professional health care and that this adequate for the health needs of the person being attended, in accordance with the current state of scientific knowledge at any time and levels of quality and safety established under the applicable legal and deontological rules.
  • Students must have and understand knowledge of an area of study built on the basis of general secondary education, and while it relies on some advanced textbooks it also includes some aspects coming from the forefront of its field of study.
  • Take sex- or gender-based inequalities into consideration when operating within one's own area of knowledge.
  • Work with a team of professionals as a basic unit to structure the professionals and the other care organisation workers in a unidisciplinary or multidisciplinary way.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Acquire and use the necessary instruments for developing a critical and reflective attitude.
  2. Analyse gender inequalities and the factors on which they are base from in different systems: family system, parents, economic, political, symbolism and educational systems.
  3. Analyse the different situations of health and public health resources available.
  4. Analyse the information systems used by different health organisations.
  5. Decide on the criteria for efficiency and effectiveness in relation to the needs and management of the available resources. 
  6. Describe the characteristics of the main information systems.
  7. Describe the indicators that allow an understanding and control of the state of health of a population and the indicators that evaluate the effectiveness of the healthcare systems.
  8. Describe the rights and responsibilities of users of the health services.
  9. Identify nursing care actions that respect the principles of ethical responsibility, fundamental rights and responsibilities, diversity and democratic values.
  10. Identify the characteristic of the management task for nursing services and care management.
  11. Identify the factors that permit adequate technical and professional health care in terms of quality and safety in accordance with the legal and professional frameworks.
  12. Identify the financing model of the health system.
  13. Identify the intersection between gender inequality and other types of inequality (age, class, race, ethnic group, sexuality and identity/expression, functional diversity, etc.)
  14. Identify the most adequate evaluation systems.
  15. Students must have and understand knowledge of an area of study built on the basis of general secondary education, and while it relies on some advanced textbooks it also includes some aspects coming from the forefront of its field of study.



Topic 1: Introduction to management and leadership

Topic 2: Health policy, planning and evaluation

Topic 3: Legislation and professionalism



Topic 1: Models of health systems

Topic 2: Spanish Health System and Catalan Health System

Topic 3: Health organizations and levels of management



Topic 1: Realities and challenges

Topic 2: Quality and safety

Topic 3: Value and change: training, evidence-based practice, innovation and research


1.- Theory (TE)

Theoretical teaching with audiovisual support on the subject of the subject detailed in "Contents". The active participation of the student during the theoretical sessions is considered essential, either in stimulating them or using the specific program.

2.- Seminars (SE)

Reduced group work sessions, where aspects of the subject matter will be developed from a group dynamics point of view. As a result of the work carried out in the seminars, developed in part during the time dedicated to autonomous work and personal study, two theoretical works will be presented that will have to be defended through group presentation.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
THEORY 17 0.68
Type: Autonomous      


1.Written assessment using objective tests: multiple-choice questions

Its objective is to evaluate the acquisition of knowledge of the subject worked through the different training activities (theory and seminars). It will be carried out once the entire teaching of the subject has been completed. It consists of: multiple choice questions with 4 answer options. Errors are subtracted according to the following formula: x = hits- (errors / n-1), where n is the number of answer options.

It represents 50% of the final grade. A minimum grade of 5 out of 10 is required to pass the course.

2. Evaluation of practical type: oral defense of works

Preparation, presentation and defense of 2 works carried out in groups, with a complementary theme to that worked during the theory sessions. The presentation and defense will take place during a seminar session. The content worked on will be evaluated, as well as the oral presentation made by each of the group members. Non-attendance on the day of the presentation implies a Non-Evaluable.

It represents 40% of the final grade. A minimum grade of 5 out of 10 is required to pass the course.

3.- Attendance and active participation in class and seminars

The evaluation will be carried out through the use of an evaluation rubric, with a self-evaluation component, both of the face-to-face attendance to the teaching activities and the attitude in them.

It represents 10% of the final grade and does not need a minimum grade to pass the course.


The final grade for the course is the sum of the grades from the proposed evaluation activities. The requirement to be able to make this sum is to have obtained the minimum score required in each part that requires it. Failure to pass any or all of these parts that requires a minimum grade implies failure to passthe subject.

Non-evaluable will be understood to be that student who has not attended any or any of the evaluation activities.

Students who have not passed the course through continuous assessment may take a make-up test. To participate in the recovery, students must have previously been evaluated in a set of activities, the weight of which is equivalent to a minimum of two-thirds of the total grade for the subject (article 112 ter. Of the evaluation regulations of the UAB).

The student has the right to review the evaluation tests. For this purpose, the date will be specified in the Virtual Campus.

According to agreement 4.4 of the Governing Council 11/17/2010 of the evaluation regulations, the qualifications will be:

From 0 to 4.9 = Fail
From 5.0 to 6.9 = Approved
From 7.0 to 8.9 = Notable
From 9.0 to 10 = Excellent
When the student does not attend any or any of the planned evaluation activities, they will receive the grade of not assessable.

The plagiarism in the homework deliveries will be considered an offense as serious as any kind of cheating in and exam, and shall be penalised with an automatic course failure.


Students opting for the so-called "Unique Evaluation" will be evaluated in one only exam covering the whole course, including the matter relative to homework and seminars. There will not be homework deliveries. One piece of the exam can be oral. In case of passing the first call there will not be an option to a second one to improve the grade.

The student who fails will be eligible for a recovery test.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
ORAL PRESENTATION OF COURSE WORK 40% 1 0.04 1, 2, 8, 7, 6, 5, 11, 14, 9, 13, 10, 15
WRITEN EVALUATION USING OBJETIVES TESTS: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 50% 2 0.08 1, 4, 3, 2, 8, 7, 6, 5, 12, 11, 14, 9, 13, 10, 15


Preparation of theoretical lectures:

  • Ayuso D e I Herrera. El liderazgo en los entornos sanitarios: formas de gestión. Díaz de Santos, Madrid, 2017. [En línia].[Consultat 25 juny 2023]  Disponible a: https://www.editdiazdesantos.com/wwwdat/pdf/9788490520796.pdf
  • Balderas Pedrero M. Administración de los servicios de enfermería. 7ª Edición. México:McGraw-Hill;2015
  • Balderas Pedrero, María de la Luz. Administración de los servicios de Enfermería. 7ª ed. McGraw-Hill, 2015. [En línia].[Consultat 25 juny 2023]  Disponible a: https://alvarezrubenantonio.milaulas.com/pluginfile.php/150/mod_resource/content/1/LIBRO%20DE%20administraciondelosserviciosdeenfermeriafororinconmedico-141007210731-conversion-.pdf
  • Cortés Borra A. Humanizar la gestión sanitaria. Colección Gimbernat Salud. Barcelona: Herder Editorial S.L.; 2021
  • Doltra J, Bertran C. Gestió d’Infermeria. Girona: Documenta Universitaria; 2010
  • Febré N, Moncada Gómez K, Méndez Celis P, Badilla Morales V, Soto Parada P, Ivanovic P, Reynaldos K, Canales M. Calidad en enfermería: su gestión, implementación y medición. Rev. Med. Clin. Condes. 2018; 29(3): 278-287
  • Fernández Martín J et al. Manual de Calidad Asistencial SESCAM; 2009. [Internet]. [consultat 24 juny 2023]. Disponible a: https://sanidad.castillalamancha.es/sites/sescam.castillalamancha.es/files/documentos/pdf/20131017/manual_calidad_asistencial_de_la_seca.pdf
  • González-Chordá, V et al. Gestión de cuidados en el ámbito sociosanitario. Universitat Jaume I. Castellón, 2017. [En línia].[Consultat 25 juny 2023]  Disponible a: https://repositori.uji.es/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10234/167669/s122.pdf;jsessionid=9BFC97BAD0F86011D1BE3FDFB475011C?sequence=1"
  • Kerouac  Susan, Pepin Jacinta, Ducharme Francine, Duquette André. El pensamiento enfermero, Massón, Barcelona. España, 2005.
  • La Monica EL. Dirección y Administración en Enfermería. Barcelona: Mosby/Doyma Libros; 1994
  • Llei 15/1990, de 9 de juliol, d'ordenació sanitària en Catalunya. (DOGC 1324 del 30 de juliol de 1990) [En línia].[Consultat 25 juny 2023]  Disponible a: https://portaldogc.gencat.cat/utilsEADOP/PDF/1324/1794998.pdf
  • Llei 16/2003, de 28 de maig, de Cohesión y calidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud. (BOE 128 del 29 de maig 2003) [En línia].[Consultat 25 juny 2023]. Disponible a: http://www.msc.es/organizacion/consejoInterterri/docs/LeyCohesionyCalidad.pdf
  • Llei 44/2003, de 21 de novembre, Ordenación de las profesiones sanitarias. (BOE 280 del 22 novembre 2003) [En línia].[Consultat 25 juny 2023]  Disponible a: https://www.boe.es/buscar/pdf/2003/BOE-A-2003-21340-consolidado.pdf
  • Llei General de Sanitat (Ley 14/1986 de 25 de abril) (BOE 102 del 29 abril 1986). Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo. Madrid. [En línia].[Consultat 25 juny 2023]. Disponible a: http://www.boe.es/buscar/doc.php?id=BOE-A-1986-10499
  • López Viñas, M.LL.; Guzmán Sebastián, R.; Tirvió Gran, C.; Busquets Bou E. Evaluación de la calidad de la asistencia en Cataluña: modelo de acreditación. Rev Calid Asist. 2004;19(3):151-6.  [En línia].[Consultat 25 juny 2023]  Disponible a:  http://www.elsevier.es/es-revista-revista-calidadasistencial-
  • 256-articulo-evaluacion-calidad-asistencia-cataluna-modelo-S1134282X04776885"
  • Maciá Soler L. Gestión Clínica. Colección Cuidados de Salud Avanzados. Barcelona: Elsevier España; 2014
  • Mompart Barcía MP. Innovación y gestión del cuidado. Metas Enferm mar 2019; 22(2):56-61
  • Mompart García MP, Duran Escribano M. Administración y gestión. DAE editorial. Grupo Paradigma. Madrid, 2018
  • Pla de Salut de Catalunya. Barcelona: Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya; [En línia].[Consultat 25 juny 2023]. Disponible a: https://salutweb.gencat.cat/web/.content/_departament/pla-de-salut/pla-de-salut-2021-2025/pla-salut-catalunya-2021-2025.pdf
  • Seva-Llor Ana Myriam, López Montesinos, Maria José, Barberá Ortega, Carmen Mª, Cecagno Diana, Pina Roche Florentina. Report of nursing at hospital. Acta paul. enferm. 2015 Abr. 28( 2 ): 101-106.  [En línia].[Consultat 25 juny 2023]  Disponible a: https://www.scielo.br/j/ape/a/8xKbHgNF3DMcvRpzyPC7F6B/?format=pdf&lang=en"
  • Soto Fuentes P, Reynaldos Grandón K, Martínez Santana D, Jerez Yáñez O. Competencias para la enfermera/o en el ámbito de gestión y administración: desafíos actuales de la profesión. Aquichan. 2014; 14(1): 79-99.


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