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Normal and Pathological Psychomotricity

Code: 103006 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500892 Physiotherapy OT 4 2


Denys Santa Marina Van Oudheusden

Teaching groups languages

You can check it through this link. To consult the language you will need to enter the CODE of the subject. Please note that this information is provisional until 30 November 2023.


Begoņa Echeverria Moreno
Denys Santa Marina Van Oudheusden


Knowledge of professional english to be able to acces the recomended bibliography

Knowledge in ICT

Objectives and Contextualisation

  • Know the variability of psychomotor development in children with typical development.
  • Learning to detect the differences or alterations of the child with an atypical psychomotor development with respect to the most typical
  • Know basic theoretical concepts of child neurodevelopment.
  • Understand and learn to use the game as a therapeutic tool, and its characteristics in the learning and psychomotor development of children.
  • Know concepts of psychomotricity, objectives of psychomotor intervention, assessment and intervention techniques in psychomotricity in order to apply them in the field of physiotherapy.
  • Interpretation, assessment and resolution from children and real clinical cases.
  • Know the implication of the evidence in pediatric clinical practice, and the role of the therapist in it.


  • Act with ethical responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and duties, diversity and democratic values.
  • Analyse and synthesise.
  • Clearly and effectively communicate orally and in writing with all users of the healthcare system, and with other professionals.
  • Display knowledge of physiotherapy methods, procedures and interventions aimed at health promotion and maintenance.
  • Display knowledge of the morphology, physiology, pathology and conduct of both healthy and sick people, in the natural and social environment.
  • Display knowledge of the physiotherapy methods, procedures and interventions in clinical therapeutics.
  • Express ideas fluently, coherently and correctly, both orally and in writing.
  • Take account of social, economic and environmental impacts when operating within one's own area of knowledge.
  • Take sex- or gender-based inequalities into consideration when operating within one's own area of knowledge.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse and synthesise.
  2. Explain the basics of children's psychomotor development.
  3. Explain the explicit or implicit code of practice of one's own area of knowledge.
  4. Express ideas fluently, coherently and correctly, both orally and in writing.
  5. Identify the principal forms of sex- or gender-based inequality present in society.
  6. Identify the social, economic and environmental implications of academic and professional activities within one?s own area of knowledge.
  7. Lead group sessions on psychomotricity and music therapy.
  8. Organise group sessions on psychomotricity and music therapy.
  9. Use music therapy in education, medicine, geriatrics and mental health.
  10. Use psychomotricity techniques with children.


Theoretical seminars:

  • Theoretical models of development
  • Postural control
  • Psychomotor development
  • Introduction to psychomotricity
  • The psychomotor session
  • The psychomotor evaluation
  • The role of the psychomotorist
  • The objectives of the psychomotor intervention
  • Psychomotricity in the aquatic environment.
  • Psychomotor intervention techniques
  • The psychomotricity of the premature
  • Psychomotor skills in children with atypical psychomotor development
  • Play as a therapeutic tool

Practical Seminars:

  • Observation, assessment and interpretation of boys and girls of different ages with typical and atypical psychomotor development.
  • Critical analysis and discussion of updated articles on psychomotricity.
  • Resolution of real clinical cases from a psychomotor approach.
  • Psychomotor session experimentation by the student himself.
  • Voluntary sessions of psychomotricity in therapeutic centers.


 Specialized Seminars 

Thepry class

 Develeopment work

Personal study

15 minutes of a class will be dedicated to answering UAB surveys

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Development work 12 0.48 1, 9, 10, 7, 2, 4, 8
personal study 26 1.04 1, 9, 10, 7, 3, 2, 4, 5, 8
Type: Autonomous      
Specialized seminars 35 1.4 1, 9, 10, 7, 2, 4, 5, 8
Theory 68.5 2.74 9, 10, 7, 2, 4, 8


Description of the evaluation system:

  • 50% - Multiple choice theoretical exam. 40 questions. To pass the grade, it must be at least 5 out of 10. It will consist of an objective test with multiple choice items. Each question will have four or five answers, only one of which will be correct. Each successful answer is worth 1 point and each wrong answer subtracts 0.25 points. The student who fails the exam will have the option to recover it.
  • 30% - Carrying out a final project that consists of planning a psychomotor session for children with atypical psychomotor development. It will be presented orally from PowerPoint format. We open the possibility of doing it individually or as a couple.
  • 20% - Attendance at practical seminars and tasks derived from them. On the first day of class we will inform you of the exact dates to facilitate the organization by the students. Participation, critical value, proposals, resolution of possible proposed situations and tasks raised in the seminars will be valued.

To pass the subject, all parts must be passed.

When it is considered that the student has not passed the exam or has not taken the exam on the established date, or delivered the final project, or has not attended the practical seminars, this subject will be recorded as "not evaluable".

The evaluation of exchange students will be the same as for the rest of the UAB's own students.

The subject contemplates a recovery system for students who have not passed the contents of this, with a format to be determined.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Delivery of reports / written papers 10% 0 0 1, 4
Evaluation written through objective tests: items of choice multiple 50% 0 0 1, 4
Explain the deontological code, explicit or implicit, in the field of one's own knowledge 1% 0 0 3
Identify the social, economic and environmental implications of academic-professional activities in the field of self-knowledge 1% 0 0 6
Identify the social, economic and environmental implications of academic-professional activities in the field of self-knowledge 1% 0 0 5
Oral evaluation through structured tests 20% 0.5 0.02 9, 10, 7, 4, 8
Practical type evaluation through objective and clinical evaluation structured 17% 8 0.32 9, 10, 2, 8


  1. Macias Merlo, M. L., & Fagoaga Mata, J. (2018). Fisioterapia en Pediatría (2.ª ed., p. 522). Barcelona: medicapanamericana.  
  2. Hadders-Algra, M. (2023). Perfil del Desarrollo Motor del Bebé (1.ª ed., p. 178). medicapanamericana.
  3. Manual de psicomotricidad . Bernaldo de Quirós Aragón . Editorial Pirámide .2012
  4. Psicomotricidad y educacion infantil. Jose Antonio Garcia Nuñez y Pedro Pablo Berruezo. Coleccion psicomotricidad y Educacion Ed CEPE  Novena edicion 2013
  5. Actuar, jugar, pensar .Puntos de apoyo para la practica psicomotriz educativa y terapeutica. Editorial GRAO 2018 
  6. Cappellini, A. C., Mancini, S., Zuffellato, S., Bini, F., Polcaro, P., Conti, A. A., Molino Lova, R., & Macchi, C. (2008). Environmental effects on school age child psychomotricity. Minerva pediatrica60(3), 277–284.


Class and exam dates will be published and will be final. Classes will be in the afternoon with a schedule starting at 5:00 p.m. The duration of the classes will be from 2 to 3 hours depending on the day. On the first day of class we will confirm dates and make sure that everyone is aware, especially of the (mandatory) practical classes, to better plan the semester.

Only in exceptional cases, for greater reasons, will there be a modification of this initial planning.

We recommend that the student attend as many sessions as possible to facilitate learning and the acquisition of the objectives set out in the subject, as well as to facilitate the evaluation process carried out during the course of the subject.